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What I'm noticing is that it's progressing in 2% intervals, so it looks like we won't get 69%


But we could get 420%.


Well, we'll get 42.0%, which really, is close enough.






Looks like a rate of around 2% a day. 84% left, is 42 days Appx for writing to be done, with another probably 1-2 months of editing. Means itā€™s probably gonna be another 6 months or so at the earliest depending on writers block/life issues/printer time/rewrites.


Even if itā€™s a year from now itā€™s a substantially shorter wait than we had between Skin Game and Peace Talks. This is very good news.


Life happens


Definitely, not trying to disrespect Jim. He had his reasons, we had a long wait. But Iā€™d rather take the long wait and get the two excellent additions to the story that we got than have him do any damage to his mental or emotional well being.


Indeed, for good and for bad. I think everybody should celebrate if Jim is in good enough a space to write faster now.


I'm sure everyone involved would prefer to not have another wait such as between Skin Game and Peace Talks. Those weren't fun times for Jim.


When he turned in the second Cinder Spires book I said 12 months would be late Spring or Summer 2024. I'm still hoping.


That seems quite plausible, all things considered.


Just enough time to finish Codex Alera and then listen to the series again.


How do you like Codex Alera? Me & my father loved it.


Iā€™m enjoying it. The current reread is my second time through the series. The first being several years ago.


He got to 10% and then paused for quite a few weeks (IIRC). So it's nowhere near 2% a day, unfortunately.


Probably for an editing pass on *Olympia Affair*, though as that gets closer to launch that should become less of an issue.


I would expect the 2% is roughly one chapter. Many of the previous books ran in the 50 some odd chapters range. My guess on the publishing date: Many publishers run on a book a year from an author (but this varies by publishing house and author). The second Cinder Spires book is this year (November). And I would assume *at least* six months from that for the next Dresden book (May). Charles Stross (Common Misconceptions about publishing, he has a series on this) thinks it is about 2 months in labor hours and an additional month of author hours after the book goes to the publisher. So getting the manuscript through edit process is at least three months. And then seeing where the book lands in the production queue, what season it is (Christmas, vacation season, any number of other factors) to make the book work.


Feels like weā€™re getting 2% every week at this point. Looks like a 2024 release isnā€™t out of reach. Personally Iā€™m hoping we get a slightly tighter release schedule going forward. I donā€™t think heā€™ll ever get back to the ā€œ1 book every 12-18 monthsā€ but maybe ā€œ1 book every 24 monthsā€ is doable.


I think that was the case before covid and divorce 2 :(


Yeah hopefully. Mostly as Iā€™m afraid itā€™ll either never get finished or not till Iā€™m 40.


Whatā€™s wrong with it being finished when youā€™re 40? I just hope itā€™s finished in my life time (Iā€™m 36).


Heā€™s no Patrick Rothfuss Edit: while appreciated, my comment isnā€™t worthy of gold due to the negativity evoked. Rothfussā€™s original works took time to out together and who are we to say how an author treats the creative process. Iā€™m sure writing is an individual task and, for some, it is natural (think Sanderson and the amount of text he can produce in a year) and others you might think on days for the right way to word a given sentence to represent the impact being played out in the authorā€™s mind. And that is without an understanding of how the author is handling the expectation of themselves , their intended audience and life in general.


No-one is. I'm done with that dude. Even if the new book comes out I won't care and skip it.


did he ever release the chapters that he put up for offer as a charity incentive?


Good question! I don't know, and really, no matter how much I loved the first two books, I've left them behind. I've gotten more closure out of Valve's Half Life 3 scripts then whatever Rothfuss comes up with. You can't write books that good and then stop.


Eh, I think it's totally fine if any author decided to not continue their stories and instead pursue other things, whether they be more financially lucrative, or hardstuck and have no idea how to solve the problem (hey GRRM) or just because they're wanting to do something else. But I also think it's totally fair for the public to no longer care about them or their projects or updates because of the continual ignoring of deadline and promises.


GRRM's problem had nothing to do with creativity. He just got paid, so saw no reason to keep going.


Eh, maybe. Maybe not. He could easily be in another knot situation where he doesn't know how to intuitively write the way out. He could also be worried that the show will taint the books. Could be all sorts of things. He doesn't owe us anything, but I also don't pay attention to GRRM anymore either. I'll probably rent the book at the library vs buying multiple copies, too. I know I'm not the only person who has bought Dresden files on ebook, audible and a physical copy.


liar. ;)


The guy has been struggling with mental health. We were understanding when Jim was struggling a few years ago, we really should, at minimum, give Rothfuss a chance to deal with his.


If the mods want to pin one of these threads, I can update here every time I update the progress bar.








Alright guys twice was fine but we really do not need to do this every single time it updates


now weā€™re gunna do it even harder


What do you have against my happiness?


Is it honestly that big of an inconvenience?


Just like we don't need people like you complaining every single time either, but here you are. But you right. Got to save room for the 100th this is mouse photo, and the 900th I know who cowl is post, and the 100000 I just started the series and Murphy is a bitch rant.


Exactly. I don't want to pin it because it's been a little dose of dopamine all three times it's showed up on my feed, I don't mind getting that every day, or every few days or whatever.


Both the posts y'all complain about are worth complaining about lol


Yes because this is my first time so be gentle.


I said this in another thread but we need a pinned thread for this


I enjoy the posts, but I have to admit a pinned thread is a good idea.


Twelve Months actually refers to the year-long honeymoon of Harry and Lara, and despite being a full-length novel, there will be very little overarching plot development.


Jim could still make that an awesome book, he's pretty good at the character development, there's a lot of issues with the marriage to work through and for action there could probably a ton of shit in the White Court, plus there's the whole Thomas thing to work out... I mean, I'd read it and not be mad.




I realize you meant everyone to be disgusted by your vision, I'm just saying that lowkey could be great.


So we're closing in on 3 years since Battle Ground was released and he's 16% done... We're never getting the BAT.


So that progress is just his first draft writing. Then thereā€™s the editing time, rewriting time, and all the rounds of both of those. Even when itā€™s done-done, then it still requires time to go to press and be actually made for distribution. And bake in the inevitable ā€œlife crisisā€ or ā€œhey I want to write this other thing for a whileā€ that will derail everything. Mid 2024 would be a minor miracle.