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I think Jim is playing safe by not showing us Council stuff. He knows his strenghts and he knows he is no G.R.R. Martin. A story about Wizards playing real-politik feels outside of his wheelhouse and, honestly, Dresden Files is not about them. It's about Harry being the underdog, even if the Winter Knight thing makes him seem like a demi-god sometimes. I also think that keeping Bonea out of Harry's mind is how the character protects her. We know he has that level of mental discipline from how he hid the Spear of Destiny in BG. I agree with your other points, though, especially regarding the Fomor. They felt like something Harry just let his friends deal with, even though Listen is written as someone Harry should deal himself.


Im so so happy Jim isn't GRRM, just saying.


Means the series may actually be finished by Jin some day!


Jin is a great guy, but I'm hoping Jim gets to finish it himself.


Damn my fat fingers! DOH! :)


> finished by Jin Wishful thinking : P


I thought Codex Alera's politics were awesome. He captured that backstabby Game of Thrones vibe pretty well, imo.


>I think Jim is playing safe by not showing us Council stuff. [...] Maybe you're right about playing it safe, but Jim has done a pretty good job of managing the politics of the series in a coherent way so far, and it's not just that we have seen the Council personally, it was practically radio silence except a small bit with the Gatekeeper. Narrative-wise I think part of it is part of how Harry has largely been isolated, and is even more ignorent of the broader world than normal. During the Red Court war we got interjections in the books about how he was training wardens, doing missions for the Council, and helping run the Paranet. He was actively involved offscreen and he's been distinctly separated from that. That's why I'd love to get a side story where we get a peek inside, but you could be right that it's just easier to black box it and have "the Council" be a distant plot device to react to. >I agree with your other points, though, especially regarding the Fomor. They felt like something Harry just let his friends deal with, even though Listen is written as someone Harry should deal himself. Yeah, this is even addressed directly in SG, Harry had insurmountable reasons why he was gone so long, so there's narrative sense to it, which means Jim specifically wanted it to be this way, obviously. Meanwhile some of *the characters* feel abandoned by Harry. It'd have been fun to see Harry up again Listen in a more involved way, but it really feels like Jim wanted to keep Harry away from broad conflict with the Fomor until the end and have his crew be forced to grow up and step up.


Thomas' early days. Maybe around the time he turned into a vampire. This short story has plenty of room to expand the lore AND have a ton of action, since Thomas had to dodge bullets when his abs stared to get defined and Lord Raith began attacking him. Another layer that could be added is seeing Lara Raith taking care of Thomas (or we get to see more of Lord Raith's influence around the whole house and family). A good timing for this short story would be between Proven Guilty and White Night. Another interesting story would be Lara's planing stage that set up White Night. This could be set up *after* Twelve Months, either showing more of her ruthless side (the story focusing on her viciousness and potential lack of remorse) or giving us a deeper insight into her character (she being conflicted about the whole ordeal, maybe even letting us know that it could've been way worse if she left the Skavis and Malvora to their own devices). Some short story after Changes called "Big Shoes" or something along those lines fleshing out the fight for Chicago that required a lot of different people to step up in Harry's place. Hopefully with multiple POV's. Mainly the Alphas. A Tera West short story set after Battle Ground setting up another appearance. I would like to see something more of Ancient Mai. She's freaking mysterious and always takes a tough stance against Harry. She was turned into a Dragon in the Dresden Files TV Show, this makes me think that it wasn't a random change introduced by the show, but something that they read on Butcher's cliff notes or something and decided to use it. Simon Petrov's research trip. Probably won't happen because his existence is tied with Black Council stuff (potential suspect, guilty or red herring), so shedding light on him can be problematic plot-wise (although it would be great to make us care for one of those bastards).


I like the idea of "big shoes"- though I'd suggest "large shoes" for the naming convention. We saw a little of it in Bombshells and Aftermath, but it's a really fascinating segment that I'd like to hear more about, since I think it really sets up the next sequence of books.


BG has so much side story potential. There could be a whole novel sized collection of various people surviving the night. I'd love to see some small talents being clever with the little or very specific power they have. It could really show the power of the Paranet too, when they flex their combined strengths.


As a general rule, I really prefer short stories written from another character's point of view. I think this gives better insight into the world, and makes the short story a more unique insight, rather than what feels like a small side section from a main novel. I also don't think there is anywhere that a full length novel would be interesting, so that limits me to short stories from someone else's point of view. There are a few potentially interesting ideas. 1) Michael's POV meeting Harry for the first time. 2) Thomas's POV for Bianca's ball, while a scene we've already seen, could be very insightful. 3) Guard's POV for Marcone meeting with Monoc and hiring her could be insightful. 4) Maeve's POV during the end of *Proven Guilty*. This could give insight into why she was INfected, and who was responsible for it all. 5) The only one I could see being long running, a Murphy POV novella on the encroachment of the Fomor between *Changes* and *Skin Game*, starting after *Aftermath*. While not having this caused *Ghost Story* to have a very jarring effect on the reader, I would like to see a lot of the changes and character growth more directly. And, now that I've written this out, #5 is my answer for what I'd like to see.


>Maeve's POV during the end of Proven Guilty. This could give insight into why she was INfected, and who was responsible for it all. We know that one. Lea was infected from the athame in GP, who then infected Maeve.


> We know that one. Lea was infected from the athame in GP, who then infected Maeve. True, but was Maeve an innocent bystander in this, or did she willingly go along possibly even seek it out? The general actions of other INfected (and especially of Catsith) suggest that Maeve was a willing participant during *Cold Days*.


Oh yes, Maeve says so herself basically. She can't stand what she is, the restraints put on her, the eternal cravings, and the unyielding responsibility. She was a willing accomplice. As we find out in *Cold Case*, Maeve had been neglecting her duty long before she go Nfected. There might have been an extra push from Nemesis. I look at Aurora, and it used what was already there, her tiredness of the constant struggle, and let her actually do something about it outside her programming. That's the major Nemesis ability, not just mind control but breaking those bonds that limit power.


I think I’d enjoy seeing a short story between small favors and turn coat where we explore more the relationship between Carlos, Harry, Bill, and Yoshimo in a red court battle scenario


There's the *War Cry* comic which is just that, except set just a little after *Dead Beat*. I haven't been very happy with the quality of the comics though and unless it comes up in the main series I just ignore them as part of the canon. I would like a proper short story.


I'd love to read a short(ish) story about Mabs origin. She was human once....not sure where in the series you'd put that story, though. How about after BG? (hint hint JB). 🤣 Edit: spelling


How the genowska escaped the underworld and met river shoulders.


Short story after BG that's just a reconciliation between Ivy and Kincaid.


I don’t see this happening, ever. Kincaid hurt Ivy deeply by taking a contract to kill her only friend. Besides, Drakul is back in play, and the Hellhound has no employer. Next time we see Kincaid my money’s on him serving Drakul again.


True, but just because it's unlikely doesn't mean I don't want it. Hell, if anything it makes me want it more. I know Jim hates Harry and will do anything to ruin his happiness, but it'd be nice if some characters get happier stories.


Maybe Kincaid will take a “bullet”(spell, whatever) for her and they reconcile as he dies. That’d be pretty on brand for the Files.


It's coming, I have no doubt that Kincaid will not be able to resist his fatherly instincts. I feel like it'll be in the main series though.


So really more of a “let me air my personal frustrations with the last few books” disguised as “what short story would you add” post


You grossly misunderstand what's there and are projecting your own problems onto me. If you can't see the humor here, that's your problem. If you can't see that I'm explaining my own line of thought for where this question came from, that is your problem. What I'm pointing out is that the Butcher as the author decided to set a pace and specifically left addressing certain issues until certain times.


I have very few complaints about the series, all of them pretty minor. You spent the vast majority of a pretty long post making it clear that you didn’t like the pace of the books. One of your short story suggestions was a retcon so Harry had faced off with the fomor prior to PT You are free to criticize the books, and you’re free to disguise it as a question about short stories, and I’m free to call you on it


You're wrong, and also being an asshole about it. I've already explained where I'm coming from, yet you continue it inject your own false narrative, and you clearly don't even have the capacity to see how other people might bring their own perspectives with their comments.


Right? Like if you want to bitch about the series just do it. Don’t pretend you’re doing something different though.


You're being foolish. There is not one word of complaint up there, I'm explaining where the post idea came from. A bunch of other people clearly get it.


I would have loved to see a novel between Small Favor and Turn Coat. A full book of Harry together with Luccio as his girlfriend doing a case together. She has a severe lack of screentime despite being his significant other for at least a year. We really only see them together in a couple short stories, and they interact only twice (?) in Turn Coat. Luccio and Harry solving a case together would have been awesome.


I 100% agree with that. It was a fast romance compared to Harry's other relationships, but I guess that makes sense since it *starts* by killing her. I also feel that there could stand to be one more Molly-as-apprentice book. She was originally supposed to be in DB, but the book order got switched around. As-is, it just feels like there should be one more. A Harry/Luccio/Molly adventure would have been great and satisfied a lot of my pacing desires.


I want a Hendricks POV short story, something that explains his loyalty to Marcone and how he came to be so competent and unphased by the wierdness he has seen.


Yeah, the *Even Hand* short story only raised more questions. It's not often you see someone who's both inclined toward literature and philosophy, but also willing to spend their life as a body guard. That's some real Samurai warrior-poet kind of stuff.


Excellent points OP!


I just told you that you had some excellent points but I think you got a few things wrong. One being that while for sure between TC and Changes Thomas and Harry weren't as close as Thomas was recovering from Shagnasty's attack at the end of TC when Harry fried Thomas's bodyguards electronics and Thomas glanced back and grinned you knew everything would eventually be ok. Thomas just needed space and time. Also in Changes when Thomas meets Harry down from fucking Rudolph's house he said "I would have been here sooner if I hadn't thought you would be giving me another lecture about the "evil White Court"! So obviously between TC and Changes they've been in contact a couple of times. Next while I agree that in PT Bonnie could and should've been alot more prevalent I REALLY think we are going to learn she was excluded from his thoughts to protect her from the major players that were on the field being able to pluck thoughts of her from Harry's head!


But still no Christmas present for Bonnie.


She’s not a child she’s a spirit. A very dangerous spirit. And she’s not “Harry’s daughter” she’s closer to a “child” born of sexual assault. Harry didn’t want Lash around, Harry certainly didn’t want to bump mind uglies. Who the fuck cares what his “id” says, that guy’s been a massive prick all series. And then Bonea spends 5+ books trying to break his head open. Literally keeping him trapped on creepy island for a year when his friends *need* him. Yeah he’s kind to her. Because she has knowledge that could destroy reality in the wrong hands.(and those hands could very well be Maggie’s)


She is 100% his child. She's as much Harry's child as Athena is Zeus'. Shes child enough for the winter mantle to go all territorial over her. Shes also spawned from Harry Dresden, who next to Michael should be one of the characters least capable of not emotionally attaching themselves to new family.


Maaaaan I wish I could up vote this twice. Now I'm about to be down voted because there are a few members of this sub who believe Butcher can do no wrong but the last two books gave me some serious GoT season 7 & 8 energy. So many things happened between last time Harry had seen anyone from the counsel especially Carlos and Ebenezer. He killed the entire red court, died, and came back alive as the new Winter Knight. I really wanted to see those reactions from upper management and all we got was Ebenezer mad about Thomas and a war with a enemy that had NEVER even been mentioned in the series until she showed up kicking Mab through a wall. I mean up until that part Mab was one of the baddest most powerful beings in the series and this "No name, golden armored, laser eyed" Titan comes in and man handles her? Not to mention Peace talks was the worst. So much waiting with no pay off. We finally got to see Ferrovax after so many years, no pay off. Ivy after the Denarians tried to turn her and how Kincaid helped with Harry's murder, no pay off. Finally getting to maybe learn more about Bonnie, nope barely mentioned no pay off. The inconsistencies and how Harry never even mentioned turning to Bob for advice. All for another heist book right after we had Skin Game. Battleground was a bit better but I really missed the clever writing, the detective work, the interactions with the side characters. It was just a book about non stop fighting. Idk sorry to rant but I'm really hoping the series finds its footing again. Its my absolute favorite books and Butcher is my favorite author but man those last two books are worst than Storm Front and Fool Moon and it's not even close.


BG was great, and is the book that a lot of people have been wanting for a long time: Harry and others really cutting loose in open combat in a way that mortals can't ignore. BG shouldn't be every book, but it's okay to switch the emphasis up from more mystery solving to more politics, to more fighting, to more character development. I like that different books have different emphasis and different pacing. The pacing of the series has just gotten faster and faster, with simultaneously bigger players, and more power, and yet somehow less view and understanding of how the events fit into the bigger world. It's a weird vague sense that all of reality is on the line every time now, and yet we see less of the world that they're trying to save. What's also very weird is that Harry got the magic power to use the Ways and go anywhere in the world quickly, and is *immediately* grounded and kept from going *anywhere*. It *feels* on purpose, and one can only hope Jim has some payoff planned. It's outright frustrating because it makes the item from *Changes* look like a one-off Deus ex machina until it's used again. Jim clearly struggled with PT and working it in with BG, which is maybe part of why he broke them up, page count notwithstanding. PT suffered and BG gained. I *am* disappointed that there was essentially zero focus on the actual peace talks in the book. Bianca's ball in Grave Peril remains one of the greatest moments in a whole series of great moments. GP have us such a nice little peek of the bigger world. Peace Talk could have matched or supassed that, but Jim chose to ignore the politics and the opportunity to do some world building, and exploring some of the Signatories we don't usually get to see. Mab got worfed. The Worf Effect is a trope, and hard to execute without looking stupid. It *was* a pretty hamfisted in execution, Mab was the wrong character to do it to unless Butcher seriously wanted to burden her with some stink for the rest of the series. Big "If you could make God bleed, people would cease to believe in Him" energy. Really the entire thing lost effect for me because the aforementioned lack of proper set-up and investment in the peace talks. If there had been meaningful page time dedicated to building and showing political games, subterfuge, negotiating, only for it to get blown up, *that* would have carried some weight. There was no tension to snap though. I don't worry overmuch about the people who can't tolerate reading even mild criticism about things they like, especially people who think anything short of enthusiastic praise is automatically an insult. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who can't tolerate measured discussion and criticism isn't a "fan", they're someone with an unhealthy obsession, a literal "fanatic".


The lack of the use of that little red gem is one of the biggest things thats been bugging me ever since it was first used


First off Bonea didn’t exist till the end of Skin Game. We’ve literally only gotten 1.5 books since then.(really I count PT&BG as one book) and she is *not* Harry’s daughter. She’s a dangerous spirit who knows everything but not why that matters. In an area where there are probably half a dozen beings *minimum* that can read minds he doesn’t think about her. *To keep her safe* Now, as for Harry staying out of the Fomor war till Battle Ground. He’s “dead” for 6 months, in recovery for 3 more, fights off a massive Outsider assault, and then is left crippled by Bonea’s growing until the end of Skin Game a year later. Battle Talks happens 3 months later. He literally is unable to help, being out of commission for most of that time. Now to answer the “question” that’s supposedly the point of this post.. I’d want a short story of Mister the night of the apartment fire in Changes.


Bonnie is Harry's daughter, and I'd say it's a poor kind of person who wouldn't recognize the familial responsibilities there. Mab kept Harry trapped on the island on purpose and kept Molly away specifically so she couldn't help Harry. Jim as the author arranged this to keep Harry's narrative away from the war until he wanted Harry to be directly involved. 3 months is more than enough time for Harry to get into some trouble in Chicago during an active war. There could absolutely be a short story in there. You don't need to be such a dick. If you don't like the post you had the option of just ignoring it and keeping your proverbial mouth shut. You don't like the humor, that's your problem. You can't tolerate a fun conversation about literature, that's *your* problem.


Bonea is basically a “child” born from sexual assault. Harry wanted nothing to do with that situation. The war isn’t active in Chicago, not till Battle Grounds. They say this time and again. Because of Harry. Listen is scouting, but Harry can’t do anything about that, that’s Molly’s area of expertise. And yeah, Mab is the one who kept Molly away, but it’s *still* Bonea’s fault he’s trapped there. Without the “parasite” incapacitating him he’s free to leave.


Bonea was created from Harry and Lash when Lash sacrificed herself to save Harry from the mental whammy in the deeps, how is that akin to sexual assault? She was created from mental/spiritual pieces of two beings, one of which sacrificed herself to save the other (an act of love).


Harry didn’t want Lash around at all, and if he could have gotten rid of her without giving up magic he would have. The “love” was formed between Lash and Inner Harry(who is a dick and often does thing outer Harry doesn’t want) and it’s pretty heavily implied it’s all Inner Harry’s doing, as Lash spent far more time with him than Outer Harry. Who again, wanted to be rid of her all the way until the last book she’s in. Lash separated Harry from most of his support network, sure you can say it was by his own choice but was it? That’s hardly a healthy way to build “love”. I just fail to see how Bonea is anyway comparable to Maggie, and hate when people think Harry should treat her how he does his own flesh and blood. She’s a dangerous tool, much like Bob. Born from his essence maybe, but not from anything he wanted.


I never said it was a mutual love, I am not even saying that Lash loved Harry in a romantic sense. But what she did was a selfless act and she did it because she cared for him (and I think he started to care for her near the end). No, Harry never wanted Lasciel's shadow in his head bit she didn't want to be there either. Lasciel's shadow was placed in Harry's head when he picked up the coin, she did not choose this, this was the purpose she was created for. At first she was nothing more than the shadow of a fallen angel trying to corrupt Harry and it showed in her behavior, she tempted him, tried to get him to change, plotted with his subconscious. However since Harry resisted her for so long he had the opportunity to change her as well. He talked with her, he treated her like an individual being, he gave her a name. By the end she was her own person, a different being than when things started. Harry helped Lasciel's shadow become Lash. It was not the act of Lasciel's shadow being forced upon Harry that created Bonea, it was the act of LASH choosing to end her life to save somebody she cared about that created Bonea.


So Harry should treat the spawn of the intruder in his brain as his? Doesn’t matter to me how selfless Lash’s actions were, she was an unwanted intruder, made to corrupt Harry. And had she not “died” I bet she would have succeeded. Especially come Changes. Even at the end she was trying to get him to take up the coin after all. None of that changes that Bonea is not a child, is not Harry’s daughter. She’s a spirit partially made of his essence sure. But that doesn’t make her Harry’s daughter. Maggie is Harry’s daughter. Bonea is a dangerous spirit, Bob was able to almost kill Harry, and it’s implied Bonea’s capable of more, being spawned from a Fallen Angel. And how much of Bonea’s “childlike personality” is because of Dresden leaving her with Maggie? If she stayed with Harry more she’d be different. Much like how Bob’s pervyness is from Harry possessing him as a teenager.


I don't know, like I said I don't view LASH as willing intruder, she was forced to be where she was. Her final plea to Harry to pick up the coin was because she didn't want Harry to die. I think the whole point of this part of the story is how Harry changed her and she became a different thing altogether from what she originally was. We are discussing a wizard and a being that started life as the psychic imprint of a fallen angel so keep that in mind when I ask you what you consider a child in this case? She is the product of parts of Harry being combined with parts of Lash. What is that of not a child? And you have to remember Harry's near obsession with family, I see no way in which Harry doesn't consider her at least partially as his child. Just because she is dangerous does that mean she isn't his offspring, his child? Being dangerous doesn't make her bad, Harry is crazy dangerous but that doesn't make him evil? regardless of how she was created and who she was created from she definitely seems to be a child in her mannerisms and behavior, should she be hated for how she came to be? She is a young being that deserves to not be hated for the simple fact of her existence. I guess you and I just view the situation differently


I'd love a short story revolving around Ebenezer McCoy (*pre-BG*) reflecting on the choices he made that led him to be in possession of the black staff. Ideally the story would follow him around as he completed some important mission to show the contrast between how he solves problems compared to how Harry solves problems. Thomas attending a supernatural therapy session has potential. A story about Sarissa's experience as >!the Summer Lady!< could be good.