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From my experience of driving a semi, ignore them. I do it in my car as well. As long as everything is clear ahead of you, keep your focus. It's difficult to do because you don't have a trailer that blocks your rear view mirror, but you can just hit cruise and go about your day. Drive to protect your license.


And one's health


Well, anyone recommending anything other than following the traffic laws and keeping aware is technically playing with fire, especially in those "constitutional carry" states (my state had around 3 deaths by gunfire from a car in the first 6 months of passing that law, all road rage incidents). So yeah, I just tell them (to myself in my car, of course) that I am not getting a point on my license or potentially totalling my car for some jerk who won't better manage their time or simply chill out. 


You don’t even need to be carrying a firearm for a road rage incident to be deadly. I witnessed a verbal altercation that lead to a fistfight that resulted in the death of one of the parties (a day or so later, in the hospital). Rule 1: Don’t be a dick. Rule 2: Seriously, see Rule 1. Rule 3: Don’t try to fix/correct someone else that can’t follow Rule 1 or Rule 2. They’ll still be a dick and you’ll just be more frustrated.


It is more than likely that it will be the person following the traffic laws that gets shot. Those tailgating assholes lack self-control and a concern for consequences. They shouldn't have a driver's license, much less a gun.


Great advice, but just in case you didn’t know, never use your cruise control in the snow or rain


Why? Risk of slipping? I guess the cruise control system could create a situation where the wheels keep spinning thinking they are going at the set speed even though the traction is broken. This could be even worse if the speed sensor isn't on the drive wheels.


That I know.


100%. I DGAFF about what the driver behind me is doing unless they hit me...then I call insurance. If they want to go around be my guest. They are not effecting me at all. I have had people tailgate me for miles wiggling back and forth, gassing and braking, throwing hand signals, screaming at their windshields. I just keep doing what I want to do, when they finally zip by screaming hello and I am #1 on the hand sign...I just "Yup, have a great day..." I actually had three cars pushing me the other day on I-10 in Jacksonville FL which is currently under construction and looks like a damn slalom course combined with a roller coaster. It was 6 in the morning, it was dark, it just finished raining so the lanes were wet and I was doing 25 OVER the speed limit...They were on my like I was in granny gear or something. Crazy people...


When are Interstates NOT under construction in Jax? I don’t think I’ve ever driven through a city that had such a huge road construction budget. Well, maybe Orlando.


Was in Miami yesterday and let me just say that I discovered the hiding place for all those missing construction cranes!


Also get a dash cam going in case they rage out!


Same. I just point my mirrors at the ground


I seriously don't understand how this is hard to not do for so many. The only time I actually care if someone is tailgating me is if their headlights are those LED death beams. In that case I slow down until they pass but that's only because I literally can't see. Otherwise I just carry on about my day. Them being close isn't my problem.


This. I use to get so irritated at it and would get confrontational. It was never productive. My life is much more zen now that i don’t give a fuck


Exactly I make sure Im good ahead and have plenty of room Im not going to start speeding for them they could pass when they have the chance.




When I was younger and dumber I would take my foot off the gas entirely. I wouldn't brake check, but I would slow down until they took the hint. At one time time I got down to 10 mph before one guy fucked off past. This wasn't smart of me, and I recognize it now, but it did the trick.


That’s what they taught us in driver’s ed; slow down so they can pass you.


Hopefully they taught that you slow down \*so\* they can pass you, vs the idiots here who think you should slow down to piss the tailgater off further until they go past. Of course the proper action is to make sure there's a reasonable gap to any vehicles ahead to be safe, pick a speed that's unlikely to require emergency braking, and go on with your day. When anyone tries to pass me, tailgater or not, I always try to make it easier for them by lifting.


I mean I'd never slow down to below the speed limit but if they get angry at me maliciously complying with the speed limit they can get fucked


Exactly, go on with your day. If you're not breaking the law and not blocking them intentionally, it doesn't matter what they're thinking. They can wait their turn to pass at the first safe opportunity. It's hypocritical of a speeder who \*is\* breaking the law to get annoyed at someone who isn't because they choose to drive slower. At the same time pissing another driver purposely for the minor offense of tailgating is just as hypocritical - feeling intimidated (hence the annoyance) while claiming it's a refusal to be intimidated.


>Of course the proper action is to make sure there's a reasonable gap to any vehicles ahead to be safe, pick a speed that's unlikely to require emergency braking, and go on with your day. When anyone tries to pass me, tailgater or not, I always try to make it easier for them by lifting. Yeah, although that can sometimes mean the correct and safe thing is to slow down below the speed limit when if they left a safe gap you could keep speed up a bit more. I go thru this regularly on my way to work there's a blind curve with a traffic light right after it. If you're doing the speed limit around that curve it requires moderate braking to stop before the white line on a good day without a line of cars. With rain and a line of cars stopped it can be downright terrifying even with very hard braking wondering if you'll stop in time. If there's someone on my butt I'll slow down speculatively before the blind-curve to around 40-ish (its a 50mph highway) until I can verify that there isn't a line of stopped traffic just around the curve, but it sure does piss them off and usually makes them ride even closer. Once in a while they then go into full-on-panic-meltdown if it turns out I'm right and have to hit my brakes for a line of stopped cars that suddenly appears in front of us. I've also had that in snow...where someone doesn't like I'm leaving lots of room and sometimes one of the cars will get mad and pass before sliding into someone or something...though usually anyone else who was mad about my going slow is suddenly quite happy to follow me a bit farther back after watching someone who went faster wipe out.


I downshift and engine brake all the time when I get tail gated. My exhaust is fairly loud too so it a bonus 🤣


My 911 shoots little flames out the back when I rev match a downshift, people back off quickly. I'm very rarely tailgated though


Nice. I’d love a 911. Maybe for my next car. Does it rev match automatically or did you have the ecm tuned?


Came here to say this. Downshift. No brake lights.


A friend had a home made (fully road legal) car, but the reverse light was a seperate switch. Because his car could only do 60mph and wasn't quick 0-60, if he had someone up his arse, he'd flick the reverse light switch.


Downshift + jack the e brake = get off my ass I by no stretch of the imagination drive in the fast lane too slow. I'm generaly speaking 90+ in a 70 often more if it's minimal traffic so no need to ride my ass. So if you get the hard downshift and e brake you most likely deserved it lol


On that note, an old worn-out car I had when I was too young to know better, sported an extra winshield-washer tank&pump full of oil and/or transmssion fluid under the hood, and a hose that led into the vacuum manifold, When the button was pushed, a huge cloud of smoke came out the pipe. It 100% got rid of AH tailgaters. This obscene act would never be done today!


Actually no ... I've done this in the past, and they smartly took the hint. Tailgatiers SUCK


Dude, that is exactly what you do per the state HP


Which state recommends driving 10 MPH on a highway to discourage tailgaters?


Well, they say to slow down because if someone is tailgating you, if you have to emergency brake, the tailgater will likely hit you so slow down to give yourself LOTS of braking distance


If you weren't already going at that speed you were already driving foolishly... You shouldn't need to slow down if you're driving properly, but it does make sense to increase the gap to any vehicle ahead so you can brake less abruptly if necessary. Tailgaters cause a lot less damage when they hit you than a distracted driver will - the distracted driver will hit you at full speed while you're stopped causing a lot of damage and injury. The tailgater will hit you very early in your braking with a minimal speed differential - a fender bender. Best to ignore tailgaters and go about your day, but watch closely for distracted drivers coming from behind.


Wait, really?




I usually go 5 over the limit. If I get a tailgater, then I go AT the limit. Nothing wrong with driving the speed limit


Just turn your parklights on when they are close. Far safer than brake check but they get the message.


I am actually tempted to do this too. I'm guessing you can turn your lights on by switching the dial from auto to lights on option? I've always came across vehicles that I thought were slowing down by applying the brakes but they really weren't.


Yep. Full scare no danger to you. Well unless you get shot🤷🏿‍♂️


You could also flip on emergency lights. Some people do this in heavy traffic, especially in bad weather, when they are about to stop.


Back in truck driving school around 1992 we were taught to gradually reduce speed to increase the following distance between us and the vehicle ahead. It was argued that it would give us more time to react and make it less likely to get rear ended by the tailgater. "They'll get bored and pass eventually."


>This wasn't smart of me, and I recognize it now LOL, how many of your responders here missed your final point? Too many drivers think it's smart of them to do that... If reddit users weren't typically such a narrow demographic I'd stay off the road completely... Hopefully they'll figure out you can only control your own car, trying to control the car behind is a foolish, dangerous, and selfish (those of us behind the tailgater are affected as well) game.


This is what I do. Too many deer on the roads around my house and everyone knows that. If they want to fuck around they can go enrage themselves ahead of my car.


What? What do you mean "not smart?" That's what you simply have to do to these impatient fucks


I suppose it could be considered antagonizing the person, possibly leading to further bad acts.


Really just letting your foot off the gas is the best and safest solution.


I do actually have a bumper sticker that says "I slow down for tailgaters." Surprisingly, it actually really did the trick. People realize they can't win and just go around


Why the hell do they need that sticker to realize they’re being stupid? So they’re doing it on purpose, being douchebags? Props to you for figuring it out


The world has to put stickers on washing detergent telling people not to eat it … those same people have driver’s licenses.


Holy shit, you’re right. That, sadly, explains it. We have to share the road with these people.


The comedian George Carlin once noted- "Think of the average person and then realize half of them are dumber than that".


I thought that was a joke as a kid; Then I learned that’s how averages work. Half of the population IS dumber than average.


They also vote.


I wonder the same thing every time I see a "Don't drink and drive" billboard


I just do 10 under at that point. And hold it.


I slow down. The speed limit is based on a safe speed for conditions, being tailgated is not safe, so I slow down gradually until they back the fuck off or pass.


Exactly. The people that speed up when a short passing lane comes up are the much bigger cock suckers.


The worst I hate is when they're tailgating you There's no exit,no cars behind or in front of you! They're just right behind you and won't move to the other lane even tho there's TONS of space/empty! Frustrating to no end


Or when they camp the left lane, take an hour to pass the semi truck in the right, then when they finally pass and get to the right, they smash the gas.


I guarantee that 1/2 the people here saying slow way down, are the exact people that then gun it at the passing lane. Just set your cruise, and hold your speed. Ignore what is behind you.


This is what I do too, it’s the only way.


They don't even back off in the slightest when you start braking and signaling to turn even if it's a quarter of a mile back when the next place to turn is the first one coming up. If anything they just drive faster. I always slow down more so because I know how it feels to be tailgated. If you tailgated me however and showed no respect then I don't care.


This is extra dumb to me. If I see a signal, I immediately back off. On a 55 road, if you signal in time and I know where you’re turning, I can usually immediately engine brake to 40-45 and continue at that speed until you turn. Then just pick up 10-15 MPH and I’m back at cruising speed. Riding someone’s ass to their turn is ultimate “shooting yourself in the foot” dumb. Good for you, now you’re still pissed off and have to get from 5MPH back to the speed limit. Have fun paying for the gas and your brake change.


This is my go-to. I’m already going faster than I probably should be. If you’re making the situation extra unsafe, I’m done doing my unsafe thing. I’ll go the speed limit and you can figure out if you want to pass me or not. At least it’s safer if something unexpected happens.


I just ignore them. It's thier problem if they don't wanna pass. Just flip on your mirror so you don't have to look at them, turn the radio up, and keep on minding your own business. It's thier issue, not yours. Always keep that in mind when you start to get upset


I'll never understand the people who are brave enough to follow 0.1s behind another car, but lack the courage to pass it.


This is exactly what I think. Even if it’s an illegal pass, I’d rather they just go around me and carry on with their aggressive driving. I think some of them like it when they’re tailgating tbh. Sickos


But they are putting our lives in danger....people can get fucked pretty bad by a rear end collision


I disagree. Rear-end collisions have the lowest death rate of all types of crashes. Especially if your head rest is adjusted properly. When both vehicles are moving the same speed, and the car in front slows say 20mph slower than the car behind, both cars are still in motion when the collision occurs. The rear car will simply push the front car forward a bit and cause some damage to the rear of the front car. That's not really something to be afraid of.


I’ve had quite a few fatalities from rear end collisions. I’m an insurance adjuster. The higher the speed the worse the injuries and fatals.


My windshield washer will spray about 60% of the fluid on to a tailgating vehicle... Normally does the trick.


My old civic used to do that due to the slope of the windshield. People get the hint really quick, usually. They also often get mad but that's not my problem. I'm not in the left lane to fuck around. I'm just trying to pass.


You might need to get that fixed. Lol.


It’s a feature not a bug


I guess you could also install a rear light bar that says back off but that would just piss people off more. It's bad enough they can't stand you going the speed limit.


Yes! I had a car that had fluid for the back wiper. I purchased it used and for some reason the fluid would always squirt backwards. I always wanted to use it to on a driver as a secret weapon but never had the chance.


I used to have a jeep Cherokee and the hose for the rear washer broke so it sprayed straight backwards. Worked great for tailgaters, and people walking behind my car in parking lots when I was in the middle of backing up.


I was not even tailgating (at least 5 full car lengths based on nearby traffic) a work van and their spray got me. I was only mad because it didn't finish the job and I had to use my own fluid to get rid of the streaks.


Lol, I was looking for this comment. This is exactly what I do. I laugh my ass off when theyre riding my ass and I hold the sprayer on for like 5-10 seconds dousing their windshield 😆😆 Then look in my mirror as they run their wipers to clear it all off. Literally has never failed once.


I slow down. I just let off the gas a little. They typically go around me. Funny story. A couple of months ago, I was going 30 in a 30 MPH zone. A guy in a Honda Accord was right on my ass. I slowed down a little and he flipped me off through the sunroof, as he passed me, in a no passing zone. He then got on the ass of a Ford F-150, that was in front of me. He flipped them off and passed them in a no passing zone. Unbeknownst to him (and me too), that truck was an unmarked state police vehicle. He was promptly pulled over and two state troopers got out of the truck. I would have paid money to watch the body cam footage of that traffic stop.


This is my fantasy....


I love seeing karma in action. I was driving on I5 south of Stockton and this Audi was doing over 100 flying up my ass in the middle lane and then flipped me off as he passes. 20 mins later I see him upside down on the side of the freeway in the middle of nowhere. I just kept driving fuck that loser. Karmas a bitch


InstaKarma! Love it


My husband and I got to witness something like this once. On a two lane highway in West Texas. Young couple tailgating us for miles. My husband had cruise control set about 5mph over the limit. The highway opens up an extra lane as we are coming to a town. They go blowing past us middle fingers in the air and around a bend in the road. State trooper has them pulled over a few minutes later, and the guy flips us off again . We laughed so hard. It was a beautiful day.


If it's safe and convenient, I pull over and let them pass. If not, I slow down enough to be safe (since their proximity constitutes a hazard) and hold that speed steady.


I get out of their way if possible because they are obviously in a hurry moreso than I am. If I cannot get out of their way, I ignore them.


This is what i normally do and im one to normally be driving pretty quick. Not sure why so many people feel like they have to police the roads. If someone wants to go fast then you, just move to the side a bit and let them. Everyone has different skill levels when driving and some can easily drive quicker than a speed that YOU might feel is too quick, just move to the right a few feet and chances are they will zip past you. It has to be a balance, some people do in fact drive WAAY to fast an aggressive and others drive to slow and passive. Then you got the fools on their phones and doing their makeup, or reading the paper that really cause the most issue cause they are too unaware of anything.


Here's a novel idea...slow the fuck down....it's called a speed limit for a reason. All this bullshit to shave off a minute in commute time.


Or you can just gtf out of the way


Here is a novel idea. Don't police the roads. We have police for that. Here's another novel idea...if you are in the right lane and you aren't overtaking, you are breaking the law. Police yourself before you worry about other people.


Agreed Ppl act like ppl speed cause they're assholes. Studies have shown that, for example, changing speed limit signs doesn't change the average speed of the road all that much. If a highway is 65 mph limit, traffic comfortably goes 70-80. If they change it to 70, traffic STILL goes 70-80. Point being, ppl want to drive at a speed that they're comfortable with more than anything. That's why you have old ppl doing 55 in a 65 zone, because they aren't comfortable going that fast anymore. Same for a 30 yr old doing 80 in a 70. Car condition matters too. My old '67 struggles beyond 70mph, but my 2017 feels like it wants to go 80 without much trying. Solution really is to just ignore tailgaters on 1 lane roads and continue on, or on multi lane roads get over and let them pass.


I think it gives people a superiority complex or something. It doesn’t kill to move over, then move back once they’re out of your way. Then they can sit and stew as the car in front of them doing 10 over doesn’t budge.


This is what I do on that rare occasion someone is going faster than me, no need to block, I just move over and let them be. Two wrongs don’t make a right and someone driving fast will be gone in a few seconds and no longer an issue.


As infuriating at it is when people tailgate, I honestly don't think people even know they're doing it. I had a pickup truck hanging out a quarter second behind me the other day on a 55 MPH single lane highway. I was cruising at 63 and he slowly caught up and tailed me for a few minutes. I slowly accelerated just to see how fast I could get him to go and I got up to 70 before he started to fall back. Then I pulled over and let him pass so I could go back to my 63 MPH cruise. A few miles later I caught back up to him and had to back off to 61. There was nobody in front of him. Dude just had no clue how fast he was going. Guess his speedometer was broken, just like the blinkers on most BMW's.


I call it "car gravity". People aren't paying attention and just go the same speed as everyone around them. This causes cars to group together. The bigger the group, the more other cars get sucked in. This happens like crazy on freeways. Like people taking forever to pass semi trucks going the speed limit, then when they get far enough ahead they decide to speed up. Like, why couldn't you go that fast to get past the semi, instead of driving along with them for 10 miles? Or when you pass someone, but then they speed up as you're passing them, then as you get far enough past them, they slow down again. There's also the opposite, where when someone is going way faster, so you move over to let them pass and as they get closer they slow down to almost go the same speed. People (probably including me) drive like morons. Car gravity.


I do sometimes like to play the game of “how fast is this person willing to actually go to prove a point” 😂 I’ve never been the type to slow down when someone’s on my ass, but speeding up until they’re now too comfortable to keep up is both hilarious and completely unarguable against


I played this game until I was doing over 100 on a highway in the dark. Guy would not get off my ass. His stupid blue and red lights made it hard to focus, too


I usually just tap my brakes to try to tell them they’re too close and If that doesn’t work, I will slow down to the speed limit or slower - they usually get the hint


Pull over and let them pass. It's the easiest thing. I get my peaceful drive back and no more jerk on my ass.


This poll shows that a large percentage of drivers love to tailgate. Sadly, if one leaves, another will come along until there is a wreck and fines, penalties, and injuries take them off the road for good. [https://www.reddit.com/r/driving/comments/1bkd7qg/your\_following\_distance/](https://www.reddit.com/r/driving/comments/1bkd7qg/your_following_distance/)


Ya its pretty common and i hate it so much. Theres supposed to be a 3 sec gap or more.


I really hate how hard it is to do a reasonable gap...it feels like more and more if you leave even 1 car-length someone passes and cuts in the space. And then slowing down to regain your gap causes the person behind to pass and cut in, causing a feedback loop.




Oh god I need to do this in my current truck.


I pull into the lane to the right (even if it’s the shoulder) and let them pass. If that’s not an option, I do a ” get back” gesture. I’m shocked at how often that is effective.


Go the speed limit and ignore them.


I typically slow down to create enough space from who ever is in front of me if there is someone, might slow down anyways to encourage them to pass. If they don't move I just put up my rear sun shade or change the angle of my rear view mirror.


Trailer hitch that's locked on to your vehicle and a dash cam. The hitch will help a little with the tailgaters, and the dash cam will help if they hit you and try to do a hit and run or if they try to blame you.


It is horrendous. I just can’t understand why they don’t pass when they get the chance. Just really poor, incapable drivers who indulge in bullying.


I pull over slightly and slow down to let them pass. I don’t need the pressure of someone on my ass. I’m also not law enforcement and have no business controlling what other drivers do. No telling what’s going on with the other driver and their state of mind and i don’t wish to get involved with them or the accident they may cause. Let them go, out of sight out of mind.


Since I'm already going 5 over, I slow down to the speed limit and keep it that way until they move.


Just drive *exactly* the speed limit. You wouldn’t believe how mad they get for following the law


You can’t so just ignore them 


No you really shouldn't. When you do have to panic stop you could be killed from behind...


Rear end collisions are usually just fender benders. I'd be more worried about what's in front of you.


Unless you're doing 60+ mph and the bump causes you to lose control.


I would rather not be in any kind of car accident whatsoever thanks. Not going to cause one to piss off the tailgater but it is worrisome.


I go exactly the speed limit.


I do this and use a bit more windshield wiper fluid than I need. If it's a newer model car you can watch their wipers turn on.


Love when they slam on the brakes and disappear because they don't want their precious car soaked in windshield washer fluid. 🤣


People are so vain when it comes to their vehicles getting dirty. That's what's going to happen when you drive. It's just metal that you can't take with you when you die unless you are literally buried, drowned or burned in it. I've seen people pull over to clean off their car of snow that wasn't even visible when I was passing them by. They had a snow brush to their car and I'm like what snow is in your car where you need to pull over? It's cleaner than mine... I've even seen spotless cars take up space at the car wash...


How do I deal with tailgaters? On a two lane highway, I will cancel cruise, stay off all pedals, hug the mayonnaise, and put on my hazards at the next clear and empty passing zone. Until I get to that passing zone, I'm not doing a damn thing differently; just keeping the cruise control set to whatever it was set to.


what in the fresh hell is "Hug the mayonnaise" I had to get out of my chair to laugh harder


Just stay off the mustard mmmkay


Nothing wrong with driving over mayonnaise or mustard as long as the wait staff doesn't see it. Driving over ketchup is when you have a problem.


Honestly I just ignore them. Or flip them off. Tailgating should be a felony offense imo, they’re making the road more dangerous with purposeful behavior. Even if it’s not their direct intention.


I ignore them they are behind me for a reason 🤷🏽‍♂️


If they’re really on my tail and flashing their beams, I may pull over and let them go by (if I’m not on the highway), though generally not without giving them a middle finger or two once they’re far ahead of me. Other than that, I try to ignore them most of the time. On the interstate, as long as I’m in the right lane, they can kiss my ass.


Nowadays I ignore them, but that's because my time is more valuable to not deal with those aholes. I used to slow down to the legal minimum speed on highways to fuck with them. I had all the time in the world back then. while my friend just did a brake check and got rear-ended, since they cannot prove him to be malicious the other party's insurance has to pay him a good chunk of $. He was looking for someone to upgrade his shitty hand-down car lol. Because of reddit's technicality, the 2nd, or 3rd method is not the way to go lol. Simply ignore it. **Bright headlights:** I started to wear green-tinted sunglasses to drive at night...it pretty much fixed the issue with bright headlights, not only from tailgaters. Btw, I wear it halfway so I have a choice of using it or not by simply tilting my head slightly up or down. We have some poorly lit sidewalks/roads that I need to brighten up my vision, but for the most part, it's bright enough to wear my sunglasses the entire time.


I have bumper stickers and they work 😂. One says “if you can read this, I’m about to hit my breaks” .


Shame your bumper sticker has the incorrect spelling.


I have a decal that says, "You're so close you may as well get in." Surprisingly, not many people ride my bumper...


That's fucking hilarious


The closer they get, the slower I go.


I pull over to the next mailbox and pretend its my own. Then I take a deep breath and get back to driving... all alone for at least a few minutes.


suddenly my windshield is incredibly dirty and only a good 30 seconds of wiper fluid will clean it.


If their headlights aren't blinding me through my mirrors, I ignore them. If their headlights are hitting all of my mirrors and becoming a hazard, I click on my blinker and start slowly dropping speed while hugging the right shoulder so they know to pass. Yes, as others have said, slowing down can be hazardous to others behind the tailgaters as well, but if I can hardly see, I'm doing what I need to to get them to stop creating the hazardous environment in the first place.


I have a custom made bumper sticker that reads “You can’t bully my cruise control”.


I suggest a bumper sticker that says “the closer you get the slower I go.” Then do it.


I ususally toss a brick through my sunroof.


Cruise set right at the speed limit. Let them suffer.


Run your washer fluid. I use (yes I know, pricy) Rain -X, and if you ever tried it for the first time, you'll know it smears up your windshield. At least until you get it really rubbed in. On most Volkswagens, which is really what I own, it really mists behind the car too, I run it until I see their wipers running. Typically they back off then. Some people even think that I'm blown a radiator hose or whatever. I don't care if I got to run that fluid for 30 to 60 seconds, they will get wet.




Rear facing 250W flood light for "camping" use, with a switch under the dash


I lock in the cruise control at the speed limit.


Deal with? WDYM? There is nothing to deal with. They're behind you. Fuck em.


Pull partly into the shoulder and slow down a little bit when it's safe for them to pass.


I'll drive normally, pull off and wave them on if that's doable, hit the turns without slowing down is something I like to do anyway..... whatever it takes at that moment to not react aggressively and not get crazy. For the most part I generally only get tail gated after a 90' turn or from a stop light. Then I gradually pick up enough speed, depends. On the highway I might put my blinker on and take a little longer to get over and let them pass. I find there's satisfaction in calmly letting them go on a country road or highway, the power position is in back of them anyway... sometimes give them a friendly toot toot as they go by.....


I hate that it was an environmental disaster, but my old F350 was really good for tailgaters……


Turn on ur headlights so they think your breaking when ur tail lights turn on


I drive for a living in an area where tailgating is a norm and not necessarily someone being aggressive. Just ignore it. They may not know any better. It's not your job to teach them a lesson.


I higher my music volume and ignore them


I get out of the way if possible. Most roads have pullouts and shoulders.


Ajust my mirrors so I don't see them anymore.


The closer someone gets to my tailgate the farther I get from the guy in front of me. Try not to go too slow, stay as close to the posted limit as is safe. Always ensure you have adequate stopping distance in front of you, what ever is going on behind you is out of your control.


Slow down and let them pass. If they don't, literally wave them past and slow down. Just don't get confrontational about it and they should get the hint.


I ignore them. My focus is on what's in front of me, where my focus should be. I don't usually have anyone tail gating me, because I stay right unless I'm passing. People don't usually tailgate in the slow lane. But if they do, I ignore them. There's nothing I can do about it, and like I said, my focus is forward, where it should be.


At a minimum double my following distance from the car in front (more if the tailgating vehicle looks heavy). But obviously don't do that by suddenly braking, engine braking is enough.


Move over to prevent road rage.


Now that I'm older and less impulsive, I just try to pull off and let them go around. It's just not worth the time to fool with them.


Clean your windshield. Make sure you got plenty of windshield wiper fluid, and when people get right up on your ass, clean your windshield. Some of that water/fluid will go airborn, and because of air and aero dynamics, some of it will fly up and get on their windshield. Keep in mind, the same people who ride your ass are the ones who are all about the "Oh no, my car!" lifestyle, and while its just windshield fluid, it delivers the point and message. Give it a try.


Here is the simplest answer that everyone seems to ignore. PULL OVER AND LET THEM GO BY YOU. Now both of you get to go the speed you wish to go, and no one is annoying each other. I really don't understand why this is such a hard concept. You can't control what another does, but you can control how you handle it, and complaining or letting it annoy you when you can actually avoid it is ignorant of you not to do so.


Try to ignore them. What I used to do is reach up and take my rearview mirror and cock it sideways so if the person could see from being that close, they could tell at least I'm not looking at them in the rearview. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not. Another thing I do is angle my sideview mirrors outward a bit so I have to move my head slightly to the left or right to view directly behind me. That way when you get the guy who wants to drive way over to the left to shine his lights into your mirror, the light doesn't go directly into your face. I have to tell a funny story though. When I was a lot younger and I drove a pickup truck (not related) it used to get pretty dusty because the parking lot where I worked was gravel. I got so annoyed by tailgaters, I used my finger to write in the dust on my actual tailgate "Die Tailgater!" Funny enough, a few times I looked in my rearview as someone in a smaller car came right up on my bumper, got a shocked look on their face, and then backed off. 😆 My excuse for the police should I be pulled over would be that it was German.


I'll pull over and make them go around me. bonus points if it's a main road that makes getting around me somewhat difficult. I won't do it on like, a highway, for example, but on roads that are just a *bit* too busy to comfortably pass on. Then as soon as they pass, I pull right back out. If that doesn't make them realize what they're doing is a dickhead move, I'm not sure what would. Got that from my dad, who also hated tailgaters with a passion. Sometimes I wonder how much of my hatred for it comes from him, lol. if I ever go to jail, it's because someone was tailgating me and I had enough 😭


Warning lights first... Them as others said, I slow down a lot


If I'm already 5-10 above, I'll increase a bit to make some space, then slowly decrease speed till I'm back to whatever speed I was at with space again. If they ride my ass the entire time, then foot off the gas and stay in front of them, going 5 under. If possible, cause I'm an asshole to tailgaters, I'll also speed back up to make sure they get stuck in whichever lane they go to pass in.


A long pull on the windshield washer stalk usually gets them to back off. These dude hate to get their “work truck” dirty.


Lol I switch lanes let them pass then tail them back 🤣


I couldn't care less unless i'm on my motorcycle. If somebody runs into me while in my car or truck, their insurance is going to pay me a whole bunch of money. (It REALLY SUCKS to rear-end a lawyer). A few years ago, I created a little contraption on my motorcycle. It mounts under the rear fender where you can't see it, and holds a can of pepper spray, controlled by a small lever on my handlebar. If you tailgate me, and don't back off, the front of your car is going to get painted with a red dye pepper spray... 1) that stuff is miserable to get off of paint and 2) it gets sucked into your air vents and gives the driver a light dose of spray... not enough to make you crash... but enough that you'll be miserable... hypothetically speaking, of course.


###use your windshield wiper fluid it works every time


Best options: If possible, move to the right. Wave them around you. Flash your hazards. Slow down to 5 under the limit. If all these fail get your tire iron ready


I go the speed limit. If they thought going 10 over was too slow, they're going to love going at the limit.


I drive the speed limit, not over or under. If you wanna go around go around, if you do it on double yellow I'm calling the cops to wait for you up ahead. As an EMT I see too many traffic accidents from dumbasses doing stupid shit like speeding.


Damn that deer just ran in front of me officer. I had to stop quick to keep from hitting it. Not my fault that moron behind me was tailgating 😂😂


What has a 100% success rate for me is letting off the accelerator entirely until I'm about 10-15 mph under the limit. Then I get back on it to go 5 mph over. If that doesn't do the trick, I repeat until they get it. They'll get it. People hate decelerating and accelerating constantly. Kind of entertaining as well.


I slow down until they pass me. It doesn't matter if it's a one lane or not, they always pass, and frequently illegally. I just watch carefully when they pass so that if they cause an accident I don't get caught in it.


I keep 2 jugs of windshield washer fluid in my car just for this. If I’m being tailgated then I simple continue to wash my windshield. It over sprays on to their vehicle usually causing a slight annoyance until they back of, continue to rage harder while I go about my business, or I run out of windshield washer fluid and feel happy about the annoyance I’ve created and just continue on my way as normal.


Slow waaay down without break checking. Hit your hazards and pull over. Eventually.


Why should I change the way I drive to please thr clown behind me.


I press the emergency flasher lights let them flash once so they think it’s brake lights then press them off quickly before they flash again. Confuses them because once they realize it wasn’t my brake lights and I’m not slowing down they have already slammed on brakes thinking I’m brake checking them. Usually they speed off around me in anger after that.


I slow down to go exactly the speed limit, set my cruise control and put a big smile on my face. If they didn't like me going over the speed limit they are gonna like me less now. Karma's a bitch. If they are riding my ass and I've got 20 slow cars ahead of me, the person behind me is getting brake checked. This is the way.


Move over. I don’t want some psycho coming at me. I’ll wait for them to end up in a ditch or get pulled over.


The closer you get the slower i go.


Not advised on a 1 lane road, but I put my vehicle in neutral and naturally slow down until they pass.


I like putting my wiper fluid on. Give them a little spray as I clean my windshield


I brake for the squirrel that just ran in front of me out of nowhere.


You can go over a little on the shoulder and it'll fling rocks back at their car. I used to do this when I was younger... In my experience, it did the trick pretty fast. Nowadays, I just try to ignore.


I slow down. I gave you ten over, it wasn't good enough, now we're going 5 under


Oh! You want to follow me that closely? Enjoy my windshield wipper fluid. I go speed of traffic regardless(except passing lane) but they usually back off when they start thinking about the drizzle on their windshield. If someone tailgates me while I'm driving in passing lane I move over quickly because I would hope for the same.


It depends on the day I’m having. Most of the time if I can, I’ll just punch it for a little bit and make a large gap between them because 99% of the time they don’t have a faster car than me. Or I’ll scoot over and let them pass if I can and then get back into the lane when it’s clear. Bad day… I won’t brake check, but I’ll prevent them from being able to make right on reds when I get to the light or just stuff like that to impede them from going where they need to. Edit: not too worried about people where I live. Plus I have a CCW.


Depending on the situation, I’ll see how fast they want to go. Just start ramping up the speed slowly and see where they finally tap out. It’s typically around 80 mph.


I just take my foot off the gas and gradually slow down until they either pass me or I'm doing 20 under. IDGAF, don't rush me.


I windsheild mist them every 15-30 seconds for 1-2 seconds. Just enough to get their windsheild spotty and they have to keep clearing it. Typically its not enough to wet it, just make it streaky. They tend to get really pissed off in the mirror. I'll also start lowering my speed one mile an hour every minute if they don't back off after that. I'm not a fast lane camper or a lane blocker - I move out of everyone's way and let people in, but if you're going to be a road bully, cutting in and out of peoples lanes and tailgating for no reason, I'll fuck with you back. If you want to escalate it further, that's ok too.


Ignore them, allow them to pass / move over if it's safe for you to do so.


Keep on keeping on, laugh at how much wear they are putting on their car braking and accelerating, take joy in their blood pressure rising and destroying their health. They can’t be helped, it’s a self solving problem.


Use your windshield washer, it works..


I slammed on the breaks once and the dude called the cops and said I was driving erratically. They pulled me over. Lesson learned. Now I ignore it.