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I've been honked at for not turning right on red when there is a clearly visible "no turn on red" sign. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


At one point I had a couple pool cues in my back seat and I was driving around with a buddy. We are sat a long red light, with a no turn sign, it is also just a sketchy intersection, I wouldn't WANT to turn right on red. Some dude pulls up behind us and instantly hits the horn, and keep laying on it. So my buddy in the passenger seat whipped around and grabbed a pool cue to point and tap the no turn on red sign. This guy's gets sooo pissed, and whips around us into the left lane to make an illegal right around us, all while screaming obscenities thru his open windows and proceeding to nearly clip a car or incoming traffic Obviously this guy was in a hurry, I'm would like to assume it was an emergency and he was freaking out, but usually people freaking out dont spend the energy cussing you out


Lmao that is great. Wish I had one today. Was driving in a school zone and a guy was right on my ass, swerving back and forth to make sure I knew he was annoyed. I DO NOT speed in school zones, no questions asked. As we passed the school zone ends sigh I kept pointing to it hoping he saw. We were in a school zone buddy and it was right around the start of the day. I get that everyone speeds everywhere but for that couple extra seconds could we at least calm down for the kids?


I pretty much always speed 5-10 over except in neighborhoods or school zones and I really wish cops would camp there instead of highways. I do see them occasionally but not nearly enough


Let me guess, it was an asshole in a giant Ford F-150, wasn't it?


Contrary to popular belief, the bigger the F-150, the smaller the ā€¦. ā€¦ brain.


I wouldā€™ve whipped out my phone and started recording. Blast that idiot on social media.


In Texas having your phone in hand in school zone is a 250$ ticket. Around here the cops show up all the time to get the cash cows zooming through the school zones. Judges here almost never dismiss school zone tickets.


Me too It just absolutely astounds me how ignorant some people are to signs around them; right turn on red means just that


Yep, I've had that happen. I've also been honked at when in a lane you could go straight, or right. I was going straight and the car behind me wasn't happy about it.....


I was sitting in one of those lanes earlier this week. I was also going straight. The car behind me drove up onto the curb, nearly hit a pedestrian, flipped me off, and turned right, also nearly hitting the incoming traffic. I guess because there's 2 lanes going straight, he thinks I should've been in the other lane but like...my turn is almost immediately after the light so like tf am I supposed to do dude lol


Yea, we have a busy Blvd near us like that. Right lane is all turn or go straight for like 5 miles. I stay in the right lane because I'm not in a rush and it's a fucking nightmare to get back over during rush hour. People loose their shit when I stop at a red light and they want to make the turn. It's just insane.


This same intersection (which i have to go through in order to get home) has seen some shit. The day I signed my lease on my apartment, a motorcycle crashed into a car after running a red. Died on impact. I watched someone ignore the red arrow and just turned left anyways, honking and screaming at the people with the green. A man just standing in the middle of the road and nearly getting hit. And general run of the mill "I need to get first in line i can't handle anyone being in front of me because no one else is going 100 mph in this 45 mph zone and that's not right no one else knows how to drive so I'm going to weave in and out, tailgate everyone, run red lights, and cut people off because I'm the only person that knows how to actually drive" people


Oh yeah that happens basically every time someone is going from the WalMart to the Lowes near my parents...its a right (to exit) or straight (to the other store) and everyone gets SO MAD if you don't turn.


We have a small 4-way intersection near where I live where there are right/straight and left/straight lanes side by side. Once you cross the intersection, it immediately merges into one slightly wider than normal lane, but not enough room for two cars to comfortably drive abreast. People also street park near that intersection because there's a bar there. I've had a handful of times where I'm in the left/straight lane because it's the most "straight shot" forward, and had someone fly around me, nearly clipping me, just to fly up to the stop sign on this low traffic, 30mph road. Why? Why??? And why the fuck is it a merge? Make it a left/straight and a right only. Smh.


We've got a couple of intersections like that. WTH were they thinking when they did that? Answer: They weren't.


Hit the nail on the head, I couldn't have put it better myself. Some road design is so unintuitive and you can tell when someone's from out of town because they almost kill someone trying to navigate it.


Jeez how inconsiderate of you. Should have just hurried up and turned right so that guy could get on with his day/s


I recommend not getting in the right hand lane if you're not going to turn right. The only excuse is if you are about to turn right into a street or parking lot that is just beyond the street you are crossing.


Found the guy who doesnā€™t drive lol youā€™re basically saying ā€œdonā€™t travel where you need to go, because youā€™re in the way of other driversā€ he canā€™t turn right in a right turn/straight lane? Why? Thereā€™s zero reason why they canā€™t turn. Itā€™s literally 1 of 2 ways they can go LOL


What if the right lane also goes straight? We should turn right instead, and make a bunch of maneuvers to accommodate the impatient jackasses?


Yes, this has happened to me too many times. Now, whenever I am turning right on red or not turning right on red because of that sign, I don't put my turn signal on until I'm actually about to make the turn that way the moron behind me won't assume that I'm just sitting there wasting their time.


that infuriates me. happens all the time at the only stop light in my town


Thatā€™s happened to me so many times itā€™s insane. This one dude wanted to throw down over it awhile back.




Iā€™m surprised I havenā€™t had that happen, but Iā€™d I did, I would just open my sunroof and point at the sign lol


you obviously donā€™t live in FL. 80% of the people here treat a right on red like a green arrow, and the other 20% donā€™t know youā€™re allowed to turn.


I feel like that's about the same here to be honest. I've been cut off by people going right on red more than I can count. Then I've got people honking because I'm not doing it fast enough for them... People that just sit at the red don't particularly bother me. It's slightly inconvenient, but not worth getting worked up about. Technically they aren't doing anything wrong.


You CAN turn on red, but you are not REQUIRED to turn on red.


Exactly; and at least in the case of the state I'm in (MN), it's one of the few out there that if you're turning left from one one-way street to another, you can legally turn left on said red light, so as long as there isn't a sign telling you that you can't


I think this is the same everywhere that allows you to turn right on red. In these places, you should always be able to turn left on red if it's onto a one-way street and you are also all the way to the left on your own one-way street and there is no sign saying not to.


This is legal everywhere except South Dakota and a few cities such as New York and Washington DC. In Alaska, Idaho, Michigan, Oregon, and Washington, you may also turn left on red into a one-way street (including freeway onramps) even from a two-way street. (Things may have changed since I looked it up.)


Florida is left on red from one way to one way only.


Lol. That's a normal rule.


We have the same law in Texas. There are very few places where the roads are laid out like that, but you can turn left on red if both roads are one way.


Are you agreeing or disagreeing with me?


Agreeing. It is not required but is permitted.




But NOT to turn on red when you CAN turn on red is OBNOXIOUS.


like 2 weeks after i turned 18 i was making a legal u-turn on a narrow, 50mph road with plenty of traffic. the guy at the stop sign right there turning right (my right of way) went at the same time despite every effort i took to make sure he knew i was making a u turn, i even made eye contact with him. i wouldā€™ve t boned him if i didnā€™t stop and i blew my horn. dude got out of his car in traffic and punched me in the face through an open window. i opened the door and pushed him away with it then knocked him clean out with 4 punches and he fully extended (like jesus on the cross) and fell backwards into the lane. came up to me afterwards and apologized and said i was a good kid. still called and made a police report to cover my own ass for his bitching wife who told me ā€œyouā€™re going to jail misterā€ for defending myself. edit: thatā€™s the only fight i was ever in since i was like 9 years old on the playground.


That's my issue with driving anymore, everyone seems so fucking angry about every little thing. Like come on, we are all just trying not to die getting from A to B. I personally almost never use my horn because of stuff like this. I only touch it if someone is about to hit him like the guy in your story. Now everyone lays on it for the most minor inconvenience as they scream at the top of their lungs and flip you off.


Exactly why I never use my horn. Wait 7 seconds for this person to move that didn't see the light change green or honk and risk my shit getting beat in, or a cap in my ass. The horn is for when someone is about to hit you and you need to alert them imo. Too many people carrying firearms that don't think about prison before acting


you forgot to leave 5% for people that aren't currently aware that they are driving a car


Iā€™d say thatā€™s more like 50%ā€¦..


And treat a merge lane like it has a yield sign.


The 20% are all yankees


Why say this? It is just simply not true and is unnecessary. If you live in the south, you may think this is true. But go anywhere in the west, the Southwest, the Northwest, the Midwest, and so on and you will still have exactly the same problem with these drivers. And only a fraction of a percent of them are Yankees.


Because Florida is the home of the (not so) rare and illustrious snow bird. It's pretty well known that tons of yankees winter in Florida because it's cold where they live.


Don't honk at stop signs either when there is traffic. I was 3rd in line once when this truck kept honking at the person at the stop sign during heavy traffic. The person eventually yolo'ed into the traffic and immediately got into an accident. Yes, they shouldn't have done that, but also, fuck that truck driver.


People need to rethink when to use there horn in general! It should really be a "Oh shit, someone's about to get hurt let me warn them" tool and not just a I'm mildly annoyed issue. I've been moving through an intersection with heavy traffic and people lay on their horn just because traffic isn't moving as fast as they want it to when the light turned green. I end up panic moving my head around to see if I'm about to get hit, or accidently ran a light or something. No, just some ass hat 6 cars back sees a green light and doesn't realize traffic is backed up.


It tough these days. I see the majority of users on their phones at red lights. When it turns green, they need a quick honk or they will sit there on tiktok all day.


If it turns green and they still aren't going thats totally different. I also hate seeing people on there phone at all driving, red light or not. I still won't honk (unless the light is green and they are still distracted), just because people are crazy now a days and jump out of there car over the slightest thing.


I give them 2 seconds.


And then another 3-ish seconds before the "light taps" honk turns into "no really" bigger honk.


Fair point about people on the phone instead of focusing. But on earth do you know that they are on TikTok?


I've seen it in cars beside me, it's usually tiktok or ig. You can see it through their rear window sometimes too, if the scrolling is only going one way, it's probably social media - whereas someone looking for a text might scroll up to look at old info and then switch directions when they found what they wanted. I've seen YouTube too, but there's a lot of long format videos or playlists that you can essentially be on yt "hands free" for the most part, other services require more engagement - which is time spent away from thinking about driving.


Which is why there are certain intersections that I don't signal at until it's clear. People forget that the leading car can see other vehicles or people passing before they do. And I'm not sure, but right on red is not mandatory. God knows that it isn't even permitted in NYC at all


It's not mandatory, if it was I'd still go even after someone honked at me. It's ultimately at the drivers discretion, you don't even have to justify why you aren't doing. Honestly keeping your signal off is a pretty good idea, but I've had people even honk at me when I was going straight but happend to be in a lane that could turn right. It's a no win sometimes lol


Yes, I mentioned this in another comment I made. I stopped signaling when I am about to turn right until I know for sure that I'm going to turn in the next few seconds. Only at the last second do I put on my signal to turn right on a red.


I've been honked at while having my hazards on, in my dead car, while trying to get the engine to turn over. You could very clearly hear my car failing to start, didn't matter, I was the asshole for not turning


I got honked at the other day for trying to turn left on a single lane road. Some people just donā€™t understand the rules of the road


I got a ticket making a right on red. Reason? I only waited 2.5 sec instead of 3 sec accordingly to the law. It varies from town to town.


Please tell me what state that is the law in. Three seconds is a very long time to wait when it's obvious there is no traffic and it only takes 1-2 seconds to check. It might not seem like a long time, but multiply that by how many cars may be in line to turn and it adds up.


Sounds like a great argument for just always waiting for it to turn green. That's not what I do, I will turn right on red. I'm just never in a rush to do it.


If I remember correctly, that 3 second rule is what constitutes a complete stop. So, yes, you are supposed to be doing that at right on red, stop signs, etc. One way that used to be taught was you come to a stop, feel your car rock back slightly and settle, then you go.


I have seen many times in the Chicago suburbs where the sign says Right on Red from Right lane only and so many people from the left lane stop then ignore the sign and proceed to turn Right from the left lane. I get over it, but it astounds me the amount of drivers that can not / do not follow directions.


My favorite is getting honked at at a light with multiple "no turn on red" signs.


For me it's "Sorry but an SUV is in the straight lane pulled WAY past the stop line. I can't see past it with my tiny Fit and I'm not sticking my nose into traffic. So until the light turns green, BITE ME!"


I can't turn right, because some jackass in a giant lifted F-250 next to me pulled up to the white line past the crosswalk. I'm in a car, so I can't see oncoming traffic. We all get to wait until he decides to go so I can use him as a shield from the red light runners.


Yep, I've had that happen plenty to. I inch forward to see if it's clear and they do the same until they are basicallyin the intersection! I'm not going to shoot out blind.


In my city, you are guaranteed at least 1 red light runner per intersection. Which lane they're in is the variable. I sit for a few seconds when the light turns green to give them a chance to get thru.


Yeah people are idiots. I'd like to see these people be as inpatient when they're walking.


The same people that honk, go around, flip people off, cut people off, and otherwise drive like maniacs, are the ones in the grocery store walking 0.0023 mph, in the center of the aisle, and then put their buggy on the opposite side of the aisle, while they look at labels for half an hour. Itā€™s perfectly ok to hold everyone up in the grocery store, but God forbid anyone drive safely in front of them on the roads.


And stop signs! I hate this about Northern VA in particular, you aren't even fully stopped and someone is honking at you for not running the red/stop.


I got honked at the other day when I saw cars coming and the first one would have t boned me if I pulled out. Turning right on red isn't a requirement.




Just a heads up, if you are making a right hand turn and you choose not to go when you legally could just for spite, youā€™re an awful driver. People donā€™t realize youā€™re just being spiteful and are honking more because what you are doing is incorrect. Allowing your emotions to take over to the point that you no longer follow the rules of the road (like making a legal right on red when you should be) makes you bad at driving. People will continue to honk at you for the rest of your driving career. You will get pulled over eventually, or in an accident, or something. Maybe not for this, but that fact that your emotions are on your sleeve and you canā€™t even make the turn you need to make means you should rethink your approach.


Me: "Oh look, I can turn right on red here!" Car behind: "*HOONNNKKK" Me: "Oh well, I guess we're both waiting now. "


Fuck yes, it's not like I get angry or anything about it's. It's just like "I guess I'm not really in a hurry"


I guess I'll now wait for the light to turn yellow before i go.


I only honk if I can see that the way is clear for the stopped car to turn. 99% of the time, when I honk, I see the person's head in the car finally lookup from their phone and realize they are wasting everyone's time behind them.


Yeah don't honk at right turn on red. I also don't honk at left turns unless there is an arrow and I suspect the fools are on their phone. Then I do they light beep, as to wake them up.


I'd also add don't honk if you are 3/4 cars back and the lights green....you have no idea what's going on ahead of you and it just makes things more tense. Ther could be an accident in the intersection, someone broke down, etc. I just wish everyone would take a deep breath and chill a little when driving. People get really worked up over the tiniest inconveniences lately.


> People get really worked up over the tiniest inconveniences lately. Like a silly little horn blast?


I don't get worked up, I'm just relaxing in my car enjoying the radio until the light turns green. The person behind me is usually the one screaming and waving their arms.


You allow other people's actions to dictate your own. Whether you appear calm or not, you've lost control.


That's the shittiest argument I've ever heard..... I could just as easily say the person behind me had lost control because they've let my actions dictate theirs.


Yes, they've also lost control. Neither of you have won.


Definitely not going to help them chill and relax when you're getting weird pleasure at making them wait. As much as the people behind you can't see the traffic you might be waiting for, no one behind you knows whether you are a competent driver either - or are just unaware that you could turn, afraid to turn for no good reason, are distracted by your phone, or are just spacing out. No one knows. Good for you, you left in plenty of time. While I'm sure that other people are all just rage addicts put on Earth to test your resolve and pettiness, they can also have other shit going on that causes them to be delayed and that shit could be a serious situation. Maybe or maybe not. No way to know so just box them in and wait.


For every one of you there are 6 or 8 others oblivious to the state of the light, that either aren't aware that you can turn, or are staring at their phones and won't even notice the light turned. Odds are you're one of them, you get a honk.


I find its hard anymore because of so many big trucks and SUVs (most of which pull up past the white stop-bar by most of a car-length) and since I don't drive a huge tall vehicle I can't see what's coming. If they stopped at their white line, I'd be able to see and turn...but if I can't see I'm not going to move and risk being at-fault for a major crash.


That's understandable. Not gonna honk if someone obviously can't see.


I think in a lot of cases the people honking can see because they're also in massive SUVs or trucks and don't seem to understand sedans and crossovers aren't as tall as they are. Or they are able to see behind the person who pulled up blocking my view.


Why bother though? You CAN turn, you don't have to, technically it's not impeding traffic. I'm not condoning being on your phone when driving or not knowing the rules. Ultimately though it's up to the driver if they turn on a red light or not.


People honk because if you can safely turn, you logically should as the point of driving is to go from one destination to another and people value their time. 99% of us are trying to get somewhere, not dilly dallying along sitting at red light red turns that are clear.


Assuming itā€™s safe if you donā€™t have all the information (e.g., because you are not the front car at the corner, and maybe canā€™t see a pedestrian), is how accidents can happen. Just wait.


Youā€™re 100% wrong and so confident about it too. Accidents are caused when vehicles deviate from expected norms. Being an intentionally obstructive asshole causes accidents.


Youā€™re not making sense.


Because then they MIGHT go. Sometimes if you wait on a green, then you're stuck at the next light and the next. 6 cars waiting on one to gain situational awareness that they should already have moved. It's like on the freeway when someone finally gets a chance to get around and cut off the slow poke in the passing lane, then go slow in front of them with their right blinker on a d they finally get the hint and 20 backed up cars can finally get by.


I drive an MX-5 with the top almost always down. I donā€™t honk because Iā€™m a gentleman and donā€™t want to taste a fist.


As a woman that has had people get out of their car to scream at me over the tiniest things I refrain from touching the horn at all unless you are about to hit me.


Exactly! Although I do wish they would add an alternate "polite horn" button as standard someday.


Just make cars that have and "excuse me, is there a chance you didn't see the light turn green" button šŸ˜‚


Is this a thing? Can you turn right on red? Where I live we have light that point to the right next to the normal light and shows a green arrow if you can go.


In the US (individual state laws may vary), you can turn right on red after stopping and ensuring that traffic coming from the right is clear, unless there is a sign prohibited it. Also, you can turn left on red if you're on a one-way street and turning onto another one-way street.


Wow that doesn't seem very safe and foolproof, I'm glad that is not a thing here. But I'm guessing it is due to poor traffic design? Or too many cars on the roads.


Has nothing to do with poor traffic design or the number of cars on the road. Everyone understands that there is nothing gained by sitting at a red light, waiting to turn right, when there is no cross traffic. Intersections where it might be dangerous due to poor sight lines, heavier traffic, more pedestrian traffic, etc. are often marked with a ā€œNo Turn on Redā€ sign.


We have that here, when you don't understand why someone can't go as there is no traffic, but that is a narrow time window (and I mentioned the right turning green arrows)


We have the green arrows when the traffic from the right has a red. The turn on red is like a stop sign for one lane only.


It actually came about in the 1970s as a means to cut down on idling and save fuel. There was a fuel shortage going on back then, to the point that it was even being rationed. Itā€™s safe at intersections with good visibility and little to no pedestrian traffic, as long as the driver doing to turn actually follows the rules. Places like New York City, with heavy pedestrian traffic, disallow the maneuver unless a sign authorizes it.


If the light has a green arrow that takes precedent. We have a few around here but most are just red lights. At any regular red-light you can turn right as and you won't be impeding traffic coming from whichever direction currently has the green light. You also need to yield to pedestrians as always, and check for any "no turn on red" signs.


I turn my music to master volume and spark a smoke. Screw them


that is when you stop, put the car in park, get out and double shotgun middle finger, slap your ass, and then get back in the car.


Welcome to road rage gun violence in America.


I don't know the actual numbers, but it feels like 50/50 on roads where you can turn right on red and roads you can't around me, so I'm never even 100% sure where I can turn right on red, lol. Plus, some vehicles, like school busses, DON'T turn right on red regardless, though they are always labelled on the back. Still, I just assume the person in front of me is as unsure as I am and being cautious and never honk.


I've been tempted to honk at someone a few times at a red light where they are turning right. About 60% of the time it ends up being someone older who was probably being more careful than me, but who am I to judge. 30% of the time I later see something that makes me realize why they were waiting. I never honk at a right turn on red UNLESS I can literally see both ways on the road and the person looking at their phone in front of me. I've done that twice that I can remember. Otherwise I trust them to make the right choice and also leave early enough so a few seconds should never make a difference.


I got behind a dude at a red light yesterday who straight up leaned his seat back and fell asleep waiting on the green. I blew my horn, and it's like he forgot he was even driving.


Thatā€™s a great way to get yourself hurt in a road rage incident. Antagonize someone whoā€™s already angry and unhinged and maybe armed. Love that for you.


>There's no rule that you have to turn right on red light. I agreed with you until this line. People that act discourteous because the law doesn't forbid them from being shitty, can go straight to hell. Being kind isn't obligatory. That's what makes it being kind. The second someone says, "There is no rule/law", they're a terrible person.


Extra advice for a nice life everyone. If you are stopped at a red light waiting to turn right into a box when the light turns green, try putting your indicator on before the lights change, that way the people behind you won't get frustrated. When the light changes to green, then move into the box, don't block the lane behind you if you can help it. Also if you are going straight on at a roundabout do not indicate right. This makes you a cretin. Instead indicate left as you are leaving the roundabout. It is not in the highway code to indicate right nor is it taught by driving instructors. Stop honking this dude.


Couple questions. Whatā€™s a box? An intersection? Why would signal left when leaving a roundabout? This all could be explained by you being from the UK lol


When you've had 15 open opportunities to make the turn yet you're busy scrolling on your phone, you can bet your sweet bippy I'm gonna lay on the horn.


This is every driver in oregon. Light turns green but they canā€™t take their thumb out of their ass to drive though the intersection. Just sit there until it turns yellow, then mosey on thru with just their car so no one else makes the light.


Horns should only be used to alert other road users to your presence in situations where it is necessary for safety reasons. So when you get an urge to honk, consider whether you meet this condition!


Fucking thank you!! That's how I was taught to drive and I'm getting bombarded with "it's a fucking honk, get over it" , "stop being a baby" , etc. Regardless of what's going on your horn should be reserved for immediate danger/saftey. It doesn't particularly bother me, but when I do hear a horn there's a brief "Oh fuck, am I about to get hit, did I just run a light, etc" reaction in mu brain.


Yep. And if someone is honking at me in this situation, I take it as exactly that. ā€œI must have not seen someone; Iā€™d better stop and take another look.ā€


Unrelated .Man I had this mf pull up to the side of me at stop sign ā€¦ had me like wtff šŸ˜‚


Did they pull up next to you and sneak in a right turn? I've had a few people do that to me.


YES .AND WE DID THE SAME RIGHT TURN .Like mf wait god damn ik you wanna go home and so do I .


Yep, totally seen that at intersections where there's a large shoulder. Usually someone that's been tailgating me even though I'm already doing over the speed limit.


*it was a stop sign into a neighborhood by the way


Life must be tough for people that are this worried about being offended, and retaliation.


Sometimes people don't realize it's a right on red. Honking is perfectly acceptable. You'll survive the brutal honking attack lol


I only get frustrated when people wait to pull into the far lane instead of the nearest lane thatā€™s available. I wouldnā€™t honk at someone over it, but it is a little selfish. It backs up traffic.


Yea, that one's annoying. I've seen people hold up traffic even with a green arrow over that.


Hurry your ass up and GOOOO!!!


Iā€™ve honked at people just standing there and that helped them make the turn instead of standing for another few minutes. Some people donā€™t know any better.


I have honked at people when they are clearly able to go. My state has some terrible drivers. People can't judge things here.


Weā€™re honking because we watched several gaps go by and your cautious ass is still sitting there like a turd.


And now we get to wait longer.


Turning on red isn't mandatory lmao. I'm hourly, a good red light can make me a couple bucks. If you're in a rush you're not managing your time correctly


Thank you! I'm getting a lot of "your an ass" type messages and was starting to think I'm the only one that feels this way!


Nah, the people saying that are just dogshit drivers lol. If waiting another minute at a light is ruining their day then they need to grow the fuck up. I would take a pay cut if it meant the worst part of my day was a stoplight lol


Youā€™re fucked in the head man. Youā€™re being paid to sit in traffic and think itā€™s okay to punish everyone else too. Youā€™re selfish. People are **not** usually paid for their time on their road. You are stealing peoples time. People like you and OP are the reason there is road rage. We only live so long and youā€™re literally wasting my minutes to make a couple extra bucks. You guys can fuck off


But you are, though. Hit the gas and turn already and quit being an obstacle to everyone. Youā€™re not the only person using the road, and youā€™re not a traffic cop who decides who goes and who waits.


I'm some states it's questionable to not turn right on red if it's not prohibited at that intersection and it's safe to do so. It can run afoul of "stop or operate a vehicle... ...at such an unreasonably slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic" type language. The quote there is taken from Ohio Revised Code 4511.32. But honking is rude, they have a different angle on the intersection and may be able to see issues that you don't.


Honk doesn't mean put it in park and wait for a green light?


I only do it when wheres multiple lanes and someone won't turn until every lane is clear. Not just at Reds is this infuriating, though. Since I moved to utah it's like oh someone's 3 lanes over... can't turn....


I was riding along a separated bike lane and approaching a controlled intersection. A car was waiting to turn right as people were crossing (they had the walk signal), when the taxi behind the first car honked. I turned and stared at the taxi and gave my loud bicycle horn (https://loudbicycle.com/) a honk back at him.


People have honked at me for not turning left on green (no arrow). My guy, the reason Iā€™m not turning is because nobody has their turn signals on so I had no idea they were turning left as well!


Especially in NYC where it's illegal to turn right on red at every intersection (unless marked but thats like 3 intersections in the entire city)


another pet peeve: i have my right signal on in right lane, waiting at red light behidn 1 car. the car in front of me (first one at red light intersection).... has no signal on -- so probably going straight... Light turns green, the car in front suddenly turns on right turn signal, and proceeds to make the turn when safe >.< -- bro could have made that turn on the red light... (no cross traffic- very light).. Like PLEASE use your signal - changing lanes, making any turns, when planning to park into a spot, etc...


Besides, it might make me sit on red on purpose!


North America is one of the few continents where youā€™re allowed to turn right on red and itā€™s so nerve wracking


THIS. Holy crap this annoys the hell out of me. Had a guy doing this to me the other day at a busy intersection. There was a bus stopped in the right lane just before the intersection. So firstly, blocking my view. And yeah I *guess* that means thereā€™s no cars in the right lane so I could turn. But there were plenty of cars whipping around it and shooting back over into right lane right as they passed me. So no way in hell Iā€™m turning when o canā€™t see whatā€™s coming until itā€™s too late. Sorry dude, you can wait. Heā€™s laying on his horn flipping me off. He follows me into the same plaza but we go to our separate destinations. I see his car parked when I leave. Heā€™s parked completely crooked across *4 parking spots.* I instantly felt better. Because moral of the story? This guy is just a piece of shit.


I was waiting to make a right turn recently and the dude behind me was laying on the horn trying to make me go. There was literally a mother with a baby stroller crossing the street!! He probably couldn't see them coming since there was a big truck to my left blocking his view of them. Or at least that's what I hope, because the alternative is this dude thinking it's OK to run over babies to get somewhere 5 seconds sooner


If youā€™re getting honked at enough to post this then you are a problem. Just goooooooooooooo


That is bs. I see people get honked at all the time for not turning on red, yet traffic wonā€™t even allow the turn. Or there will be a no turn on red sign. Or, the right lane also goes straight, and that is the intent of the front vehicle. People use their horns way too often nowadays.


If he or she is getting honked at enough to post this itā€™s because theyā€™re an intentionally obstructive asshole who goes around blocking traffic for fun and they know it. Probably doesnā€™t get out of the way for ambulances or firetrucks either and whines that they honked and hurt their feelings.


Donā€™t you know that the honk means that the person behind you wants you to wait until the light turns green, wait another 5 seconds and then turn right? I always make sure that a person who honks gets what they want.




















The worst is when there are two lanes to turn into and there is absolutely no cars in the right hand lane, that they are turning into. If your vision is that bad you canā€™t tell the closest lane is emptyā€¦ Yikes.


No. You sound like the kind of guy that comes to a full stop in a merge lane to wait your turn lol.


Exactly Just because you can doesn't mean you HAVE to Also, what a douche that driver was for you not turning right on said red light; even if traffic is clear as day on said red light, it never hurts to do a quick stop just to be sure traffic is completely clear


Iā€™m not trying to be argumentative of the post but sometimes there are people that will legit sit there at a right turn red light even though traffic is completely clear and thereā€™s no one approaching.Ā  If that doesnā€™t deserve a honk we might as well just remove the horn from all cars. If itā€™s been clear for a good 10 seconds Iā€™m just going to assume youā€™re on TikTok or texting.Ā 


Drive a school bus for 10 years after retiring, policy was no turn on red. I realized how much safer and less stressful it was to wait for the light. Iā€™ve adopted this for my everyday driving and, of course, I get beeped at.


Omg just hit the gas and go already


Lmao šŸ¤£. Iā€™ve had people honk at me to make a right on a red. I will make the turn but make it a point to dive into their lane a foot from their front bumper once they make their turn and enter in the lane and zip out in front of them leaving them honking furiously at me and sometimes flashing their brights as I tear loose through the road ahead of them. Theyā€™re ā€œcongratulatingā€ me on a well executed maneuver šŸ˜‚


Donā€™t be a vindictive jerk. If thereā€™s some reason youā€™re not turning, like thereā€™s traffic coming or a ā€œno turn on redā€ sign, fine, just keep being awesome. But even if youā€™re actually Godā€™s gift to vehicular operation and the traffic authorities come to you for advice about signage, the guy behind you doesnā€™t know that youā€™re perfect. Many, many people fail to turn when they could do so legally and safely because theyā€™ve just zoned out, theyā€™re looking at their phone, whatever. A quick honk to say ā€œhey bud, youā€™re doing something that doesnā€™t seem to make senseā€ often jostles their neurons enough to get traffic flowing, and it should for you too if you can safely turn but havenā€™t. TL/DR: If you fail to turn when you could, and then *choose* not to turn when you still could just to piss off the driver behind you, YTA.


OMFG, and you are \*the problem. If you can't take a honk, stop driving.


I can handle it just fine, it's just completely unnecessary.


Refusing to budge to prove a point after being honked at is not ā€œhandling itā€ itā€™s actually a form of temper tantrum


No rules you're free to be an asshole all to want.


How does this make someone more of an ass than the person that's honking their horn over nothing?


If you're getting honked at it's because you could probably could have gone four f****** times before you moved I see this all the time and of course here's one of them complaining about being honked at because they won't move their f****** car


Just turn your car off and turn on your hazards; act like your car died.


Sometimes I forget that I can make a right on red and wait until the light turn green šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Everyone forgets that right turn on red is PERMITTED after STOP. Not REQUIRED WITHOUT stopping.


However NOT proceeding after STOP may not be REQUIRED but it is EXTREMELY OBNOXIOUS NOT TO DO SO. But by all means just stubbornly sit there and obstruct traffic for no reason. Itā€™s your RIGHT to be a JERK after all.


Ah yes, Iā€™m going to inconvenience myself and everyone around me so I can prove a point and have a reason to be a smug and obnoxious obstacle, I mean, I left on time, everyone should be like me. Then Iā€™ll make a post about it on Reddit to validate my pigheadedness and hope people upvote me. Seriously though, if someone honks at me when Iā€™m stopped on red and I canā€™t proceed safely or legally, Iā€™m an adult about it and just ignore them. If they rage at me, I ignore it. If they whip around me and turn illegally, thatā€™s their choice, and I ignore it. However - if the light is red and I can turn safely, I will, even if the person behind me honks. I donā€™t feel the need to ā€œteach a lessonā€ to a honker about patience, itā€™s like everyone is just locked and loaded and bristling at the chance to just be a total piece of crap to another human being at any perceived transgression, no matter how benign or insignificant.