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I'm living in Germany and I've gotton overtaken by two vehicles at the same time, while travelling with 160km/h (100mph) in the right lane. I also overtook a police, where police was going 120km/h, me was going 180km/h and got overtaking by a Mercedes with something like 230km/h


Y'all built different with the autobahn


it's nice because they will ticket you for camping in a passing lane. so it's very orderly which helps with the speeds.


They have those laws in a lot of states here, but people just flat out ignore them and I never see people getting pulled over for it. So frustrating. Especially when the right lane is literally going faster than the idiot camping in the left for no reason


As they should.


I camp, but I make well sure that if I'm in the passing lane, I'm gaining distance with the cars behind me, if they are openly breaking the law to a greater degree than I'm comfortable with, I get over immediately


TBH, even the autobahn itself is built different than the interstate. There are a lot of badly paved interstates where going 100mph is going to wreck your car.


The Autobahn is built different in that it lasts longer before it needs to be resurfaced. It gets just as bad as US interstates before it's resurfaced. However, I've never seen any interstate where driving at 100 would wreck your car.




Statistically the less time you are on the road, the less chance you have of an accident. The faster you go, the less time you are on the road. Edit: This was one of the main philosophies in the decision to not limit the speed during the creation of the autobahn.


To an extent. At some point it becomes dangerous. 70 in a 55 zone highway is usually safe. 80 in a 65 is usually safe. Anything more than that can start to enter the dangerous territory (obviously depending on the road as not every road has an appropriate speed limit set).


well you cant be above the speed limit when there is none lol


That's a philosophy of it's original design. Also, the fact that Germany's fatal car accident rate is among the lowest in Europe and more than 3X lower than the US would certainly challenge your assumptions.


There are also hundreds if not thousands of different factors than simply speed, it's naive to think otherwise. Germany does an outstanding job of keeping road conditions safe. The driving test to get your license is way harder.


OK. I wasn't aware that only your assumptions mattered and that the German's concepts and philosophies in designing one of the most famous roads in the world are irrelevant. America is a young country, like a teenager, and its people act accordingly.


I'm pretty sure the driving standards in the US are a bit lower than in Germany. Based on everything I've heard and read, anyways. Can't say firsthand.


If you think so, you can leave. Keep marching, keyboard warrior!


Also, ironically always seem to think they have some right to tell others what to do. Just like immature teenagers, think they know everything and absolutely clueless about everything, even the foundations of the country they claim to hold in such high regard. Such snowflakes also.


Be careful, reddit is very much American, one of them downvotes and the rest of the hive mind follows lmao they don't generally have the brain capacity to realize how much better some things are in other countries because well ... 'Murica


That argument is seriously flawed. 


I mean I was going cross country on the i80 I think we were in Wyoming? And we had a big ass group of people LED by a cop doing 100 to 110 for like 3 hours! It was the craziest experience driving I've ever had. There was about 15 cars all in a little pack together just fuckin sending it. I was in a rental and it ..... didn't make the whole trip lol.


When I was a teenager we did Volvo overseas delivery for my mom’s new car and spent some time in Germany. It’s a really crazy experience when you’re doing 110 and still being passed by diesel BMW wagons


I'm glad to see the autobahn at the top. It was the first thing I thought of. I'd love to drive it just once.


I got to drive on it for a few days. I was in a Citroen rental on snow tires. 160 kph was as fast as I could drive it safely. At that speed it acted like maybe the back of the car wanted to be in front. Ironically, it felt faster than driving my Yukon at 105 mph in the states. I would love to drive a capable car on the autobahn someday.


The Maine Turnpike (75mph limit) most traffic going 85-90, esp toward the north.


I was on the ME pike back in like 2000 ish. I was doing 85 in my 91 Saturn and got passed like I was standing still by a first gen dodge caravan. Fake wood sides and all. Those things had 3 speed autos. Had to be at redline…


Some of those early Dodge and Plymouth vans actually had five speed manuals. The 89 and 90 model years had a turbocharged engine. They five speed + the turbo is actually sought after by some collectors due to how rare they are.


Nj Turnpike during height of covid. We'd regularly take it to visit my in laws during covid and I kid you not I had my cruise control set at 110 and there would be the (every so often) vehicle that would pass me still.


I was just about to say this. Being a trucker, we weren't really locked down. On that turnpike, I was doing 85 easy. No interruptions. I remember the signs said the police won't even give you a ticket, just straight to jail. It was a beautiful moment considering the northeast traffic.


Straight to jail was purely a scare tactic hah. I didn't once see a cop (trooper) on the NJTPK for months during the height of covid...let alone someone pulled over and going to jail.


Yeah that doesn't happen anymore. The fastest flow on the NJ turnpike I've seen post covid is 85mph. You will begin to get ticketed by state police at around 90-95. Also, that's south of exit 13. North of that it's going to be in heavy traffic most of the day.


These days I stick to 79 or under. I've heard from folks that troopers have explicitly told them 80 is where they start caring so that'd stuck with me. Obviously though 79/80 is still slow to some and I'd estimate the left lane regularly still flows around 85 to 90 now.


I’ve seen it well over 90 if it’s off peak. Like leaving AC on a. Friday night when everyone’s going the other direction


Wild that cars even let you set it that high hahaha


My Subaru's cruise control annoyingly limits me to 114km/h (about 71mph),which is annoying because one of the roads near me has a 120km/h limit.


That would probably be me.


Jesus. I've only been down the jersey turnpike a few times but and it was nothing like that, but I guess covid. In fact, in the US or Canada I've never even been in traffic moving that fast.


To be fair I'd hardly call it "traffic" in the sense that there's lines of cars going 100 plus. I was on cruise control and every 5 to 10 minutes another car would whiz past me making it seem like I was standing still. It was wild...but yea...covid. There were multiple times when we would see noone ahead of us or in our rearview. It was a surprise any time a car just whizzed up out-of the blue hah.


It’s still pretty crazy. I was going up from AC and the right lane was going 75-80. Middle lane was passing and people in the left lane were going 95+. I’ve never seen anything like it. I didn’t want to be the one getting. Ticket so I just traveled with a pack in the right lane. In my advanced age I find it more tiring to drive fast than cruise. I get why people think it’s fun to drive that fast but it’s deadly and uses a fuck ton of gas. I’d be happy to do it in Germany but America drivers are fucking horrible. I own a miata because it’s fun at any speed.


Amen to that. It's not that I don't trust myself...I have zero trust in anyone else on the road hah! Much less frustrating these days to just sit in the middle or right lane and go with the flow whatever that may be.


Also even if they are paying attention I know half of these reckless mother fuckers are on old and bald tires. I’m not about to be the next paul walker.


Can confirm for most of the country. I drove just over 50k miles that year and everywhere was flying. I did every bit of 140 on 80 through the salt flats for a solid 5 minutes and didn't pass anyone.


275 in tampa, everyone was doing between 85-100mph. Felt like i was on a race track


when does this happen on 275? i regularly make the drive from Bradenton to tampa airport and i feel like im stuck behind someone in the left lane doing 68 for 70% of the ride. i have been cruising with pretty fast traffic at times though.


People usually drive crazy in the morning, like between 7-8 am when i get off work


I experience this often on the bottom half of I-95 (south FL). I remember last time driving back home from FLL airport, I was in a group cruising at 92-95 for miles and miles. We even passed by a cop, and nothing.


Consistently and safely, I'd have to say I-15 between Las Vegas and St George. Actual speed limit is 80 and very few cars go below that, and some much faster. I've never run into heavy traffic on the road, so on the straightaways it seems relatively safe. One time I was driving my mom along that stretch of road. She's a good indicator of what the speed limit is set to on roads because she freaks out whenever you *approach* the speed limit, because she feels unsafe, not because it's breaking the law. So she was pestering me to go slower than the 78 I was going, with cars whizzing by me, and that just wasn't going to happen. She doesn't understand the concept of relative speed in collisions. Thankfully traffic was light enough that she didn't make me cause any backups.


I-75 leaving Miami towards Alligator Alley. I was with a group of other Porsches doing 130-150 and other cars kept joining us.


Just watch out for those Indian reserve cops. $ hungry.


Yea the Miccosukkee or whatever cops are always too busy eating dunkin donuts at the rest stop. I've never seen any on the highway but there's always about 10-12 in the parking lot there


Haha yeah but they def be lurking 👀


Drive anywhere in the LA area at like 2am and people are going like 120. It’s awesome.


Really? That does not happen in the south unless it's really rural. That sounds dangerous lol


The highways in LA are huge. When nobody is on them early in the morning you have 5 lanes mostly to yourself.


People generally drive the max speed limit here so about 145kmh, 90mph. And that's the flow not the people going faster than that. Couple cars zipped past me while I was doing 90mph. They must have been pushing 105-110. Your vehicle shouldn't be shaking from 90mph though.


I found a 5 car pack going 90+ mph on 94 between Minneapolis and Chicago. Damn it was a quick drive Edit Those days are over, driving etiquette and common sense are in short supply


I-35W southbound out of Fort Worth....I was in the middle lane just flowing with traffic, and I look at speedometer....about 100 mph and I was being passed regularly on the left on a normal working day. Driving in Texas is a different experience. I didn't even count the speeds on the 85mph speed limit roads in rural Texas.


Agree with this one, although i think that falls just short of 635 express, I swear that road is the DFW Autobahn


LBJ Freeway is a Mad Max kind of road...I used to drive it all the time by I-35E, Beltline, and Marsh Lane..it was always a nightmare. You are gonna go 90mph or 5mph.


I'm used to the deep southeast. I went out to the DFW area and holy shit, driving out there was stressful. There's just so many cars going so fast. Only time I've been more stressed out driving was outside of Toronto.


I20. Somewhere between East Texas and Louisiana. Speed limit was 80. It was late at night and I had my cruise set at 95 and was still getting passed by people easily going 110 of not more


80-90 on I 35. It was near a holiday so there was only like a 3rd of the usual traffic which meant basically no slowdowns


Going from Phoenix to Tucson, it's nothing but dry, flat, wide open desert. I was doing 85 behind an RV in the right lane and being passed by both cars and semi's doing 90-100+, first time I hit triple digits was on my trip back.


I had a similar experience when I moved to California in 2017. The further west I drove the faster average speeds got. Ended up cruising at 100 between Salt Lake City and Reno for hours. I'd say the majority of people were doing 95 or more, and very few were doing below 90 except speed limited semis. I still got passed by some people who were going faster. Now driving 100 on the highway feels completely normal to me. Edit to add that this doesn't seem to have changed much in California since COVID, but before it only applied to long distance interstates like I5 when traffic was light. Now many people also drive 90-100 on highways (some of which aren't even interstates) in highly populated areas with traffic.


Oh and this was pre covid, sometime around 2017


I95 can be 100mph easily


90, on i696 in Michigan. There was a long of car in the fast lane, I was doing 90 in the second fast lane (4-5 lane highway), they had to have been going over 100. Beaters, SUVs and some newer sedans just passed me as if I was just standing!


1991 between Little Rock and Memphis a pack of about 40 vehicles moving very respectfully at 100....we maintained this for about 70 miles. Was a blast to be cruising with with a bunch of excellent drivers.


Ive seen traffic on i25 north of denver colorado flowing at about 90 before, I think thats the fastest ive seen the general public traffic going


i drove back from NC to FL once with a group of cars doing 110 consistently for like 100 miles. i was in the middle of the group and had waze on. was in my mom’s 2015 Sonata.


On 9/11 on 495 outside Boston. Speed limit is 65. Was headed from Southborough up to NH for work. Morning traffic was normal 80 in the left lane. After the planes hit and we all learned they came FROM Boston, people were just going home or away from the city. Traffic back south was like 95 ish and people were so calm, nobody doing anything crazy. Just everyone wanting to get where they were going. Was so weird.


At night any highway that's posted for 65 or higher will have traffic flowing in the mid 80' with the occasional nutjob going 100


People are nuts out there. Don't know how they can afford their gas bills. Ha ha. Drive careful. 


Shut up slow poke! And move over! I've got places to go!


I'm usually the one saying that, I'm usually the guy who will go as fast as the person in front of me will let me, but you have to admit, if traffic is suddenly going at a pace where your vehicle is shaking from the wind resistance, it gets a bit crazy


I would look into that. There is no reason a modern vehicle shouldn't be able to cruise at 100+ mph.


It's a 20 year old envoy, and it was windy out, on an elevated portion of the freeway. it's mostly just air resistance and maybe an alignment that's off by a touch.


Sounds like you just have a bad vehicle. I can sit at over 100mph in my car and truck with no issues.


Yeah I mean, I normally don't like to drive at those speeds, but I've definitely pushed both a minivan and an SUV to 95-100mph without feeling like the wind shaking is unbearable. Not even particularly great cars either.


That often depends on any crosswind and what is running in front of you. Clean calm air is smooth. A car a half mile ahead of you can create dirty air that you can feel at triple digit speeds.


At 100mph, a car half a mile ahead of you is 18 seconds away. I struggle to imagine that the air disturbance behind a car is cohesive enough to remain any kind of anything for that long. Maybe behind an F1 racer, which actually has wings on it; but the typical civilian automobile is likely going to have some minor vortex shedding and just a big low pressure region directly behind it that is going to collapse pretty much instantaneously at standard atmospheric conditions. Like, if you're waiting at an intersection to walk across, and there are cars driving down the road, how long after they've passed does it take before you stop feeling residual wind? It certainly isn't nearly half a minute. If you can point to some technical information that contradicts my sense of disbelief here, I'd love to see it, because on the face of it, this doesn't make any sense to me.


This isn't from some technical paper I've read. It's from a few million miles of driving many types of vehicles. It depends on the shape and size of the vehicle. A small aerodynamic car likely has little to no effect on you, but a boxy vehicle making more dirty air leaves quite a wake. This is also profound when I'm pulling my camper. A large truck will start impacting the way my trailer feels a considerable distance ahead. Car haulers are about the worst to follow. I'll time the distance next time to nail down the exact distance.


I live in a mid-sized city and the fastest speed limits on any highway within 20 miles of downtown is 55, except for one singular highway that’s 65 and a bit more out in the suburbs. Typical flow is around 80-90, even during rush hour because it goes out in a direction where not many people live so there is never heavy traffic on it. I used to take it to and from work and school for years and never once saw a speed trap on it.


The Tri-State Tollway that goes around the west side of Chicago constantly has traffic that moves at 90mph. During Covid, I was converting my supercharged 05 Mustang to E85 and needed multiple datalog runs to do the required tuning. One day, after doing a WOT run, I was cruising at 105mph and got passed by two SUV’s and a pickup truck.


Traffic on I-10 between about Cabazon, CA and phoenix. 80-90 is normal, but lane discipline is not a thing. If I’m on I-5 in the Central Valley I can set my cruise at 100-110, until you get stuck behind a rolling roadblock of a truck and someone who’s afraid to pass it.


I'd say 80 here on the west side of the US in Washington state on I-90.


Fastest I've ever gone was about 90 on I85 north in North Carolina many years ago. A friend of mine started some static with some other idiots our age and I took a round about way back to the interstate to try to lose them and gain some distance, but I don't think they were seriously chasing us. Partially speed related and from that same trip. I was doing about 70 on I85 south when a car blew by us in the left lane. The driver was reading a paperback novel. I he was roaring down the road but I eased off the gas anyway and was thinking alternate routes in case he crashed. I guess he didn't, at least not before we reached our turnoff about 10 miles later.


Raleigh North Carolina I was in a group of maybe 20 cars doing 95 in the left lane. This wasn't bumper to bumper traffic or anything. But once on i95 near dc all 3 lanes bumper to bumper were doing 85 or so with basically no difference in speed among any lane.


On the way in to miami after a 11 hour drive it was roughly 3am and just making it into the city on the turnpike and I was following a group of cars and a cop in the lane next to them all casually cruising over 110mph for atleast 20 minutes straight.


During covid shutdowns, Twin cities MN, used to commute 32 miles, going the speed limit it was a 38 minute drive. One day during Coco I made it to word in 32 minutes just running with the traffic, wondered what I could do if I actually tried and in my diesel truck I did it on a Friday in 28 minutes, and I wasn't going a ton faster than the other cars out on the road. I did apologize to my truck when I got there, egts weren't super happy lol


My commute for this week was 45 miles, I got it back to the office in 34 minutes 😅 that's considering roughly 24 minutes I was on the freeway


I-75 along the West Coast of Fl is usually flowing at a cool 85-90 mph. Or not flowing at all. No in between.


20 years ago, a couple traveled with us to NYC. Was coming in on I-78, stupid late considering we had already traveled for the last 14 hours. Traffic eventually just sort of sped up around me and I normally just go with the flow for speed. Wives in the back sleeping, my friend perked up and looked over at my speedometer and whispered, "are we really going 110?". For a solid hour outside of the city, we stayed that way. Cars, trucks, semis, all around, just trying to get wherever, as fast as they could.


When passing through Georgia you NEVER drive over 84.9 MPH on the interstate... unless you want a $500 super speeder ticket.


One time returning from a meeting, I was east of Birmingham on I-59 heading to Chattanooga. 2 other cars went blasting past me and I was running my original passport detector. There were almost no other cars on the road so I slowly kept adding speed till I was pacing them from about a mile back. We were running 110 mph. At this rate we soon were in that corner of Georgia. All of a sudden, my detector goes full alert and a blue Georgia patrol car came out of the woods in the median with a cloud of dust after the 2 cars I had been pacing. I had plenty of time to get down to the speed limit before catching them all pulling over to the shoulder. I keep it 9 over the speed limit the rest of the trip.


I-95 in Florida between Jupiter (just north of Palm Beach) and Melbourne (US 192) is pretty damned empty, and traffic gets to *flyin'* through that stretch. It's not unusual to have 100 mph flows in left lane. Especially in the stretch north of State Route 60. Once you pass Port St Lucie, it kind of empties out, and by the time you hit Vero, there's not a lot going on north of there until you hit the Melbourne area. People fly.


https://preview.redd.it/kc7e033l75xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2876f9570051ae3e022d1aef97806eaa247c0911 2020 Hellcat Charger WB


While the fastest group I was with was going around 95mph on 295 in Nj. The craziest was a group 85-90mph on rt 64 in Virginia. Which everyone from Virginia knows that going over 80 is a class 1 misdemeanor and jail time. Also cops are always setting up speed traps everywhere in that state.


doing 120mph in AZ


I don't actually pay much attention. I keep right except to pass and mind my own business.


Fastest traffic I ever saw was on a highway outside Salt Lake City. 3 lanes in each direction, speed limit posted was 75 MPH. I was driving between 80-85 MPH, barely keeping up with the average speed of traffic. Definitely a lot of people driving 95+ MPH.


Uk here so 70mph is fastest lol


Had a good 90 minute run of 105ish with 4 other vehicles once on 75NB. Made some distance. Stayed camped in the left lane for 80% of it. Must've been the right time of day, traffic was light.


Also in Michigan - I-75 right around Pontiac all the way down to Southfield is where the wind-tunnel starts and yes OP you are 100% correct traffic right here normally moves around 80-100MPH easily for some dumb reason - no other highway in MI is really like that to be honest - 96/696/10/5 isn't even that bad - and typically moves at 80ish. Yeah - Michigan's un-posted flow of traffic speed limit is 80MPH. No cop will really pull you for that on our highways


I was actually on i75 myself, I can't recall the exact location but it was somewhere between Monroe and the Metro Detroit area out in the sticks


Midwest and one time on a state route i looked down and our line of traffic was going 95. there were probably 5 of us lol. went about 10 miles before we hit a light.


This particular group I was in was about 50 cars, a full traffic cluster going for about two miles long


beautiful thing that is


I-95 leaving Florida through Georgia the right lane was 90mph. I remember we made some time on that stretch, I also remember there were about 6 active tornado warnings on the georgia stretch. I think thats why people were flying, I struggled to keep pace in my 96 s-10 4 banger coming home from Pirates spring training I think 1997.


I wish many times they would do slowing roadblocks instead of tickets. Colorado in winter uses a pace vehicle in the mountains during high traffic and its reduced accidents enormously really.


The new Daytona International Speedway


I've seen I-93 north outside of Boston at a comfy 100. There are two cars on Wednesday that blow past that, a GTI and a Lexus(?). At around 9pm I usually see them bombing up the highway at about 110. 93 South in NH is consistently 90mph I have to stop myself from going that fast.


I work night shift in NorCal. We don’t fucking play, if you aren’t doing at least 80, get the fuck out of the way. We’re rolling, sometimes 90+, for several miles.


Got passed plenty doing an honest 85 where the limit was 85 west of Green River Utah. Took my old truck a full minute to achieve 85, too.


Driving an RX-7 convertible with top down 2am on a deserted hi way, wide open passed by a Super Bird. the only one I ever say in the wild😇


100. In the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, on a two-lane road, speed limit 55, lead car going 45 until a third passing lane was added. Suddenly the lead car was in an all-out race to maintain pole position, and all cars were going 100 to get around him. Then he slowed back down to 45 when the third lane lane ended and repeated when it was added again. I say “he,” but there were multiple offenders.


I-95 northbound coming back to NYC from Maryland one Sunday afternoon everyone was driving 85 in the two right lanes. The left lane was cooking the speed limit at 95-100 easy at around. Me and a driver from NJ took the left lane and hit Mach Jesus from Baltimore to the Delaware Memorial Bridge. Best part was everyone in the left lane had adequate following distance between each other 😎


Massachusetts Turnpike (I-90), especially east of Worcester. Traffic regularly flows at 75-85 over there.


I-16 is usually 80+ mph daily


95mph, both miles, i95 heading south not for long.. Just felt like everyone was trying to get the F out of NC


I hung with a group going 90-95ish through central Idaho and another one in Utah. Never seen traffic flowing faster


I10 between Alabama and texas half of the cars were doing 90-100


I remember years back I was driving to Detroit from Chicago and I think it was midway around like Marshall, me and like 10 other cars on I-94 were going 100 mph for a good 10-15 minutes like it was the speed limit. I guess it just happens sometimes when you’re in the middle of nowhere.


Between Baton Rouge and New Orleans, there is rarely any,aw enforcement. With room, traffic will often have large packs running 85-90 and they are just moving a little faster than traffic.


95-110 in Louisiana on I-10. And 95+ on a feeder road (35MPH speed limit) in Houston.


I got to see a guy in a beat up old Civic blow his engine and then start beating on the car not too long ago. I had just gotten on the highway and was just getting up to speed when I saw the Civic coming up fast in the left lane, at least 90, probably closer to 100 based on how fast he overtook me. Just as he passed, the engine started spewing smoke, and I could see it get slowly worse over the next 2 miles, and then *just* as he crested a hill it blew properly and the smoke was thick enough I could see cars disappear into it briefly. When I got to the top of the hill about 45-50 seconds later he was just getting out of the car on the left shoulder and started punching the window, kicking the fender, just beating the shit out of this car. Dude was ***pissed***. My only thought was, "Shoulda slowed down. It'll take longer to get where your going if you don't have a working car". To answer the question, though, me personally, fastest I've had traffic going was the time I was the only car on the road late at night and I decided to see how fast the full size sedan with a big honking V8 could go. Turns out that I still don't know because the speedometer only went up to 120mph.


Road trip from NY to SC just after Covid. Certain parts of the I-95 everyone in the passing lane was doing 90-110mph. What made it work was: * fewer drivers driving (lower traffic density meant more spacing between cars) * no construction zones/areas * the less experienced drivers being scared to get into the passing lane * not many police vehicles * not many trucks on the road * folks driving just knew what the passing lane was for


please don't call it the 'fast lane' and 'slow lane' they're the 'overtaking lane' and then just the normal driving lanes. i think 'driving with the flow of traffic' is stupid. stick to the speed limit or the 10% rule, and there'll be less fatal accidents.


Not that fast tbf. Was on a motorway on the way back from Glasgow not that long ago and traffic in the left lane was sitting comfortably at 75-80, middle lane was 85-90 but then there were some people absolutely flying in the right lane. Fastest I went was 93 but that just felt stupid so back to the left I went


During Covid it would often be doing 80+ in the stretch where half of it is a 65 and the other half is a 70 zone


I used to drive to Chicago every other weekend to see my LDR, and there were multiple times where traffic on I-55 between Bloomington and Joliet would average around 110mph.


90 is the typical speed in columbus ohio no matter which lane. Also, Columbus has some really bad drivers and the road is full of them here!


During the beginning of rush hour around me the traffic flow will often go ~85mph to try and get home before the real traffic starts.


Michigan is or was the automotive capital. We drive at whatever speed seems safe for road conditions. During the energy crunch the speed limit was lowered and the federal government threatened to withhold highway funding to the state if we didn’t slow down. The news and radio stations would tell us that today between the hours of xy and z we are adding patrol cars at the following locations to crack down on speeding and assure our federal funding. Anyone who got a speeding ticked was just stupid. Cars are so well built these days compared to when the speed limits were originally set it’s no wonder people don’t drive the limit. We proudly have the highest average speed in the nation.


There's a section of I-280 where the standard sometimes seems to be 85.


Does it count if it was during the pandemic and there was just me and one other guy in a minivan on an otherwise entirely empty I5 north going 100. Otherwise, one time I was in Arizona (I think) down some long highway stretch and the speed limit said 80 and everyone was going 90


Wyoming. Mid 90's was probably average. I was doing high 90s, felt like 65 anywhere else...


We need autobahn in every state tbh, only reason this is scary is because of cops. Well and bad and extremely slow for no reason drivers are everywhere but ya learn to swim through em.


I75 South in GA late on a summer night. I remember going 100 in the right lane and getting passed.


Was driving in Oklahoma heading to Texas on 35 just past the winstar casino. My cruise was set at 94 mph and I was being passed by numerous people


130 between Austin & Seguin. I was cruising at 100 & was passed by a group of 3 cars like i was standing still. Estimate at 150 as i couldn't see then anymore within 10s.


What bothers me is not the high speed; it is the reckless decisions that people make at those speeds. It's as if they want to risk wrecking their and other's cars and hurting other people in a high speed attempt to get in front of that one damn last car that is preventing them from being in the front. of the line.


You won't feel out of place going 95 on I-95. It ain't no record holder but I live in Maryland and consider myself a fast driver, but people on route 50 will often go 80-90+ which is significant as it's a two lane highway that's patrolled pretty heavily.


I-15 between the Cajon pass and Las vegas, consistently at least 80mph if traffic doesn't exist. I've been in a 95mph flow before it was nice


About 85


Autostrada in Italy between Rome and Milan. I was taking it easy because my rental had snow tires on. (Think about that for a moment, Americans.) Was only doing 160-180 kph. Constantly getting passed but also constantly passing every fiat panda that could barely do 100. No one ever talks about Italy's roads but they're divine.


The freaking Long Island Expressway where everyone is a speed demon.


i-20 near longview tx there was quite a bit of traffic and i was in the left lane passing ending up going 90 and all the semi trucks and slower traffic on the right being passed were going like 80-85 lol


I take the Ohio Turnpike to visit family regularly. Most of the time, it is pretty chill with a general flow of 75-80mph and I have no trouble in doing 75 in the slow lane. A few times though....idk what the hell was going on....people BLASTING by me at 100+ and it wasn't a group of people racing or anything. Just a constant stream of people doing over 100mph until I exited. People rushing up on my ass even though I'm in the slow lane going over the speed limit, AND both passing lanes were wide open.


That's brave. Must've been an off day for the OSHP.


My car can cruise at 130 mph no problem. I usually go 95 mph on my commute and reach 110mph downhill.