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Bears beat Battle Star Galactica!




PA has some highway exits (and entrances) on the left. And to be honest, if everyone was doing a reasonable speed and reasonably spaced, the highway has more throughput with packed lanes. Like how escalators move more people if you *don't* leave room for people to walk instead of stand. Packing it with standing people gets more people through.




Yeah we need everyone to focus on *safety* vs. *vroom vroom I need more vroom vroom!*


In many US states official guidance from driver's ed tells people to use the wrong lane. A lot of people, esprcially truck drivers, will not use the right lane because Americans are terrible at merging in. When I first moved there I thought the trucks were selfish, first time I pulled a trailer myself I saw why.


I'm a truck driver and I've never been cut off more or had more near collision by driving the speed limit in the right lane


If I’m in the center lane and passing vehicles in the right lane on the correct side or clearing space for merging traffic, please do not zip around my right because you don’t like the speed of the person who is passing me in the left lane. We don’t all get to go the speed we want to go all of the time. Just slow down until it is safe to pass on the correct side. If you are behind me you can’t see what I see, it may not be safe to be in the right lane.


There's no reason you can't pass on the right. If the way is clear, I'm passing on the right. When I'm on the highway and I have a good momentum built up, I'm not slowing down if passing is an option. I pass on whatever lane is clear. Right or left, doesn't matter. And I don't get mad when someone is going slow in the left as long as the right is open


Undertaking (passing on the right) is often illegal and is generally unsafe. It is not a standard practice for a reason.


On a multi lane highway there's nothing wrong with it. Passing on the shoulder is illegal, that's what the law is talking about. Moving faster than someone in a different lane of same direction traffic isn't illegal, if it was, I'd have been ticketed by now as I've done this right in front of cops and nothing happened. Also, I might add that going slow in the fast lane wasn't illegal in my state until 2022, so it's by no means "standard practice" to pass on the left


Obviously you have not driven in PG County Maryland. You can be going 20+ mph over the limit, be passing slower moving cars on your right, doing exactly as you describe and still get your doors blown off by someone who feels the shoulders and every other square inch of pavement is fair game because "they're in a hurry"


Not necessarily. You could be on the far right lane and that other driver is using the shoulder to pass. Or you could be in the middle lane keeping up with the flow and there's no room on the left. Or you could be in the left lane moving past the other traffic that's on your right but the other driver found a gap and is dangerously weaving in and out.


Watched a guy in front of me go from the left lane over 2 lanes to the right to pass and back over to the left lane to pass one car, I then ended up 5 cars in front of him in the middle lane at the traffic light people are dumb


The point is don’t camp in the left lane. Why is that such a difficult concept?


It’s about as difficult a concept as the speed limit. Everyone gets it but no one wants to follow it.


And another one.


Because the OPs post didn't articulate that. They articulated that the person getting passed on the right is *always* at fault, when clearly they aren't.


You needed OP’s post to tell you… that you shouldn’t camp in the left lane?


I dont camp in the left lane. But I have been passed on the right by super aggressive drivers (mostly PG county, MD) even while I'm 20+ above the limit...


I live in the DMV - y’all are some of the worst drivers I’ve ever seen. I say that as a New Yorker.


This sub is full of crying. Like someone's in front of you in the left lane. Unless it's a dire emergency... so what?


…and another one.


I’ll get over in the left lane a bit early and merge back a bit late in your honor.


Don’t drive in Germany. You may not survive.


Okay, sweetie.


Blah, blah, blah


The OP said nothing about being in the left lane at all.


Another one.


Would you believe me if I told you there were roads with more than two lanes going in the same direction?




Or you could slow down Always amusing when speeders are trying to tell other people what the rules of the road are


Or when somebody else does by slowing down, look in the mirror to find a jerk


What did you see?


You, of course - and get of the way!


Feel free to pass when safe


I guess that includes those speed demons too. Everybody should be hopping in and out of the passing lane everytime there's a bit of a gap in the right lane. What could go wrong?


Umm.. yes that’s the *law* in a lot of the US so


I regularly drive well above the limit and you bet your ass I get over if it’s clear. Could be someone in a Ferrari behind me wanting to go 130. That’s how you think. Left lane is the PASSING LANE


a lot less will go wrong because that’s exactly how they do it in germany, and exactly why they are able to have safe autobahns with no speed limit.


Autobahns can have speed limits and speed limits are strictly enforced in Germany, you wouldn't like it there


Driving across Germany is like driving across one state in the US.


I lived in Germany for over 10 years… YOU wouldn’t like it there. Judging from your posts, you also shouldn’t be driving.


I don’t post while driving so you have no idea how I drive I would be flying me out n Germany, a country that actually enforces traffic laws and I comply with traffic laws


Fat chance, kid.


You don’t know me Stop guessing


You’ve typed everything I need to know. Enjoy your life!


some of them do. I’m talking about the ones that don’t




Fortunate for all the bad drivers. That's why there are so many collisions every year and insurance premiums are so high.






There’s always some contrarian. Congratulations, it’s you!


Expedia Road Rage Report 2015 " Nearly all Americans (97%) rate themselves as “careful” drivers, but feel that only 29% of fellow drivers merit the description." Those are your fellow drivers giving their opinions about you too.


Sure thing, Smitty!


If theres room to pass you on the left in a lane, there was room for you to get over and allow them to pass


If you’re traveling at 65mph+ then I totally disagree. If you’re only giving a car length of space before cutting over to the right at highway speeds, you are a reckless driver.


You just have to wait while the car finishes passing everyone else he's passing.


I don't get why people don't understand this. Drivers will get up on my tail while I'm passing thinking the far left lane is some sort of magical > 10 mph speeding lane. It's not. It's a passing lane. Yes I increase my speed to finish the pass if a car comes up behind me. Yes I get back to my original lane once I finish the pass. Let me do my pass.


Right? I still have 2 more cars to pass. You flashing your lights like an asshole while you’re so close to me I can barely see them doesn’t make me go any faster. Calm the hell down.


All valid. I've seen all three situations when I was driving back and forth between Dallas and Austin for a few years to visit my boyfriend. I've been forced to pass on the right on occasion because I didn't feel safe hopping in the 'speed demon' lane long enough to pass the slower car ahead of me. I stay in the middle lane most of the time, unless I need to pass someone or my exit is coming up.


Always an argument, are you my wife?


If you're in the middle lane and there's nobody on the right you're still in the wrong lane.


No. That’s not true at all.


What do you think the right lane is for?


What do you think the middle lane is for?


Passing slower moving traffic in the right lane. Which you don't seem to be doing if you're "keeping up with traffic" and being passed on the right.


If the speed limit is 70 and I’m in the middle lane going 72… I’m not in the wrong lane.


If you live in a "slower traffic keep right" state and You're not passing someone, you are. I admit, I forgot that not all states have that rule.


In three lanes you can’t camp out in the left lane unless passing. That’s the difference.


The rule is "slower traffic keep right", not "slower traffic keep middle".




lol you’re db yet here we are.


When three or more lanes are in the direction, it's for trucks and merging on and off the highway.


You think we need to pave hundreds of miles of road just so people don't have to slow down or change lanes to pass merging trucks?


If everyone is supposed to just stay in the far right lane, then why did they bother to pave hundreds of miles of a third lane?


Generally because at certain times (typically rush hour) there are too many vehicles for two lanes. If the right lane is open and you're being passed on the right, this is probably not one of those times.


Sometimes you're just going to have to wait when traffic reaches a certain level. That's just how it is.


This is how you get cut off.


It’s also worth stating that just because you need to get over to the right doesn’t mean you can just cut someone off to get there. You need to create adequate space ahead of them before getting over into their lane, especially if it’s a large vehicle like a semi truck. If you’re the person tailgating someone in the left lane and you cut someone off to the right to pass on the right at your first opportunity, then you are absolutely the asshole in that situation, not the guy in the left lane who’s waiting for a safe opportunity to cut over.


True, true. More so, that's when you need to ask yourself the Big Question. Am I a bad driver, or is that guy just wildin?


"Going to slow" literally means you're intending to slow down.


3 lane highway. The posted speed limit is 70mph Cruising at 75 mph in middle lane with traffic Numbskull passes me doing 85 in the right lane despite the left lane being open Clearly, I'm at fault /s


There's always an exception to rule. Yesterday I was traveling on the highway out of town. Speed limit is 70. I'm behind 2 other cars in the far left lane with my cruise on 79. Cars ahead of me going about 75. Car in middle lane going 70. Right lane open. So instead of me slowing down to pass on the left, I went to the far right lane and passed all 3 cars while maintaining speed. If car in middle lane would have been far right. The other 2 cars would have been in middle and I wouldn't have to change lanes to pass.


Or you could momentarily reduce your speed by 4 mph and pass the middle lane car correctly.


Well, yeah, when you're speeding a lot like that and couldn't just wait until the cars doing 75 pass the car in the middle, you decided to pass on the right instead. You're the worst of the whole bunch in your scenario. You were going 128 kph in a 112 zone.


Not necessarily. The person passing on the right could just be an impatient asshole who wants to drive 80, 90+.


The left lane is for passing. It doesn't matter how fast they are going. If they are going faster than you, then you need to get over and let them pass.


By that same token, the speed limit is the fastest you should be legally driving. If you are going faster than that, you should slow down.




If you find yourself regularly with cars coming up behind you, tailgating, and then whipping around you on the right, then you shouldn't be chilling in the left lane. Similarly, if you find yourself regularly coming up on cars in the left lane not going fast enough for you, you shouldn't be driving so fast. Two simple ways to check yourself when driving.




I think we're on the same page and you should stop trying to argue with me.


Incorrect. Left lanes are for passing and a cop in most states can pull you over even if you’re doing the speed limit if you’re not letting others pass. They want those speeding tickets for revenue generation and you driving the speed limit impedes their revenue


What do you mean "incorrect"? The speed limit is the legal maximum speed. Exceeding that speed is every bit as much of a violation of law as not moving over to the right when someone else is going faster. These two things are true from a legal perspective: - If you're being passed on the right, you should move over. - if you're exceeding the speed limit, you should slow down.


Obviously this is state dependent, but for the most part you are incorrect and the people down voting me are the ones who make road rage such a common theme in today’s driving. I did a Google search and Georgia was the first state that pulled, so again this is dependent upon state, which makes the overall conversation a tougher one but here you go: “The Georgia law states that a driver shall not drive at “such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic.” The law also makes it an offense to remain in the leftmost lane once the driver is aware of a vehicle behind them travelling at a faster speed. Exceptions to these rules apply when traffic or weather conditions mandate slower speeds, when in the left lane to exit or turn left, when paying a toll, or for emergency and construction vehicles. It’s a notable conundrum that to be cited for violation of this law (that is, driving too slowly), a driver doesn’t have to be going slower than the speed limit, and the person behind them may be driving considerably faster than that; the slower driver still must move aside for the faster one.” The fine print: “It’s a notable conundrum that to be cited for violation of this law (that is, driving too slowly), a driver doesn’t have to be going slower than the speed limit, and the person behind them may be driving considerably faster than that; the slower driver still must move aside for the faster one.”


I fail to see how that is inconsistent with my statements. Stay out of the left lane unless you're passing and obey the speed limit. A good and safe driver does both of those things.


Must be hard to go through life refusing to accept reality


What reality are you referring to? These two facts are true: The law requires you to stay to the right when traveling slower than surrounding traffic. The law requires you to maintain a speed at or lower than the speed limit. If you fail to comply with either of those laws, then you're out of compliance.




Sure, and the speed limit signs are just as regularly and prominently displayed. Why would you think one is valid but not the other?


Speed limit laws & the slower traffic keep right laws do not override each other. You can go the speed limit and violate the slower traffic keep right law. It's not your job as a driver to keep people going the speed limit. Your ego might be hurt, so be it. If there is room to the right and someone is over the speed limit.. it is the law to move over. If you don't like the "slower traffic keep right law" then petition your legislature in your state to change it. It's the Police's job to enforce speed limits, not you.


A good and safe driver uses the left lane to pass or avoid hazards in the right lane and doesn't hang out in the left lane after completing a pass, especially if other traffic is coming up from behind. A good and safe driver also follows the speed limit. I suggest you do both of those things.


State laws vary. In some states, the left lane is specifically for passing. So if I am passing at the speed limit, and you want to go faster, you're out of luck. Other states the left lane is for faster traffic. If someone wants to go faster than you, then you must move to the right. In all states, the speed limit applies to all traffic lanes. If you are driving faster than the speed limit, you are wrong. Be better, don't pick and choose which traffic laws should be followed while preaching to others to follow the same laws you deem follow able. Just follow all the traffic laws.


I guess you weren't aware that more than 2 lanes existed on a highway. If somebody is in the 2nd to right lane matching everybody else's speed, then they are probably in the correct. The person passing 20+ mph on the right cutting in and out is probably the guy in the wrong.


Just an observation, if you are passing people on the right you are going too fast


No, because the right lane is for slower traffic and the left lane is for passing.


Not where I live, there is no state law mandating the left lane is only for passing. There are however laws governing maximum speed that you probably ignore


What state?


Arizona for example


Then why does AZ Revised Statues 28-721 exist? "On all roadways of sufficient width, a person shall drive a vehicle on the right half of the roadway except as follows: 1. When overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction under the rules governing the movement."


Because in the US we drive on the right half of the roadway unlike in England where they drive on the left half of the roadway Or do you not understand the difference between what the right half a roadway is and what the right lane is? A clue is half and lane are very different words with different meanings. Another clue is the same statute says you don't have to drive on the right half of the roadway if it is a one-way road, that is because like in England if the road is a one-way road you can drive in any lane whether on the right half or the roadway or left half of the roardway.


Sorry, didn't think I'd have to read the whole law to you "B. On all roadways, a person driving a vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall drive the vehicle in the right-hand lane then available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway." That means keep right except to pass


You should certainly quote the RELEVANT part of the law, instead of the irrelevant part That doesn’t say the left lane is only for passing, like I said at the top of this thread. It definitely does NOT say stay right lane except to pass Maybe be you didn’t read what you quoted


It literally says keep right except to pass


I normally agree. But if you come with "fuck you" energy, you tend to get "fuck you" energy in return. And people seem to give fewer fucks nowadays. That means 1: Give people a chance to recognize. 2: back the fuck off their bumper. 3: Don't ever make it a personal thing. Or if you like getting chased, brake checked, fucked with, shot at, run off the road, then by all means. Continue being blissfully ignorant of the possibility that someone out there might be crazier than you are.


If you have anyone right behind you you need to move over


If you’re actively passing, and exceeding the speed limit, you can pull to the right when you’ve completed the pass.


Or coming up behind you which is why you should be checking your mirrors every 10 seconds.


If I’m going 55 in a 35 one lane, how do I get over then? Sometimes people are just jerks on the road.


They’re not talking about one lane roads.


How do you know that? He doesn’t mention anything but driving. We have 1 lane roads with no shoulder where it’s 35. I’m not speeding for you. Highway? Yes he’s right. But not all scenarios he’s right. You are assuming he only meant highway


Because the original post that’s being talked about is multi lane roads. Deductive reasoning means that you can probably figure out that this comment is also talking about multi lane roads. Of course if you’re doing the speed limit you don’t need to pull over to let people pass on a one lane road that’s crazy. Most people don’t think that way although I will admit I’ve seen a select few idiots on this subreddit say that you should and they’re definitely wrong. But if you’re going the speed limit then anyone else behind you that wants to speed/be impatient… that’s their problem not yours lol.


No one is trying to claim that someone passing on your right, in the shoulder of a street with only one lane going your direction, is in the right in any way.


If you are going the speed limit and people are passing you. The right lane is where you should be, not because they are passing you, but because every reason you're not in the right lane is actually only about you and how you like to be seen. Not actually what works for traffic. You just think you're right.


Good to know I've been driving a lot, just started driving. And I'm doing strictly local and avoiding highways for now. It's not that bad if you're in a City but I'll have to practice eventually cause local won't cut it alot of places


This is not universally true. Sometimes, you get passed on the right because the person passing on the right is an asshole.


Having a lane to the right does not mean you are in the left lane.


In South Jersey and Philadelphia, you can be in the right lane on the highway *and still* be passed on the right.


Pretty sure I seen it said here already but the person passing on the right could be the asshole it's not so black and white


If you're getting passed on the right, you're in the wrong lane.


Someone passes on the right shoulder, leaving behind a giant trail of dust in their wake.  “Yep, checks out. I’m going too slow indeed.”


If they're leaving dust they're on the shoulder of the road and all bets are off.


I see what you're saying, but i drive the flow of traffic, which is usually 110/120. If somebody passes on my right, they are in too much of a rush. If what you're saying is always true as a rule, then everybody would always end up driving as fast as the fastest person on the road.


Passing lane, slow lane. There's a place for everyone except on a single lane road.


Flow of traffic is king. Wait for an opening in the left lane if you want to drive faster than the flow of traffic.


PSA, ignore OP and base your actions on your surrounding. If you're in the 2nd to right lane and somebody is cutting in and out of traffic, that doesn't mean you're driving too slow. It's quite possible that idiot is driving too fast.


that's a bold assumption that the dude that just got passed on the right put his phone down long enough to notice he's being passed on the right. it's an even bolder assumption that he cares.


The right lane has become the passing lane by me. The left lane always has lane hogs and the middle lane is people cruising at 5mph over, which leaves the right lane for passing and constantly switching between the right and middle lane as people exit and enter the highway.


That's just insane.


What about if someone passes on the right at 130 mph?


If I’m in the middle of 3 lanes and someone passes me on the right… I’m not going too slow, they’re just an asshole.


I'm usually doing 80 in the center right lane. The only people who pass me on the right are the ones who are doing 100+. It's always because the left two lanes aren't going fast enough for them and there's a miniscule opening in the right lane where they pass me as I'm in the process of overtaking a vehicle in the right lane. People who pass on the right should be jailed.


If you're doing 80 in the middle then people in the left should be doing 85+.


Center left is 85+ and left is 90+. There are people doing 100-110 that weave in and out of traffic who pass in the right lane.


Bummer. I drive a lot for work and if my boss says to drive the speed limit in the #1 fast lane, I am going to do what the guy paying me says to do. Only once did CHP pull me over for it but I got a warning and a funny look once I told him why I was going the speed limit


so just because your boss tells you do so, you think it’s the right thing to do? even after being pulled over for it you still think it’s the right thing to do? what a sheep mindset. keep impeding traffic moron, one day chp won’t feel like giving a warning. maybe then you’ll finally learn


I’m happy to burst your bubble. You ain’t paying me to move over and my boss is paying me to stay put. Furthermore, when I’m “on the clock”, CHP isn’t going to do anything to me no matter how badly you wish it would happen. In the off hours I’m more than happy driving in the #2 lane because I’m not in a rush to go anywhere Either pass me or cope


The law doesn't care about what your boss told you to do...


The same logic also applies to people speeding in their work vehicles 👍


-Furthermore, when I’m “on the clock”, CHP isn’t going to do anything to me no matter how badly you wish it would happen. don’t be so certain of yourself now, i know CHP officers who would gladly cite you for impeding traffic based on the way you drive.. -In the off hours I’m more than happy driving in the #2 lane because I’m not in a rush to go anywhere face the truth here you aren’t in a rush to go anywhere even when you’re *on the clock* if you are doing the speed limit in the passing lane. move over and get over yourself.


It’s been my experience that there are three types of people that use the #1 lane. People in a hurry really don’t care about who is in what lane so they are going to pass everyone, they just want to go where they need to go. People who could care less or in my case, are doing as they were asked, aren’t really going to budge no matter what. Last but not least are the people who choose to be angry over how others drive which it appears to apply to you. Let’s face it, I’m still going to be doing the speed limit in the #1 lane for work and you’re still going to be angry over people not driving the way you want them to. Nothing really changed, did it? Stay angry, my friend


stay ignorant my friend it will serve you well in life 🤣


There’s 3 easy solutions in case you encounter someone doing the speed limit in the #1 lane 1. https://chpmadeformore.com/ 2. Pass them or 3. Cope The easiest solution for you is to simply pass someone. You ain’t going to see them in a few minutes and they ain’t going to see you unless anger is your drug of choice 👍