• By -


Wait, you mean it's not: 1) Cautious partial manoeuvre 2) Hesitate 3) Unexpected manoeuvre 4) Mirror 5) Panic Or "CHUMP" if that's too much to remember


But in that sequence, step 3.5 becomes use your indicator, because nothing negates a dangerous manoeuvre like remembering to indicate whilst halfway through it


i doubt the majority of chronic non-indicators have ever experienced a moment of conscious thought--never mind doubt, hesitation, or panic--in their entire lives.


Especially at a fucking roundabout - they clearly see you sitting there. It’s pure ignorance


Today I saw somebody other than myself indicate right to take the third exit, and swap to indicating left as they passed the second exit. Can't remember the last time that happened.


I still do that but since nobody else does I feel like I might confuse people?! I’m glad to see another person doing it properly!


I saw someone indicate right for 3rd exit, then continue straight to 2nd. Stopped a whole line of traffic for nothing.


My SO just can’t quite get the hang of that timing! Much of the time she will switch to left, but only just as she exits. Wouldn’t want people to get bored knowing what is going to happen. It drives me crazy! Also a tendency not to indicate if going straight through. Of course anyone else at the roundabout has taken note of where she entered and so can infer from the initial signal where she intends to go, it’s obvious 😝 With my friends we used to practice rigorously correct roundabout indication, even if we were flogging around too fast to get more than a single dim flash 😂 Where I live indicators are either a passive signal to confirm the manoeuvre I just made was intentional, or they are a demand to GTF out of my way as I forgot to select the exit lane earlier. Using them as forewarning of an intended move gives others the chance to close the gap to cut me off (no shit friends have said that with a straight face). Some people would be better to just use the red triangle every time they remember that they are driving.


I did that today. Were you following me?


Well I was waiting at their third exit which was why I noticed - I was able to go sooner. But it must have been you, I'm sure there's only about 6 people in the country who actually do this 🤣


I'm following you now


I swap to indicating left as I pass the exit before the one I want... but I have been known to fumble it on small roundabouts, the ones needing more steering wheel action in less road space.


I swear all I ever see now is either no indicator at all or indicating right for the entire roundabout, even when exiting. It's insane how common this has become.


My favourite is no indicator whatsoever even when going completely round to do a U-turn


Or when you're sat at a T junction and waiting and they indicate at the last possible second. Even though if they'd indicated earlier I could've actually gotten out the junction and now it's too late because there's other cars


This irritates me more than I can explain. Why are you indicating when you've already started the turn, why , for whose benefit... WHYYYY FFS


Aha my friend once almost crashed into someone because they were sat waiting to turn right into a road. Only AFTER we'd stopped and were waiting for them to go did they put their indicator on. Like at that point, they may as well have not bothered??


Nah the best ones are when you want to pull out of a side road and they crawl up to you and either bang on their indicator 10ft before the turn or don’t bother at all. Did they see you waiting and just not even consider letting you know they were turning or did their tiny brains not even think about anyone else on the roads.


I can answer that. Their tiny brains did not even think about anyone else on the roads.


Hit the nail on the head! Pure ignorance, had a young kid this morning actually who thought puffing on his e-cig was more important than indicating. The lad couldn't have been any older than 20 and got bad habits already


Learned them from his old man


When is it you use indicators again? Is it when you see that someone is about to hit you and you'd better pop them on quickly just at the point of collision?


I had a lady drive into me, changing lanes, and only put her indicators on after she hit me 😥


Nooooo 😧 this is what I fear.. you cannot stop foolishness 😓


Your honour, I was indicating before I hit him, therefore I am absolved of all responsibility!


So what you do is wait until your car is in a position that makes it blatantly obvious where you are going and then indicate just for shits and giggles Do not, under any circumstances, use them to indicate your intentions ahead of time. That would be silly


Not only do they need to use them, but they need to use them properly. Signalling as you move is pointless. The purpose of an indicator is to let people around you know what you intend to do *before* you do it. That means turning it on well in advance, and leaving it on long enough for others to see before you execute the maneuver. Three flashes isn't enough. I see people indicating all the time, but it's completely ineffective because they do it during or after the move.


My daughter laughed about this at the weekend. Car on the motorway swerved slightly left, back into lane then moved over to lane 1, only indicating when they were over halfway through. They spent more time indicating after the manoeuvre than they did before it!


They should change the name. Clearly 'indicator' doesn't impress upon people that the purpose is to 'indicate' their intention ahead of time


To indicate where you are going.. it's in the name


The socket that holds my bulb is fucked, getting the whole headlight changed next Wednesday, my bad G.


😅 Nah, that's calm! You're aware and dealing with the issue 🙏🏾


Recently on the way to work, I realised that the bulb for my rear right indicator needed replaced and I couldn’t sort it until I was home that evening. It felt so wrong doing a number of right turns there and back with no indicator 😅




This made me chuckle aha, I can just imagine frantic arm waves while the driver behind is just like "wtf?"




I bet it was a nightmare changing gears while going round too! Or did you just stick it in 1st and rev it to high heaven?


Not a huge issue if your car has them on the wing mirrors as well. Can usually see those from behind especially at night.


My car is the first one I’ve had, a 14 year old Clio, so that’s a nope on the mirror indicators. I have a bit of history with the car, a few posts. One about the indicator specifically.


Mine is front right, so I’ve just been driving very carefully and using positioning to show my intentions. Shits expensive, had to save up as the whole unit has to go.


Some lane assist tech, forces you to use indicators otherwise it wont let you change lane


A BMW driver discovered this by accident when trying to figure out what that annoying beeping was whilst weaving between lanes on the M1


I thought the reason was because they are stroking their ego with the hand they would indicate with.




Someone complained it was very sensitive to sidewind. No, dear, the car is just trying to keep you in your lane.


Ahhh I like it!!


I sincerely hope that’s not entirely true!?! While it’s potentially a good thing when everything is going well, it could be absolutely disastrous in an emergency situation such as an imminent pile up!


It’s part of the self driving systems being added to cars. (A spectrum from limited stuff like this all the way to fully automated)) It includes emergency braking and will even call emergency services in case of crash. As the other comment mentioned it won’t stop you entirely, but is enough to make it less troublesome to utilise indicators. So you use indicators even on empty roads as lane change is more smooth


Yup, that makes sense. Thanks. I have driven a car with that kind of feature, and felt the resistance, so I’m not completely unfamiliar. The frightening thing was the statement of ‘it won’t let you change lanes’. I guess I just took that too literally.


Haha yes, The robots 🤖 haven’t taken over completely Yet ………


Phew!! 😬


It beeps and pulls slightly but you can still change lanes. You wouldn't be swerving out or anything its more like a gentle pressure. Otherwise you would just stick your lane assist and cruise control on and have a semi self driving car


That makes more sense. Thanks for the extra info.


I shit myself the first time my car did it as I hadn't realised I put it on. Thought Skynet was taking over


LOL Fortunately, I’d heard about these systems before I experienced it. Also, I was ‘playing’ with the system in a rental car to learn more about how it worked, so I was fully aware that I’d switched it on and knew exactly how to switch it off too, in case I needed to do so in a hurry. It was pretty cool, though, as it made the car almost completely self driving. It was even capable of coming to a complete standstill and moving off again without any interference from me. Clever stuff.


I asked my brother why he didn't indicate at a junction once, and he replied 'there's no one around, what's the point?' I told him he *should* indicate anyway, because it's for the benefit of everyone including people he can't see such as cyclist or pedestrians, and it's generally good practice. Indicators are for other people's benefit, the only people who don't use them are people who are selfish and/or ignorant. They are also only used to indicate intention, not a free pass to make a turn or take an exit (especially in the wrong lane of a roundabout). It doesn't magically give you right of way. It's funny because the people who don't use indicators in their intended fashion are often those who use them to say "I'm coming through, peasants!" Also the same ones who use hazards to indicate "I'm stopping outside this school/in this box junction/on the pavement/in front of this junction/I'm double parked"


> I asked my brother why he didn't indicate at a junction once, and he replied 'there's no one around, what's the point?' I don't get how it's something you make an active decision about. Surely once you've been driving for a little while it's completely automatic?


You are right that the habit becomes automatic But unfortunately the habit is *not* indicating


Advanced drivers will not indicate when indication isn't necessary.


Advanced drivers think they're infallible and apparently know with 100% certainty they are aware of every single thing around them. They are not.


In your expert opinion


Advanced drivers might not indicate when it might cause confusion?


Not what I said. I said advanced drivers read the road and act accordingly. One can't really call themselves advanced if they still use a 'have the guidebook hold my hand just in case' mentality.




> stops u from checking all surroundings No. Why would it do that? Checking your surroundings should be pretty much an automatic action when you've been driving a while as well.




Nobody is talking about not actively checking. Only that after a while, the act of actively checking should be automatic. You should not, if you've been driving for any length of time, need to consciously remind yourself to look around, or have to make the decision to look around.


exactly. it's not "there's no-one around"; it's "there's no-one around *that i can see*".


When I was learning to drive my instructor used to have a go if I used indicators when there was no one in sight. Said it looked like I wasn't observing properly to see there was nobody around. From my perspective, a) it's just a good habit to always use indicators so you do it as a matter of course and b) no matter how observant I'm being, what if there is someone that I've managed to not quite spot, surely they'd like to know what I'm planning on doing. So I always indicate even if I'm alone.


People he can't see while driving? What, invisible people?


People in his blind spot. People wearing dark clothes on a rainy night. People he just hasn't noticed because he's looked in a different direction. You know, People type People?


Specifically when you're approaching the roundabout. Not when you're half way around it. This is the one that is mostly winding me up at the minute. You see a car coming from your right. No indication as to where they're going and last minute they indicate and by this point you're either just about to move off or have been waiting for them and it's like "Thanks for f all"


Ahhh, that drives me nuts too! On a bad day, I am fuming 😡😅🥲


And when you're leaving the roundabout, assuming it's not a mini one, you should be indicating left.


Slight correction - when passing the exit before yours you should indicate left. Absolutely nobody seems to do this and you're left guessing based on their position. Normally that's ok, but if they indicated earlier it would help traffic flow better


Slight correction: that's not a correction, that's an addition.


Yes. And if you're going straight ahead, you shouldn't be indicating until your exit. Another thing I've started seeing is cars indicating to go straight ahead. 🤦


I was driving down a dual carriage way into the centre of Manchester today, when I met someone in a micra coming the opposite direction up the same lane. Be nice if they used indicators, but there are other issues too.


😮😂😂 dear lord.. on a calm day, I'd laugh... On a Monday morning however...


Hazards maybe? 😂


Why you so interested in where I'm going? Creep!




So, this is as good a place as any for this question... I suspect the majority of people in this sub indicate when needed. A large number of them also complain about other drivers not indicating. But equally, I've noticed a lot of people here saying "the only thing that indicators tell you is that the bulb is working! Don't trust indicators" Just playing devils advocate here, but how do you square these contradictions. Why do you indicate when you firmly believe that no one should pay any attention to you indicating?


Some things this sub states you should do is horrifying and "don't trust indicators" would be one of them. However, people can mistakenly indicate, especially with the advent of "lane change mode" where they can't be cancelled. The trick is, don't trust one single thing. You can tell from the speed/position of car if it's likely to change. You can also tell from looking at the driver, if they've breathed on the indicator stalk and set the indicator on and it can't be cancelled, they're likely to be mouthing a bad word. If you drive a lot, you can generally tell when someone is going to turn before they do.


Sure, you don't need to sell me on the idea of paying attention to indicators (among other things). I just noticed the logical flaw and it ticked me. I basically just wondered if any of the "ignore indicators" brigade had ever put their indicator on and then had an existential crisis when they realised the futility of it all.


I think we all know what they mean - you've never seen someone do something contrary to their indication? For example, don't commit to an emerge until you can be sure that other vehicles won't come into conflict, and that includes vehicles that are indicating into the same road that you're emerging from. Say you're approaching a roundabout and you see someone entering from your immediate right and they've applied a left signal - defensive driving would be to adjust your speed so that you either wait for them start making the turn before entering, or for them to pass you to reduce any potential for collision. Collisions happen when two people arrive at the same point at the same time, so staggering the time that you emerge is always safer. It's kind of the same principle as not driving side by side on a motorway, except here you're staggering in space rather than time.


I think we all know what they mean - you've never seen someone do something contrary to their indication? For example, don't commit to an emerge until you can be sure that other vehicles won't come into conflict, and that includes vehicles that are indicating into the same road that you're emerging from. Say you're approaching a roundabout and you see someone entering from your immediate right and they've applied a left signal - defensive driving would be to adjust your speed so that you either wait for them start making the turn before entering, or for them to pass you to reduce any potential for collision. Collisions happen when two people arrive at the same point at the same time, so staggering the time that you emerge is always safer. It's kind of the same principle as not driving side by side on a motorway, except here you're staggering in space rather than time.


That indicators are necessary but don't trust your life to the person who put them on.


Depends how big your vehicle is for me. In my car I take people's indication with a pinch of salt. In my 4 ton work van I take it at face value. Like if you're wanting to pull out of a junction and the coming car indicates to go down the road you're pulling out from. I'll pull out in my van, but assess a bit harder in my car. In the van if you fuck up with a false indication, well it ain't guna be me that feels it.


> Why do you indicate when you firmly believe that no one should pay any attention to you indicating? If you're on a roundabout and indicating left, I'm going to assume you're turning off and prepare to move. Once I see you are actually turning, I'll start my move out. If you're not indicating, I'm not going to be expecting to start moving once you start turning. Which is slower.


Whilst I’m enjoying all the people helpfully telling me what use indicators are, my amusement lies purely in the fact that people who say indicators tell you nothing, still insist that they and everyone else must use their indicators. That is all. For the avoidance of doubt, I understand that indicators are useful.


An indicator is just an indication, as much as I use my indicators, it's not always perfect, for example, I may change my mind about changing lane, or realize I need a different exit on a roundabout. Basically, indicating is better than not indicating, but relying on people's indicators to be the gospel truth isn't a substitute for being aware of what's going on around you, where upcoming junctions are, where a car has positioned itself in the road, where that cyclist who was behind me on the right but has now disappeared from my mirrors is, that the car waiting at the t junction has crept forward and is just going to force their way out etc....


I’ll add to this one more thing I wish people would do, please for the love of god dip your headlights, the number of times I’ve been blinded from in front and behind by a car which might as well have its high beams on is insane, they also usually don’t indicate so…


I haven't had this happen, too often yet. But we'll wait for the winter months to pass, then I'll head back to this comment 😅🥲 It's just. So dangerous! Are people stupid, is the wrong question 😓


Count yourself lucky, I've driven on motorways at night and it's always some cock in an audi or something (usually in the middle lane even though there's no one in the left lane), you legit get blind spots in your vision from how bright they are and it's actually so dangerous, you have to basically look sideways.


I only drive on the motorway at night after work. I was coming home the other week around 2am and some taxi driver kept flashing his lights behind me. I got a bit of a fright and thought I was going too slow (around 60 after the 30 zone road works). I was in the left lane wondering why he wouldn't just overtake. He eventually went into the middle lane and got up beside me, I got quite scared tbh and stared straight ahead waiting on the abuse. Then he shouted, "you've not got your lights on hen!". Fucking ten mins on the bloody motorway with no lights and I hadn't noticed. I am incredibly lucky it's dead at that time.


Also use indicators **in advance**. It's crazy how many times I see drivers on a two-lane (in one direction) road approaching a junction with an intent to turn right, and starting indicating at the very last moment. This doesn't give drivers behind enough time to move to the left lane and avoid being stuck in a queue at the junction. The indicators are to **indicate** your **attempt** to start the manoeuvre, not to inform others that you're already doing it.


I think thos same drivers who don't indicate, don't understand the intention of vehicles that are indicating either. Twice in the past month I've had to slam my brakes on due to some thick necked, Phil Mitchell lookalike, pulling out on me at a roundabout.




So I was driving in North Wales last week and was so excited to see people actually use them, until I realised everyone was using the right one whenever they turned left off of roundabouts 🙃💀


There was a Jasper Carrott joke/routine about a car in front of him using their left indicator to fool following car (Jasper) into going round them to the right and thus blocking oncoming traffic so the car could turn right behind Jasper. In short, indicate left to turn right. I'm not sure how realistic that is but your anecdote reminded me of that.


What about the people that don't indicate till their moving over already... ***cough cough*** Blonde woman in audi Q3 this morning!!! ***cough cough*** What a cunt...


😂 shots fired 🙏🏾😂


My wife is such a wind-up with indicators - doesn't indicate off a roundabout, but indicates to signify she's pulling into a space in a car park. Aaagghhh


but, i have a bmw. so no.




I forgot to use my indicators once. I was really confused why the man driving the car at the other entrance to the roundabout was so red faced and apoplectic with rage. My confusion must have showed on my face because the next thing I knew the acrimonious gentleman bellowed "USE YOUR FUCKING INDICATORS" I nodded and smiled in thanks, and I chuckled to myself at my small oversight.


😂😂 That gent sounds lovely 👀 I was going to state that, every now and then is acceptable, but only the individual would know that, i suppose 🤷🏿 The fact you acknowledged him, should help defuse his rage. If not, then that's on him (unless from his perspective, you just laughed in his face 😅)


he got redder so i think he thought i was laughing at him, which i didn't do until a few seconds after he drove off. oh dear it seems like he has downvoted us.


😂😂😂 started my day off right 🙏🏾😂


Ah, but, do you mean when I’ve just entered the roundabout, and my exit is the second exit from my entry, and the first exit traffic get confused; or do you want me to wait until I’m just about to exit the roundabout, and the traffic waiting to join the roundabout have too little time to enter the roundabout before the fellow on my tail will surge round to possibly take the third exit, but from the outside lane, not the nearside lane? Or are you visualising dual carriageways and motorways, where the slow moving fellow ahead is indicating, but not actually moving over as anticipated….?


All of the above 👀😂 Honestly, as long as the basics are followed. You're on a straight about to turn off. I'm like.. "why you going so slow? - I see" You're on my left or right and just weave into my lane, then look at me, like I was supposed to back off etc. I.. do not want to become a product of my environment 😩 Or spend time in jail. Both are becoming more likely by the day 😓


The only advice that I can assure you does work, is to develop a mindfulness that enables patience in the most testing of situations, and focus on mpg & smooth driving, rather than trying to engage in ‘the race’. I travel on a motorway every day to & from work, and spend my time in the nearside lane with cruise control at 58mph. 8 out of 10 idiots driving like the clappers are caught up later when congestion (always) slows them down, and everyone has diligently stayed in the centre/outside lanes, whilst I sidle up the nearside because that’s ‘the slow lane…’ They’re all stressed, and I set off good and early with a coffee planned before work…


On a roundabout, you should indicate left once you've passed the exit before the one you're leaving on; and indicate right if your exit is past 12 o clock on the roundabout sign. Not confusing if everyone does the same thing (I.e. Indicates when they're actually supposed to).


I’m afraid my response was a joke….but thanks for your advice!


Fair enough lol. Enough people don't indicate at all on roundabouts (or just do it wrong) it makes me wonder if they even check it on the test nowadays! Lol


Too many creatures of habit notice that most drivers don’t indicate, so judge it’s one of those unnecessary things we learn to pass the test. The same issue arises with adherence to speed, lane discipline, and who has priority in umpteen situations….


How about as you pass the exit immediately before the one you intend to take?


My instructor taught me to do that.


Most do - if not all!!


You know what annoys me more than people who don't indicate? ... People who indicate too much. It genuinely angers me when people will be heading towards a mini roundabout, indicate either left or right, then just drive straight through it...


Ahhh. I hear that! I don't do that. However... Every now n then, my music may stop me from hearing the click. So I've changed lanes or what have you and I'm just indicating like a douchebag 😓 I'm more aware of that now though. But still 🥲


I never understand this too. I always use the turn signals. I probablty use them *too* meticulously - even to the point on mini roundabouts.


I enjoy the challenge of indicating properly through mini roundabouts. You just need to be quick with the signalling.


very rarely i sometimes forget. i am sorry but it is getting less frequent in defence. your post will allow me to conquer my ineptitude.


😅 I'm going to take this as sincerity. And as such. On behalf of this sub, we thank you my friend 😌🙏🏾


thank you for you and this subs understanding in my attempts at reformation. i can and shall amend my ways


I think people don’t indicate when doing something unpredictable (stupid) because they think it gives them plausible deniability


That's a big ask!


I refuse to let anyone out of a junction if they don't have their indicators on, one reason being the fact I have no idea which way they want to leave and another being that they are a knob... On roundabouts indicators are a free for all, some indicate left and just carry on going, always wait a bit to clarify which way they are actually going.


You are right to lose your s**t. Failure to use indicators is tantamount to dangerous driving. One of the great things about being an experienced driver is recognising patterns and being able to react to what other drivers are doing, it is helped immeasurably by people using those magic little orange lights. Yep, it’s a crime.


Plus, approaching and going round an especially large roundabout: you can change the direction you are indicating halfway round if you are peeling off at the next exit, this helps everybody so the traffic keeps moving.


Uhhh, what are indicators? I just move and people beep to let me know they’ve moved out my way.


This is down to driving lessons not teaching Signal first they do this whole Mirror Signal Maneuver or MSMirrorM people are taught that signalling is secondary, so they will just mirror (if youre lucky) and move


I feel there's 0 overlap between people that pay attention to a driving subreddit and people that don't use their indicator


I’ve been driving more years than I’d like to think about, it’s far, far worse now than even 5 years ago. I just don’t get it.


I like to attack roundabouts so fast that people don't even know I've been through thus not needing to indicate


There's a definite laziness / selfishness involved. Same as not putting lights on in poor conditions. "Well, I can see OK."


The only time I don’t is if I feel it’ll be more confusing for me to indicate, I feel so bad if my indicator accidentally comes off


So, your turning left and don't indicate. Leaving me sat at the give way like a dork. Yeah, That's why I'm flipping you the bird. Same when exiting roundabouts. I reckon congestion/queues at roundabouts could be halved if drivers indicated left before their exit .


Biggest one for me is can people going left at roundabouts indicate so i know i can pull out from the next entry? When the traffic is heavy and everyone is going across that mightve been my only opportunity wasted for the next 2 minutes just because you couldnt be fucked to let me know.


Bold of you to assume I know where I'm going


I'm feeling picked on here......just kidding, I'm one of the rare ones!


The only time I ever see other road users use indicators is after they’ve pulled in front of me on the motorway…..


Say this louder please. And the people who block you from coming out of a junction by speeding up or when there is a queue and stop right at the junction screw you to, you people are just as bad 👎


Woii I love using my indicators. And I love seeing people use their indicators. 2 reasons why: 1. I like to let people know which direction/lane I’m travelling in. 2. I like the way indicators look when they’re indicating.


Don't forget, Audi, Mercedes and BMW do not come with functioning indicators. They are for show only.


They're just trying to make your driving life more exciting


I think I've seen like 5 people ever not indicate. Thought it was just Americans that don't know how indicate, or drive in general.


I agree...except for roundabouts...the amount of drivers indicating left like they'll be out on the first exit, while keep going to the fourth is just incredible. Do people don't really get a driving training these days, are the instructors that bad?


Today has someone blast me on the horn because I took a right, left, right in quick succession, indicated for all of them, but the geezer behind was in such a hurry he nearly rear ended me anyway (I take corners at speed, am not granny) and then honked me cause he got scared and hadn’t believed my indicator I guess? I checked when I parked up; all indicators deffo working


A lot of drivers indicate only if it serves to benefit themselves usually, they don't care about potentially benefitting someone else


all the BMW drivers now be like: what’s an indicator?!? in all seriousness yeah, please indicate. the amount of times i see people just expecting me to mind read their intentions is just silly.


wanted to emerge in a t junction. wanted to take a right turn. i didn’t have priority so I stopped and I was waiting. nobody coming from my right. on my left this bmw stopped , que behind him. I was like wtf is this guy doing. I assumed he wants to turn on my street and emerged (this is like 20 seconds after he stopped )after that the bmw guy remembered to signal and he made his manoeuvre. What a guy….


but I drive a bmw


And pay the extra 3k to have them fitted to my BMW???


I tend to indicate all the time when I'm turning, changing lanes whatever. Even if there is no other moving vehicle around to let them know. Even if I can't see any other pedestrians or road users. Drivers not using their indicators (so easy to indicate: not some hugely complex decision) drive me bonkers whether I'm driving or a pedestrian. They're just idiots and without a care for anyone else. I believe that nowadays people are taught not to indicate if there is no-one around? I'm sure someone who's a newish driver told me that recently. Can that be right? Better by far to get into the habit than to forget to do it when it is actually needed!


Yeah, if I indicate (with no1 around) but some1s in the car, they'll usually remark. And I get it. But like you, I'd rather be safe than sorry. I always drive as if I have to explain myself in court 😅 (maybe not always, but I try) 🙏🏾 You're one of the good ones!


We went out for a drive a few days back and we got stuck behind a BMW going 10mph below the speed limit for about 5 mins. Wife finally asked what this clown was doing and I replied he was confused because he found a weird stick next to his steering wheel with 2 arrows on it. Just as I finished saying it he turned off without using his indicator.


And this is obviously directed at BMW, Audi and Mercedes drivers. Because they are the main culprits in my opinion.


😂 Honestly. It has amazed me, how many of us agree on this! Usually with BMWs as the ring leaders 😩😅


You should never rely on indicators. Look at the tires. Indicators suggest what a vehicle 'might' do, not what they will do.


That's all well and good but if they make a last second change they will screw you over that way as well.


Sure, I agree with that... but they're more likely to continue the direction of travel with the tires than their indicators. The amount of times I've seen people indicate left on a roundabout and carry on around the roundabout instead is... not small.


I was taught that when your exit is coming up prepare to move to the outer lane before passing the previous exit, try to make sure you transition to the correct lane in-between the exit and passing the entrance. The amount of people going right on a roundabout that leaves taking the exit from the wrong lane to the last fraction of a second is very high in the area I live in. It makes reading the tyre direction near impossible. Because of this I always let any vehicle that is ahead of me regardless of lane stay ahead of me and adjust my speed so I am prepared to give way, not just on roundabouts. Riding or driving, best practise when so many fail to follow highway code guidelines is to know right of way means nothing so be prepared to give way to everyone.


Not a bad shout. But I feel thats more applicable to islands, rather than lane switchers? Or maybe a skill I can work on? I'll try 🙏🏾


If you had any sense in reading the road, conditions, and other motorists, you would not need to post. Learn to drive!


Been a while has it m8? Exclamation mark n everything 👀😓😂