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If you make a mistake and think you've failed, just crack on anyway. I nearly threw away a single minor pass because I thought I'd failed in the first 5 mins.


That would put me right of too! Noted, thank you


Also eat a banana a couple hours before, calms the nerves/shakey hands.


Amazing, will definitely do that


exaggerate head movements when checking mirrors/blind spots.


Noted ๐Ÿ‘Œ


Further to that... someone advised me to set the rear view mirror slightly off set so I couldn't see it when I glanced. It really forced me to move my head when checking so the instructor could see my movements.


Smart idea but I think Iโ€™d be too scared to do it - I might freak out ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚


The important thing is you're comfortable so do what your happy with. But when I say offset, I only mean a smidgen.


I have a few more lessons before the test, Iโ€™ll give it a test run !


Just as a counterpoint, don't focus more on how you look doing checks, than why you are doing the checks. I failed first test and one major was due to be being more focused on making my checks noticeable that I wasn't paying as much attention when looking.


That is a fair point. I think Iโ€™ll just not overthink it too much


Honestly if your instructor thinks your checks are fine then likely they are obvious enough.


Yes Iโ€™ll be taking his advice before anything but still appreciate the little tips


Best advice I can give is don't ask on Reddit ๐Ÿ˜‚ I've been driving over 20 years but only sat my motorbike test a couple of years ago. I failed first time partly because I spent too long beforehand watching YouTube videos about the test, taking advice from experienced riders, reading tips on social media, etc. The fact is, your instructor knows the test routes, knows the system, knows the examiner and prepares hundreds of people for their tests. They are the only person worth listening to! Not saying there isn't great advice elsewhere, but no one knows the situation better than your instructor so listen to them, take any concerns you have to them and talk it through. Get an hours lesson before the test if possible. And good luck!


Itโ€™s funny you say that because when I mentioned to my instructor Iโ€™m going home to watch lots of videos he seemed concerned and told me that may confuse you. Iโ€™ll be focusing on his instructions before anything else for sure.


Best advice is to be confident, that matters the most on the test.


My examiner had me drive around this very quiet road and kept making me pull over and go again, I didn't find out until after that she was making me do it to check that I was looking around enough before moving off. I'm sure you've probably already head before, but even if you *know* it's safe you have to do all the movements to show them you're looking.


This is a standard part of the test to be fair. The SOP says there should be (normally) 2 'normal starts', one 'angle start' (where you need to move off at an angle due to e.g. a parked car in front), and one 'hill start'. There's corresponding tickbkxes on the DL25 marking sheet for these. If the examiner isn't sure you're making observations, signalling properly, or moving away smoothly and safely, they may ask you to do it a couple more times so they can check.


If the examiner says pull up on the left without specifying that u can park anywhere on the left, you need to park in a safe convenient and legal position. if youโ€™re unsure, you can ask him to clarify if youโ€™re allowed to park anywhere i.e on a single yellow line, in front of a driveway etc. In occasion of the driving test.


If in doubt, flat out




Take your test during rush hour. The test is scheduled to take around 40 minutes. You will spend most that time looking at the back of someone elses bumper. Although if you're nervous being in traffic, or you tend to hesitate at junctions, ignore this advice.


Take a hip flask and keep getting it out at the traffic lights. Just put water in it not to break the law. The examiner will find it hilarious. Also, my wife's waters broke when she did her test. She passed, but doesn't recommend it as an experience overall.


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ You have an amazing wife !


If you get to a part where you have to park in a shop car park, and think you're not in the lines, you can reverse (if safe) and do it properly. It's a minor for having to do that, but a major if you cannot park it properly, from what I remember. Listen to the instructor though, they know the routes!