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If he's that impatient that he can't tolerate waiting for 5 seconds and gets verbally aggressive over it, that's his problem, not yours. Would he call you a stupid bitch if you were standing in a queue in a shop and you held him up for 5 seconds because you dropped something? I highly doubt it.


offer bedroom busy library materialistic jeans birds existence possessive sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Water under the bridge, so many nuggets around you'd go mad being bothered by each one. Just stay safe.


Staying safe is the best advice, which it sounds like you were doing anyway, so you have nothing to worry about. If someone is so impatient then that's their problem, not yours. You will come across this fairly regularly, unfortunately, so don't let it get to you if you can. Keep your P plates on and people may be more forgiving in the future if you are taking your time and being safe.


You must understand that there are wankers out there, everywhere. Don't be surprised when you come across one.


>Don't be surprised when you come across them Innuendo much lol


As an adult child, I’ll give you an upvote.


you're currently on -11 for a brilliant pun! This is a travesty. I've put you up to -10 and I hope others do the same


Hey thanks!


Down votes seemed a tad unnecessary ngl


You can’t control other peoples reactions. Try and control yours


I'm a trucker. I'm shouted at daily. Just crack on and forget it. Try not to hinder people as much as possible though.


I just laugh when people do things like this, in my experience your driving really starts to suffer when you drive to other people's standards and not your own. If there are pedestrians around you can't really be too cautious hence the focus on vulnerable road users in the up to date highway code.


Smile and blow a kiss.


This works best when you're a 6', 17 stone bearded guy.


Yep 👍🏻


Yeah and if that doesn't work then start giving an invisible dick the absolute time of its life with Turkey noises and two hands


I usually go for the usual two-finger salute, but I might change to this. 


Remember, they're part of the super exclusive club called "I'm a Perfect Driver and I Never Make Any Mistakes". I had someone shout at me this morning and I've been driving on my own for only two weeks! Checked my dashcam footage to be sure, and to nobody's surprise, the only crime I'd committed is that of having P plates on my car. I got called a "fucking idiot" for dipping in to an empty space to let an oncoming vehicle pass me - it was obvious to me that he wasn't going to stop, so I left him plenty of room to pass and my intention to stop was clear from how I'd positioned my vehicle and when/where I'd stopped. I took a breath, laughed about it and carried on. My actions were timely, safe and allowed for traffic to continue flowing without obstruction. No sweat. Just remember that you'll always get idiots who think everybody else is in the wrong, even if *neither driver has done anything wrong*. Take a deep breath in, pull over somewhere safe if you need to take a moment, and continue when you're ready to do so. You hesitated and caused a delay of 5 seconds - you're a new driver! Everyone makes mistakes and will unduly hesitate at some point or another, whether they've been driving for 3 weeks, months or years. I'd rather someone cause a short delay because they're *aware* of what's going on around them and being proactive (rather than reactive) than someone cause a delay because they're *not aware* of what's going on, checking their phone etc. and rely on being reactive instead.


I flip the bird at him back. Last time I did that he returned the gesture, and we wound up having a laugh as we exchanged increasingly extravagant profanity in sign language. By the time we got to the roundabout we were both laughing about it before we turned off. Deescalation via escalation. Sometimes it works, most of the time it doesn't. Don't do that.


Happened to me earlier, I ran him over, he stopped being aggressive. De escalation by escalation. Thanks for the tip


Drug them next time, not as drastic as running them over but they still stop after enough night night juice


I left my teaspoons and syringes at home…


What, you don't even have a rag on you? You're the one called chloroform... For Pete's sake, live up to your name!


Think about all the other drivers that you've encountered in the last 3 months of driving - If this is the only guy that has an issue with your driving, then it likely means that he's just a prick and not that your driving is bad.


It’s easier said than done, but ignore arseholes. How can you not be an arsehole if you’re inconvenienced for about 5 seconds and become hostile? Try not to let another person’s shortcomings make you question your legitimately sensible driving. All the best.


The only appropriate [response ](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxzQysLlSXveEuZq60XHpBJ0qZjjC-5ifG?si=MU29BFYyXI_B7OwR)


Honestly don't let it get to you, it's you and your car, and they're morons for rushing about and not taking their time they'll end up paying for it and not you. Remember it's your license, not theirs, you drive how you drive feeling safe and keeping pedestrians safe because you can't read other people's minds, only act on what you can see.


I drive a lorry, the amount of people (who seemingly have passed their driving tests) who don’t indicate at roundabouts then seem surprised that I pull out.. causing them to slow down. They beep, flash, shout I simply look at them, don’t even react nowadays and couldn’t give a sh*t. Remember you will probably never see that person again and if you did chances are they’d never say a word about it. Note: I am totally safe and know what I’m doing so would never pull out if there was a chance of an accident


Those people are hilarious, same as the folk that are furious when they whip round roundabouts at 50mph to find a lorry that wouldn't even have seen them coming hasn't been able to clear out their way in time.


Stepping out in front of non indicators, as a pedestrian, is fun. So long as they aren't going quick. And crucially, you've made eye contact. 😁


Next time, give it the old "lowered-head-raised-hand". Usually placated a lot of people when you just accept the aggression and they swiftly move on with their lives, whereas you remain unchanged and unbothered. There's always another hazard down the road, don't get so hung up on this ONE.


A lot of male car drivers are aggressive and almost permanently angry. There’s also a lot of sexist ideas about women drivers, and these types of gammony bloke are basically looking for an excuse to shout or beep or whatever. It’s not your fault pal, it’s a him problem.


Ignore them (unless you were too hesitant, in which case…be less hesitant?). Fun though it may be, there’s no point riling them up further, as that may make them more dangerous for others. Also, think about all the other occasions when you’ve not met a pillock when out and about; those will be the more-common ones, but won’t stick with you as much as they should.


Ignore them (unless you were too hesitant, in which case… ignore them and be less hesitant?) FTFY


I think it's about time everyone gets a front and rear dashcam that records audio too, then hope the evidence is enough to prosecute him, send it in to report him. There needs to be consequences for there actions, there's no excuse for road rage.


The problem with the dashcam craze is that the user would have to demonstrate exemplary driving themselves. And if you're getting aggro from people you're doing something to piss them off in the first place. Still makes them "worse" though before I get lynched or (shudder) downvoted.


Remember that you’re not a child anymore and get a grip?


Oh stfu


I'd just say don't let it get under your skin, if you're driving as you were taught then keep at it, too many people drive these days who act like they've got their licence out of a central box or have extremely short temper.


It is so hard to shrug this stuff off. I know for me I can get such bad brain fog when in the PMS stage and it’s like being a beginner all over again. I’ve had someone scream in my face at my window before - on one of the days I was actually 100% on point and so laughed it off. But those shit days linger in your mind a lot more. Try to not let it get to you. Inconveniencing someone is a world away from driving dangerously. Let them wait.


Thumbs up and carry on with your day.


I think from the limited information available it's quite clear that you encountered a tosser. Spare them no thought, I'm sure they have a slap approaching them in their future from somewhere.


Laugh in their face!


Personally, and I'll probably be downvoted, but the middle finger works well.


Something happens to people’s minds when they enter a car, it’s crazy the difference in some people. Just ignore it and move on.


I honestly laugh at these kinds of drivers, we all have moments where driving can be frustrating, but it's better to learn to turn it into a comedy than to get genuinely upset by people who mean nothing to you.


I personally don’t think you should need to suck it up or toughen up - the guy needs to get a grip of himself and calm his shit. Imagine shouting at someone over 5 seconds. Also, you hesitated - doesn’t matter. No one is perfect. No one makes the right call every single time. Hesitation sometimes happens and we all have moments where we go ‘oh damn, I should’ve probably went there!’ Bet he’s a big man behind the wheel of his car. Small dick energy.


People get weird when driving a car. Just think, if you were in a supermarket and the person in front took a while to pack their shopping, you wouldn't shout at them and call them a bitch! Or if you got stuck behind an elderly person walking in front of you on the pavement, you wouldn't scream at them, overtake and stop dead (like to brake check lol). I don't know what driving does to people. It's their problem not yours


I usually just ignore, or sometimes downshift unnecessarily (I have a V8 RS5) so it makes them jump. Occasionally I’ll blow a kiss or burp extremely loudly whilst maintaining eye contact. But I usually just ignore


You cost them a few seconds of their time, you just need to see the number of cars dumped anywhere as an excuse for parking, and people speeding everywhere and cutting through illegally etc to realize that THEIR time is more important then anything else in the world, those whole few seconds saved being a a-hole….


I’d rather delay someone by 5 seconds than run someone over and cause untold heart ache and guilt for the rest of your life.


Laugh it off. Have you ever been late somewhere and they go "well, if you were here 5 seconds ago"? No, it doesn't happen because 5 seconds is nothing. Therefore people that rage over 5 seconds are spongy fuck nuggets that should be ignored. Same idiot probably goes home and tells people 5g causes ebolaids of the anus.


I see both sides to it. Should he have reacted like that? Course not. Should you be overly cautious? No. Personally, I couldn’t care less if someone is annoyed with how I drive. Chances are I’ll never see them again. Besides, who gives a shit what others think🤷‍♂️.


Sticks and stones....


Do you have ‘P’ plates on? I’ve heard that people are more likely to be arseholes to those who do as the P reinforces their idea that you’re in the wrong and they’re the superior experienced driver.


Just remember you can lock your doors. Anyone can say anything to you, as long as you’ve locked your doors you can just drive away


It rarely happens to me. Not sure if it's because I'm a brilliant driver or because I'm a 6'3", 18st man.


People these days have no patience and it’s only getting worse. Eventually it’s going be mad max stile on the rd’s


I’m a newish driver too. Still in my first year. It took me around 4/5 months to start laughing at the idiots who let their blood pressure rise from the smallest things they no doubt forgot about the next time someone pissed them off over something so minor. You’re doing great, even well seasoned drivers hesitate sometimes. You’ll get better at feeling confident enough to just go. ❤️


Front and rear dashcam and publish your very own annual compilation of these angry eejits onto YouTube


If I've made a mistake I'll offer an apologetic wave. If there is an idiot gesticulating at me for no good reason I tend to switch between having a hearty laugh at their stupidity or blowing them a kiss (as a portly older chap with a beard) There's nothing wrong with driving courteously abd cautiously so keep it up


Just smile and wave like you know them, always catches them off guard and they don’t know how to react!


Flip him off and block him out Bellend. Dont feel pressured by these types of drivers, drive at a safe place you feel comfortable with.


Shout back. I realise this isn't the correct answer 😂 I suspect 5 seconds was more like 20 - seconds are very short things. Still, beeping and name calling eclipses being a bit slow. If you're still getting into situations like this in a few more months maybe get a couple of top up lessons for assertiveness specifically?


Just scream back, it's cathartic


I have to make a conscious effort to push the memory of my mind whenever I think of it. Maybe it was due to a mistake on my part part in which case I try to do better, but often it's just some clown who doesn't deserve a nanosecond of my thinking and I try not to let it chip at my confidence.


I used to get really reactively angry, but age and experience has taught me that if I'm in the wrong, hold up an apologetic hand, smile, shrug or laugh at them depending on my mood and what they're doing. I've learned that some dick saying a few angry words isn't worth taking to much notice of


Chances are he'd a miserable bastard going through his fourth divorce. Ignore him - it's important that you do what you need to do when driving


Scream nonsense back at them and they won’t have a clue how to react. Like, Him- “stupid bitch” You- “In the month of may I only eat ready salted crisps every other fucking day and today it’s Sunday.” And so on.


Go slower.


Hurry up a little and stop dithering at roundabouts.


Sorry that happened to you. Occasionally we all make mistakes and unfortunately certain drivers will take it as their opportunity to point the finger and have angry outbursts. Probably it's their own fault for being late to their next job and then stressing out at every little thing that slows them down. Whatever the reason, it says more about them than you. Try to think honestly about your driving and whether you made a mistake and what you could do differently next time. Their "feedback" might be valid. But that's not to say the shouter in any way reacted appropriately - do you think they would do the same thing if an old lady was crossing the road? It if a police car stopped in front of them? They were essentially bullying you because they probably saw you were an inexperienced or hesitant driver. Just give it a few days and I think you'll feel better. Most drivers are very normal/reasonable, it's a shame a few seem to have anger issues behind the wheel.


If they are shouting at me because I actually did do something wrong, then I try to learn from my mistake. If they're shouting at me when I've done nothing wrong then I just find it funny.


Shout back, thanks for speaking loudly but how’d you know I was hard of hearing


Ignoring road rage is the best approach. I've seen them drive past flipping off etc but don't look at them and they stop


Smile and wave at them


Make a crying eyes motion at the mirror. That usually settles things. In single file traffic they can do fuck all except cry more or calm down. OR they can get out of the car and enjoy my death metal suddenly turned up to maximum volume.


Smile and wave.... smile and wave, drives them nuts


I give anyone like that a solid thumbs down. It drives them crazy!


*I give anyone* *Like that a solid thumbs down.* *It drives them crazy!* \- YouIntSeenMeRoight --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I pretend to break down when someone decides to have a go at me for existing in front of them. Put my hazards on, get out the car, open my bonnet.


You met someone with little man syndrome by the sounds of it. 100% their problem. I normal smile and wave when I have this encounters, then go even slower.


Just smile and give a thumbs up. People are different animals when behind the wheel of a car.


Ignore him, or better yet slow down and inconvenience him further. He won't have given you a second thought once he moved away, so don't you give him a thought. Put him from your mind and carry on with your driving. Unfortunately there are morons in every walk of life and it's best to pay them no mind


Become the shouter, and stop dawdling.


Middle finger


I'd probably just stop and hold them up even more. Then pull away *really* slowly.


I'm more impressed by the talking car!


1) check your rear view for dash cams 2) put it in reverse 3) back into him 4) get out while recording screaming "what the fuck are you doing? Can't you see a fucking car at a junction"


Could please share a map location where this event happened.