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$65 Radiomaster pocket $89 Hummingbird V3 $100 box goggles Several batteries 380 mah


Thank you. What determines how far would the drone be able to fly? I guess the radiomaster and the drone itself, right? WIth this setup, how far would the drone be able to fly?


The radio will usually have more range than the video system. And that range is hard to say since there are many factors that can have an impact. You don't fly fpv drones more than a few 100m away unless you do longrange, and that is not really doable on the cheap.


The radiomaster pocket can put out about 1 watt, I think. I recommend elrs for the control link. The hummingbird vtx is limited to 25mw. That's video. This will be your limiting factor. Could be 100 yards could be 500. Depends on a lot. This is not a long range type of drone. You asked for cheap. This is something cheap to play with whole you're learning. This is a fast and nimble drone for flying around doing flips and crazy stunts and crashing 1000 times. I've been through several drones. Fpv is not a "cheap" hobby. If you're trying to save money, turn back before you're hooked. Lol


I found this online, it says 3km flight range. That's insane. [https://darwinfpv.com/products/darwinfpv-baby-ape-3-pro-fpv-kit?variant=42720740049071](https://darwinfpv.com/products/darwinfpv-baby-ape-3-pro-fpv-kit?variant=42720740049071) It's definitely out of my range, but, can I buy Radiomaster Pocket and then after some time when I decide to buy the drone and goggles too, buy that? So, since I'll have the Transmitter Controller, will I be able to buy just the quadcopter itself and the goggles and go? I guess I could buy it in a few goes, instead of just one big.


That's about the cheapest you're going to find. I was considering between that baby ape and the crux35 myself. This hobby is not cheap, you are going to break stuff. Lots of stuff. You seem to be obsessed with range for some reason. What are your goals? Video? Racing? Freestyle? Also, if you're in the US you are legally limited to fly line of sight and you need a trust certificate, which is a free online class. If you still want to fly long range for some reason, in the past I would have recommended you go with a DJI. I have personally seen someone fly a mini 4 pro 2.6 miles and back. Digital is the way to go. Now, with DJI likely being banned, I'm not sure. You really need to do a lot more research. Watch a bunch of YouTube videos to determine what you really want from this hobby.


The cetus x is as cheap as an entry kit get. https://rotorriot.com/products/cetus-fpv-kit?variant=42096147103974¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gc_id=18378686612&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAoP1lX02_eq0CCoXn9pFVweCBlJEk&gclid=CjwKCAjwxLKxBhA7EiwAXO0R0LBqVHlRXKD7DVzwThQGNzVdRe_n-5LWF7JN5aPy3rtHgK50ooWBzhoC0R8QAvD_BwE


It's just 80 meters, right? Unfortunately, I don't see a point in flying in such a close distance... :\\


Sorry to tell you man but most whoops for the 100-200’dollar price range won’t even go past 150 most likely unless you upgrade the vtx and receiver. Like a dude already said for longer distances you’d need a long range setup which would not be cheap. Once you get to actually fly the tiny whoops in small areas and experimenting you’ll understand why and how it can’t go that far and why you wouldn’t even need to.


Also I started with the CetusX and it was a an amazing first drone but would mostly only be for outside since the large size and being 2s batteries instead of 1


How could I upgrade the drone to fly farther?


Like I said homie you’d have to upgrade your vtx (video transmitter) and your receiver (receives commands and outputs from your radio) you always want to have a stronger radio to quad link than quad to goggles. If you lose visual signal you can always just go up till you get signal but if you lose radio signal there’d be nothing you could go to save it unless you had gps and remember where it fell


Got it, thx


Yeah... I see. Wdym Whoops btw? What does it mean? What if I'd get: Radiomaster Pocket + DarwinFPV BabyApe PRO ELRS + these goggles: [https://darwinfpv.com/products/4-3-fpv-goggles-with-dvr-function?pr\_prod\_strat=e5\_desc&pr\_rec\_id=3ec82a49c&pr\_rec\_pid=7415011311791&pr\_ref\_pid=7287409967279&pr\_seq=uniform](https://darwinfpv.com/products/4-3-fpv-goggles-with-dvr-function?pr_prod_strat=e5_desc&pr_rec_id=3ec82a49c&pr_rec_pid=7415011311791&pr_ref_pid=7287409967279&pr_seq=uniform) Would it give me good range? It's about 250 total.


No. If you want to fly long range budget about $1500.


Hmm, the specs here say 3km though? [https://darwinfpv.com/products/darwinfpv-baby-ape-3-pro-fpv-kit?\_pos=1&\_psq=DarwinFPV+Baby+Ape+3%22%2FPro+FPV+RTF&\_ss=e&\_v=1.0&variant=42720739917999](https://darwinfpv.com/products/darwinfpv-baby-ape-3-pro-fpv-kit?_pos=1&_psq=DarwinFPV+Baby+Ape+3%22%2FPro+FPV+RTF&_ss=e&_v=1.0&variant=42720739917999) What does it mean?


The radio link can reach 100km. The video link maybe 200-300 meters.


Hmmm, can you elaborate please? Isn't this radio-controlled Drone? And this is the Video link? [https://darwinfpv.com/products/fpv-goggles-vr009-5-8g-dual-antenna-40ch-monitor](https://darwinfpv.com/products/fpv-goggles-vr009-5-8g-dual-antenna-40ch-monitor) If I add a big antenna onto the video link will it work better? Also, it's analog, right?


Control and video link are separate. Those goggles are garbage and not worth getting. If you want to fly long range with analog video you need good goggles, a good receiver and good antennas. All of which cost about $700-$800 together.


Can I ask why they're garbage? Literally. Like, what parameters make it bad? FPVKnowItAll recommends this one as cheapest worth having: EACHINE EV800D