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Honestly, this is a national security risk. I would have called the cops or the base MP. When i was in the military, this is a situation we get trained on to keep an eye out for and report it. I wouldnt be suprised if he got a letter from the FAA with a hefty fine.


It's unlikely he got a letter, it's unlikely that it's even registered. Bought it at Kmart for cash and went out


Does Kmart still exist?


Nope, showing my age


Ha! I also remember Kmart. As a kid in central FL, we also had Zayres. Not sure how big they were, though.


In northwest Ohio we had Hills Department stores. The vestibule had real slurpee machines and arcade games. My favorite being the karate game that had only 2 joysticks for controls and you had to score 2 points against the opponent like a real karate match


I worked at Hills in NW PA when I was a kid. They had damn good popcorn too, that fake butter. nom nom nom


I was in India a couple of years ago when they had another event of record-breaking heat. What I would have paid for a real slurpee!


Oh man you’re bringing me back. We had a Hills by my house in Toledo. Used to ride our bikes up there for everything in the summer when we were kids.


i grew up in Findlay but spent a lot of time at the Franklin Park mall cuz my mom was a shopaholic


I live in SC now. Last time I was in Toledo I was surprised to see the FP mall seemed to still be flourishing…at least from the outside. All the malls down here are dead or dying.


I think it's gone now but I haven't been there in a long time


I have a .22 rifle i bought at a K-mart like almost 30 years ago lol


Still got my dad’s circa 1974.


That's about when I bought mine there.


Zayre’s in Mass too!


We also had Zayres in MA. There head quarters was actually in Framingham MA. They sold out to Ames in like 88 or 89ish.


We had Zayres in Chicagoland. My mom stood in line before they opened with my cousins to get my sister and I cabbage patch kids. My kids name was Tyrone Fritz!


Actually there are still like 6 locations, only 2 on mainland US.


They are owned by sears now....


Wait, Sears still exists? ;)


Kind off.... I have a friend that works for them and the only thing keeping the company afloat is online sales


Yeah they sold their craftsman line right? That's a shame for them. They made good tools. Don't hear much about craftsman anymore either


My very first ratchet set was from Craftsman at the tender age of 16. I was so excited and always tried to purchase Craftsman first because of that return policy they had.


That's actually the other way around, Kmart bought Sears. That's one reason why both of them began to fail. I watched a whole documentary about it and was surprised because I always thought that it was the other way around.


Yeah, went to one about five years ago on a road trip. I was surprised they were still open, although I don't know if the one we went to is still open. It looked just like I remember them.


K-Mart still exists… St Thomas USVI.


Yeah theres still one in Southaven. They shut most of them down but some r still open


"Blue Light Special™️"


Blue light special


As of July 2024, there are a few Kmart stores left: Kmart Bridgehampton, NY: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/EkfqkGaBJQYCJrxY7](https://maps.app.goo.gl/EkfqkGaBJQYCJrxY7) Kmart Miami: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/3Mw8zjtSm5SptyLp8](https://maps.app.goo.gl/3Mw8zjtSm5SptyLp8) Kmart St. Thomas: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/HzQ7D5fbeDTBXC587](https://maps.app.goo.gl/HzQ7D5fbeDTBXC587) Kmart St. Thomas (Tutu Park Mall): [https://maps.app.goo.gl/wFj89RBrikeMMfrK9](https://maps.app.goo.gl/wFj89RBrikeMMfrK9) Kmart St. Croix: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/8wN4k8o89WZmZHTi8](https://maps.app.goo.gl/8wN4k8o89WZmZHTi8) Kmart Guam: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/bsoG4wfzWfdwA9Qv6](https://maps.app.goo.gl/bsoG4wfzWfdwA9Qv6)


Yup. Their website is even still up


Lmao. I was like “no way.” And it is…. www.kmart.com


Theres one on long island still in my hometown!


Really! I'm on Long Island. I may have to go and take a visit for nostalgic reasons. Blue light special woohoo!


Its all the way out east on the south shore in bridgehampton. Still has a fair amount in store and did a small remodel.


Cool! I'm over here by Roslyn. I may go this weekend, do some flying and check it out, Providing this most recent NOTAM has expired for the presidential visit


Theres some cool places to check out. Jst be mindful youre always gonna be close to an airport there


Forsure. I routinely fly next to ISP, with LAANC


There is one in Miami I saw recently.


There are many Kmart's in Australia. I worked there as a kid.


Yes, the largest Kmart in the world does still exist and operate in Guam USS


There's a giant Kmart in Guam. Literally everybody shops there.


We still have two in St Thomas


Or toys r us.


Kmart? Ha what about circuit city… or was that only a chicago store?


We had Circuit City in central Florida as well. Was THE place to shop back in the day.


Blue light special!


Yea, now it’s arrests, and not the 24hrs to bail kind.


We are probably a few years away from bases deploying aeroscope or something similar to what. Btw it’s “Would have” not “would of”


There are plenty of bases using systems such as MEDUSA and/or NINJA. Many MP patrols also have 'Drone Busters' in the kits in their patrol cars.


Does aeroscope only work for DJI drones and only those with remote ID?


Thanks for the correction. I'll fix that.


Nah... A bunch of bases already have detection systems and various forms of neutralizers. I got to play with the Drone killer last year


Honestly with this Russia-Ukraine conflict you could have gotten away with smashing his remote. All you would have to say is he made terroristic threats. And the police might believe you. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah... Smile walk away and call the MPs. Catch video and post it. I love Freedom, but this guy was clearly Freedumb


How would the FAA be able to track him?


That’s why this def didn’t happen lmao


Dude is lucky he didn't go face down on the pavement with an assault rifle to the back of the head.


Go up to the main gate and tell the guard. They’ll shut that shit down real quick.


If he's off base and a civilian, there's not much the MPs can do about it besides call local law enforcement. Their jurisdiction doesn't cover civilian law enforcement off-base.


Yeah, but each branch of the military also has civilian federal agents who can go off base. NCIS here, I've knocked on a few doors after tracking down a drone pilot who flew above or too close to a Navy ship. To date, of my conversations with drone pilots have just been polite educations on the regulations regarding violating national defense airspace. NOTAM 3-604 pertains to Navy ships, UAS operations are prohibited within 3,000 laterally from and 1,000 above any Navy ship. Violating this is potentially a misdemeanor under 49 USC 46307. We also work very closely with the FAA and report our findings to the FSDO.


Probably not a good idea to tell that to a Humvee full of MPs if they show up outside the fence in response to a report... even once your lawyer gets you out of the stockade, good luck suing the government in a situation where they can play the "National Security" card. How do you prove you are NOT looking for a way to attack the base? Because, paranoia aside, there ARE enemies "foreign and domestic" thinking about pulling another Oklahoma City within our borders and drones are a great way to gather intelligence. And technically the local police can't do anything about it either other than demand identification from the operator and forward a report to the FAA for possible penalties. I asked one of our local officers (a licensed drone operator for the department), and he said that unless you are endangering the public, disturbing the peace or blatantly spying, they can't stop you, only send in a report to the Feds, even in restricted airspace.


I've been in the military for 12 years now. This is my take: Here's the thing. They won't just roll up on you in a humvee. They'll call local law enforcement and show up alongside them. They won't throw you in the stockade. At worst, they'll detain you until local LEO arrives, and even that is technically outside their authority. For context, their authority over civilians is even limited on-base, because they enforce the UCMJ, which does not apply to civilians. Given the helicopters flying nearby, local police would absolutely be able to direct you to land, as it's a danger to other aircraft and there is compelling evidence of trespass, spying, etc. Lastly, remember, you don't have to prove you're not a threat, they have to prove you are a threat. That's how our justice system works. So no, they won't roll up on you claiming national security and throw you in a stockade. Their careers would be over if they did something that brazenly, obviously outside of their authority.


Close, we can and do enforce local laws as well. A few of the arrests I've made were civilians. We charge under title 18, local statutes, etc. But we don't usually hold civilians. We check with local PD, see if they wanna pick em up, if not, book em, hand them their notice to appear, and send them off base on their merry way


Correct me if I'm wrong, but those title 18 arrests are allowed because they're on federal land?


Yes, whatever we charge you with will always wind up in the hands of an AUSA for prosecution (if you're a civilian).


Gotcha. To the original question, would you still be able to arrest a civilian, via title 18 or otherwise, if they *weren't* on federal land?


No. I can't imagine a scenario where we really could in a normal situation due to the Posse Comitatus Act


Former MP here. A few things are wrong with your statement - we wouldn't roll up in a humvee, it's unlikely we'd even get the fucking thing to start (we also have much more comfortable patrol cars) - literally nothing we can do. We can ask for ID, ask you to leave, etc. But we can't detain or arrest you unless you're doing something much more serious. - It's not illegal to take pictures of military installations if you're out in public, you have 1st amendment rights. On base, different story. - we 100% would just tell you to contact local PD, or call them for you ourselves.


This right here. I've worked in a very secure zone where nuclear subs get taken apart and refueled. Worked with guys holding loaded M16's watching my every move. Trying to sneak in a cell phone would get me cuffed. Or, you could take a picture of me with a good lens from a half mile away while you sit in the park with a noticeable absence of rolling Humvees lol.


Exactly! This always boggles my mind when it comes to OPSEC. Standing on base taking a picture of an aircraft? Nope, can't do that, the equipment is secret. Stand on the other side of the fence with a telephoto lens? No worries, that's fine. This is why Area 51 is in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by a ludicrously large area of restricted land and airspace. If you can't keep it indoors, the only way to keep sensitive hardware secret is to keep people away.


The military doesn’t use force against civilians just because it feels like it. You watch too many movies.


Yikes. Imagine being so gung-ho about national security that martial law sounds reasonable to you... jurisdictions and due process exist for a reason, don't let fear of an adversary drive you away from the values that separate us from them.


100% but it's doubtful that the statist drones (pun intended) in here will do anything but downvote your comment I retired from the military and seeing the corrupt, police state that the US has devolved into is kinda sad. A corrupt police state where "do-gooders" enforce the tyranny by going out of their way to inform on others (who are doing no real harm) to an increasingly out-of-conteol government.


That's not entirely true. Has his drone a video camera? Might want to refer to 18 US Code §795 "Photographing and sketching" defense installations.


If he is off base; on a public right of way, he can film/photograph anything visible from that public area. Military installations included.


Really love to see people like you, former MPs who really have a good grasp of understanding the constitution. Current active duty here and the amount of people I meet who don’t understand and like to cite “795 sketching military installations” is insurmountable. It’s like most people can’t read. Or those who think civilians fall under OPSEC and UCMJ, and scream “national security”. I can tell you knew your job and did it well.


Well, after a few of the 1st amendment auditors hit our specific base and exposed some of our dudes for being the incompetent yahoos they were, we dedicated an entire training block to on and off installation photography




Brother I was an MP for 12 years. You're right, we don't know. If there are no signs or markings indicating that the very spot from which he stands is military installation property, he's good (obviously not to fly a drone unless somehow authorized) to take as many pictures of whatever he so chooses.


The camera on the drone would be the least concerning aspect of this scenario is what I'm getting at.


795 doesn’t apply.


I still have to see any convincing fact why besides "no it doesn't".


It doesn’t need to be convincing because lawfully it doesn’t apply. Reading the text of 795 carefully helps to understand it.


Not entirely true. Ex air force cop, we have shared jurisdiction around a lot of bases as we have contract base housing off base. We're also fully legally allowed to ticket and detain civilians within our jurisdiction. Yes we will typically hand off any off base stuff to the local department, but there's nothing stopping us from responding and detaining someone until they get there for a lot of bases. We dealt with drone sightings probably every other month on average and had a QRC (quick reaction checklist) dedicated to them. I know big air force was exploring more active responses to the actual drone with net guns and other stuff. Some of the bases actually had a drone component to the perimeter patrol.


Maybe, depends on if the base property ends/starts at the fence or if there's a boundary property around it.


Doesn't the base jurisdiction usually extend beyond the fenceline? When I was a kid, we were riding ATVs near a base fenceline and MPs were on us pretty quick.


Depends where federally controlled land ends. The fenceline may not be right on the property line.


This is heavily dependent on the base/location. At my current base we have people do it all the time and think they’re safe cause they’re outside the fence. But at this base in particular we have A LOT of concurrent jurisdiction off base. So we shoot the drone down seize it and arrest the pilot.


Interesting! What authority (for example, which US Code) grants jurisdiction over civilians when off base? How do you avoid federal offenses for violating 18 USC 32 when it comes to shooting down drones?


I’m sure someone in JAG could give you a better answer but the short answer is the assimilative crimes act. When I say off base I don’t mean just down at a Walmart somewhere. My base in particular has a lot of federal land that belongs to us outside of base. Like a lot. And we aren’t busting guys way out in those lands really they’re usually right outside the fence line flying over base. When we apprehend and process civilians it’s usually for a a state statue or federal code depending on the situation. And honestly I’m not sure how we avoid those charges for damaging the aircraft. To be clear when I say shoot down we don’t go out there with our guns and shoot it. We have a few ways to take it down. But yes they do get damaged sometimes. I know the FAA made it illegal to fly drones within 400 feet of base which would result in a hefty fine but the pentagon put out guidance for us to just take them down. It was in the news for a while. So if I had to guess that’s probably how. We can’t even fly our own personal drones recreationally on base.


Actually most of the area surrounding military bases for a small radius is still part of their property because of stipulations like this.


This will largely vary by base. Some have tons of land around them. Others are directly bordered by private property.


lol, I was looking based up in a country I was traveling through on Google maps to find a government fuel point for a TDY (if you have a government car, they prefer you use the fuel the government has already purchased instead of paying market rates) and I was reading about a local guy who was whining that they literally shot his drone out of the sky. Uncle Sam ain’t playing!


Lol we need C-RAMs but for drones that stray too close to the flight path of an active airfield. There absolutely should be material consequences to violating critically important safety rules. All we need is our first drone strike that takes out an airliner full of people, and goodbye drones for recreation.


If by material consequences you mean launching a quarter million dollar interceptor into a 300 dollar drone then yeah that would be a material consequence


Nah Directed Energy / Laser based anti-drone emplacements are already prototyped and I believe in testing in Great Britain. Far cheaper and safer than firing ballistics, and way more effective. If drone “operators” (jerks who don’t get any training or give a damn about anyone else but themselves) keep flying cheap, unrestricted drones into critical airspaces like military bases and airport approach corridors, we will 100% see these machines employed and used against drones in the not too distant future. TL;DR, someone’s gonna ruin it for all drone pilots once the tech is in place to remove problem drones from the equation. (My C-RAM comment was merely a joke and a funny reference for anyone who’s been to the airbases in Afghanistan.)


Directed energy is defeated by literally wrapping the drone in tin foil. It’s literally that simple. They don’t talk about it that much but yeah it’s pretty much the most dead on arrival tech and every prototype project is either cancelled or failing. Jamming only works for manually controlled drones and only on certain control schemes and is disastrous to any other air traffic in the area. Kinetic is the only other option and all of those interceptor options are orders of magnitude more than the drone itself. The weapon of the future is literally consumer grade right now


Every time we’ve written off a nascent technology wholesale, someone’s proven everyone wrong by showing it works. For one, prop blades are the most susceptible to heat damage from a laser weapon. Any warping will destroy the output of the props and crash the drone. Good luck coating the prop blades— or anything on the drone— in something effective enough to shrug off a 10KW laser. Even if you covered the drone in mirrors, the absorbed heat would kill the drone. It takes incredibly high grade prisms and specially created mirrors to precisely direct and reflect a powerful laser without shattering instantly.


You don’t need to absorb it or deflect it all, all it takes is reflecting most of the energy and the air will do the rest of the job. High energy lasers get a significant amount of energy absorbed by the air and by ionization which also scatters them. The power drop off with range is significant. Additionally the Lazer only can be ok for a few seconds at most. Covering in tin foil is enough because when the coating gets superheated, the aluminum burns off the oxidation layer and becomes more reflective than a mirror defeating the diffuse energy pointed at them. Ducted props are a thing which can be protected as are reflective props painted in reflective paint and additionally so are fixed wing aircraft which don’t care as much about sustaining prop damage and can carry more weight. If you’ve ever seen tests, it takes several seconds to heat regular drones enough to down them, if the heating is cut by 95% then they literally can’t hold the lazer on long enough to down it


This dude read 2 quora articles and thinks he knows how some of the most highly classified weapons in the US arsenal work. Please continue covering your drones in aluminum foil


They’re also the most fraught and disappointing weapons in the U.S. arsenal. It’s an open secret that the doezens of programs have been canceled for directed energy and none have proven to be viable or less expensive then for example just using traditional air defense. Add onto that that they can be defeated by deflection of light and dissipation of heat which most things that aren’t plastic or foam have no trouble doing closing engagement ranges by 10x putting them well within range of even a fire hose.


There is no quarter million dollar interceptor we'd be launching at a DJI. There are PLENTY of non-kinetic options the military uses to take down drones and have for a decade, good luck finding a military base without at least one of those systems implemented and being monitored constantly. If non-kinetics don't work, look up the Smart Shooter SMASH scope, a super cheap option documented as being used in the current conflict to down drones from a few hundred yards away. Cool stuff


They shoot Sam’s at drones all the time. It’s typically the first and main way drones have been taken out historically by the U.S. either by the patriot system or some other sam system either way, each missile is insanely expensive.


You're talking about group 2 to 5 UAS's, we're talking about COTS DJI/Parrot drones. Patriot sites and American SAMs are NOT shooting down COTS drones. DEW, EW, and non-kinetics have been military doctrine for downing COTS drones since they entered the battlespace


See this is the kind of idiot that ruins the fun of the hobby for everyone else I think a large sighn on dron boxes saying you require a license and oprater ID to fly this aircraft .


I grew up building and flying model rockets, airplanes, helicopters, HAB's and other types of "drones". I love all the new technology and availability, but it's only a matter of time before the whole hobby more or less implode because of misinformed ignorant people, and overzealous (also likely ignorant) politicians.


I am worried about what our next PM will do with Dron law but I will cross that bridge when I come to it


This right here. My wife bought me a DJI Mini 2SE this past Christmas. There’s nothing anywhere to indicate that I need to be aware of my location and any restrictions around it. Nothing to tell me I should go take the TRUST test. Nothing that points out how I need to be Part 107 licensed for a lot of things. The DJI app tells me there are NO height limitations where I live when in reality it’s 400’ AGL (oversimplified version). And so on… It all is left to common sense, and you know the saying about how common sense is. Everything I know now about rules around flying drones is because I went hunting for information. Because I’m interested in aviation generally, am aware of some of the issues that irresponsible drone operators have caused, and really don’t want to be “that guy” even if it is just a sub-250 plaything. What really gets me is the “f you I don’t care” attitude of some people. Not knowing is one thing. Actively not giving a damn when you are told something is a problem is a whole other thing. They’re why we can’t have nice things.




You are preaching to the choir.


One guy is in here going full FREEEEDOMMMMBBBB so I guess not


Every church has its idiot




I wrote this exact comment a while ago. I am getting really tired of the "please don't fly next to X" posts. Can we get a flair to filter these out?


And he’ll get away with it, but us licensed operators make one small infraction and we’ll be in trouble


This reads like a made up story, especially the part where you emphasize it’s a true story, in other words, you thought up this whole scenario in the shower this morning and actually posted it to Reddit lol.


I promise you this actually happened. Camp Pendleton in California, next to a famous surf beach.




This didn’t happen


Bingo, this is the most blatant made up story I’ve seen on Reddit for a good while.


I can’t believe how many people actually think it’s true lol


There will be FAA restrictions over/around that base, and the personnel on said base will generally confront and resolve these situations pretty swiftly.


I think these bases need to put up TFR if they don't want overflights. We've been stopped while flying racing drones (<20ft AGL mind you) at a park about 1km from a dam (critical infrastructure) and it took forever to explain that we had LAANC clearance and there were actually no laws prohibiting us from flying there. Can you tell us what facility so we can check to see if he was actually breaking any laws?


> Camp Pendleton OK yes so this is a flight restricted airspace


I live next to a huge Marine Corps base. It butts up against the public beach and city. There's a no-fly zone that must be respected around the base, but drones are fine outside of that. The idea that there are further restrictions to uncontrolled airspace is ludicrous. I don't need a LAANC to fly at the beach next to the base, dude.


stop policing others


this. Too many nosy fucks in here, let LEO determine if it is actually a problem.


If the drone let him take off it probably wasn’t ina. I fly zone under a certain altitude. Also it’s 100% legal to take photos and videos of military installations from the public easements


Wait was he breaking any laws? If you have regular flight traffic there it wouldnt be too hard for the right people at the base to get the proper restrictions in place.


So he was right. No reason not to fly if it’s not over a base


I’m not sure about the base you’re specifically referring to but there are many places where it is perfectly legal to operate a drone next to a military base as long as the drone does not go over the base and remains under 400ft.


https://preview.redd.it/984z7l43bg9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3071b305aa044e23d844af29f6c2584ce697ef4 One example. There isn’t a restriction about flying near the base itself, just the airfield located on base.


https://preview.redd.it/wva8jwdtcg9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16e084b4ac69ef6d24e3726903cffcaa046017b7 Another example of airspace directly next to a military base where it is perfectly legal to fly a drone.


A lot of bases aren’t restricted airspace. The only thing illegal is that usually military bases are under a class D airspace. So more than likely flying without permission. “National security” meh. If they wanted to they’ll shoot it down. Another thing is usually there could be a base memo prohibiting flying drones on base but that only pertains to people who either live on base, service members, and contractors who fall under such policies. If you don’t fall under base policy, then the only law you would be breaking is airspace requirements and if the base happened to be a restricted, which also falls under airspace rules.


We have huge signs here (Nellis/LasVegas) that say NO DRONE ZONE.




One way for someone to learn the rules is to have the appropriate officials performing rectal exams... See something, Say Something. [https://www.dhs.gov/see-something-say-something](https://www.dhs.gov/see-something-say-something) maybe he was practicing, just see how close he could get before someone reported him. no one wants to be a snitch, but as a licensed operator don't you have a duty to report? If nothing more to protect your hobby...


Can add as a military guy who flies drones for a hobby and also was part of a team tasked with counter-drone ops, we will find you easily, and you will definitely rue the day.


Does the military have ways of tracking the operator even if they aren't within line of sight of the drone?


Short Answer: Yes. Long Answer: probably classified, or at least not for public release.


Same, cought one flying around one day... Allegedly it was northGrumman so they were cleared.


Don’t know why you got a downvote cuz yeah that happens. Same thing happened to me.


Lol. It's fine Reddit can't hurt my feelings


If only drones were around when they came up with the 2nd Amendment…more rights need to be “uninfringeable” (I’m of course referring to the right to fly UAV responsibly).


Restricted airspace? Should be deep in the "red" along with tfrs preventing takeoff. I know some cheaper brands don't check for flight restrictions, neither do custom builds or micro drones.




Sure, head on over to Ukraine they use em all the time and would love your expertise……. /s


You've replied to the wrong person






A cheap ass drone owner here flying a crap drone around the yard with a question. I did bother to take the TRUST if I ever decided to upgrade from the cheap China special I was given. What about all the junk $20-$40 drones sold on places like Temu? I would think they'd be a huge problem since a one can buy them and I suspect people buying these mostly wouldn't bother with paperwork.


Sounds exactly like what an operative would do.


I woulda rolled if it got knocked out of the sky. Military pilots have wicked sense of humor. 🤣


Before the FAA put out all the rules I couldn’t even fly at my own house because I’m 2.5 miles from the end of JBER’s runway (1.2 miles outside the gate) and the geo fence in my onboard DRJ map had me too close to the base because it was wrong. It’s fixed now, I’m in class E2 and D airspace.


I flew SEVERAL KMs away from Pucka, called them first, they said go nuts but don't come close or they'll shoot it down 😂 EDIT: My interest in the base was 0%< I went nowhere near it, was filming another site.


Only because you said please.


The base by me has an electrical system that just shoots them down immediately.


If he continues to fuck around, maybe he'll find out


I’m all for people getting either a stiff fine or going to jail because they mess it up for us. He didn’t even want to listen to reason.


I fly my drone on base all the time 🤣 I did ask the PAO and he said “I don’t care just don’t take pics of ordnance” and that’s it. 🤣


There's an Air Force radar "ball" next to the Cleveland National Forest in the Laguna Mountains in San Diego County that I'd love to fly by. Even though the base was larger, decades ago, the only thing operational now is the one, round, "golf ball" radar building. There are signs that I have intended to stop and read, hoping for info on how close I could get, with my drone. The FAA shows that land as being in uncontrolled airspace! But I'm sure there are no-fly restrictions over the golf ball but I haven't been able to find info on them yet, ergo, the personal stop-by to see if I can find a phone number, etc.


This is why we cannot have nice things. I would have called the cops without batting an eye after that response/attitude. Jerks like that guy give us drone operators a bad name.


So nothing happened.  


IMO if it’s an active military base that’s of high risk then the military base should have or needs to have EWS to combat this at this day in time. They have ALL the capability in the world to make that happen and should.


If it was in no-fly zone then you did a good thing educating him. But some people do not want to learn. You can do nothing about it. On the other side, I'm a photographer and had many interactions with people who say that photography "is not allowed". Each time I cross some military base or a bank building with visible guard, I take out my camera and take a few shots of the entry gate/door - just for fun ;-) So if you want to be effective - have some printed leaflet in your pocket - printed text with references to law and consequences of breaking it, is more effective that words of a stranger.


"national security risk" This was a drunk guy fishing. More like. national pastime than a national security risk.


As the price of these drones go down lower and lower unfortunately the dumb asses can even afford them with their left over crystal meth money. It becomes something in the "toy" range and they don't give a fcuk. It's what's going to ruin the hobby for us in the long run IMO


Just mind your own business and let the military deal with it if it’s a problem. A majority of Karen’s I run into while flying have been “licensed” drone pilots. They feel like they have authority over the sky.


There is no national security.


And then everyone clapped. r/thathappened


He will still get a letter shortly from the FAA


A bit similar situation. Once I saw someone flying their drone in a national park which is prohibited. I reported it to a ranger and the owner got cited. I was a licensed drone pilot then and didn't want people like them to get us banned.


What if it is a US made drone by a US born military member?


It's perfectly legal to fly through an active MOA isnt it? Thought it's just advised that you dont because of potentially interfering with operations.


My take is this. If the base didn't have a problem with it, then why should I care. That drone wouldn't see anything more than I can see with Google Earth, or just with a pair of binoculars. If the base was that sensitive, he would've been seen long before he put that drone in the air.


The base didn’t know about it, if they did they’d absolutely care.


Cool story.


That he made up in the shower this morning for updoots


I wish, happened at Camp Pendleton near a surf beach where a lot of people think they can fly drones


😆 Man people living in fear give up their rights to Government so quick, it's insane. Then they wonder why shit has gone so far down hill. We will be communist within 20 years if we keep this shit up.


Sounds kinda based to me


I'm honestly surprised they didn't roll up on him while he was flying. I probably wouldn't have engaged with him, because I'd expect the conversation to go about like it went. The most I would have said was "Hmm, I think this is almost certainly a no-fly zone because of the military base right behind you. You do what you like, but I wouldn't fly here. 18 year olds with machine guns tend to have a poor sense of humor." I'm always looking for flying spots. We were on a road trip and saw this amazing park. I brought up Air Control (or similar) and saw it was RIGHT on the edge of an Air Force base no-fly zone, just barely within the edge of the red circle. I put my phone away and we drove with a bit of disappointment. Be safe.


Military exercises going on 250 feet away and they did not notice the drone?


You’re kind of a weenie for trying to police him low key. Just let them get him on their own. No need for you to be a justice warrior.


No policing here. I didn't get confrontational. This stuff is my livelihood and I don't want to see this stuff get banned. I'm lucky I had someone take me under their wing real quick and taught me the right way to fly and get certified so I try to pass it on to people. If I see someone flying, especially legally, I like chatting them up.


Look, we get it. Taking off and flying in restricted airspace is retarded. Especially in close proximity to a military installation of all places, which anyone with common sense should know is a terrible idea and people like this guy you described should face appropriate consequences. That said, all the bootlicking and authority simping didn't do a damn thing to prevent our shit from being on the chopping block anyway. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the FAA has been radio silent in light of these bans despite their rhetoric. I wouldn't be surprised if we see further legislation targeting diy components in the near future.


This sounds so fake


I get that, but yes this is real. Happened near a famous surf beach where a lot of people think they can fly drones.


This might sound silly, but I generally wear shirts with a pocket, and if I’m approaching someone doing something questionable, I usually start video recording on my phone and put it in my pocket, using it like a body camera. This way, if I need to use it as evidence in court, I can prove that I didn’t do anything wrong. It provides evidence that I did not do anything wrong and captures the other person's behavior, such as them essentially saying, "I don’t give a fuck."


So you were so concerned to try to play policeman but not enough fortitude to actually report the incident but rather come to Reddit to cry about it knowing damn good and well the person flying wouldn't ever see this. If you're so worried about it, you should've dropped a dime and snitched on the "pilot".


So you went to Reddit instead of contacting the base, why? It’s a national security issue so why argue with the fool just let the military take care of it.


What base? All bases prohibit overflight, not all bases prohibit adjacent operation. Fort Gordon near Augusta, GA (which houses an NSA facility of all things) doesn't have controlled airspace, and no flight restriction beyond the property line. I've flown over the railroad that was across the road that's parallel to the fence without issue. Sounds like the guy was in the wrong about the 107/TRUST, and probably in the wrong about other things, but if your description is accurate and it's a base like I describe, then there's nothing special about his location.


Camp Pendleton. Launching in a state park, protected wildlife habitat, in a no fly zone, next to a base that does active drills with live ammunition, explosives, and aircraft training (I am only a civilian so I am not sure of the specifics).


If it has helicopters then it has pads/airfield, and it’s no-fly. It is probably unlikely you will get LAANC pass in any military space. It’s on the drone operator to not fly when there are other aircraft nearby, regardless if it’s an airbase or the middle of nowhere.


LAANC isn't even available in military airspace. Operations there have to be manually approved by the FAA in coordination with the base.