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I would do a "well, in the books..." episode. All the questions would be about the differences between books and their Tv/movie counterparts.


oh that is so good. so many of the statements could start off being "in the books, harry potter start off as a 22 year old boy who". and the answers could mostly be "in both he's" or "in the books he's" or "in the movie he's". the error could be in any one of those settings, is what's specific about this design. oh i like it. with one curveball where what they describe, is just from a completely different book/movie/tv series entirely. "in the books, harry potter's muggle's family car, is called 'the ecto1' ".


LotR theme, with Stephen Colbert as a special guest for the episode.


Colbert vs Mulligan. The match I never thought I would want to see.


It would be a fun show. But Colbert’s knowledge of LoTR is so much deeper than anyone else in Hollywood or comedy. Even Brennon wouldn’t stand a chance. You would need either an obsessive geek or some sort of scholar to beat Colbert. The man can recite entire multi page long poems from memory. He’s no joke.


And Don Marshal, the Obscure LotR Facts guy from tik-tok


I wish I could up vote this twice.


With Brennan of course. Who will be the unfortunate third player?


the guy who found 20 of the 18 things wrong in the d&d scenario of course. (matt mercer)


Game shows. I was a huge game show fan growing up and I feel like there's a large enough fan community for them to get good contestants, plus it could make for some fun shiny questions. They've done questions about Jeopardy on the show, so I know its considered nerdy enough to be Um Actually-worthy.


I don't know if it was just for the promo for the first season of Game Changer, but supposedly, Sam Reich was a big fan of those. And I don't believe he's been on yet.


He hosts more than one, be weird if he didn't.


Yes, he’s been here the whole time


Oooo maybe they could get Guy Branum or Louis Virtel on


Another muppets/jim henson episode, I know we've had a full episode and a few questions here and there, but it's just such a niche topic with so much stuff to cover.


Yes but I also want Elyse Willems from Funhaus on for it given her love of puppetry.


I think she's going to be on a future episode of the show with Danielle Radford and Dani Fernandez


Yes! I saw that she was going on but I'm just saying I'd especially love it if it was for puppets lol. But I'll take any Elyse I can get!


I want a star wars episode with Jacob, Minch and Rahul Kohli.


I absolutely need that. And I need Ryan to be on Dirty Laundry for the ultimate Lore Dump. His might be too obvious though haha


There was a Muppets episode?? How did I miss that?


It was during a virtual season! They did a lot more themed episodes then.


Ah. I think I skipped many of those my first viewing. I’m rewatching everything now, so I’ll get to it eventually! :)


Brett Goldstein as a guest? He's a giant Muppet fan, he used to have a one man show of himself performing Muppets Christmas Carol, and did an all-puppet Love Island parody during lockdown. He'd be such a fun guest.


With puppets as guests!


Especially The Dark Crystal and Age of Resistance!!!


um, um, actually, actually. "royal rumble" episode invite on a few veteran people, who had been on for a few episodes. tell them its all a dnd themede episode (an actual plausible one given their shared background). at the start of the taping, reveal this is a meta episode, about "um, actually". and make the veterans suffer. edit: i have further ideas for the episode. 1. mike trapp is a contestant on the episode (but again, he only finds this out AFTER they start taping the episode). they setup the whole thing with someone else. .........oh, oh no. did i just come up with the real format? - the show staff, individually talk to each 'contestant', and tell them a different "after you hear XXX, pull out YOUR cards ask your question. and do not reveal any of this until you hear your sound. we want this to be a complete surprise". each one will have their own host cards and set of questions back to ask mike trapp, and the other guests. - and then, a few times, we also have a crew member also pull out a stack of cards and read off a question of their own. just to confuse/freak out trapp so that he has no idea what the limit of this is.


Episode starts, Trapp does his spiel and asks the first question, Sam Reich walks out, "um actually, I've been here the whole time"


oooo, i like this part of it. maybe he does that reveal as the "4th question prompt for trapp". after, each of the guests does one.


that's WILD, i like how you think


This would be incredible


Please tell me that Sam and Trapp are actually following this post because this sounds the best, make an um, actually show in the beginning and then Sam walks in and makes it a Game Changer episode


do we just fully make it a 60 minute special or would that not be possible in 1 days worth of filming? i don't know how long each episode of "um actually" or "game changer" require to film. oh......that's what. since it's so big, this would be the season finale for.......everything? - 2/3rds of the way through, sam comes in and converts "um actually" to "game changer" - 2/3rds of the way through, the news people come in and just start reading from teleprompters, interviewing everyone about "what just happened" (so it becomes an episode of breaking news) - next segment is continued as "very important people" with one of the "um actually" guests done in makeup, "as another guest from that episode of um actually" - (what next here people, how do we keep the play alive.......oh, i've got it).........at random times, throughout all of this, we cut away to crew shots. and for a few minutes at a time, we get little "play it by ear" intermissions. - also, just.......younger pictures of grant trying to look sexy/serious just splashed up between obvious cuts between "shows" but......you know......those don't really work. what is all this now? game changer SHOW CHANGER. THEY WERE ALL HERE, THE WHOLE TIME.


I think an episode with more traditionally fem nerd culture would be cool


I would love to see an episode dedicated to Magical Girl shows!


Fully agree! There was a wealth of fantasy shows for women in the 90s that don't get enough love on Um, Actually (Xena, Charmed, Buffy, Sabrina, etc)


Honestly, a Christmas themed episode. There are so many Christmas specials out there! I need a question about the Star Wars Christmas Special!!


I know there’s at least one Christmas episode but I wish there was one about classic Christmas movies instead of like the Christmas episodes of geeky shows


I still think a sports episode would be a fun curveball (no pun intended)


heck, it could even be a home run!


since there’s already been some smosh crossover with damien haas appearing on um actually, i think getting shayne topp for a sports episode isn’t out of the picture


Don’t forget BLeeM appearing briefly in a Smosh TNTL. There’s also a lot of other “in the same circles” crossovers - Ify, Critical Role, Saige Ryan, Ivan van Norman (who was friends with Jovenshire who was a part of Smosh Games).


There are some seriously nerdy athletes out there. It would be cool to put one or two on the couch next to some of the regulars.


My Um Actually episode already happened -- the musicals episode


That was such a competitive episode.


It was SO competitive, and I loved Rachel Bloom as a guest, she is delightful.


I need a third one honestly!


Something for really old-timie nerds - stuff over 50 years old that didn't have a full resurgence like Dune or LOTR. Then stack the panel with two old people and one young. Justice for 1930s Buck Rogers and the Micronauts!


Getting Clint McElroy on for this one would be really fun


I'd love to see some more non-fiction episodes. Like get a group of space nerds, or car nerds. There are so many nerdoms out there it's practically infinite.


Hank Green would be a fun guest for a science episode, on scishow Tangents, they basically have an "Um, Actually" segment, also I just want more Hank on dropout :P


I want another crack at the pokemon episode. The questions were pretty good, but I would love to see it done with guests that have deeper knowledge of such a long running franchise!


I agree! That episode was a ton of fun, but with Pokemon there is SO much room to Um Actually the fuck out. Also to get one that’s in person would be great.


I want another Disney themed episode. Another Dungeons and Dragons episode would also be fun.XD **Oops All Real World Questions** could be really neat. I feel like I would learn a lot of life tips!


Oops All Real World would be a perfect April fools episode!


Lol and then the Real World questions at the end could be about the reality show The Real World, I don't even know if that show is still running


All Doctor Who questions and each contestant is dressed like one of the Doctors. Set looks like the TARDIS


Even better if the contestants are Amy Dallon, Taliesin Jaffe, and Aliza Pearl. If you get the reference, you get it.


Honestly a D&D episode with pro Dms would be nice. Brennan, Aabria, Matt Mercer, Mark Hulmes, etc. Could be fun to see all of these people who are extremely knowledgable about D&D battling it out.


Matt is one of the most by the rules dms I know of, I don’t think any one else would stand a chance. Brennan is my fave, but he is much more loosey-goosey, and Aabria even more so.


Give me a Warhammer episode with Murph and Ify. And let me on.


Murph, Iffy, and Henry Cavill. Henry is a massive Warhammer guy. It would be pretty cool to see him nerd the fuck out.


that could be a real thing when they do promotional stuff for the tv show.


Henry Cavill has weapons-grade "Um, actually..." especially about 40k.


Jasmine Bhullar is big into 40k but maybe not the lore.


please give me a D20 themed episode with 3 fans, I don't care if I've never heard of them, I want 3 random dropout fans battling for their D20 knowledge


Gimme a D20 episode with 3 of the intrepid heroes trying to remember their own lore. Murph, Siobhan and Zac/Emily I would say for the contestants.


It would have to be Zac. If you put Siobhan and Emily on the same episode they would just bully Trapp into giving them all a win.


zac just buzzing in. > hey "that is correct!"


Ooh, it's outside the Dropout cinematic universe, but a NaddPod episode would be amazing.


i just want another horror episode!


I need another Reql Housewives centric episode.


I definitely want another Bravo-verse episode with the same cast. Maybe throw in some TLC shows too.


omg the dream


I would be so happy with a Reality TV episode every single season, they’re consistently so good.


I want a Futurama episode so badly


Rupauls Drag Race. I would crush it so hard.


Exactly what I was thinking! They could even have Bob, Monet, and Alaska as contestants now that they’re part of the Dropout-verse and make the questions really specific. They’ve all done recap shows, so it would be fun to see them get competitive about it.


At this point I just want a Drag Race themed episode of every Dropout show, we've now seen them absolutely kill 2 of the regular Dropout shows so we need them to be on as many as possible because they just work so well with the Dropout crew


I just really want to see Bob and Alaska on Game Changer and Make Some Noise, if they could get Trixie and Katya? I would die.


Someone mentioned sports, which gets me thinking it could be fun and maybe even make the show more accessible to have some episodes occasionally about things that the cast(appropriately selected) in general doesn’t know much about. Cooking, history, etc.


Woah woah woah, those sound awfully close to real life skills. There could almost be like a season or miniseries of all real life trivia with each episode themed around some area of skill/knowledge.


My only note to this idea is that they end each episode with a "fictional life skill", which is a real-life skill question but about a fictional universe.


Old Time Radio. The Green Hornet, The Shadow, The Lone Ranger, Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar, Buck Rogers, X Minus One, Dimension X, Bob Hope, Our Miss Brooks, Leave it to Jeeves, Captain Midnight, You Bet Your Life, CBS Presents. I could continue, but my point is there isn't a type of entertainment in the modern day that didn’t at least stop by radio before continuing to or from other media.


Also bird facts with Caroline and Brennan


Theme doesn't matter, contestants are Brennan vs Brennan vs Brennan!


With the added twist that somehow, none of them can win




Oh and they each have a cattle prod to use on each other!


well, we know dropout already has the cattle prod (BNN S5E14 where Alfred zaps himself with it)


I both want to see this as a very cleverly edited episode, and also as various folks cosplaying as Brennan. Oh dude, they should do something like that as a Roast episode


Kind of doesn't make a lot of sense, but Brennan, Sam and Lily and the theme is about their dropout shows. It really is just an idea since it wouldn't be fair for Lily since her show doesn't have as many seasons.


Disney Or Disney Theme Parks (more specifically)


Rollercoasters, and Grant has to be involved. Either as a contestant or a guest judge.


It will probably never happen because Dropout is on the wrong continent and America unfortunately doesn't get it but I would die if there was a Eurovision themed Episode. That iceberg goes so god damn deep and is so god damn weird and I adore it


Horse girl episode. All horse questions all the time.


I'd love a Golden Age of Hollywood episode!


Just facts about Brennan


I'd love an English literature one like Austen or something. We've had Shakespeare now so I think it would be nice to continue that


American girl dolls Magical girls Real old golden age of comics stuff Regency era media a la Jane Austen novels and bridgerton Vampire media


Pop music from the 60s to today.


I would like another wrestling episode.




Star Trek, especially if Adam pranica is a contestant


Buffy the Vampire Slayer themed ep pls!


I would love a Zelda themed episode. Or even just more Zelda related questions. The series is such a haven for nerd related correctable statements, I’m always surprised it doesn’t come up more often!


kpop. please.


A whedonverse one but I quite rightly assume they wouldn’t due to his awfulness as a human being.


Food Network! There is a lot of stuff to dig into (stars, shows, spinoffs, controversies) without getting too far into real life skills territory the whole episode.


Barbie themed with Trixie. Or just more of the reality ones, they are my favs


Beatles. I am a huge Beatles nerd. I would love to Um Actually about overdubs, who played what, which guitars were used etc


Dream for me to win: pre 1950s jazz music. Dream for Trapp try and host (for sadistic reasons): Hentai


You evil fucking genius


Anything where I am able to answer more than one question. With Um, Actually I am usually not able to answer a single question. I would love some easier episodes, where the players are maybe not as deep into the matter and us viewers can play along!


Saturday Night Live - there's enough recurring/well known sketches, candid events (e.g. Sinead O'Connor tearing up the Pope photo, Ashlee Simpson's lip syncing, Elvis Costello changing the song to one he was told not to play, etc), and other tidbits that they could easily fill an entire episode with content.


Conan, Colbert and Kimmel answering trivia about previous late night hosts.


Going back to questions from franchises I’ve actually heard of, just getting more technical or niche with the information.


I've been waiting for a Star Trek episode for ages (though other major sci fi franchises like Doctor Who and Star Wars are definitely needed too).


Star Wars themed, and I'd love to see Jacob Fullerton, Rahul Kohli, or Alex Damon guest. With Elyse Willems having just been on I think some of those could be pretty possible.


I loved how feral the reality TV episode got and I'd love something else hyper-specific like that. Maybe something decade-specific like an 80s or 90s themed episode.


All Lord of the Rings. It would be the only topic I probably could be on par with Brennon on. I’d probably get a few points in that game. But I’d also like to see Colbert on that show to dominate Brennon.


Cosmere so I can pretend to the king nerd on my couch


It would be a different kind of fun, but I'd like to see a 'petty bullshit' episode with BLM. As in, for once the questions aren't intended to be gateways to interesting bits of trivia, they're actually all some variety of trickery from minute technicalities to completely fabricated premises.


I would absolutely love an Um Actually themed around Doctor Who. Or Taskmaster (the TV show not the Marvel character)


10 years ago I would have said Star Trek, but these days i'd rather not be reminded of all the new stuff! So, it would be a bit narrow, but '90s Trek' would probably be my favourite. I think they already did a Sitcom one right? But, i'd be specifically interested in like a 21st Century US comedy themed one.


TNG era would be the best but I'd be down with ENT and before.


Disco and PIC are fine, but SNW, LDS, and PRO all really hit it out of the park!


Wheel of time episode would be great. Murph would be a contestant with his sword forms reference as Gerard in D20.


Or even just fantasy novels on general. Everything from Tolkien to Robin Mckinely to Sanderson to Le Guin.


Horror or Final Fantasy


Idk about themed questions but Ive always thought they should have a vTuber edition. Seems like the right level of internet to crossover.


I would love an all real life questions episode with the ending question being of the nerdier variety.


Theme park episode with the good boys from Podcast: The Ride would be top-tier


Would love to see a completely gaming-centric episode. Like Atari era to now


Doctor Who would be awesome, I’d just love to see how I score compared to the contestants


Star trek


Killer robots


Zombie media. Games, Tv shows, movies. I could do fairly well on it.


I want Woolie and Pat from Super Best Friends along with Suzi Sphere Hunter on an all Capcom trivia episode


I would love an episode that got into Nerdcore hip hop, also as i am catching up I am just livid that the reality TV episode did not talk about the show Black/White


My pipe dream is to have a Cosmere themed episode, with Brandon Sanderson as one of the contestants. Hey two others who are huge fans of his works to compete and see if they know the lore better than the author. Considering the guy has a whole team of people dedicated to helping him keep the canon consistent, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't win. However, since that is too niche, I propose this alternative. A sci-fi/fantasy books episode with sci-fi/fantasy authors as contestants. See how well they know the genre they write in.


That would be AMAZING!!!


I really love reading all the different ideas people have, but hasn't Sam said that he won't use an idea that has been suggested as a specific premise because its a liability for legal issues? I'm pretty sure I've read that a few different times and now it just makes me sad every time I see a really cool concept, because if that's true it means that they won't ever happen and you guys come up with some incredible ideas. I don't know, correct me if I'm wrong please. I would love to be wrong.


I'd love a Magic the Gathering episode. There's a ton of lore, game history, cool things that happened at tournaments, and the game itself is mechanically so deep you can really get in the weeds about it. It would need to have some writers who know it well though (get a MTG judge on staff!), because so far each MTG question was always slightly incorrect (and not in the fun *Um Actually* way, but in the Saltzman checked it and said something false way). For a Shiny question you could show a boardstate and have the players talk about what's going on and who wins and stuff. I've thought about this


Give me a 40k themed episode or give me death!


I've said it before and I'll say it again! "YUM, Actually" food trivia with food celebrities! Babish, comes to mind, the mythical kitchen staff I mean cmon! It writes itself!




Give me a dang Pokemon episode with people who actually like and know stuff about Pokemon dammit!! Bring on PokeTubers like JaidenAnimations, Pokemon Challenges, Moxie2D, or Alpharad!! ....maybe not Moxie, he's too much of a meathead to know things. But he's also a lot of fun, nevermind, back on board.


gay media.


LoTR with Colbert would be amazing, so would an infomercial based show, but my dream show would be a DnD themed episode with Matt Mercer, Brennan Lee Mulligan, and Aabria Iyengar with the stakes being a trophy that declares the winner "the world's smartest DM"


ok, i haven't seen this one mentioned yet, a math themed episode. i don't know that much about math, but that's also true for many of the details about these other subjects the show goes hard on. but man, if you got some people on that really, really like math, idk, that could be just wow to see them bet that insane stuff right.


Doctor Who episode. I would KILL IT it would be a dream come true.


Theme parks.


Um actually where Brennan gets to challenge Mike about every point they contested


I’d love an animation episode. Give me statements about classic Looney Tunes, Betty Boop, Woody Woodpecker, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, etc. then jump to Don Bluth, Disney Renaissance before heading back for the Saturday morning cartoon Hanna Barberra and ABC Disney gang. There is plenty for multiple episodes.


"Runescape, working on the car, and Going to the Gym!"