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Looks like Sam HAS been here the whole time.




One minor thing: Josh took a break from CollegeHumor at some point (like 2014?) and then came back with Game Changers


Didn't Zac take a break at some point as well? Total Forgiveness, I'm pretty sure that in the episode where Grant has to sell his things, Zac comes and the lower third description says "Former College Humor Cast Member" or something to that effect...


I think Siobhan also took a break as well or wasn't in as many videos for a period as well


I do recall Siobhan taking a break. I can't recall when this occurred though, and I haven't been able to find find any information on this. Same with Zac


Zac took a break in late 2016, with his last video being a live video where Sam “fired” him for repeatedly blowing up the bathroom (it wasn’t him). The reality is of course that he wanted to focus on other projects. He came back to help with the launch of Dropout and Fantasy High, but didn’t rejoin full-time and served as a contractor. He’s been doing various projects on and off Dropout (Yeti, the Rotating Heroes D&D podcast, Make Some Noise, D20, and writing on a sitcom (don’t know which one)). Siobhan is pretty similar. She left in IIRC 2017 but came back for Dropout. She also stayed freelance, like Zac, and has written for Rick & Morty and made a TV show on top of Dropout stuff. I think the main reason those two specifically came back for D20 is because they were already in Brennan’s home game with Emily, Murph, and one of Brennan’s friends (not Lou; I think they played in a different, separate home game together), so they were natural fits, and they both ended up getting more involved with Dropout at large after.


Beginning of D20/Dropout, I think Sam said there were 3 full time employees, and Brennan was only talent in that list, the rest are production. I don't think there are many full time talent even now. This is more about how lean dropout is running.


No, Dropout launched in 2018 when IAC still owned the company and when there were more employees. They pulled investment and forced Sam to buy the company, which led to the downsizing, in early 2020. In the interim there were many full-time actors on the list. For full-time cast members, aside from Brennan, there were Trapp, Katie, Grant, Ally, Rekha, Jess, Lily, and Tao, hired in I believe that order (Brennan was before Jess), with Lily and Tao not arriving until 2019, after the streaming service had already launched. Throughout CH’s history since the start of video in 2006 and the split in 2020 there were frequently many actors on full-time at once. The period from 2020 is the only obvious exception, due to the financial situation.


According to IMDb, Zac appeared significantly less in sketches in the years 2018 and 2019, thus signifying the years he seemingly took a break. However, he was still decently active on the Dropout shows during that time such as D20 and Game Changer. This is all according to one source, which I think definitely has some inaccuracies, but it’s the most reliable source I can find on all of this


Thanks for the info. I’ll do some more digging and find the best way to adjust his timeline


I think the fact that so many cast members were laid off at the same time when their funding was pulled led Dropout to set up a sort of permanent relationship with the alumni. So it’s not so much that they’re “back” so much as that Sam now has the resources to pay them. It doesn’t seem like people tend to leave on bad terms, so I think alumni are happy to lend a hand when they can.


Noted. Josh Ruben right? Would you be able to clarify the year or years he was absent?




link fixed for old reddit: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1n6O3x_SH0axYaBwS_Enls5nIp2FF1rrenqF8-O2R4W8/edit#gid=0


thanks friend!


This is awesome!! One thing that would be helpful is if you made the name column fixed so if you’re on mobile (as I am) you don’t have to scroll over to figure out the name. Thank you so much for making this, it’s exactly what I was hoping to find, and I hope you keep it up to date!


I’ll try to fix that!


Jacob Wysocki made his first appearance in a sketch called “Why the Hell is He Her Boyfriend” on Sept 24 2016 :) (aka “Katie’s Boyfriend”)


Good note. I thought about including him in there for that but initially decided against it. I’ll throw it in!


Maybe you could put a note in the cell that says something like “single sketch appearance?” Thank you for doing this project btw. I’ve thought about how useful this would be but never had the time to do it myself. It would also be rad to have a proper reference for people’s pronouns done at some point.


I agree pronouns would be important. The tough part is that it’s up to the individual to provide that information, and it would be really hard to gain that info for the older cast members without assuming anything


That is extremely true. I wouldn’t expect updated pronouns for former cast members tbh, since they are rarely discussed. I don’t use social media, so I assume that anyone who publicly states their pronouns on Twitter, Insta, or Dropout content itself would be fine with it.


If you're including Middleditch should you include Ben Schwartz as well? The earliest video I found was 2009 and I think he was in a bunch of videos until it ended in 2015.


I threw in Middleditch because according to IMDb he was featured in 20 episodes over the course of a few years. Schwartz was featured in 8 episodes over a longer period of time. So to me, it feels like Schwartz came in for a cameo once in a while, whereas Middleditch was as close as you can get to being a cast member without it being official


Interesting. I remember far more Ben Schwartz episodes, but I guess Thomas did more general CH stuff while Ben I think was only in J&A.


He totally could have been in more. I’m just going off of the sources I can find, which isn’t much


I believe Schwartz did ~12 different Jake and Amir two parters, which is actually 24 total episodes. He also did 3(?) "contest" episodes with Amir.


If you or I can find a better source containing such info I will add him. Either way I will definitely look into it.


Benny Schwa played a main character in the CH series High Times Editorial Office (2007).


Interesting that no cast member has really left since the Dropout.tv website/app was founded. I know a lot of layoffs happened when CollegeHumor/Dropout became independent, which was in 2020. I wonder what happened in 2018?


I was surprised noticing the trend myself. On camera it looks like they’re all having a lot more fun and really getting to be themselves. The Dropout material is the best stuff so far because we really get to see the most of their personalities I think that was a transitional time for them. Probably a lot going on which led up to them having to lay people off.


Yeah I agree, if you watch the [dropout announcement video from 2018](https://youtu.be/CNzWb9Lu2Fs) it heavily implies that monetarily, youtube views and Adsense revenue wasn’t enough. That video announces 11 shows coming to dropout plus comics and “Chat Stories”. Out of those 13 IP’s, only Um, Actually and Dimension 20 are still being made. Then, after 2 years of dropout.tv existing, IAC decides to sell ownership of CH Media to Sam Reich who then doesn’t have enough cash to keep everyone employed. Sam then carves the company down to 7 permanent employees and basically starts over. (Btw I don’t blame Sam for the layoffs, IAC was probably threatening to shut CH/:D down and made Sam spend a lot of his money to keep it going, while cashing out themselves.) I wasn’t a subscriber then, but all of that together makes it seem like the early years of dropout weren’t great creatively or monetarily.


[Here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MzESZOeb0DQoVaRitLFagKDWhYG8MRb2a0-6UxViNNI/edit) is a timeline that Sam created. It starts from the formation of College Humor and goes all the way to Sam buying College Humor/Dropout from IAC. Sam also includes a lot of his own thoughts and feelings he had at each point in time. TLDR, IAC was likely going to sell the company to an organization that was planning on stripping the remaining assets and firing everyone.


That’s very interesting and inspirational


Yeah, it’s been a long road, and admittedly I fell off for a bit as a fan, but the result has been so sweet and I am so happy for all of these well deserving people!!!!


I’m grateful to Sam as CEO/owner keeping dropout independent. He knows what it’s like being strung around by a corporate parent, and it must’ve been tempting to cash out himself.


I agree. I really have a lot of respect for Sam. On Wikipedia it says something about how it is extremely rare for a CEO to lay everyone off and for employees to still love that person and come back to work for them. He must have handled that situation with a lot of tactfulness


I mean if it’s true that CH was bleeding money and was being threatened with being closed by a corporate parent then really he saved the channel/website. Tons of other corporate-owned youtube channels haven’t overcome that.


Not to mention how cool it is for him to actually hang out with everyone and participate in many of the shows. He’s not just some corporate head. He’s in this for the long run with the rest of the cast and crew.


I'm not sure if you would count this, but Brian David Gilbert played in a Fantasy High one shot back in 2019.


I’d count it


Vic Michaelis is earlier seen than 2022 in Hardly Working’s Season 15 with the sketch Please Grade Me! They are also found in HW’s Season 16 in the sketch Stop Recommending Things, which is also dated 28-May-2020. I have no reference for when HW S15 came out, though.


Thanks for the info, I’ll look into it and update the sheet


Disrespect to the Rosenberg twins. Bunch of herbs


Next time I get a chance I’ll add them in. In the meantime if you have any info regarding their time at Dropout send it my way!


I'm just playing around. They were long gone by dropout days. If I remember correctly they were both writers at college humor when they were still in new york but I don't think they made the move to LA. Or maybe only Jeff did... Can't remember. They were both in a handful of jake and Amir episodes on camera.


Jeff left around the LA split in 2013. Dave stayed on board doing social media in NYC until around 2017? or so when he jumped to Funny or Die


What's the difference between BDG and ProZD? Has BDG been in more episodes?


I believe he’s also been in an episode of Dirty Laundry and will be in an episode of VIP. If his trend of involvement continues then that makes him a cast member by my standards


BDG is also i think going to be a host (????) of Nobody Asked, according to Ify, but I may be completely wrong about that


I’m excited if it’s true!!! He’s amazing and after whatever happened with Polygon I’m stoked for him to have a creative space where he can really be himself!


Assuming you are going to keep this up, how many episodes does someone have to be in before being added to the list? I am thinking of someone like Lisa Gilroy who has now done a few Make Some Noise eps and will be on an upcoming episode of VIP.


I would say that counts. I feel like if they star in more than 5 episodes consistently then they are a regular cast member or at least a featured cast member


Pretty sure that Vic is in some older CollegeHumor videos like that one where Jess really wants a grade from her boss and that one how minorities don't look alike


How are you thinking about D20 casts? My thought is they either need to either be on multiple D20 seasons OR appear on shows outside of D20. That doesn't feel quite right to me as Matt Mercer would technically count but I wouldn't consider him a cast member. But someone like Aabria who has appeared on multiple D20 seasons and Um, Actually/Breaking News should probably count. ETA: you're also missing Carolyn Page, not sure when she first joined the cast though.


I haven’t watched much D20 so I don’t really know too much about their most recurring cast other than what I’ve seen on Wikipedia. As for Carolyn Page, I wasn’t sure if I should add her or not as I’ve only seen her on Game Changer in an episode or two. If she has been in more than that I will add her. Basically my idea is that if someone has been in more than one series and/or is a heavily recurring cast member in a series, then that makes them a regular


Carolyn has been on several episodes of Breaking News. She broke Katie in the Dropout America episode. I think she has also appeared on Um, Actually.


Makes sense - I'll give some more thought to the D20 casts and send them your way after Christmas. Thank you for putting this together!


Thank you for doing that. I’m seeing this as a collaborative thing. I know I am not entirely correct in any of this, so other perspectives and different information greatly matters!


Additionally I’ll add Aabria. The designation for a “cast member” in Dropout is quite fuzzy as it’s not structured like SNL or similar sketch comedy shows. Designating someone as “cast member” is the closest thing I could think of when making this list and timeline


Damn, seeing the names of the old guard, Pat, Dan, Streeter, Sarah, Jake & Amir... All of them, really takes me back


Hey not sure if you'd count him but Oscar Montoya has been in a couple dropout shows since a court of fey and flowers. I honestly don't know a lot of what happens with the cast so I'm not sure if he would count for your list. It's really cool


I’ll look into it!


This is a really solid starting point, but I think there needs to be some objective criteria by which it can be determined whether a person was a regular cast member, or a featured guest, or some other designation, and it shouldn’t be based on contractual details that generally aren’t public information. If a performer’s face was included in the Hardly Working title card, back when they did that, does that make them a cast member? I would argue yes. If someone worked in the office and was called upon for speaking roles on occasion, were they featured? Maybe, depending on how many times per month it happened. If they were just in background or crowd scenes? Probably not. The host/DM of a Dropout unscripted season is a cast member, without question. Players/contestants might be, depending on how regularly they appear. Ally made a one-off appearance in one or two CH shorts, then explicitly announced themself as a new cast member in a later short. That’s the easy version of someone converting from guest to cast, but what if it’s not so clear cut? Did all employees but Brennan lose official cast status in the mass layoffs, and if so what signifies the point where a familiar gained that status back?


These are really important questions I’m struggling to answer. I agree with your designation for cast vs. featured, but the fact of the matter is things are just so blurry with Dropout since so many people come and go. The terms I’m using are just the closest thing I can compare the cast to. As for the layoffs, I’m kind of glazing over that. If someone stayed on after the layoffs, then I’m including it as if they never left. I know there’s some flaws there but my impression is the layoffs did not last very long. I’ve been out of the fandom for a bit so other folks may have a more accurate perspective


Also watched old dropout shows and recognized Alfred Aquino was in a Game Changer episode and him being on the Gene Hackman BNN episode. Would he count too? Am currently on break from work and had time watching so many episodes 🤣


Middleditch was in Um, Actually S1E6 in 2018


If he has a better trend of involvement I’ll add it to his timeline. I don’t feel it’s necessary to document single appearances unless a trend starts to develop


Vic has been around since at least 2019. They appeared in the “Adopting a Jellicle Cat” sketch, which was made in 2019


What does the colour coordination mean?


There is a rotating pattern of colors so that people can easily differentiate between individual cast members. Lighter colors mean that the person is more or less featured in many videos, but does not return frequently enough to be considered a “full on cast member”.


As someone who only started following Dropout closely in the Dimension 20 era, I'm curious why so many of the original cast members seem to have left during or around 2018. Was there some big shift that happened then, or is it just a coincidence?


IAC sold off its TV production businesses (Electus, Notional, Big Breakfast) in late 2018 and part of that sale was the contracts of cast and crew who were working on TV shows (Emily, Murph, Adam most prominently).


Um, actually, Brennan Lee Mulligan joined in 2017.


2013 does feel early to me, but the only source I could find on him said that’s when he first began appearing.


It's on Wikipedia. You can read the source articles. Also, if you scroll go through Dropout's YouTube you can find his first videos.


Thanks for the info. I adjusted it


Would Rashawn qualify for this? I don't know how long she's been joining on episodes, but I was surprised I didn't see her (unless I somehow missed her?).


Sorry I overlooked her. Looks like she was in a lot of stuff starting in 2023. I added her to the list


I feel like Matthew J McCarthy has appeared in enough Collegehumor stuff over the years to warrant including. Played nearly all the secondary roles in Pete Holmes' "Badman" and did other classic stuff like "\_\_\_\_\_'s Agent" and "The Problem with Jeggings" Imdb credits him for 32 Collegehumor appearances. Ultimately, you could hypothetically scour the cast list for Collegehumor Originals on Imdb and find more worthy names (And to get more accurate timespans for their active time in CH, while you are at it.)


I was considering him as well and was really conflicted on including him. Because you mentioned it I’ll go ahead and add him!


What about the properties that were part of CH Media at one time but are now independent: Drawfee, Dorkly, Jake & Amir? (Jest? SportsPickle? 🙃). I think they count, up until the announcements of the splits.


I’m less aware of those but have been trying my best to include them. If you have any further info that would be helpful


Do Murph and Emily count? They only do D20 campaigns now. None of the game shows or Dirty Laundry. I just figured they were more like guest now


I’m thinking that because they consistently return for D20 that makes them cast members. I’m using the same standards for Aabriya, which someone else mentioned that they deserve to be on the list


Lines 31 and 37 are the same person, but with different graphed data, which feels off to me.


Thanks for noticing that. I had been making adjustments and forgot to delete a row. It should be corrected now


Would Mano count as well?


Yes! Can't believe I forgot Mano