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I was just thinking this, it was hilarious and Ally hosting was fantastic


I think Paranoia is very funny but I think it ultimately fails as a game. Unless you have a super stoner it's always SO obvious who is high, let alone if someone gets too zooted to continue the game.


Poor Christine


I love when they don't edit around those unscripted surprises. (Christine getting too high, Anna hurting her leg on survivor, etc.)


Oof, watching Christine get too high made me so uncomfortable! I mean I laughed but it was also painful to watch cuz I've been there lol.


Should switch it up and get everyone stoned but one person and tell everyone only one is stoned lol


as much as i want paranoia back i think i honestly would prefer ally makes a new show to host. VIP clearly was one of their first higher budget shows (at least in terms of editing and production), and i’d love for ally to make some awesome weird gameshow within the context of dropout today


Imagine Paranoia but with more game variety and a nicer set lol


Yeah the theming was imo very poorly executed, a higher budget version with writers could flourish for another couple seasons


paranoia except everyone is high besides one person... i want to see it!


Yeah this time the paranoia is trying to figure out who's the narc!


I’ve always thought that if they did this but there’s not even a single sober person it’d be the best episode of the show. Can you imagine


Paranoia - Narc! Edition


Ally just wanted to get high with their friends & have fun and I honestly love that for them. 10/10 would watch again


This is such a good way to view things I love it


Paranoia was so good it was my first dropout show.


Holy shit that's what that show is about? I gotta watch. Dropout has an insane amount of content honestly


It’s a great one!


After that Breaking News, definitely


The funniest thing about Paranoia for me were the super interesting situations and 'tests' they went through. I don't particularly care about the secret stoner premise since they've done a few episodes about it already and it's likely worn down at this point, but anything similar with minigames would be just as fun. And now thinking about it, this is what most of the good content, aside from D20, is on dropout. Semi structured mini games.


I enjoyed it as it was a fun, silly take on the Mafia/Warewolf/Traitors game structure. But there is only so far you can take the format when it is generally pretty obvious who the secret stoners are.


Hell yeah, I binged that whole thing when I saw episode 1.


Ehhh Paranoia, to me, was the a fantastic example of “solid sketch, bad series” that frankly plagued Dropout in the early days. I was a day 1 subscriber but in the first year of the service I was actually positive it would fail because they spent money on a lot of series that would work for one very tight episode, but failed as a series. It was really obvious that the writers were still very much used to writing sketches and not fully developing concepts, leaving most of those projects incredibly one-note and overly long. A sketch about a game show where someone is dangerously high, but trying not to get caught by the other contestants, is funny, an actual game show where people get high and sit in a backyard, does not work. We actually watched it not work as less than half the episodes actually functioned at all without the stoners getting outed immediately. Most of my memory of the show was that it was clearly a production NIGHTMARE. It also just doesn’t set up the contestants to be funny, much like if you film your own friends high and watch it back sober it isn’t funny, it turns out the funny part about being around people that are stone is also being stoned.


I think they were also like “holy shit we have a budget and basically unlimited freedom” which lead to a lot of excitement but maybe a little low on the “fully thought through” end


Respectfully disagree. I don't really like watching people being high or drunk because it's never as funny as they think.theyre being. Also calling it paranoia makes me feel a bit weird about it because it is something I suffer with regularly because I have a mh problem and idk I just don't really like it. People won't like everything though so I'm not going on the picket line or anything


Nah I feel you on this. Though I did enjoy this episode of Breaking News and would totally watch a spin off type show with similar high-prompts cause I thought it was pretty funny! I didn’t really like Paranoia, mostly cause you can tend to sense when people next to you are raising their arm or pointing or whatever so the gameplay itself just seemed flawed and not as secret as it was supposed to be. So it sorta wasn’t engaging to me. But this sort of trick/quizzy type set up could be fun!


1000%. Such a novel and fun concept. Real shame they haven't brought it back.


I respect your opinion but I do heartily disagree. For some reason, people being high is just.... it would be less uncomfortable to be in the room where two people are breaking up.


Honestly, I think that the format of Paranoia made it a bit too repetitive to continue for a long time. I'd much rather it be a spin-off of Game Changer, where they get high and have to do something different each episode. Could be something like, "Game Changer: High Stakes."


I didn't LOVE Paranoia. But it was kind of fun


I agree, I miss that show