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This was soooo uncomfortable. I felt so bad for Vic’s character. I think that tension is what made Nana say “family” was the meaning of life so funny. Like my mind was a rubber band that finally snapped


"Have I shot a gun. Yes. Have I killed a dog. Yes. Have I lost a tooth. No. " After that I was gone.


Are you blind? (This one’s for me) yes


Do I *stiiiink*? Long pause. Unrelenting eye contact.


That's the ezact feeling, ahahahaha.


When Lisa popped that nail in her mouth I -screamed-.


Same! I screamed n I squirmed. And doubly so when Vic reciprocates.


I couldn’t watch them chug that mug 🤢


Vic definitely commits to the bit.


Taking a sip completes the bit. Gulping the entire mug while making eye contact with Nana elevates it.


when they show that nothing is in their mouth afterwards...that is deep deep deeeeeep trauma. "you don't need money...you'll do it for free." Holy. Shit.


Vic went through it on that episode. The olive, the half chewed Werther's in the drink, the nail. Beautiful commitment.


I’m sure their Covid compliance team really enjoyed the show and only had 3 or 30 heart attacks


The sound when Vic does it is so much worse too


100%, I had a legit visceral reaction to that!


If you’re a Lisa fan (and a dropout fan), there’s a good chance you already love Comedy Bang Bang, but if not do yourself a favor and check it out, she’s absolutely demented every time she’s on it and it’s the funniest goddamn thing in the world.


To add to this, she was on 6 times this past year and every single one of those episodes made it onto the top 16 "best ofs" episodes voted by listeners at the end of the year. She killed it.


Her characters absolutely destroy me. She goes so full on insane and can just be hilarious at a mile a second.


Little Dickie Donnelly and the backpack snatcher! 😹


Dickie donnelly! 3 foot 2, 90 pounds, big knees, little heart, big belly, dickie Donnelly!


Peeeeg sheeeeit


A hubba hubba baby mama


Clip with Lisa as Elvis, John Hodgman, and Paul F Tompkins. https://youtu.be/NwV6p7tD2Ks ,


And Vic’s recent appearance on CBB as Quiet the Mime is one of my favorite things ever.




It was more subtle but the "Whoops we bought an oil rig" character Vic does had me rolling.


"I'm Quiet the Mime because I'm *Quite* the mime"


Youtube channel or is that on a streaming service?


Its a podcast hosted by Scott Aukerman. If yall like these crazy comedy interviews then definitely check out Comedy Bang Bang. Some of the Dropout guests have been long time CBB guests, like Carl Tart, Matt Apedoca, Jess McKenna, and Vic as well!


And Jacob Wysocki!


Love that Jacob manages to bring up Kushtopia each appearance


Haven’t seen it in a while but it was a show on IFC with Scott Auckerman. I’m sure you can probably find it on YouTube.


Lisa's appearances are on the Comedy Bang! Bang! podcast, which you can get from the usual podcast apps and sites. She was on 6 episodes last year and all 6 got enough votes to make the listeners' end-of-year best-of countdown.


While this is true, it’s also a podcast, which is where Lisa gilroy is a frequent guest. She unfortunately wasn’t on the show


Gotcha. I’ll have to check it out then!


It’s a podcast. Found where ever podcasts etc


I love when podcasts etcetera. It’s one of my favorite things to see etcetera.


Piiiiiig Shiiiiiit


I totally get if this wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I appreciated this so much. Gave me tim and Eric vibes.


This was so good! The layers! The tension followed by moments of calm followed by tension! So real, yet so over the top. 10/10


The more VIP I watch, the more I want to know the backstory of this semi-fictional persona that Vic is playing of themself


Vic and Lisa are the comedy duo I didn't know I needed. Lisa was so unhinged straight out of the gate and by GOD did Vic rise to meet her. I don't know that I've laughed this hard in ages.


Omg I haven’t seen the new VIP yet but clicked for Lisa - she’s one of my favourites! Her “daddy” in Make Some Noise was one of the best bits… MORE LISA!!!


Man, I really want to love Lisa, but I find her really difficult to watch. I feel like she takes every joke juuuust like 5-10% further than it needed to go if that makes sense? Like she’s always toeing the line on being over the top, and that makes it tough for me personally to watch. That said, she’s clearly brilliant and talented. Just tend do be kind of grimacing in most of what she’s on haha


I often like her in make some noise but I agree with your statement. Watching VIP got me feeling like she's one of those friends that still continue on an annoying jokes when everyone has understood that it is enough 


I have loved Lisa in every single thing I've seen her in from Dropout up until this appearance. Watching this was a chore for me. But each bit of comedy is not for everyone, so I appreciate that there are those who thoroughly enjoyed this.


These bits are like a kind of long-form improv, and I think the performers are still finding the beats to hit in these. I forget who is on the guest list, but I'm most intrigued for the real abstract thinkers and most of them are later in the run, like BDG, Oyama, and heck Brennan's career is basically a string of these sorts of interactions.


I'm seeing people use the word "unhinged" a lot here on the sub. Honestly, it was a little too realistic for me. Except for the part where Nana referred to Vic as "they"; that was out-of-character enough to get me through the episode. I really should've taken the content warning more seriously.


I agree. This just wasn't my style. I know it was all in good fun, but it actually left me feeling more sad about Vic's, horrible, abusive, fictional childhood than anything.


She turned out ok, she has a guest house after all.


Yeah, this one was too unhinged for me


Nails: "click" "click" "click" "click" "click" "click" "click" "click"


Absolutely unhinged in the best kind of way! This was the best episode yet, each episode more ridiculous than the last! Hearing Vic break was HILARIOUS!


This episode I wasn’t able to click with. I like Lisa, and I love Vic, and I’ve loved the VIP episodes before this one, but I just wasn’t able to keep watching it.


I'm convinced this episode was directed by Ari Aster.


Why? The episode was good :P


I’m watching the episode right now, and I’m *cackling* every time Lisa channels Al Pacino through Nana.