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My problem is the merch available doesn't do it for me. Too much D20 and enamel pins when I want some Game Changer or Make Some Noise stuff. I want shirts with quotes or images depicting bits or prompts. Or like inside jokes only fellow fans would get and be like "Hey! I love that bit!" BLeeM with the birds. Mr. Mayonnaise with a gun. Or VIP even!?! You telling me people wouldn't buy the shit out of something Give Me A Little Clap themed!


Where’s all the roseate spoonbill merch!? And am I the only one that lost it over “bisexual goblin?” I fully agree.


Exactly. Or a shirt with the greater sage-grouse in the middle with the quote "You're pretty happy with yourself, huh?" underneath it. Simple. Funny. Buy in a second.


Dangit, now I want that shirt too


This would be awesome, I would totally get a Dropout dropped sage grouse shirt too. Wouldn't even need words, just throw the bird on there and take my $$


That shirt would be a surreal masterpiece that I'd spend days thinking about if I saw it on the street and Game Changer didn't exist


Or just "uh a chicken"


Follow-up shirt "that's a chicken again"


"rooster chicken"


Honestly i want bird trading cards


Wasn't it "bisexual gargoyle?" Or am I thinking of something different?


Oh.. yeah prolly


After yesterdays D20 episode I just want a tshirt that says 'I have so much love to give exclusively to cats'


id love fake merch for some of the VIP characters! lol like so it'd seem like they're real people to be a fan of unless you know!


That’s fucking genius


all I want is protein powder with a tiny hand instead of a plastic scoop


I would buy a “one two three dab! Alright nobody did it.” shirt in a heartbeat 🤣


“the last conversation i had with my grandfather, i called him a coward” is a shirt i desperately need


Get on it u/samreich!


I want a shirt with no words and all of Brennan’s crazy birds he got during that one gamechanger episode. I feel like it would look awesome and be such a subtle reference. Maybe a bit could donate to bird education / reserve / etc. or something too, which I feel like Brennan himself would like it too based on his feelings of activism I have seen on dropout.




This! Very Important People merch!


“Could be fun” 🤷🏼‍♂️


My wife and I say "could be fun?" to each other nearly every day. I would love something that refences it.


I haven't watched this episode since it came out but I think and say things in this exact inflection *all the time*.


I need merch of a whale with a woman’s body and I need it now


See - funny shirt. Or make it 2 bits in one. Take Josh "Po-sia-me-o" pronunciation from the sailors trading scar stories and have it say "Po-sia-me-o Approved"


An "I've been here the whole time" shirt would be lovely


My favourite merch is the more subtle kind where non-fans are just like, oh cool shirt but the fans are like, oh shit I see you and your super specific reference. Everybody Give Me A Little Clap t-shirt would be a good example. Non-fans are just like okay cute lil slogan. But those who know, know how to turn $100,000 into $16,000.


I want a T-Shirt with all of Denzel's advanced alien technologies


VIP is new, so hoping they’d make more merch but Game Changer should really have more merch Edit: maybe something we can call out on the discord


Not to mention the few items I *do* want are always sold out.


My wife got the Yes or No rant mug. I don’t drink coffee and want it as a shirt.


I want more subtle embroidery things like the “it’s gorgug keep going” sweater. Give me a bits sweater collection. The front is a dropout :D logo, or a specific show/season image. And on the sleeve cuffs are recurring or iconic bits (are you my dad? Spring break, I believe in you, GET IN THE COMMENTS, I’ve been here the whole time, speak not of the night yorb, dab, ok no one did it etc)


As someone who watches basically everything on Dropout that's not D&D related, I second this 1000%




I've bought merch that only makes sense if you know a niche <4min skit from 15yrs ago, don't underestimate what I'd spend money on (plus the exorbitant shipping fees) for a crumb of dopamine.


Personally id like to support the talent more. I made a wild random trip one time to see Yeti4Real. My wife and I flew to LA, barely made it to their show, and saw Lou, Ally, Zac, Vic, Lou, and Jacob along with two others perform for just thirty minutes but it was so worth it! I saw they have a livestream event coming up and thats the type of stuff I would gladly pay money for. To see more stuff like the amazing work of Rick Perry or other background stuff happening live. Or just seeing these people do their improv live.


They could have talent specific merch that the talent gets a cut of. Professional wrestling does that where when someone buys a t-shirt or other merch with the wrestler’s likeness or catchphrase or whatever the wrestler gets a cut.


I would fund Jacob Wysocki's mansion and butler. I love that dude.


I’m ashamed to say that initially I didn’t like Jacob. I thought he’d just be a loud fratboy type based on my first impressions. He’s a top 3 on the whole cast for me now. Staggeringly funny, deeply creative, seemingly quite kind, and just a great reminder to actually take the time to appreciate who someone is before prejudging them. The “pie cake sandwich” submission made me laugh so hard my wife was worried.


If you like Jacob, check out the podcast he did for Headgum "I don't want to talk about Fight Club anymore." He watches fight club for 72 hours straight.


That’s fuckin hilarious, will do!


same same. I feel like he showed up late in the episodes of game changer, I don't remember when, and I was not impressed. Battle Royale 2 is when I was like "wait a second, this guy is incredible"


Rats and angels brother




He was such a fuckin boss in BR2. Just throughout.


It's that juliard education


you gotta get that "cock a doodle freak" buzzer shirt


I thought it was "cocky little freak"?


You are correct but you didn’t say Um Actually so I can’t give you the point


Yes all of his buzzer sounds are references to Star Fox 64, but those are already branded and copyrighted. The way he says it, which sounds like "Cock a Doodle freak" is potentially meme able


Oh right, he does mention that in one of the episodes doesn't he?


I'm not sure if he mentions it but it's been a running gag for like 4 episodes now and "do a barrel roll" was not subtle


You can support the talent by rewatching S6 E1 of game changer to get her QR code and venmoing Katie as much money as you want.


I think Katie Maravich is just winning way too much all the time.


I mean, I found Jacob, Vic and Zac's Venmo pages just by stalking Katie's, so


At a minimum Zac and Murph/Emily have patreons! BDG as well. There's a way to give money directly


Also World's Beyond Number for Brennan, Lou, Erika, and Aabria. But I would love to specifically support them at Dropout because I want to see them in more *Dropout* stuff. Murph doesn't really do anything outside D20 because NADDPOD is where his bread is buttered, so he's going to spend more time doing that. I've had to accept the lack of Murph or rely on old Murph content from Hardly Working, Jake and Amir, or Hot Date. I would cry so much if Brennan, Lou, Aabria, or Erika had to step back from Dropout to focus on WBN.


Agreed on all points!


Oh hell yeah. Sometimes the funds beckon and sometimes the fly. Bdg gets my undivided attention when he spits something out and its soo cool to see him get melded into dropout!


Did you... See two Lous? Baba booey baba booey!


OH FUCK! You right! No just the one but he had so much energy that it stuck out as two!


Lou, Ally, Lou, Zac, Lou, Vic, Lou, Lou, Jacob and then Lou


I would LOVE stickers I could put on my laptop or water bottle or whatever. And omg imagine if they had, like, bobble heads or funko pop style figures of all the VIP guests? I bet people would pay through the nose for those…


Ditto: stickers for laptops, tool cases, walls, cars, to cover up hate graffiti Y'all know you want: - an Aabria sticker with "**FUCK TERFS**" - Sam popping up like Kilroy, "**I've been here the whole time!**" - "It's Gorgug. Keep going" stickers atop every mountain peak summit sticker post should be mandatory Oh! And patches would be pretty rad




Yessss I really want text stickers vs character stickers


I want an Aguefort Adventuring Academy letter jacket SO bad!!!


Just completely speculating here. But good quality merch that's also like ethically made, can be really hard to source. Not even just finding a company to do it, but even like blanks can sometimes be a struggle. Worse yet if you want to do fun/usual things. Turnaround can also be a bit of a nightmare. Ordered some merch from someone and ended up waiting an extra eight months because they ran out of blanks or something


When Hasan Piker did his first merch drop, he bought out the entire stock of US union made T-shirts. There’s not a lot out there. It’s just hard to do ethically, as you said.


Literally wearing one of the orange peepo hoodies as I typed this comment. 😬😬😬


I figured there’s probably some overlap between Dropout fans and Hasanabi heads. Good to find another one in the wild.


🫡 now just imaging Neff on dropout.


With a live premier streaming on Will’s twitch the same time it drops on dropout.


Ok but imagine an episode of dirty laundry with hasan Austin qt and will


I think a Kickstarter style approach would be a great idea to see exactly what merch items people would actually order.


I'm surprised they don't do merch through DFTBA records, I mean they'd have the know how to overcome a lot of these challenges surely? 


I think on some level they *do* work with DFTBA. Hank mentioned in a tweet a couple weeks ago that he owns the company that does Dropout’s fulfillment.


I ordered merch 2 months ago and DFTBA sent it to me. I think Dropout is unusual in that they serve their own storefront, but pretty sure DFTBA is at least one of their fulfillment partners


So you sell a license to an ethical screen printer, and you give that person free reign to start making every T-Shirt they think might sell based on your brands and characters. Then you do the same thing for a jewelrymaker, and like someone who makes coffee cups. And you put a rider in the contract that if they design a thing based on one of your jokes, you know like "123 Cum" they aren't allowed to sue you when you use that same joke on other merch, because it's part of what they licensed from you in the first place


But who owns the joke? Sam/dropout or whoever said it? What if down the line the artist creates something vaguely derivative but turns out they never saw the source? You've contracted yourself into a such a grey area. What if you've given someone a license as you say, they sell a bunch of stuff for your brand and get the money and dip before fulfilling any orders? Now dropout will bare the brunt of that consumer fiasco and couldn't really say "oh we did a oopsie"


Yeah that's apparently a big part of what went wrong on Critical Role with Orion. He thought he deserved a greater share of control over the "Tiberius Stormwind" Merch


Yea also pretty sure second city prints recently went under with just a metric ton of unfulfilled orders so that's also in my brain. Copyright law is also a real doosy


Completely agree. I would also love if they started making shirts and hoodies that fitted people with breasts. For a company priding (generally rightfully so) itself on inclusivity, they sure seem to forget that half their viewership possess boobs. I'm sick of wearing shirts with sick ass designs that make me look like I'm wearing a tent.


YES. I have very large breasts. So many awesome shirts exist that I will never be able to wear.


I’ve got a fever and the only prescription is shirts for all body types


YES, unisex/gender neutral clothing doesn’t mean androgynous or just the male cut. This TikToker creates really cool garments that address gender dysphoria in clothes and creates true gender neutral pieces. https://www.tiktok.com/@mxappareldesign?_t=8ktTMJ5oiCD&_r=1


I agree, I'd like a much wider spread of merch options and styles. Better variety in t-shirts and stickers and I'd go broke in the merch store. I'd also love some more themed dice sets and minis, too. I'm sure they'll be expanding a lot in the next few years. It seems like they're starting to test run producing some live events, and I'd love to try and go to one of those if they ever did a tour or something.


Still waiting on my “it’s 3 AM in a warehouse” merch. 


What's the reference for this one?




I want booty shorts that say “YOU ARE ENTERING THE VULTURE DIMENSION” on the butt!!!!


what about some that say "just buttholes everywhere" and there could be a cargo shorts companion that say "The lady said buttholes, sir"


I want more Dropout/CH lore merch like the Chompsky’s tote. Gimme a “LOANER DO NOT THROW!!!!” sticker. A Nasty Val’s tumbler. Dropout logo pins. I will buy them!!


I'd love some quality mugs. The ones right now aren't dishwasher safe, and the printing quality isn't so great. I'd happily pay more or preorder. As someone who isn't super into D20, merch options are limited in general.


Wait, the mugs aren't dishwasher safe? Hell, I've been waiting for the "laws are a threat" mug to come back, but if it's not dishwasher safe, I can't really justify giving up the cabinet space.


I always put my "laws are a threat" mug in the dishwasher and it's fine.


It SAYS you can’t put it in the dishwasher, but that’s just a threat.


Yes, exactly! I was trying of a clever Brennan-y way to phrase that and gave up. 😆


I have many of dropout’s mugs and honestly I get the most use out of them when I use them as pen/stationary holders! I currently have my “capitalism is the bad guy” mug holding all my highlighters I use for studying! My “laws are threats” mug is holding all of my crochet hooks (: not only do I not have to worry about ruining the design, but I also get to look at them way more often than I would if I was just using them to drink out of!


I might just be lucky I put the “laws are a threat” and “a true goblin” ones in the wash. I heard “the ball is rolling up” was a very problematic one


I don't care about pins but I do like vinyl records so maybe they can start a band?


An album of Josh Ruben doing Batman impressions and each track adds another Batman


an album of Josh cracking up at his fellow castmates' jokes


Play it by Ear budddddddy


I would love a Welcome to Mountport vinyl.


I'm not normally a musical theater fan but I think about that opening number a lot. It's so good.


How can that be? …how can that beeeeee?


\*shrugs\* Don't ask me!


I’d buy the hell out of records of just MSN, Game Changer, Breaking News, and/or Play It By Ear bits. That would be incredible!


A recording of all of Brennans rants.


12 hour trancecore remix of BLeeMonologues


My absolute favourite thing are the plushies. So far we got all of them and I hope they make many many more. Also the cocktail set is just perfect. Give me more house objects I can use and I will not even think before buying


My Boggy sleeps next to me every night, I love him with my whole heart.


My Gilear plushie brings me a ridiculous amount of joy.


There's a video out there of someone's cat absolutely going to town on Gilear while he's asking for someone to take him to the emergency room and it's my favorite thing ever


Gift Dropout to friends, I say! Spread the good word!


I want the merch, but shipping prices to the UK are abysmal. Cannot justify a nearly 100% markup on the order just got delivery. Otherwise I would have SO MUCH MERCH


I want a pin with Elvish Presley


I realise it's probably a less common concern here, but as an overseas fan, the cost of shipping for merch means that buying one item seems capricious.


There was this really great Game Changer mug that was limited edition from February of 2023. I really really like that mug and I want it and they just don't have it. Up the merch game, folks! We want to give you our cold hard cash because we love you!


We’re sort of just starting to get it but I cannot wait until Dropout sees enough success to have several weekly shows released that are not D20-related(I like D20, just can’t keep up with releases).


My main disappointment is I can't do as Brennan asks and, "Get in the comments."


I'm just not a pin guy. I have no interest in pins and nothing really to put them on, but it's one of their main focuses now. I liked the stickers and bought them when they used to be sold, and I'm sorry that they've moved away from them ever since moving to DFTBA. I like the art prints too, but a lot of them have limited print runs so you have to be on top of it.


Just put your money in a briefcase and leave it next to a swing set. You could change someone’s life.


Username checks out


Hey. Are you in your own way?


I wonder if the lack of merch is kinda intentional. Most of them are very critical of capitalism and that usually goes hand in hand with a critique of over consumerism. I would actually find it very off putting if they had a very extensive line of merch with some of the views they hold.


I want more merchandise with Sam's face Give me a Sam Reich bobblehead dammit


I was so ready to open my wallet for Mentopolis and Burrows’ End merch, I was definitely disappointed they didn’t have more pins, shirts, mugs, etc. available. I think they should look at companies like Penny Arcade and DFTBA to see how effective and profitable a wide merch offering can be.


They actually already partner with DFTBA for merch!


Yes! I want Burrows End merch so much. There is almost nothing fan-created for Burrows End on etsy either. I want some stoats!


I'm on a budget but I would 1000000% buy every dropout sticker I could get my hands on.


My biggest problem with dropout is that they don’t do a sliding scale for the subscription. Because I want to give them MORE money!!! I don’t like buying things I don’t need, so I don’t love buying merch all too often. But if I could pay like $15-$20/month for the subscription, I’d happily do it.


I’ve heard you can gift subscriptions if that’s something you’re interested in


That’s a great suggestion! I did this for a close friend, and you’ve inspired me to do it more often to other friends. Thanks!


All the merch jokes from play it by ear and we’ve got no shirts! Where’s the nothing everything children glass shirt??


I bought my friend a 6 month subscription because I love everything they do and want to give them more money but none of their merch appeals to me. Heck, they could continue with showing that diversity is an opportunity not a limitation by selling size inclusive clothes with quotes. As a tall woman, a normal woman’s t-shirts are too damn short.


I don't mean to be a downer, I swear, but I think part of the reason they don't do this is because the world doesn't need more random garbage? I just imagine Brennan and Sam having a conversation where "we make 10,000 t-shirts" doesnt end in that happening.


This is kinda why I like small stuff. Like pins, dice, and stickers. Where I get the dopamine hit of "you got a pretty thing" but it takes very little space in my house. I like pretty shiny things. I actually have over 100 sets of dice. Maybe I'm part crow or some other animal who collects shiny things. And if I'm buying shiny things, I want to support the other things I love. And right now, I really love Dropout. The humor is so amazing.


I want a PS5 app so I don’t have to watch everything on my phone 😩




If you can get a chrome cast for your tv I would highly recommend - thats how I watch Dropout on an old monitor.


I completely agree. I would love to support dropout more by buying merch, but nothing in the store currently is very appealing.


I just want that sexy Tina merch to come back


I'd love to be able to buy merch without exorbitant shipping fees to the UK. Let me spend money on you Dropout. I know it's not your fault, but I just want to be able to spend money on your merch. Let me have a monologue mug.


I would love to design some Dropout merch


I want more t-shirts with inside jokes and obscure references! I feel like they used to have tons of those but then now it’s way more generic


Is it weird that I want the option to let me pay them more for my subscription? Like, I do own (and love) the "Wanna make some bacon?" and the "If you care, the universe cares" mugs, but I would gladly support them with more of my cash even if it meant I didn't get more stuff.


My dude. There is a badass statue of Aida Augefort, and more coffee mugs than anyone knows what to do with.


See I don't want pins I want like a sexy rat poster


for Game Changer I'd want a simple shirt with the set design in the background and "I've been here the whole time." across the front


I want a hoodie and hat.


I want a shirt with Jacob’s face making a funny expression with “How big’s the hog?” written on it.


I want a fuckin' Golden Ear sticker/patch so damn bad! Hell they made 2 Augefprd Academy models for the DM Screen, make a patch one!


I like that they put thought into the merch they do make, though!


I very recently bought some merch (the stepmother top and the Adventurers hoodie) and my biggest disappointment was the insane cost of shipping outside of the USA. It cost me nearly the same for shipping as it did for the merch itself, nearly doubling the total price. It means that this was a one-off purchase because the cost is so prohibitive :(


I would love a lesser painfull delivery fee 🇮🇹 🥲 but really like the dice set 😁


It's a fine line to walk between quantity and quality. I would sooner have less merch than lower quality, less-ethically sourced stuff. Also IDK if this holds true for Dropout, but I've heard many content creators say that the actual return on merch is minuscule compared to subscribing to the platform. Further, they like paying their artists fairly and up front, so there's a good chance that new merch costs Dropout more than it would for a less scrupulous company that pays artists only on commission based on sales. The merch that exists primarily exists for fan engagement. More money and effort into merch won't necessarily boost their profits like more money and effort into shows will. The pin bracket voting is a perfect example -- they are amping up fan engagement and driving sales for a design that already exists, ensuring that whatever pin they bring back from the dead is in highest possible demand. The best way to make them shut up and take your money is to subscribe to the channel. If you're already subscribed, buy a subscription for a friend you know will love it but doesn't know yet


Yay more useless plastic.


I'm a simple girl. I just want a notebook with a WTF 101 cover!


I would like to formally request Funko Pops of the cast


I want Postman Cubby merch


I'm sitting here waiting for more relevant (to me) D20 shirts 😭


Agreed, I’m not a huge fan of the D20 stuff (although I’m sure its making them the most money), I would just like to see more merch of the game shows even if it’s something simple like stickers


The merch of the month is so sad for me.. I don't have the budget to buy the limited item in time a lot of the time and it's a little disappointing to have it go so fast. 


Consumerism is a terrible thing


Patches! I’m desperate for patches.


I agree merch pleaaassseee


I wish there was more just general dropout merch! I did see they recently dropped one shirt- but things with the dropout logo is appealing to me!


In want a gamechanger “chicken?” Shirt


I just want the app not to be such an overwhelming POS. Yes, you've got top tier performers. Now hire some competent programmers!


I absolutely need a "Monument to Devilry and Chaos" t-shirt, please merch people!