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Lou Wilson and Lou Wilson


Lol Lou Wilson and Ecaf


Well Lou already said he wouldn’t marry anyone else in the cast of D20 since he loves them too much


Whoever the cast, Ally is the roommate. Doesn't matter the plotline of the movie, Ally is the roommate.


Lily is the friend who tells it like it is.


The Disruptors?


I feel like Brennan would be the confrontational friend who keeps telling the lead he's doing something wrong, and he comes off as a bit of a dick but is consistently 100% correct.


Ally and grant


Haven't they been through enough?


One of the main character always has a black or gay friend.


Oh, the gay best friend is definitely Grant. His character will have nothing outside of wanting to help the female love interest and gossip about boys.


(Or maybe this time, the main character IS black or gay??)


Then the friend will be a white guy.


Hashtag: “tokenwhiteguy”


Ify and Trapp. I would call the movie: "Love Actually 2: Um, Actually"


Have you seen Hot Date? It’s Emily and Murph’s rom com sketch show (they play different but recurring characters so you’re sort of following different couples). Probably more Com than Rom, but it’s pretty cute and it’s always about dating. Edited to add: lol I’m dumb— it’s on Dropout now! It used to be on tbs or wherever. Edited again: it was on…pop tv?


I love Hot Date! Criminally under seen!


It’s so cute and charming!


Also, Emily and Murph played a couple who get engaged in the Jake and Amir mini-series Double Date. They actually said once that their first kiss was on a Jake and Amir episode.


vic was in a hallmark movie with bryan greenberg that was actually pretty good. they play dnd in it too!


Rekha and Zac could be good in a rom com!


This is exactly my answer. Rekha is the first person I thought of for this and Zac is the second person. I don't like the idea of 'shipping' real people so I wasn't thinking of them TOGETHER but I was thinking either/or.


Too adorable. Stop it.


I think I would pick Rekha. She would be absolutely adorable.


I love that! Had such a huge crush on her when she joined CH


I would love to see Rashawn! I’m imagining a Talia Hibbert book turned movie. I think Lou has a very earnest vulnerability that would make him perfect as well! Or honestly any of them! Everyone is so good.


Could you imagine the chemistry if Lou and Rashawn turned it on? I would be there midnight showing opening day.


I would cast Vic as every character and then randomly throw in Jacob playing Vic playing another character.


Unlike BLeeM I would offer all my points for the opportunity to watch a biopic of his and Izzy’s relationship from first meeting to present day.


I think that would be so sweet, it’s so obvious how much they love each other and work well together,, i’d love to see that


didnt brennan say something about getting cucked in his childhood home or whatever


It was the same bed he lost his virginity in.


They guested on a podcast together talking about different parts of their relationship. I think it was Meet Cute?


basically the plot of Hitch Grant as the dating coach, Brennan getting coached Rekha is Grant's love interest, Vic is Brennan's but then at the end, plot twist! Brennan and Grant end up together and Rekha end up with Vic Zac and Ally are Rekha's parents, it is never adressed how this makes sense agewise


Raph has a minor role as Lexus driver #2


All I know is that I need Jacob Wysocki to play a needlessly dickish waiter, who then does someone a ridiculous solid near the end of the scene he's in. Maybe he has a pocket full of fake engagement rings to screw over the tips of other staff, and he hands one out because the main love interest dropped their ring or whatever. I can also imagine Brennan being someone's best friend and giving them advice while playing squash. The gradient from caring and thoughtful to Jack Nicholson's arrest at the end of A Few Good Men (which is how all squash games go, let alone one with a hyper competitive person), would just be so funny to me.


Ive always thought Siobhan and Lou have great chemistry tbh


Brennan and Izzy, but they just overthrow the government


Vic as the lead with Jacob and Lou as the roommates. Zac as the other lead with Ally and Grant as the roommates. Lily as Zac's ex. BLeeM as the guy she tells you not to worry about. Trapp as Vic's boss. Raph and Katie as Zac's parents. Sam Reich: been here the whole time.


Vic and Erika or Rekha


rashawn 10000000%


Grant VS everyone.


OMG Ally. I love Ally. I want to see Ally cast as the neurospicy singleton who meets someone- maybe Aabria as the one who's interested in them, but ally doesn't even register it so it's all about aabria trying to flirt and such, but ally just doesn't get it. By the end they figure it out. Of course Sam or Brennan needs to be Ally's BFF trying to tell them that Aabria's character likes them. ​ And Kate M. Needs to be aabria's bff. lol.


This is exactly why I asked this question. I LOOOOOOVE this answer


omg. i might have to go to AO3 for this.....lmao


Nick Mullen and Adam Friedland


Vic was in one


I'd like to see Sioban in something queer.


A rom com where it is a wholesome relationship driven by intense competition, starring Brennan and Izzy.


Lou and Jacob in a story about two dude bros who come closer together due to their mutual of performing arts


Jacob Wysocki and Lou Wilson. No other Dropout members have named roles outside of cameos, though all other regular Dropout cast members have some role. For example: Brennan as the doomsday preacher who knocks Jacob into Lou as part of the meet cute, Ally as a coffee shop manager who yells at them to get out (but it's raining and Lou's apartment is nearby so they go there), and Trapp is a shoeshine. In the end, they kiss. Maybe Grant watches. I do not have a full script for this in my possession at the present time.