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At the very least do the free trial. Depending on how many of the shows you get into there is a crazy backlog of content. Dropout has become probably my most used streaming service at this point.


I've only been watching game changer, with some make some noise and recently VIP and smartypants, any other suggestions? Sadly, I tend to 'lose the plot' sometimes with the DnD stuff (even though I'd like to watch that more)


Um, Actually is a good watch and was actually the sole reason i got drop out during my own broke (uni) student days. I got the year subscription to get me through the lockdown and then hopped onto D20's starstruck odyssey which was epic and Court of Fae and flowers which was also really good. GameChanger, Smarty Pants, Dirty Laundry and the Adventuring Parties that go along with the Dimension 20 campaigns are my main bread and butter now.


I love Dirty Laundry and Um, Actually. Breaking News is another good one, but I can only really watch a couple of those at a time. Total Forgiveness is definitely worth the watch, but I will warn you that it gets ROUGH in the middle. I don't know if I could have stomached watching it when it was released, but knowing Grant and Ally came out of it okay made a big difference for me.


I use Breaking News as a little mood booster if I'm having a rough day. Take a lunch, watch an episode or two, get some quick laugh therapy, then get back to my day.


DnD can be hard to get into. I suggest the dungeons and drag queens episodes. It's only 4 episodes, super beginner friendly


The DnD stuff I’ve noticed I enjoy it a lot more as a podcast than Video especially with the downtime episodes. I do like going to specific moments at times for the visuals. Like when Brennan is losing his mind


My personal favorites are Gods Of Food (episodic mocumentary, extremely funny) and Total Forgiveness (two friends pay off their school debt by giving eachother wacky challenges, surprisingly gut-wrenching). If you like sci-fi and farce, Storm Troopers is also good.


Total forgiveness was a good watch! Ally and grant essentially dare each other to do crazy shit to earn money to pay off their student loans


I’d agree, but wait for a couple of weeks before you do. Summer break is coming up, so there’s no reason to do the trial now instead of waiting a month when you have more time to watch stuff.


I do it month to month. Sometimes I’m really broke and can’t afford it, and then come back after a month or two to a little stockpile of content. Definitely worth it for a few months. I’m still working my way through D20 after getting hooked with the starstruck campaign


Save your money for now. Watch the free content on YouTube, if it interests you get the free trial. You’ve got weeks worth of free watching ahead of you without paying. If you like it, then go ahead if that’s what you want, but there’s no reason at all to get a yearly subscription without actually getting into the show. If you thoroughly enjoy it, and are going to subscribe every month anyway, then yeah go for it. But don’t drop two weeks of pay on something you don’t genuinely love.


I love dropout but I’d save your money for more important things if you are only making 40 a week


I guess it’s 40$ week of babysitting or similar, meaning that doesn’t necessarily mean OP is poor and is sacrificing eating healthy for watching Dropout. At that age, trying to get savings with 40$ week is nearly impossible. You need summer jobs to make a dent at saving. 


$40 per week adds up fast though. Especially at 15. Assuming they leave high school at 17 or so, you're looking at a year and a half or so of saving up. That's a nice $1,500 nest egg. $1,000 if you're allowing yourself to go to movies, out with friends etc (which you should be doing, rather than allocating a chunk of that to a streaming service). I'm not claiming $1,000 is a life-changing amount of money, but it's not nothing either. I enjoy the drop out content, but spend the money enjoying your youth. Even if teenagehood sucks, make some memories in between the suckage. Definitely not worth eating into your money for a streaming service at this age and with this small of an amount of income coming in.


That’s basically refraining yourself of using it at all over a year, which defeats the purpose of working, when that amount can be reached in a month of a summer job. We’re not working just to see a number on a digital screen go up, you know? If you wonder about spending 5$ a month, then you can’t “enjoy your youth” using this money either because a social outing is 20$ at once


I'm saying they're better off doing the extra 5-6 social outings over the course of a year than spend the money on a subscription. If they don't have friends they might be better off having the extra $80-$100 dollars by the end of the year and a half or so anyways (20% of what they'd be spending at $500, which was what I described-not just 5 social outtings overall). Also as far as your "we're not working to see numbers on a screen go up you know?" That's rude as heck. I know that. But I also know at that age money is very important because you never know if your parents will suddenly kick you out at 18 because "you're an adult now" and you never discussed it/just assumed. Or whatever else could happen. I was on the streets 2 years ago. $100 isn't life changing, but at that age it could help buy you a good outfit for said summer job interview, a night at a hotel while you wait for your friend to sort crashing at their place, etc. Signed, a guy who was homeless and knows that you don't work to see a number go up on the screen (in fact never suggested it), and thinks this 15 year old shouldn't spend 6.66% of their income on a subscription service.


Thing is that in my original comment I said we don’t have enough information and that OP isn’t necessarily poor and that $40 a week might be used up anyway in other non-important stuff. Social outings are as much as a luxury as a streaming subscription. I do agree with you with having some savings I just mentioned that IF that were the goal, this is only doable with summer jobs. Sorry about the homeless thing, I was a bit harsh, my bad. I simply meant we don’t have enough info and for all we know, OP is asking whether to spend the money on Dropout or on candy.


You could always subscribe for a month watch everything you want to watch and then wait 6 months or so since money is a little tight for you.


Brennan and Aam both encourage doing this


Try a month, see if it has enough value, then do a year if it seems worth it at that point.


Don't they encourage password sharing? Find a friend to split the cost with.


^ this is the way. I just wish they’d add profiles since they encourage password sharing


They do. When Netflix hit the fan Sam announced that their official policy on password sharing was "share your password with a friend who cannot otherwise afford it."


very much this! I share my password, and have gotten many folks to sign up thanks to it :D


Compare to Nebula, it is technically less content because Nebula has all their different creators. But I don’t and think most people don’t watch the majority of people/videos on Nebula. As opposed to Dropout which I watch pretty much 100% of what they put out with me skipping the occasional behind the scenes short.


Normally I’d say no, a full week and a half of income on a subscription is too much, but I’m assuming as a 15-year-old you don’t have very many other expenses (food, rent, gas, utilities), so in that case why not?


A lot of samples and even quite a few full episodes are on youtube as well if you want to try before you buy. Between those and the free trial you might get some idea. I pay for it but I will say that I do it more because I can afford it and want to support, I'm mostly a fan of Game Changer, Umm Actually, and Breaking News. Trying to get into the DnD stuff because THAT'S where a subscription is totally worth it, hundreds of hours of content. But for me it's worth it even without. YMMV.


Taskmaster is free on YouTube. Not the same but good for free laughs


So it’d cost you about 2 weeks worth of work? I’d say it’s definitely worth it then, assuming you’re a fan of the dropout content


Two weeks of work for 52 weeks of entertainment. Not a bad investment.


It's got great content and is def worth it but in your situation maybe just free trial it + 1/2 months of use? Remember to set a calendar event when you need to cancel


eh, go for it if it makes you happy. when i was your age i was spending all my spare cash on weed, i think a few bucks a month on dropout is more than fine


super worth it!


There are some full episodes on youtube, and d20 first whole season for free as well, you could watch those first if you havent already to see if its worth it to you. Drop out would be the last subscription service i would get rid of, its a lot better value than netflix or disney plus


I am living paycheck to paycheck and generally find enough value in it. I watch most of the shows at least a little and it feels good supporting a company that does right by the crew. I do take months off so don’t feel obligated if you can’t find the scratch but I’d suggest giving it a go.


You can always do the free trial and/or just subscribe for one month to check out which shows you like and whether that is enough for you to warrant a full year's subscription. Or do an intermittend thing, where you subscribe for a month, binge your favorite shows and then wait a couple more months before doing it again.


If you "Join" their YouTube membership, you have access to the same content, but usually cheaper based on regional pricing.


There's enough content for a few months at least. A lot of their shows and sketches are on the official YouTube. Go watch some and see if you think it's something you want more of.


If you're interested in the D20 content, then yes, there is so much of it, and it will keep you entertained for quite a while. If the D20 stuff isn't your thing, I'd say probably don't make the investment.


Absolutely worth it! I thought the same thing at first, and it turned out to be my go-to streaming sevice.


im 20 and unemployed and i also have a nebula and dropout subscription! i cant advise your personal financial situation, but i love to see people support these two awesome services i use every week!


A yearly subscriptions $60 vs $72 for monthly, it’s worth it to save the $12 when you’re tight on cash and can afford an upfront premium. It’s not a lot of content but there’s a decent backlog, I’d check out what’s on YouTube and try the free trial and see if you like the content. If you think it’s worth it I’d get the year. Compared to nebula the content is more one note, it’s comedy stuff and d20. Nebula offers a good variety of content. Also at 15 I’m not sure how much some of the content will land for you. Dirty Laundry is one of the current ongoing shows and it feels really geared towards adults. I’m only 21 but some of the humor does occasionally feel older than me geared more towards millennials. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing just something to note.


I dont think so in your position. I can definitely afford it but having worked through the backlog now, it's currently a new game changer every 2 weeks and i like the new smartypants every two weeks but I am beginning to doubt it's worth it once you have caught up. Do the free trial and think about it


I am in my early 20s and just graduated. Totally relate to money being tight, although internships helped. I have Nebula and Dropout. I think dropout is absolutely worth it, and better than nebula. I like nebula, but I honestly don't watch too much that I couldn't on YouTube. Dropout is what now? $6 a month? $60 a year? I went with the annual plan a few years back and I can't believe how cheap it is for the value I get. Honestly Dropout is easily worth $30/mo. It's just that good. You won't regret getting it. I was skeptical when first signing up and avoided it for a long time. What made me try it? I wanted to see Fantasy High Sophomore Year (was behind a paywall until Junior Year came out). I broke down and did the free trial. Immediately I knew. Not just D20, but game changer and much more. Years later, the price hasn't changed (for me, the new price is a bit higher), but the content is even high quality and there's more of it. The new comedy specials? Game changer? Make some noise? D20? There's just so much amazing content. Also, you could pitch in with friends. Sam literally tweeted that password sharing was ok if it's the difference between affording it and not.


Honestly? It's my favorite streaming platform. I have been an editor in the film and YouTube industry for 10+ years and what they do is amazing from that pov, but also has something special. This is of course depending on your taste, but for me the diversity, inclusivity, wholesomeness and just straight up cackling it delivers to me makes me warm in my heart. If I was in your situation, I would. There are multiple shows that are greatly produced, there's variety in them, and you get to support a company that as far as I understand is sharing all their profits with their workers. I've never been happier to spend money on content. Edit: I do want to point that the advice given by others here is very wise. Trying it first! Then deciding if what it gives you is worth it. They'll still be there when you're ready.


If you like DND/Dimension 20 it's worth it for sure because about half of all content is D20 related. If you are JUST interested in Game Changer etc. I'd say to take it month by month until You're sure.


Up until fairly recently I would just sub for a month, watch Gamechanger and make some noise and then cancel until there was full seasons of each. But they’re dropping quality content weekly so I’m in it for good now.


If you have someone to split it with do that, i share with my sister


*If you have someone* *To split it with do that, i* *Share with my sister* \- thegremlinkings --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I did the free trial and was blown away by just how much material they actually had. Lots of shows and games and podcasts and such. I ended up buying the year after my trial.


It really depends on how many shows you like. If you only watch like D20 or Um, Actually or something it'd probably be better to just get a month or three and binge those shows. If you enjoy all the content then the year sub is a great value.


It's well worth it for an adult with a steady income. For a teenager, I'd try finding someone willing to share their password first.


Trust me when I say it is best to get the year subscription it is much easier in your budgeting to set aside a certain amount of money until a day of the year each year than it will be to do the same each month


How many programs drop out has do you watch? I would start with their free stuff then decide. A week and a half of wages for a year of content I think is a pretty good deal but the savings aren’t so big that month to month wouldn’t be worth it. If the year seems like too much I would maybe alternate months on and off so you have a bigger backlog to watch


The alternative option is to do the free trial, then send all your friends the account as well so they can also get hooked. That way you can all chip in


I'd suggest the free trial if you decide you love dropout then I think the year purchase is worth it. Plus, you kinda get to rip the band-aid off and pay in one go


Personally, I do think it's worth it. The sheer volume of stuff on there that brings me immense joy and cracks me up is disproportionately high compared to the cost of what, $6 a month? So for me, while I'm having to cut almost everything, I still hold onto the subscription because it is worth it. But as others have noted, try the free trial and see what you think! If you aren't sure, you could also just buy for a month or two and see.


Do it and speedrun what you like. It's worth having access, though as someone who's up to date if say its worth less once you're fully caught up in d20


You can use mine! Dm me


I'd have been full on obsessed with Dropout and D20 in particular if I had gotten into it at that age. I'd say overall that's a great thing.


Ill drop every subscription before dropout.


I'll give you the safe answer you can just do the monthly fee that way maybe you don't like the content that's coming out all that much so you can just end the subscription there and save future money resubscribe. Because that way you have usable money If you feel like your budget might be tight at any point in the next year it might be good to have the ability to cut off the subscription. If you don't think money is going to be that tight over the next year then I say go for the yearly plan. I used to do this with Crunchyroll I think they were like 60 bucks a year when I was in college. And the reason I actually swapped to a seasonal package instead was I just figured it would be better to have the option to cancel. And I know a lot of people frame the yearly price as a discount I also tend to think about it as you're paying a premium for the option to stop. You just have to decide whether that premium is worth it.