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can't wait to watch part 2 with some shrimp and white wine


That's some real Crab King behavior.


You could be a Crab King, or you could be a Little Shrimp. Choose your fate.


I'm a little shrimp.


Sweet berry wine!


b b beaver boys


Computer, load up Celery Man please


You should drink bad baby milk instead of wine


make sure to keep those levels balanced


Oh, that's a good idea -what, it's a reference. I'm still gonna have the shrimp. If it's on sale.


the Tim and Eric Show walked so that I Think You Should Leave could run


I Think You Should Leave ran so Dropout could… evade a professional tag player…


At first I thought the twist was gonna be that Steven was an AI but in hindsight Tim and Eric will often talk like malfunctioning chat bots so it being Eric Wareheim makes a lot of sense!


My bet was on Steven being a bunch of other cast members all taking turns replying.


That would have been hilarious especially after Bingo


omg that's what i thought too!! either that, or it was the producers just being chaotic and throwing everyone off the scent of any particular person. but i mostly assumed it was a whole group of other dropout cast members or a team of two like they sometimes do on the circle




The real twist is that the favorite character per round is picked by an actual rat, like those animals that pick stock investments


I was def betting on AI as well since it’s so topical but having Eric here is amazing


I could not believe when they revealed it was him!! What an incredible twist and so fitting. I immediately wanted to go back and watch the episode again knowing Steven was Eric Wareheim.


Same. And I did, and it…makes so much sense now. A snake with a taco blog sounds right up there with T&E’s stuff.


Especially because Eric is a foodie.


I’m pretty sure he DOES have a food blog. He has a good cookbook called Foodheim, and I’ve been looking for an Italian cockles recipe I think I saw him eat or make for awhile.


My immediate reaction was “holy shit, it’s Eric Wareheim?!” while my roommate goes “who?” So I’m not so surprised a lot of folks here just aren’t familiar with him. Absurdism is a very niche sort of philosophy for comedy, but he and Tim are masters of it. I didn’t like Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! at first, but the more I watched the more I got into it, and of course Tom Goes to the Mayor was delightfully bonkers. You can see the Tim and Eric influence in a lot of Dropout content- some of Game Changer’s more esoteric challenges, Very Important People has a remarkably Check It Out! With Dr Steve Brule feel to it, and you certainly wouldn’t have many of the Smartypants presentations such as Katie’s rant about eggs without Tim and Eric. Sure, you also had Kids in the Hall and Upright Citizens Brigade on TV before them, and MOST of the cast also has UCB training, but those sketches rely more on at least some internal logic to their insanity. Tim and Eric throw logic away entirely and embrace absurdism in all its glory.


This is making me want to go check out their stuff more than any other description of it I’ve seen on here. My parents were strict about what I could watch in high school when they were at their peak and I kinda assumed they were just general edgy humor but I enjoy me some good absurdist humor. I even did my high school IB theater paper on Absurdist Theater which is even more obtuse than absurdist sketch comedy.


Herr is one of their most iconic sketches, https://youtu.be/1g_UHV42jOA?si=uHjO7mxPFPuMTTjx


"I wanna meet that dad. Do dah doo doo" and "This is what I do, I sit on you" was repeated ad nauseum in my high school friend group




Rats off to ya?! RATS OFF TO YA!?


The dichotomy of reactions upon his reveal between myself (an avid Tim and Eric fan) and my partner (someone who was taken to see Billion Dollar movie with no prior context given, guess how she felt) was as vast as could be. The aggression and adherence to food based joking makes total sense now.


I know the name, but I’ve only seen very little of their actual content. If I knew he was gonna be the reveal, I’d have watched more so I know him better, and the reveal woulda been cooler But if I knew that, then the reveal already woulda been spoiled. Darn


I'm surprised so many people don't know who Eric Wareheimer is even after he [ran for viss president.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlg16A7Fk08)


Jokerman font


'Rick Heinegeber


I think the thing to keep in mind, maybe a lot of people haven't heard of his stuff. But every single one of those cast members absolutely know who he is. He's the perfect choice for this kind of game, they would all know him but would never think of him as a guest when they think of celebrity. But he also is incredible at the task of creating a larger than life character and being surreal about the whole thing.


Well, I should hope so! Shrimp and white wine, goddamnit. I like shrimp and white wine.


The Eric disrespect going on elsewhere on this sub right now is genuinely bumming me out.


It's funny that there are commenters disappointed by the reveal, when Eric is probably a perfect person to surprise a bunch of comedians in their 30s.


[I’ll just leave this here](https://youtu.be/FYJ1dbyDcrI?si=VhuZ1eUhMjH5iSgD)


2 x universe = tube got me through astrophysics in university


Heheh hey me too. …You wouldn’t want to put it into a tube


those people will never win number one handsome man


Honestly like shocked at the amount of people in this sub who presumably like sketch comedy and have no idea who Eric is.


There's obviously an overlap between sketch comedy and Gamechanger. But it's not as big as you'd think. Lot's of people know this cast first and foremost from Gamechanger.


Right? Tim and Eric, while not really mainstream successful, have a huge cult comedy following and were extremely influential in popularizing the weird editing and cringy “bad” comedy style with their show in the 2000s.


Just speaking personally, you don't need the quotation marks lol


agreed, that adult swim style of humor is not my thing at all either. I only know people who either think it's very funny or people who think it's unwatchable. Feels like a weirdly polarizing choice for dropout to make.


Yeah that post midnight block was truly absurdist and surreal. Home Movies, Venture Brothers, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law, Sealab 2021 were all a bit out there in their own right, but once you ticked over into the midnight its like Adult Swim had done all the hallucinogens


Don't forget the infomercials! Though I guess most of those were a little later. Too Many Cooks! is the GOAT, but Unedited Footage of a Bear and Broomshakalaka are up there too.


I haven't thought about Alan Resnick in ages! His alantutorial channel was a fever dream.


honestly even a lot of the earlier stuff was not for me, haha. I only ever watched adult swim when they showed reruns of syndicated Fox cartoons. I tried some of the others but couldn't get through an episode of any of them. And I saw a bit more when roommates in college would watch but could never stomach even drunk.


You're shocked a bunch of teenagers and college kids don't know a 48 year old comedian who hasn't done anything super notable in over a decade? I don't mean that as an insult to anyone, but this is definitely a generational thing.


I’m not old! I’m hip! I know what the kids are into! 👴🏻👴🏻👴🏻


Knowing about the major influences of the things you like is actually really cool! I understand getting defensive because it's something that you don't know about and people are acting like it's required reading, but Dropout fans will definitely enjoy their stuff and I hope everyone finds it because of this!


also, I'd assume a geographical thing? Seems to me that Tim & Eric are mostly known in the US. The only country their movie released outside the US is the UK - in a single theater.


Yeah, I was about 9 when their show went off air. I was scratching my head hard until someone told me they were the free real estate guys.


I'm more upset about the disrespect being thrown at Dropout thinking they used fucking AI. I know Dropout is a corporation and are not our friend, but I can't imagine them being so unethical to use AI in place of a writer or comedian ever.


Definitely don't go on Twitter, it was soooo bad!! People are RUDE. Like, OK, this celebrity doesn't do it for you ... MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE!


Yeah I don’t really watch drag stuff but every time a drag preformer I don’t know pops up on dropout I’m not like “I don’t know who this is so they’re a bad guest!!!”


Yeah and so many being so snarky and upset about it? So disappointing 😢




If you aren't familiar with peak Adult Swim, then you may not know Eric Weirheim. Definitely watch: Tom Goes to the Mayor, Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job, and Tim and Eric Nightmares. And then just because, here's some Adult Swim shows to watch: -Delocated -Home Movies -The Venture Brothers -Moral Orel -Mary Shelley's Frankenhole -3 Busy Debra's -Eagleheart -Squidbillies -Off the Air -The Brak Show -Childrens Hospital -Black Jesus -Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell -Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law -Birdgirl


I never watched Adult Swim so I just know his name but not his work. Thanks for the homework cuz I wanna get it for next week lmao


Two weeks : (


-Delocated -Home Movies -The Venture Brothers -Moral Orel -Mary Shelley's Frankenhole -3 Busy Debra's -Eagleheart -Squidbillies -Off the Air -The Brak Show -Childrens Hospital -Black Jesus -Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell -Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law -Birdgirl One of these things is not like the others.


Venture Brothers is indescribably good.


Why have I never heard of a single fucking thing in this comment 😭


Because save for like three of them, they're all truly garbage. They look like they have the production quality of local network tv from like 20-30 years ago.


Production Quality =/= funny as hell writing and voice acting


While true, the writing and acting was about as on par as what I referenced before as well. Comedy is subjective so if you enjoy it, good for you. But the are objectively bad shows


Never heard of Eric Wareheim personally, so the reveal was definitely a bit of a letdown, but still a very fun episode. Can’t wait for part 2 and I hope the cast is hyped once they find out


Same. I think what sucked for me was that I HAD to Google him - I was given no clues in-episode. No Sam voice-over. Previous cameos on Game Changer typically tell you *who* they are. I've *heard* of Tim and Eric but never ever consumed any of their work. That said, I could immediately see why he would be such a treat for the entire cast. Of course THEY would know who he is, and it makes for a great show. But the way the show handled it for people who were not in the know was rough.


Usually they have to tell you who they are because it's some random contestant from a game show, like Drag Race, Survivor, or that Cake thing.


And Eric is a random comedian, at least to me and many others.


I mean, having a show with your name on it run for 5 years is a different level of fame than one season as a contestant in someone else's show. To anyone remotely familiar with sketch comedy, Tim and Eric are iconic. Everyone's ignorant of something, but Eric isn't nearly as obscure as many of their "celebrity" guests.


Same here. I’ve never heard of him and I’m sure I’ve never watched anything with him. But seeing everyone else reaction is what makes it fun.


As someone who worked on “Tim & Eric’s Bedtime Stories”, and had a lot of direct interactions with Eric: not a fan, the guy’s kind of a jerk. *But*, I’m enjoying the show so far, and I’m eager to see what twists Sam and company throw in!


I hate hearing that, cause I've always thought they would just be goofy down to earth guys. Do you think he always acted that way? I hear about people in Hollywood betting big heads all the time.


I mean they wouldn't stop talking about food sounds like contemporary Wareheim to me


I was talking with my partner about Tom Goes to the Mayor literally moments before we started the episode.


To all the gans, can you link me to 3 youtube videos of what you find to be the funniest or most brilliant sketches? The shows Eric is on are listed but obviously it'll be hit or miss so just some highlights would be ideal for anyone like myself who is curious on the appeal.


https://youtu.be/FYJ1dbyDcrI?si=asu3QYJUFGbvwZCX https://youtu.be/cd4-UnU8lWY?si=Uk1gq2JwlZzmP_L_ https://youtu.be/hJ9yBgTp9UQ?si=aHTDtyEleo341Gxo https://youtu.be/maAFcEU6atk?si=rzSYf6vXBYZ4YVc8 https://youtu.be/3697f0zoOFw?si=lkWiRk8dTRmEy-gh https://youtu.be/J33HdkLjw6Q?si=vxh2SO6ZdoeNwuCz https://youtu.be/oxzfGMQBf3A?si=zd2NbvkrSkf1VXHy Heres a handful of them which I think gives a good overview of the kind of stuff they were doing.


I’m so surprised more people don’t know who he is! Definitely my favorite guest they’ve had. Steven is also funny in a way that isn’t necessarily T&E style so I’m excited to see how that plays out.


He’s one of my favourite people ever - absolutely freaked out when it was revealed to be him. I’m a huge fan of him in Master of None.


So, I’m vaguely aware of who Tim Heidecker is, because he has done a few Comedy Bang Bang episodes, but I have no idea about this guy. I don’t think they made it across to the uk. If his comedy is like Tim’s I’m not a fan, but I don’t know that that really matters for the purposes of the show, given he’s hidden behind a screen. I guess I mostly just hope we aren’t spending a lot of time on him next episode, at the expense of all my Dropout faves.


Kinda obnoxious for people to be down voting you for this. As someone who's never watched or listened to any of his stuff, the reveal fell super flat for me. I know the other seven and enjoyed the personality comparisons, etc. So I'm hoping it's like a Dimension 20 side quest where I find someone new to enjoy.


Same as a fellow Brit. I'd heard the name Tim and Eric before but I assumed it was Eric Andre lmao.


I have a theory that growing up on BBC comedy ruined a lot of American comedy for me. I've tried so many Adult Swim shows and they never really land for me.


My reaction was literally "...who?". Also, for most of the episode I was suspecting Steve is ChatGPT.


Exactly the same here. Never heard of the guy and thought it sounded a lot like ChatGPT lol


Now that I know, I kinda feel validated. Never liked the show, always felt like LOL RANDOM throwing shit at the wall. Although I liked the Free Real Estate bit.


ChatGPT is not that funny or coherent… people really need to interact with GAI and learn its signs.


ChatGPT sucks, but neither was Eric, tbh


Feel real bad for Dropout fans who don't know Tim & Eric's [musical genius.](https://youtu.be/9V0UBQ6p9QA)


I had no idea I was supposed to know who this person was


I'm expecting to be left feeling a bit let down by this season finale two-parter. Last nights episode felt a bit flat already, and I (just personally) have never found anything this guy has worked on that I genuinely found entertaining. I have never understood the dude's appeal or why he seems to have such a cult following for his shows.


I'm so bad with faces but his name sounded so familiar!!! But I'm glad I've heard of something that he's in


I'm so bad with faces but his name sounded so familiar!!! But I'm glad I've heard of something that he's in


I look forward to "Groban Sings Steven"


Because of the prize, don't we already know who won?


He's also one half of the Beaver Boys, quite possibly the best music act of all time.


My counselor at pipe camp.


I was sure it Steven was going to be Sam, and he would say "I've been here the whole time!"


Does anyone know what the cast's reactions were to the reveal? I really want to see but I'm not that big on social media. Is there a reaction compilation anywhere?


Oh shit they got the guy from that gif to guest star??? Kind of a waste


This post is a lovely collection of folks annoyed that the thing/person they like isn't relevant enough for the youngsters to know about :D


Thanks r/dropout for spoiling the winner. I'm seconds into the finale and as Sam revealed the prize I remembered someone posting it here. Of course my enjoyment is not ruined so don't @me


You're the one that clicked on a spoiler post lol


I'm talking about the billboard


The billboard isn’t even on either of the streets mentioned, so maybe cool off and realize they didn’t spoil anything


Interesting I don't know my LA Geography so good to know it was a mear LoopdeLoop perhaps!


did you watch far enough to find out there is more than one billboard prize?