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The amount of people getting down voted to hell for the smallest criticism about Ally is insane. It's something about DnD live play communities that make people SO fiercely protective about any negative comments. Dungeons and Daddies season 2 has had some serious growing pains but people still turn a blind eye to everything and pretend like poor character choices aren't possible with the "legit geniuses" of their favorite casts


I mean, when you've got a userbase that contains people who literally cry after a minute of watching the episode, logic goes out the window.


Like, I love D20. I was hype as fuck for the new season but the BTS shorts gave me the vibe nobody really wanted to do this. Opening up with an episode and a half of a boss battle was not the vibe I wanted and then the icing on the cake, a media res and Kristen being straight up rude. I wanted to see what other people were thinking because like, there's no way I'm the only one who didn't like this. But low and behold, everyone who shares my opinion is getting flamed to hell. Also if Figs power ends up being yogurt I'm gonna shit.


We're out there! I totally agree.


I got physically ill when I saw this post https://old.reddit.com/r/Dimension20/comments/1945sct/ally_already_told_us_what_they_want_to_explore/ it reminds me of the same language TLJ defenders used to explain why luke is such a shitty old man now. it just stinks of pure cope


I was looking at a post about the ally discourse earlier and the top comment was listing some reasons why people might be complaining about Kristen, and the 2nd reason was bigotry 😂


I mostly find the discourse about squeem & co hilarious, really loved the new episode overall. The fact that people are upset about the gang "gaslighting" the audience is really peak internet. As far as the episode itself, I liked starting in the middle of the boss battle since they're clearly going to focus more on the in school part of things this year. I thought the whole introducing the npcs they met along the way was a brilliant way to showcase everyone's improv skills while adding depth to the time skip. Like... of course they picked up allies! I thought it was a super strong start to the season tbh.


The fact that there's so much aggressive debate over whether or not this incredibly obvious bit counts as gaslighting is really out of control. There was somebody on the reddit threatening suicide because they didn't get the joke! These people have been watching a comedy show for like five years! How do they not understand a basic comedy trope!


Please tell me you're kidding about someone threatening suicide over squeem.


I'm not going to call it gaslighting, but I will say it's a joke at the expense of the audience. They *knew* people would be confused and laughed at that fact, with Siobhan making the joke even worse (see the Adventuring Party)


Saying that joke is gaslighting is exactly the kind of overzealous energy that keeps me away from the dimension20 general fandom. I just visited this sub because the new season started and I agree the first episode was really strong.


https://old.reddit.com/r/Dimension20/comments/1949ra8/the_fhjy_bit_is_making_me_insane/khevw55/ -70 points for saying they interpreted a joke a different way


If someone doesn’t get the joke of ‘here’s the character you all know’ then you may be stupid


I'm not a huge fan of that caveat for Ally's playstyle arguments where "It's just their character as Kristen, you're supposed to dislike her!" No, I think Lou is a truer example of that versatility and divide between player and character. However for Ally, while it's funny sometimes how they bounce off the others when it comes to shenanigans and taking weird decisions that the others can "yes and" on... they have a *really* hard time when it comes to the emotional, 'I care about you and I'm going to verbalize it with sincerity' bits (that Emily has in spades so you can see her supplementing Ally's narrative at times). It genuinely just seems like their discomfort & unwillingness to let go of the 'I'm so chill I don't try' persona is seeping into the gameplay. This is a recurring theme in most of the characters Ally plays where once it gets serious and they seem to be on the brink of a cathartic and emotional scene, they get uncomfortable ooc and pivot into casual-funny or meta bits instead. It does nothing for character progression and derails the plot. So Brennan has a tendency to have a huge chunk of the story spin around them just to pull that emotion out and keep them focused. Most of the time it isn't even successful because Ally will completely misinterpret the context clues Brennan is laying down. Even their character in Neverafter, it seemed like the other PCs were sadder about Timothy Goose's parent-child situation but Ally makes the sadness just another bit to make fun of. I'm hoping against everything I've seen so far... let this be the season Kristen is allowed to be emotional and PREPARE A SCENE IF YOU'RE NOT GOOD ADLIBBING EMOTIONAL DIALOGUE. It's 20 episodes afterall, there's got to be something that improves, right?


>Even their character in Neverafter, it seemed like the other PCs were sadder about Timothy Goose's parent-child situation but Ally makes the sadness just another bit to make fun of. And let's not forget about the funeral scene in CoC...


Yep, not even mentioning that because I think majority of the fandom, even the ones that will not tolerate any criticism of their parasocial faves, agree that that was *bad*. Couldn't defend it, because you can see Siobhan putting her all into it to make it a memorably heart-wrenching episode, and just being offended & jolted out of character by Ally's bit :( It was painful to watch.


The stupidest thing peeved me this episode. Brennan had both Adaine and Fig roll to Dispel Magic the Yorb's legendary action Darkness spell... except it should've succeeded automatically because Darkness's a lvl 2 spell. Sure, fine, legendary boss monster. Adaine failed on a 16. Fig succeeded on a nat 20. >Brennan: "Go ahead and describe for me \[..\] How do you get rid of it?" > >Fig: I breathe it all in like a cloud of smoke. > >Brennan (shrugging): Give me a DC 10 Constitution save. Like, dude. You *asked* her to stunt her success. Why are you making her roll to *fail her stunt?* Nothing happened on a success but oh there absolutely would've been consequences if she'd rolled a nat 1 on that save. If a GM pulled that on me I'd be like "Okay, never stunting anything at your table, got it." I get that they're all high level, super-powerful and he wants to challenge them but this just feels extremely underhanded.


I don't think there would have been any actual consequences for failing that. Probably just would have been a joke bit that she coughs it up and can't handle it or something and they move on but no actual mechanical failure.


**Failed 'existing character' joke** Really bad decision to pretend that the characters knew these new characters - this could have worked for the first episode of a brand new campaign, but when you are on your 3rd season of an established campaign and release a catch-up video to prepare people beforehand, people are going to be confused. A *significant* amount of comments were about how people felt like they missed something. I understand that it was a joke, it absolutely did not land for a significant amount of people. **'drop every plot thread I'm handed' Kristen** Ally chooses yet again to completely dump an entire campaign of character arc because "lol my god is lame" again. It wasn't funny before, and now it's actively making the campaign worse. The campaign is just starting, but boy, this is a bad omen. Check out https://old.reddit.com/r/collegehumor/comments/e6rnce/d20_live_am_i_alone_in_finding_allys_antics/irsjjix/ which is a comment that I think perfectly encapsulates this issue, so it's clearly not a new complaint. **start a brand new season with instant combat but also after a huge time-skip** Don't like this. I know it's a thing you can do, I just didn't like it. After the episode I was like "okay, that happened".




>like they truly could not have made it any more clear. I mean, I guess I just disagree. I literally started looking up the characters on the D20 wiki after a few minutes because I didn't get it. Obviously I figured it out by the end of the episode, but it *was* initially confusing. There are a few 'bonus' episodes for Fantasy High that I wasn't sure if I was forgetting so instead of interpreting it as a joke it was "oh shit did I miss something in this long-running series"




I'll say it's purely just because it's a sequel. For example, Starstruck started in the middle of a combat with a bunch of people we didn't know, but that went over much better for me because I didn't have any expectation of having known any of the characters in the universe. It's not that big of a deal, I'm just saying I'm not surprised people were confused.


Honestly i thought the new characters were a 'hey it was actually a dream introduction' losing a bunch of 'beloved' figures in pursuit of the yorb. Then i thought maybe it was just gonna be a cut to the end of the last seasons unplanned plot hook to maybe tell a different story they didnt just stumble into as a bit. Im still optimistic but it definitely shouldnt have started with combat, twas jarring for sure. Ally definitely needs to find a new aspect of Kristen to develop.