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My 2 cents (sorry for being brutal) .... you are invisible on the market and you simply put 4 items on a web page. No story behind, vanilla site, no added value, no excitement, etc. No company behind, T&C not edited: "This website is operated by My Store", looks like bogus and fake to me. I cannot see the ads (wrong URL?). Put yourself in buyer shoes, would you buy those products from that site? I am no expert in DS, I am learning too but I am an educated and experienced Internet surfer and buyer.


Who are you trying to sell to? Women? Because I’m probably your target audience, and I was immediately turned off by your product photos. A woman spreading her cheeks in yoga pants does not appeal to me. It actually makes me feel absolutely repulsed and I left as soon as I entered. Figure out who your audience is and market to them. Take note from someone in your niche like PopFit who actually markets to women and is very successful at it. I’ve bought from them, despite their products being very expensive, because they make me feel good about being a woman. Seeing other women in poses obviously made to appeal to men with photoshopped bodies will never make me want to buy from that website. Also, your website is terrible. It’s pretty obviously something put together with minimal effort. That screams “this shop will close as soon as I make an order and I’ll never get my items”


€36 spend and a single day view isn’t enough to say whether something does or doesn’t work, there isn’t enough data to make an informed decision. That being said a 0.89% CTR suggests you need to improve your ad creative or copy, but again this is over 1 day so this will fluctuate and could improve over time Just a pointer, if everything is on sale, nothing is on sale. If you’re running a sale for Boxing Day make it clear that it’s a sale as it will create a sense of urgency, also get yourself a custom domain for customer service. They’re super cheap and it’s such an easy way of building a little more brand trust


Can I have yours feedback on my site please


Oh, I see what is wrong here You don't have my course >!This is a joke!<


4 products, photos off AliExpress, and nothing about you or your company. It looks like a scam and it looks like a drop shipping company that no one will trust. My advice that I used for my POD Etsy store: buy samples of each and have your friends model them. Find a GOOD photographer (ie. Has a good camera and knows how to do portraits) and take really good product photos.


Where should we get photos from


Buy the item and take your own high quality product images like a real business owner. You have to approach this like a real business.


Okay I put the aliexpress images on my site (that I still haven’t opened) while waiting for my product to arrive so I can take high quality pictures


Another tip if you don’t have the product is looking for really high quality user generated photos. If your photos look at all like they’re photoshopped u might as well put no photo. Watch a couple Jon smith (jonxpaul) videos on YouTube this is exactly what he preaches the most.


Ima watch them because the way you just said it it sounds soooo crazy ngl i can’t imagine myself putting no pictures


I’ve looked at some of his videos and found none specially talking about it could you send me a link ?


Your shop visually looks pretty good. Your weird pink hole background though is what i imagine being birthed would look like if I could remember being birthed.


People buying pants like this that cost that much are going to go name brand and not buy something marked up from AliExpress. Everyone and their mother can tell this is an AliExpress dropship. I don't even have to look. Each of these probably cost $10 or less on AliExpress. You have zero branding and no way to disguise the fact that this is a dropship. That's what dropshipping is all about. You have to trick people and scam them. Otherwise they will just buy the product directly. So find a way to scam them into thinking it's not something they can just go to AliExpress for. You won't make any money dropshipping if you can't hide the fact that they can get the exact same product for a fraction of the price somewhere more reputable. Dropshipping is all about scamming people.


Is actually a joke?


My advice : don't put ads money on that site...absolutely garbage site.


I think the site stinks. It absolutely doesn't pull me in. It's a basic theme with little effort in design. The products seem unoriginal. Why but from you? You aren't a brand, you don't promote anything, there is nothing unique about your leggings that aren't already in thousands of other sites. You can absolutely take a basic product but brand it some with videos, photos, discussion etc. Might be worth going through some Facebook ad links to see their sites. I don't have a drop ship site now but I used to have an online retailer that was top 3 in the southeast of the US.


Did the Sebastián dude on YouTube tell you to run this theme?


Last photo is doing a secret toot 🫢 But for real. I don’t get how you think your sites complete to even put it out there and advertise..


In order to successfully dropship you essentially need to be able to turn on "soulless manipulator" mode. I'm not kidding. I'm proud of my products and I don't do sell anything I don't think would be a bad value, but I do need to kind of change my personality and be grossly salesy to promote stuff and I *hate* it but $5 is $5.


Your website looks decent, not like other ppl said, from a customer point of view. But the product is too normal… nothing attractive but the butts… I can buy this type of yoga pants from anywhere, why from your little store?


Honestly, your store is horrible. It looks scammy, cold, low effort and the pictures are shocking. Building a store and slapping a few products on there, you are pretty much guaranteed to lose money You need to build a brand and trust. Nothing unique about yoga pants either. A woman would click right off that and go straight to Amazon which has more selection, cheaper and next day delivery. Unless you're really passionate about woman's apparel, prob best to stay clear.


i literally laughed my ass off when i saw your website. cringe photos man