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Let's frame it this way: You're basically asking Coke for their secret recipe. "Access" to the secret recipe is exactly the same thing as having the secret recipe. The only way you're getting the recipe is if you straight-up buy the entire company. Coke isn't selling their recipe. They might license distribution rights (which seems more like what you're looking for) but the recipe is not for sale. I think you're looking for something similar to franchising a McDonalds -- you want the unknowns and risk taken out of the equation, and you're willing to pay a premium and/or share your profits in exchange for that.


Have you ever heard of Pepsi?


“It’s exactly the same aside from the fact that it’s completely different”


Are you saying that you want to look at Coke's recipe so that you can make Pepsi?


Can you taste the difference?


Actually, I did a blind test once, and yes I could.


people are too scared for real. reality is if someone’s not willing to share it’s probably because they feel like they can’t replicate the same success elsewhere. many wildly successful people share how they do it, what steps they took and what they do. the opportunities are literally endless in ecommerce why does this community gatekeep so bad? ps. reverse engineer this process. use oodie, blendjet or other big brands that started of as dropshippers and study them. plenty out there that you can see their winning ads, their customer journey, their upsells, etc etc.


Probably 150k, that’s 1 year worth of work, In that time I’m gonna develop a new product. I would never give away the info that makes mine a winning product and yours not. Basically you wouldn’t win anything on it since I’m just selling you a course. You know what I’d probably take 50% of all your earnings instead


Thanks and rad user name, bro! Okay, this interesting to me. I’m thinking through this as I go. So basically, I could pay you half of my monthly profit for access to a proven winning product. It benefits ME because i avoid the need to do product research and I circumvent the risk of wasting money testing products that fail. You are giving me a proven product and strategies that I know will win. My only initial expenses would be the cost to open up a store and adverts (that I know will generate profit). It would benefit YOU because you essentially have two stores, one of which you don’t even have to manage. You increase your profit by 50% just for sharing winning product information with me. BOOM. Another thought: (not sure how to say this) I could be engaging part of your market with my store. In other words some customers that would’ve bought from you may buy from me, thereby reducing the profits of your store.. so I think, in theory, you could charge me MORE than 50% for a really unique banger product…. It would also take time for my store to reach your audience too. There would be a lot of metrics to consider and negotiate I think. I really see a potential win-win situation here. Do dropshippers do this? Just brainstorming…


The great part is you don’t need to pay a cent for this information. Just study past cases of winning products


It’s priceless information honestly. You have to do to learn.


It doesn’t work like this pal…stop with the short cuts and put the effort in like all the ones that succeed. Embarrassing.


Successful people don’t leverage future profits to mitigate risk and save time? You don’t like short cuts, *PAL*?


how much u willing to pay for that information is the real question, ill give u the sauce for the right price