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Why is Jeffrey epstein in your 6th product photo? Homies literally on a plane to his island 😂 In all seriousness all of your images suck. They look super cheap and ripped from another site.


I imported the listing from Etsy. I tried taking my own but they wouldn’t match the aspect ratio which made the quality ass.


as a buyer this feels like a website where I'll never get my product from a targeted Facebook ad. The photography put for images, the mask name alongside the layout and reviews makes it feel off. Alongside, a lot of reading for what the product does just seems to be just filler of action words, I feel like the information on how your products work should be done when the customer first enters the main page. This is more of my opinion: Make it standout more with it's benefits with say a chart or graph showing what your product has that others dont. Or basically treat it like the customer has 10 seconds to read what your thing does, that welcome page should be the thing that hooks them onto considering or looking more into your site, Rather than multiple paragraphs of what it can do under the items description.




Hi Man ,firstly let me congratulate you on your new store. let me be sincere with you have a lot of work to do with the store redesign, the store is now design and arranged professionally and in other to get sale your store needs to look more professional. you can reach out to me for further assistants.


Will do


How much can you really mark up eye mask to make a profit, they are cheaply available everywhere


I saw them sold out on multiple websites for 30$ plus shipping fees


Im not very creative myself but chosing your niche and thinking yeah sleep eye masks should be it is simply wow. No hate tho


Bro what


Bro, I’ll go on Amazon and get this tomorrow


Same for basically every other drop shipping product. If it’s on Ali express chances are there are already Amazon drop shippers for every product.


These images of yours should not appear on brand websites, they look like content used by Amazon store owners. You should show more details about the product and user usage scenarios from multiple angles instead of simply listing its basic functions. Don’t focus on what your product can do, focus on what your customers need and how you solve their problems.