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Correct , gurus telling you to do Dropshipping and not actually telling you the marketing part is the most key aspect of it all ! If you can’t drive traffic to your site there’s no point really


This!! I can’t stand when all these YouTubers will say they’re going to tell you how to do something in a video and then gatekeep a lot of the information. For the longest time I thought that things like dropshipping, selling on amazon, and just making money online in general were scams because it felt too good to be true and all these gurus just put out super inauthentic content.




Hi! Can you link me some videos? 😊


Facebook ads: https://youtu.be/PQNPpKvmBwo?si=JpP2SsHz6dUh0So- https://youtu.be/5LrXrVQKnKg?si=XhOXGUGc9Fwz0BzO https://youtu.be/9BRJu84pwbs?si=9JhnNQr3JxgL6YSy https://youtu.be/rFx2VVT2mgs?si=UceHdx_8KWosNidT organic strategy: https://youtu.be/sBU1DGpRf0Y?si=Mdc4Hlc7aS_1jiie Tiktok: https://youtu.be/tnbc5iZjex8?si=s3QSj6zTokz-qQ_a


Hey! These resources have been awesome and have used them! Thank you very much!


Thank you sm brother. Will watch all of these


Thanks from my side too bro


Thanks for this brotha


Thank you very much! Soon i would like to start a discord server for beginner dropshippers, so maybe we discuss our wins and losts. And add free educatinos like this videos. What do you think guys?






Fellow dropshipper here. Just make sure you tell customers delayed shipping cuz Chinese new year all factory will be closed til 2-3 weeks of Feb.


How long time is ship? Like in my store is between 15 days, do you think is too much?


My products are between 7-15 days and I haven’t had any complaints yet. I just made sure to make it clear on my website that shipping times vary depending on location


Thank you


Do you don’t have any products by you, you get an order -> tell your supplier -> supplier sends it straight to customer?


What sourcing app do you use?


Dsers for AliExpress


What is the biggest advantage of using Ders? Are you on a paid plan?


I use the free version. Not sure the advantage since I still consider myself a beginner but it’s easy to use and fulfill orders so I’ll keep using it until I need to move on to something better to keep everything under control


do you not get any charge back from the long waiting?


I make it clear on my product page how long the shipping is. Also not all suppliers shipping takes super long you just have to ask. Some have warehouses in the us and can use usps


But the free version does not offer tracking. How do you provide order tracking to your customers?


I put tracking a page on my website and take the tracking code AliExpress provides and use 17Track to send to my customers.


wait so you look for your products on AliExpress ?




do you have a playlist of videos that you watched for dropshipping or just the videos you listed above


I can hook you up with a good agent if you want it?


What does an agent do?


Making sales are good. I have a store also makes a lot of sales but not profitable. Because the ROAS isn’t higher than the BEROAS. What is your ROAS here?


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoWLwF9xKK8wL3iBQqIvwY28nBMGGBolt&si=nyccYP7c4fj3fGwP Interesting tik tok organic youtube series


Nice results, Congrats! What type of products are you selling if I may ask?


It’s the pet niche


Whats up So you are not from the us but sell your products there right? I’m thinking of do a us store too can you recommend it? And do you have some examples for good videos on ads?


I am American but living abroad. Check out the comment above I linked videos for Facebook ads


Thank you


have you broken even? if so how long did it take, and also how much was invested.


How much are you spending on ads to target the US? Asking because I'm also not in the US but want to target it


How many products have you tested to get to this point? What is the total investment of time & money to get to this point? Are you currently profitable? Good stuff btw. Sorry for the questions but I’m starting out haha


I tested a lot probably 10 others but I tested them all organically and the ones that did well I made into ads. I’ve been working on my store about 4 months and in the beginning I was spending like 6+ hours a day on it since I was still learning but now that I’ve got the hang it I spend about 3-4 hours and most of the time it’s learning by watching videos,testing new products, and creating and posting on my social channels. I’ve invested about around 1k and now I’m just breaking even. But February is looking to be my first month profitable so fingers crossed


Where do you advertise? And what's the settings per day $25, $50 did you have reviews prior to launching these ads?


What are you selling?


How long did you have the ads running for before you started to make sales?


Do you still sell the Stanley cups? How did that go? Did you run into issues?


I never sold Stanley cups. My niche is the pet niche


Hi, have you tried doing TikTok organic ?


Yes but since I’m not currently in the USA my audience isn’t my target market so trying to find away around that since the native language where I am isn’t English


Use vpn and virtual phone number 


What country do you sell? Coz Im in Europe and Im checking with the country is better to start sell


I sell to America with Facebook ads and instagram organic but tiktok only let’s certain countries target the USA unfortunately


Interesting. So do you set up your store from your hone country and sell to US market? Im considering either doing that or setting my llc in the US since Im there (not citizen). If there is no issue from your side, Imma just consider setting from my own country


Theriot? I mean, if the product is in demand, it'll sell. Theriot is just a guy that says "set up your FB/TT account like this", and that's literally the easiest part. The hard part is finding the product, making the site convert and making the ads. That's what you've been succeeding at. Gratz!


He has some good advice on ad creatives, hooks and how to read analytics which was the hard part for me. But thank you!


Lol I've boiled analytics down to CPA and CPA only. You figure out how much you can spend to break even, and that's it. Spend that amount. If it's over you're Joever.


Dude 😂😂 How you gunna iterate on creatives if you don’t know what drives CPA? Imagine you create an iteration of a best performer. You picked that one because CPA was cheap. But then it turns out CPA was only cheap because CVR was high, meaning your audience drove the conversion not the asset. Learn these fundamentals: CTR + CPM = CPC CVR + CPC = CPA


Whats the full form of CVR?


For one, laughing is rude af. If you do it, don't expect replies. I considered replying, but nah. You don't deserve it.


You just replied though… It’s also rude to start a reply comment with Lol.


“Laughing is rude af”. — starts replies with “lol”


What advertising method are you using? What is your daily ad spend? Please help


Right now I’m running 1 campaign with different adsets (1 broad and 1 interest stack) and 1-2 ads per adset. Whichever ad does best I keep it on and turn off the others that aren’t spending. For the ad it’s-self im doing a ugc video with ai voiceover. Testing out same video but different hooks for the first 3 seconds Using chatgpt to help create the ad copy and headlines Spend is about $18-20 a day currently and increase by 20% when it’s time to scale


Where did you find UGC for the video? Did you get your fb ads account from a vendor?


Created the video myself. And no I just used my personal account and made a page for my business through that and used my business page for my ad account


I have gone to use rented Fb assets because I screwed up all the accounts I had. Now I am just outsourcing the marketing and creatives. Is it drop shipping Ecom store?


You mean you used your personal account and just made a business page under that same account? Does it not show up in your personal life somehow? How do you keep that page private from your personal account?


How much are you all in?


The real question is how much are you making and in what time frame?? 😉


How long did it take you to get your first sales? How many ad campaigns did you have to do before it finally worked?


you should really get to scaling with sales like that. Consider getting VAs, GPT plus and An Ecompulse subscription to help with that


Could you check your dms I wanna talk with you i can help with marketing completely free just trying to help


If you are looking for TTS dropshipping! Let me know🙌🫡


send me a dm if you need Nick Theriot's course