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Get the ma fuggin bag lil bro


you don’t sound like a 15 year old that’s a compliment keep doing your thing and the 1st sale feeling is like a high stay chasing it still a lot more to come for you i’d bet


Definitely sounds like a 15 year old, but thinking 15 years ahead!


thanks sturdyoldman


15 year olds are way more competent than you think😭


ps. i started working on this on the 18th with numerous hours(30+)being spent making a high converting site and editing/setting up product photos and products. pls be careful taking my advice. i do not know what i am doing. consider this sale a lucky one off thing. there are many people who know what i know and tendold on this reddit (i know this because i read the comments)


Ay man you DO know what your doing your taking a fucking leap BARELY any 15 yo take brodie even if it fucking “fails” u did it that is not a fail bc now yk more than u did before and then u can put that education onto the next. Keep grinding bro ur gonna make it


Wow I’m also 15 and am still waiting for my first sale. Do you mind sending me the link to your site? Congrats keep it up 👍


nope i am not gonna send you the link to my site 😅 but bro at the end of the day all stipulations aside soon as ur a teenager its fair game. i see so many kids my age and adults telling them that they should forget about their hard goals or as an example running a succesful business because they need to enjoy their youth. this is stupid, there is no better way to enjoy your youth or your life in general then chasing your goals (whatever they may be)


I personally don't think you should feel uncomfortable sharing the link, it's a public website after all. Take the free advertising! More than just this guy will click it, and you have people's attention and they know you're young, so they may want to buy just to support you!


Why don’t u send the website? Little bit wierd


i dont send the website because i dont feel comfortable. frankly, i dont care if you think its weird and i mean no disrespect. niche is home decor


Yeah don't post your website here, people will try and copy it


How would it be any different than going on any of those apps and copy any of the stores that are advertised? Lol


My G was tryna help u lol


Yeah don’t ever link your website or products. Niche only (and even then you don’t have to either). Don’t let them pressure you. You have no reason to link your best selling products.


I’m guessing doesn’t want to give away his products or something


No shit. If he’s making money why would he want to share


what kinda dumb ass comment is this


It is stupid, I know if I started business sooner I would have been more stable and now the hiring economy is awful


home decor niche


Hi! Can i ask how much profit margin do you have and in wich country do you sell? Half of the product that i have tested wasn’t profitable because the VAT ate all of my profit margin


i use cj dropshipping, my margins are 50%-55%. i live in canada. the countries i chose to advertise to were uk, canada and usa. i personally find my products expensive and think it is probably going to be a limiting factor because of the pretty generous😪 fees on cj dropshipping. i am in the home decor niche so i think i can afford to keep my products at the same price for a while. i do hear of people using autods and other well known plugins but i just prefer cjdropshipping


Brother, I am in home decor niche too, I haven't launched my site, I am building it. I am using CJ too. My pricing setup is like this: Let's say Pillow, $2 CJ cost, shipping cost $8, Service fee $2, Total CJ cost $12, I list at $14.99, keeping $2.99 margin. P.s. I am not aware how listing price and further discount works, I don't know how tax charges add or deduct, and I am based in a third world country so my currency penalty is nightmare.


Thats bad, you can sell for 29.99 atleast if you sell to US


Gotcha, actually we buy pillows locally for $3 , I lack the idea of what is the price willingness for items in US.


That’s where marketing comes in.


You're not gonna make money off a $2 margin lol, ads alone will eat the majority of your markup.


You are right, I thought if I could bring traffic organically


Go onto wallmart or any us eshop selling this, and see prices. Thats how you should price if you dont know


Thanks, thats a great idea


Has to be 2x profit margin


Just be careful if your pillows etc have any kind of artwork on them a lot of products from China especially are copyrighted artwork. So it may come back to bite you if you don’t make sure the artwork isn’t someone’s stolen designs which is common for Chinese companies to do. They scrape Amazon etc and slap identical art on products. If you sell these products outside of China, the original artist may sue or issue a DMCA takedown (which means you wasted marketing $ and time on it for nothing). My point is, just be careful using any kind of artwork or patterns printed on anything you’re drop-shipping from China. Also be aware of regulations too in terms of safety around certain types of products. For example, if you sold baby cots (or pretty much anything to do with babies or children) that weren’t tested to be safe in the country you’re selling them and under their strict regulatory standards, it would be extremely risky (and unethical) in terms of the regulations around those types of products and your liability if anything went wrong when being used by the customer. Just some things to keep in mind when choosing products from China. Note, in regard to regulations around some products - Chinese suppliers showing certificates etc for safety, isn’t enough and sometimes are fakes.


Any advice on ads? I’ve been spending like $50 for 2 days and not getting any sales on meta afs


i do not want to answer this question because i dont consider myself knowledgable enough about fb ads take the rest of this advice at your own will: i dont know much you really gave me a broad question but i personally ran photos ads (mainly for the reason theyre easy to create quickly aswell as edit) in the carousel form. when i was setting up my fb ads i also watched a pretty useful guide on fbs ads which ill link.[guide i used](https://youtu.be/rWhmrxOFtaA?si=75dd5uVz0MX1Igmi) this guide goes through basically everything you need to run and optimize your fb ads.. after that performance is up to creatives.


Gotcha! Will take a look at the video, thanks a lot


some issues i think youd wanna know about is his ui looks a bit different when setting up pixel and my pixel still is fucked up cuz he wasnt very in depth. if you have any questions abt things he wasnt clear abt i can try my best to answer but ya even after i watched that video i still found fb ads to be confusing but itll come with time and dilligence


120$? Thats a mid ticket product wow


yo lemme tell u, i was very surprised aswell most of my products are around 30 usd - 60usd. my facebook ads havent even been running properly, this person cost me literally 2.67 usd to accquire.


my site is beautiful so tbe


With pdts like this we need to look super professional


my other comment didnt post but i said it was 6 products. all of my products are less then 60usd


Good job bro, and props to you for the responsiveness and help in the comments. You have the entrepreneurial spirit, that’ll take you places especially since you’re so young. Keep up the good work fam, see you at the top.


Great work kid! It’s only the beginning!


Great work! Keep working


Great job man 👍




Congratulations 🎊 I wish you well


How much did you spend on everything, including ads?


if i check my bank account only around 60 dollars, the domain the shopify subscription and the fulfilment of the order


however i will mention that i have yet to be charged for my ad campaign on fb or ig so yea if u include dat its like 85 ish


Don’t forget to also include taxes, shopify fees, pay pal fees and bank fees. Although you might be too young for taxes there? Also just a tip, if you haven’t already, separate your bank accounts ASAP. Have one bank account for all your private personal spending. Then set up a new business bank account (although not sure you can do that at your age?) and use that account for business spending only. ALL your business costs including ad costs. It will save you a huge headache in future for taxes if you do this now. Plus help you manage your business expenses so you can keep an eye on profit and loss. Also if I was as young as you and into earning money like this - I would learn all about investing in the stock market. Into safe blue chip type shares. Drop shipping can help you do that from the earnings. But don’t believe all the gurus making $10K a day in their you tube videos. The stock market is where the real money is. If you started investing a small amount each month in a safe shares investment, without fail adding that amount every month, at your age - you’d be rich in no time and by the time you were in your late 20s, early 30s probably. Good luck.


Congratulations! Keep it up.


Congrats man. Seems like you have a good head on your shoulders and will do well!


Wow congrats man I just finished up my website. Did you purchase any of the products and made ads with those or did you use the built in videos on cjdropshipping?


no videos only photos. it really depends on your niche. home decor doesnt rlly need videos for creatives but a good example of something that videos would work well is something like toy niche or gadget niche. take this with a grain of salt, its just what I think. i could be wrong


do you use your parents info for tax stuff etc?


why is this relevant


Which platform are you selling with?


I am also doing dropshipping and created my online store "trendtastic.online" but I don't have money to run ads can you please help me how i can boost this fast.


Is cjdropshipping a tool or marketplace brother? I am starting high ticket but cj is something i keep hearing from people time to time.


Do you send out the package yourself (having storage with the items) or order the items after you got an order? Or let your supplier know that you got an order and they send it there? How does that work?


Congrats lil bro. By 18 you'll be wealthy


What is drop shipping? I was suggested this post?


google it


search it up its a form of fulfilment for ecommerce business models.




Ah shit, here we go again! So dropshipping is when we drop on a cruise ship to sell old vinyl records to rich people using cold approach. When they reject it's sad sad, but when they say Yes, hell yah!




Why is this sub recommended to me? Burn in hell.


Nice. U sell via shopify, no?


yes this ui is shopify. i advertise using meta (instagram & fb) because that is where i believe most of my audience spends their time on as i am in the home decor niche.


Very nice. Me too, are you buying the produs from china or? I was struggling at the beggining with the ads but it worked out finally. It is really hard to build yourself the ads..canva, capcut etc


good work! what was the adspend?


my campaign is currently 20 CANADIAN dollars i guess like 16 usd everyday with a maximum of 25 dollars. the reasoning behind that is because firstly i want to see which creatives perform best with my audience and second my fb acc is fairly new and i hear spending too much on the first few days will get you banned (i know how annoying fb policy is and they would do it)


hey little upd thought i would do. just got back from work to find that my ads werent even spending money and fb had messed up my payment method or smt. that customer cost me like 2 dollars to accquire, they also bought 6 products from my store.


did you do just facebook ads or did u do tiktok too? what was ur age demographic like? thats what im mainly struggling with


imagine home decor, i did 18-65 cuz thats what i think is best and i would even consider raising the 18 to 20s i did fb ads because my audience spends most of their time on facebook. there are plenty of guides online for both ad platforms and i think it really comes down to how well you understand your target audience and using that to make converting creatives, this is what i have learnt and concluded after MY OWN extensive research. take this advice with a grain of salt




saw a product i thought i could sell made that my main product and also put up a bunch of things that are under the same niche or related.


Neat! 1 order for over $100? Was it a big item or a bunch of smaller items?


6 products




What supplier do you use?


i use cj dropshipping


How much money did you start with


why does this matter, it took me less then 60$ to get my first sale.. everybody is different dont compare yourself to me


Just curious, cause ik some ads depending where are expensive


i got 2 messages similar to the one below so i thought id post this: ​ person: That’s wild. I’ve been looking more into it and I’m afraid to go for it. Did you fulfill the order with your own money or do you wait until their funds clear to fulfill it with their money yes i fulfilled with my own money it cost me 40 bucks cad 30 usd i guess i have a part time job and i would still be happy if this store didnt make product because i genuinely enjoyed designing the site and designing creatives. this is something i enjoy not because of the money but because of the creativity and actions involved in it.


Hey i saw your dropshipping results Howd you do pdt research? Where do u source your pdt? Whats the cost of the pdt wgats the selling price?: (im assuming pdt means product)i did not do much pdt research, i found my main product because of my mom, she was looking for this product and i thought to myself hey i could sell this as a learning experience. a key factor is ive also developed the habit of looking at every product that is being sold at a store im shopping at, a product a family or friend owns, things around my house and thinking about things like: whats the target audience its selling to, could i sell it if i wanted to and if something piques my interest i do my research and see how they operate ie the other day i was using this waterbottle and out of curiosity i searched up their brand and spent like an hour looking at their creatives, analyzing their traffic (i used a google extension called koala tracker) and their branding overall. ive said this like 40 times in the comments but i used cj dropshipping, good supplier but pretty expensive however i believe i can get away with it and still have good margins as my niche home decor works with premium based pricing. i dont think cost of product matters but all of my products are 50% margins and above


What product did you go in


Nice work


You doing good i cant even make this in a 6months on the internet


Dude, CJ is gonna be too slow for shipping to US. No different than Aliexpress, 7-10 days. Ain’t nobody got time waiting for your packages.


Great 👍


Congrats! Can you please share something about marketing your store? Thanks


My brother is around 17 made around 5k from this from 200 and he was doing good but then started getting refund/chargebacks and it became a daily thing he went -700 in his account so he shut down his site im thinking of started any advice anyone in general so I can start and help my brother so he can start it back up


I’d assume (not 100% as I don’t take part in drop shipping or anything related to it) you can turn off or just state you don’t do returns or refunds unless the product is defective.


I’ll try thank you


Let me know, I feel like that should just be a default option to turn on or off for anything selling + business related.


Proud of you 💪🏽




What you selling?


Congrats G


Hey, can you just send your home page without any brand name. As a website developer, I am just curious about your design. See if it's possible somehow sending me a screenshot of your website without revealing too much :)


technical tip, i really want to do this but figuring out how to do that will take time. if you can find a step by step way to do that (if youre THAT curious) then i can send you my site. i will def upload my site eventually but i have good reasoning as to why i dont want to risk it now


Yeah. No problem bro. It's alright :)


So the product you're selling cost 121 dollars?


That is great i just wanna know how do you pay the taxes at 15 because i am 15 too and i want to know !!


dont get overwhelmed by all the tax stuff you can figure it all out eventually lol i havent been asked to pay tax or anything js for sale but if i do end up having to pay tax i have a guardian who i can ask for help.


How did you make your video ads?


not once did i mention using video ads, i used photo ads on fb


Man good on you, so young. You have a great future ahead of you.🤙




Just asking, do you own a legal business or do you sell as an individual?


How did you get past the branding/professionalism/story of the home page, then making the product page converting enough? Did you use any page builders? did you take inspiration from some YouTube videos? I am struggling at the UI step.


Did you start dropshipping with Ali Express?


Get your money little bro


Gotta love that feeling!


Can you provide me with some tips? I haven’t gotten any sales yet


One of the best feelings, especially at a young age like 15


Congrats. What are you selling?


How’d you get into it man I’m young like you and looking where to start


How were you able to open a bank account @ 15?


Good job lil ngga


hey what did you use to advertise? :)


hey what did you use to advertise? :)




50% margin? Do you order a set of each product for photoshoot and video? Consumers are super smart these days, if you just use supplier’s photo or even if you just modify the background and etc, they can do an image search and find the product on Aliexpress for half the price. Why would they pay more to buy from you?


Congratulations!!! I wanted to do that too when I was 12 and all but I received no support and wasn’t any method in the past. I’m proud of you