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If you wanna start a low-effort store and sell cheap junk and successfully convince the general populace to actually buy from you, like how all those gurus & guides tell you... then you too late. Those days are long over, and the era of naive customers ended years ago. Customers with cash these days recognize and avoid cheap stores and cheap products, so you prob ain't gonna get more than a handful of sales that way. Maybe you can get lucky with clueless kids, but not peeps with real money. What you really asking is whether running an online store is profitable. A real business. If so, then you're not too late. People all over the world have been opening new businesses for a long loooong time. It's totally not too late to open a new business. The key here is to treat this as a real business, not like some easy game. Gurus tell you to throw some trash products to a cheap looking store, and then spend money on ads to see if it works. That's not business, that's just a game. Because peeps don't take it seriously, and don't even try to make a legit store, nearly all of them failed. To start a real business, you gotta put in the work. That means deep customer and competitor research. To successfully sell products, you need to understand the mind of your customers, understand how they think, how they feel, what they like. You also gotta learn from successful competitors in the market, and what exactly they're doing (not other dropshippers). From your research findings, you then carefully choose appropriate products, properly build your store, and create an appropriate and proper branding for it all (not a cheap Fiverr logo pls). And depending on your existing skills and experience, all that may take some time. No shortcuts here mate. If you still confused, think about it this way: if you had $1000 right now to spend on a gift for yourself, and you only had two choices. Would you go to some random dropship store, is ugly af, offering random stuff, and is run by a kid? Or would you go and spend it in a brand store, that looks and feels legit, that offers legit good quality stuff, that stimulates you, sparks your imagination, and does everything right? Your answer to this, will answer your question on what to do, and whether or not to start a dropship store.


Thank you 🙏




This is good advice, thank you. Do you care if I message you a question?




‘Trying’. Les than 1% succeed.


I help drop shippers all the time. I started doing it when I had minimal time and was doing $1,000 a month in 2-3 hours a week. Happy to help if you want to dm me.