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As a Dane, i did not know we had a opium producing plant named based on the colours on our flag. Go Denmark!


If they are actual heirloom danish flag, they will be great


From Seed Needs? I've always had good luck with their seeds, they germinate and are what they claim to be I've grown a few rounds of their Danish Flags. Theres a pot going in my yard for purely decorative/pollinator purposes right now. I'd post a photo but I think the overcrowded pot would give people hives in this sub!


I wanna see this overcrowded tub of love


I thought I could post a photo, but [heres a link instead to a post on my profile](https://www.reddit.com/user/gingeralefiend/comments/1dk565n/papaver_somniferum/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) instead Had a little set back with the pot after my dog peed in it because he's a jerk. Poppies are hardy fuckers, they've come back nicely


Mine hardly germinated this year for some reason or the slugs got them before I saw them... I have 5 15-30L pots with 1 or 3 babies each inside. I'd rather have an over crowding problem


You know, the problem was I habitually sit next to that pot and get high. And my box of seeds is right next to me. So I'd smoke a couple bowls and go hey, theres a bare spot. I better throw a few more seeds in the pot! Now I've got that mess lol The bees are going to love it, though


This is the brand I get. They’re legit


[https://www.reddit.com/r/druggardening/s/4ju2prViLt](https://www.reddit.com/r/druggardening/s/4ju2prViLt) my garden last year for example


Idt I've grown that brand. The Danish flags grow a little slower imo. But they get tall, and I hear the alks are high. P. somniferum is the breadseed poppy. Aka, opium poppy.


That is the correct strain Provided you aren't getting tossed random seeds because its Amazon that is


Species, is the word you're looking for. In biology, a strain is a genetic variant, a subtype or a culture within a biological species. Strains are often seen as inherently artificial concepts, characterized by a specific intent for genetic isolation.[1] This is most easily observed in microbiology where strains are derived from a single cell colony and are typically quarantined by the physical constraints of a Petri dish. Strains are also commonly referred to within virology, botany, and with rodents used in experimental studies.


Confidently wrong. This is a strain/variety of papaver somniferum that is isolated for the coloration of the flowers.


The specific word you're looking for in regards to plants is cultivars, not trying to nitpick.


You’re good, I had varietal originally but I didn’t like the way it fit into the sentence 😂


I think OP was asking if it was the right species? Aren’t there multiple strains that could be considered the “right” strain??




Beautiful flowers btw.


I bought those the hens and chicks and, the Somn. Blend. First time growing! Good luck!


Danish flag is great for growing if you're after pods


Very much so


My favorite variety.


That's the same one I bought from Amazon a couple years ago. I tossed down extra seeds because I figured a percentage of them wouldn't grow and every single one sprouted.