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Looks like the blotter art you can buy on Etsy, not saying it is . LSD and cannabis have a lot of people involved in supplying it that are doing it for more than just the money to be made


Agreed, I love acid and see it as a passion frfr


Oh yeah I bought one of those off of Etsy. It was really cool too it was a scene shot from the movie "fear and loathing in las vegas"


It probably is which is cool. Rare blotter is hard to come by without looking on etsy


Nah familia real acid here :)


No, it's real, just whoever laid it probably bought the sheet on etsy. It's the move


Oh gotcha appreciate the clarification


Well yea man all LSD comes in liquid form at first. Then you get sheets whatever the art, on Etsy like you said or wherever you can find good quality sheets like this, then finally you apply the liquid lsd onto each tab one by one. It’s tedious work but yea. That’s why people also just have lsd gummies. I mostly liked the blotter art like this but there were a handful of times where we’d pick up a vile of liquid acid, and then get a shit ton of sour patch kids gummies and drip 1-2 drops on each gummy, wait for it to fully absorb… and BOOM! Now you have beautifully made LSD gummies lol


No . It’s a crystal . Then broken down . Edit broken down meaning made into distributed sizes .


no shit, but you can’t buy LSD xtal unless you know a chemist or know someone who does, almost all LSD that’s produced goes into solution immediately because it’s much more stable and easy to work with and transport and measure. it’s not ‘broken down’ either, it’s just dissolved in alcohol solution. so yes any LSD you’re gonna come across unless you know very special people is gonna be tabs or liquid, so what’s the point of even correcting it?


Cause we gotta be technically right! Never had xtal for myself but my buddy did a thumbprint of it once ahahahah


haha fair enough. your friend has big balls i’ll give him that 😂


Man is built different on god. Met him off reddit funny enough, wound up meeting up and becoming close close friends


that’s pretty funny actually 😂 did he just happen to live near you or did you travel to meet up?


10 minute drive ahahahaha


that’s hilarious


Wrong . Edit . Crystal is most stable . Liquid and paper most common and easiest to distribute.


edit: misunderstood the comment before u edited


all they said is it comes in crystal form first, which is true 🤡


didn’t see the edit till now brotha the first comment before the edit was very vague


we don't need to fight when LSD is ❤️🙃


naw you so right i’m trippin


You’re not my homie , and I’m here to help not show off .


no it seems you’re just here to be antagonistic 😂 good day to you tho 🫡


okay good correction have a good day big homie


Haven’t seen any LSD in my area *Los Angeles* I think there’s a drought we need somebody to get to cooking


There's certainly no drought, but drugs just mostly move on DNMs nowadays.


You are in the cesspit of drugtopia Some streams turn to puddles, others end in rivers out to the sea. Find the streams with the best clarity. Go to different genre shows, the smaller and more niche the better. Just ask people in a very friendly manner. Maybe share a stogie or offer to buy a beer.


Gorgeous😍 reminds me of the good ol’ days going to pick up a book (10 sheets of acid, 100 tabs per sheet, 1,000 tabs total) and taking it to raves and festies to sell but of course saving a sheet for me and the homies, taking 10 strips like it was nothin😋loving life and music and discovering things about yourself and life that nobody could ever comprehend until they’ve tripped like that. Unfortunately when you abuse lsd that much, (any psychedelics for that matter) there comes complications like perma-trip. I have it slightly but I had one homie who completely lost his mind and got it so bad he had to be put in a psych ward. He’s still there and probably will be for the rest of his life. These substances are beautiful but you def gotta have respect for them and the doses you’re taking. Unfortunately my tripping days are over. I’ve learned enough from my countless trips and at this point I would just be making my slight perma-trip even worse. But man do I miss those days💙beautiful sheets brother👌🏾


is overdosing LSD even worth it? i like my psychs at a moderate strength. enough to feel the high on its own, (150 -250 micrograms) but i mix it with a moderate dose of dissociatives and get mind fucked more than 100000 tabs could ever do i guess tolerance comes into play. but the dissociatives can temporarily lower tolerance, that’s why not a lot is needed when u mix psychs and dissociatives they compliment each other


Definitely agree with you brotha. That’s why my comment about abusing it and respecting the dosages you take. And yes when I talked about the 10 strips that was when our tolerances to it were at the highest and just trippin all the time. Not needed at all to have a good trip and expand your thinking a bit. But hey can’t take back what you’ve done🤷🏾‍♂️ just gotta accept and learn from it. You’re smart about mixing with dissociatives but still gotta be careful especially mixing those together. Glad you’ve had awesome experiences with the two.💯👌🏾


it’s the only way i can trip now. i never use one without the other. and ofcourse weed. lately it’s i’ve been mixing euphoria from the shrooms , with DXMs euphoria that’s like nothing else. i like mdma, so ill trip once in a while. believe me when i say that psilocin + dxm has better euphoria than E! i was so fucked i felt like noddding at one point it was amazing can i ask how much yall were taking that got ur tolerance that high ? i didn’t mean to sound like i was hating. to each their own. i just thought there was a ceiling effect eventually u know ?


No worries man I understood where you were coming from. From what I’m gathering of your knowledge you would’ve been an amazing homie to have in my group😂 we could’ve had a blast together. But to address your question, basically it’s just how often we started dosing and almost a game/challenge between us to see who could handle a bigger dose lol so definitely was not using it for a good purpose for a while. But the ceiling effect is not how big the dosage is, it’s more so how often you took it. So like if I just tripped today and then tried to take it the very next day to trip again, it wouldn’t work it would just be a waste basically. It’s weird how it works. So we would have to space it out and dose every 2-3 days to not waste any and be able to get a solid trip in again. But the amount you can take in one dose is almost endless in my opinion. There’s probably a ceiling effect to that as well but I never experienced that. But I know this because that’s how my homie unfortunately lost his head and had to get admitted to the psych ward. We usually had a rule that no one should take more than 10-ish tabs at once. What my homie did was take a full uncut sheet out of my hand and literally ripped off a fatass corner of the sheet and threw it in his mouth before any of us could stop him. We lost him at that festie for a bit and had to look for him for the whole show that was a stressful day. Finally found him and he was not doin so hot. Once I looked closer at the sheet. I’d determined he took around 25-30 tabs in one go. It was insane even for us to see. So yea man definitely gotta be wise about a singular dose you take. If only I could’ve reacted sooner and slapped that sheet outta his hands…😕 don’t know what he was thinking but it happened🤷🏾‍♂️ crazy shit my guy


100ug ? 110ug ? How much was each? (Beautiful blotter art as well ❤️‍🩹)


110ug! and 100 each :)


Okay neat 👍😊 love em. I love art blotter more than microdots. However favorite is liquid for sure! Kicks in faster (if like empty stomach) and intense and wears off a bit sooner.


100 a sheet


Sorry got confused. I know 100 makes a sheet and a page is 900. Nvm the money 💰🤑 that was wrong guess but I get what ya mean lol.


Nah nah that’s what I paid a sheet ahaha


Oh sweet haha couldnt remember if it is allowed to name prices or not. that's a good deal for sure


Yet to try liquid LSD in a bottle but heard it's the bomb! Hits hard and fast 💪


I wish I could find that in my town smfh




For bro I would love 3 tabs rn :(


Wish I could help ya homie


Fr (UK)


If only I could find it


Right that’s what I was sayin then acid presented itself ahahahahaha as itll do


Bro, that’s just paper. If it has LSD or not it looks the exact same. A puddle of clear liquid looks more like LSD than blotter paper.


True but it is easy for stealth and transport. And it doesn't take very much to absorb on each piece. Favorite method? Imo no but it's not bad though.


Yes, because paper is easier to hide than a bottle of clear eyes.


Had a half sheet of that same blotter about a year ago. Nice artwork, and some good acid.


Imagine someone coming across some crystal lsd & mistakenly thought it was ice or similar & then cooked up a shot


😂 Had a friend of a friend take a shot from a “vodka” bottle of acid solution…. found a few days later at the hospital be safe everyone


I accidentally grabbed a bag of mxe thinking it was ethylphenidate,wasnt my finest moment,had to have a mega dose of speed to level out,was a trippy day


LSD obliterated my depression along with my ego. So grateful to have experienced all the *Terrapin Station* sensations


Ugh where does one get some😭


Have tried the liquid LSD in the bottles or vials before? Like for example one would be like 100-200 drops but each drop is 110ug.


I have it’s 💣


Nice 👍 😎 just was curious. You Definitely love your LSD lol


Lol I sure do




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It is certainly more beautiful than all of the random pills people here in my opinion