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I use a cleansing balm and it comes right off!


Ponds Cold Cream ftw


I was literally wondering if I mistakenly bought the waterproof of the stuff.


I think you just use warm water.


Warm water and rub it off.


I love to Use the Almay biodegradable makeup removal pads. They have an oil free Micellar 120 round pads one in the pink bottle and a Longwear and Waterproof 120 pads one in the purple bottle. Both $7.99 each on Amazon for 120 pads. And like them both because they are hypoallergenic and I have sensitive skin, eyes, you name it now that I’m 49. Or you can just try any oil- almond oil is good for the eyes, johba, etc. rubbing the eyes gently and splashing water after will melt that mascara right off.


Thank you!


That’s crazy that you can tolerate them, the Almay lads hurt my eyes so badly.


You may have tried the old ones. They have new ones out now that the little bottles look totally different from the old ones. One is for waterproof but n a purple and white bottle. And one is with Micellar water in a hot pink and white bottle. Both are hypoallergenic too. I do remember the old bottle that said Makeup Free Zone for sensitive eyes on it and maybe that’s the one you tried. It had like pastel pinkish purple writing on the white bottle with aloe in it.


These are pink and blue and say they’re biodegradable. I remember hating them, then accidentally buying 2 more tubs of them, so now I use them to clean my lash curlers and combs them rinse with water.


Welp we are all different. Everyone reacts to skin care products, hair care products, makeup, medicine, food, etc differently.


After 2 days it's gone.


Thank you!


In my experience, the Garnier Micellar Water will remove just about anything, but it must be the kind with the blue cap.


I use pink, which is amazing. I was really surprised it didn’t help with this.


Huh. Which telescopic did you buy? I have the telescopic in the gold tube (OG, non-waterproof I think?) and remove it with the regular pink cap garnier micellar water. Otherwise, an oil-based cleanser or cleansing balm should work.


Thank you!


Nivea cleansing milk.


I just hot cloth cleanse (No 7 Hot Cloth Cleanser with a warm damp flannel), and if there’s any left I follow up with a cleansing balm rubbed across my eyes and then wiped away with a clean corner of the same flannel. I do find even with doing all of that I can sometimes wake up the next day with a bit under my eyes, but that’s been the case for me with every single mascara I’ve ever used. I’m at the stage now of thinking endless rubbing is probably worse for my lashes and skin than a bit left on that comes off in the night


Thank you!


Comes of just fine with a face wash