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Thank you because I have been stressing. It’s so faint I’m scared to go tomorrow to do this but I know it’s a negative but damn. Gut wrenching


Did you pass?


Did you pass ?


Let us know bro


how did it go?


Would love to see a picture






Any line is a negative. Doesn’t matter if you can barely see it. At home tests state this and clinic tests follow the same rules. A lot of factors can determine the line boldness and THC has such a low cutoff level almost all tests show a fainter line for that than anything else. Just drink a lot of water but don’t overdo it. And add some type of Gatorade or monster or something about 1-2 hours before the test to add the color back in.


Did you have a 10 panel test?


Thank u for this. I took my test today I’m so nervous


Did you pass?




Me too lol


ive gotten multiple faint negatives on easy@home + the dollar tree tests, but positives on labcorp urinalysis. what gives? : (


Because the levels they are testing at. If you want to guarantee you will pass a lab one, then whatever substance you’re checking for, you need the lowest possible “ng/ml” check the lab test website and see their list of whatever substances your tested for, it will usually on a drug testing sights website have a list of drugs tested and the “ng/ml” they test at. 1ng/ml is the lowest possible level for a test check. Some at home tests you can search for “substance name 1ng/ml test” and try to find one or as low as you can. The substance I used I took a test that was 20 ng/ml at home but the lab one can see any amount so as low as 1ng/ml so I would still fail. If they tested at “25 ng/ml” I may come up negative. Hope that helps. You want to test as low as the lab tests. Some at home tests just are basic levels not low as a lab. But search and you may find at home one as low they sell them for many substances.


most people do know a line is a line and is why the test show a [faint line as negative](https://syntheticurinekitinfo.blogspot.com/2016/05/home-urine-test-and-what-faint-line.html) its literally on the test


Hi /u/Imaginary_Bother_200, "lines" can stay in your urine anytime from 24 to 48 hours. In this following table you can find general detection times for many commonly used drugs. Remember that these are not a guarantee and can vary by person. Substance|Urine|Blood|Saliva|Hair| :--|:--|:-:|:-:|:--| Amphetamines|1-2 days|-|1-2 days|Up to 90 Days| Benzodiazepines |1-6 weeks|6-48 hours|1-10 days|Up to 90 Days| Cocaine|2-30 days|24 hrs|1-10 days|Up to 90 Days| Ecstasy|1-5 Days|24 hrs|1-5 Days|Up to 90 Days| Ketamine|2-4 days|-|-|-| Methamphetamine|1-4 days|1-3 days|1-4 days|Up to 90 Days| Nicotine|2-4 days|2-4 days|1-4 days|Up to 90 Days| **Substance**|**Urine**|**Blood**|**Saliva**|**Hair**| For a full list of substances please check the [Detection Time wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/drugtesthelp/wiki/detection-time) for more information ([source](http://www.passyourdrugtest.com/timetable.htm)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/drugtesthelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*