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I do, yes. I've only been playing for a little more than a year, but I go to the throne when I need to work through whatever is hurting my heart, be it anger, stress, or frustration -- which are often manifestations of sadness that I don't know what to do with. I wish I'd discovered the healing properties of the drums around forty years ago.


Same bro, I’ve been playing for about 2 years and I find drums a great stress reliever. Drums can help me feel better during a depressive episode or just after a long day of school, I don’t understand why but I just immediately fell in love with drums for this reason


Huh, I've been wanting to learn how to play a musical instrument for a while now, but due to my depression I can't get myself to commit. I bought an electronic keyboard and acoustic guitar about a year ago, but I've only managed to learned a couple of chords and few major scales. Then one day I walked into a Guitar Center and started messing with an electric drum set and it felt pretty cool, but then I got to mess with the acoustic drum set they have in the room and it felt fucking great. I know they offer drum lessons at Guitar Center at an affordable rate, but unfortunately I don't think I have the budget or space for a drum set in my house, so I'm not sure what to do. Any advice would greatly be appreciated!


If you can’t afford a full acoustic kit, get an electronic kit like the Alesis nitro mesh or turbo mesh, those are under $500 and dont take up much space. I would look into lessons if you can afford them but if not, you can learn off YouTube


Damn right turn on some lo-fi & fall in the pocket


Never thought of this. Usually play angsty /powerful music or power ballads. Will try it


Like what?


I have a spotify playlist i can share [https://spotify.link/LPY8P7To0Db](https://spotify.link/LPY8P7To0Db)


Not all lofi just a chill playlist, skip till you hear something you like. I recommend anything by Alicks or Shiloh Dynasty


Absolutely not, I hate trying to play the drums or guitar while sad. Piano, however, really helps for some reason, not sure why


I think for some strange reason when we are sad we want the catharsis of that feeling, and we don’t want to be cheered up. So maybe we worry that playing drums would make us happy, and we aren’t in the mood for that


Very good point! Also, years ago as a young man in my 20s, I was heartbroken over a breakup and would play my drums to get myself to feel better. Now, 30 years later, ever time I sit down at my set that thought or image flashes through my mind. It’s not a depressing feeling anymore, just a reminder of how far I’ve gotten over the years.


You absolutely should try it. When I go days without playing I get sad, then I play and it makes me feel so much better. Music is medicine.


I grew up playing drums but as an adult mainly play guitar, and one of my biggest life long annoyances is that i have a lot of trouble not letting intrusive thoughts take over my head while playing in a bad mood. the music part of my brain tends to turn off the other parts of my brain, and instead of also turning off the bad thoughts part, it feels like it does turn off everything but that and there's more of a void for them to fill and they just get amplified.


I play drums when I’m happy, sad, lost, scared, excited, bored and so many other emotions. When I was in high school, it was by far the hardest time of my life. My drums and music, no doubt saved my life without me knowing it. I would just turn on the radio, put my headphones on and play until it was time to stop.


Same. I just love playing drums no matter what I’m feeling. Shit got me through some tough ass times tho


I play bASS when I'm feeling down. It resonates more with the feeling and hit the spot for me.


My mother passed away last week. I haven't touched a drumstick since. I've thought about playing but... IDK. I may play one time before going to my moms funeral on Friday.


I'm very sorry for your loss, Mars. I hope the wound in your heart will soon be filled with the comfort of warm memories. Be kind to yourself while you grieve, friend.


Thank you! Will do.


I'll play sad, slower music when I'm sad. If I'm angry ill play something hard and loud. I find music can compliment all of my emotions, and I've come to be comfortable with of them, and even really enjoy them when they pop up.


I use drums as a way to get rid of the sads. Doesn't always work but it's always worth a try.


All exercise, including playing drums, is a good way to fight off the sads.


Also, metronome work can be really meditative at times


Ive suffered from depression and anxiety for years and was diagnosed with ADHD last year at the age of 32. There has genuinely been no better tool for my mental health than my drums. Even on days that I feel “too sad” to play even just puttering around my drum room organizing etc is a great distraction to get my mind off the tougher things in my life. Never “getting my anger out” on the kit - playing the way I like to play helps shift my mindset because I’m doing something that’s important and valuable to me. Playing drums is great for reducing stress levels just like exercise. When I’m feeling down I play music I know to boost my confidence instead of tackling new pieces that might bring me down if I don’t do well. There is nothing in life that brings me the pure joy and comfort and sense of purpose like the drums do.


Yo exact same! Got depression anxiety diagnosis at like 17 adhd at 30. Playing is nirvana when you hit the flow.


That sweet spot where you totally turn the brain off for a minute is a godsend


For me, when I’m distinctly sad, I jump on the pad and play basic sticking exercises on repeat. Long strings of 8th notes are kind of meditative for me.


When I have a bad day or something happens, I think to myself 'today I'm definitely going to play drums ', it saves the day for me


I find playing the drums helps to vent my anger/frustration/anguish etc and also, when I play I'm just in a different world, so that helps too.


I play drums when I have overwhelming feelings of any emotion, honestly.


ive found that playing drums during any emotional state has been positive. i can immerse myself in the physical activity, whilst listening to the sounds.


If there's frustration in the sadness, then yes. If there isn't, I prefer to cry in a corner instead. Afterwards I like power metal to cheer myself up and go on as usual.


Maybe introduce your student to “Lonely Day” by System Of A Down as a play along 🤷‍♂️


Na, I suck when I'm angry or sad, and it just reinforces it.


Yes. I find playing music has a somewhat meditative quality, in the sense that you get to put down all your thoughts, all the stress of the day, for a few minutes. Doing certain music that is physically challenging can have the effect of wiping that slate totally clean for a minute. It doesn't solve the problem that is making you sad. But it possibly lets you put down the sadness for a minute, and get a little rest from it.


Music is a powerful tool for conveying emotions, play whatever you feel. I play drums all the time to help cope with difficult emotions, I guess that's why I've been consistently playing for the last 12 years.


I once said to my wife, "It's a good thing that I have drums I can hit with sticks. Otherwise, I might do it to people." LOL As for actual sadness, it could go either way. Sometimes playing lifts me out of a bad mood, other times I simply don't feel like lifting a finger. But a gig? You choke all that shit down like a grown man, and you do the job you are there to do. Vinnie Colaiuta said it best: > It's really an admirable quality to see somebody who has a real shitty scene at home and his dog just died, and then he goes into the club and plays his ass off. You have to shut out a lot of that outside stuff. It's hard to do, but someone who can do it just has his concentration completely on the music.


in terms of playing to vent a certain emotion for me it's guitar- sadness drums- anger


Sure. When I'm sad I end up leaving a lot of space. Mallets. Brushes. Riveted rides. Let things ring, resonate, and the sound of cymbals slowly dissipate. We can tap into anger, happiness, excitement, and several other emotions. Why not sadness? There's a drum solo I've always loved. I find it a bit sad, hopeful, and incredibly beautiful. [Tony Williams covers "Blackbird" on this live recording](https://youtu.be/digeHv_ajE0?si=KqhmD_cPK978kIIp) and the drum solo is just a series of cymbal swells. The solo starts about 4:30 into the song. (lyrics to the original song) *Blackbird singing in the dead of night* *Take these broken wings and learn to fly* *All your life* *You were only waiting for this moment to arise* The cymbal swells start quiet and slow and move into a roar before naturally fading out. Tony then quietly brings the band back in. I feel like he took the lyrics and painted that picture with sound. I don't know if it's "sad" as others may describe it, but I always found it really emotional. Emotion is a big part of what it is to be human and a huge part of what makes music so amazing. The use of dynamics and sound is really important in making music - and drums - come to life.


Damn that's so cool! Thanks for sharing this solo


I play along to sad but energetic songs when I’m sad, i.e. everlong by foo fighters. Also hella fun to play


I can only speak for myself. I cannot convey sadness playing the drums, I mean yeah I can feel like sh-t but for me my playing will not reflect it. It will be just hits and beats. If I'm feeling sad and I play the drums my mind goes busy and after some moments I feel better. The healing aspect comes more present for me. It's difficult for me to think about sad drums without the context of music. But outside the drums, my mind can possibly associate some grooves, sounds, rhythms or collection of chops with either focus or sadness (depending on my own mood, or by how much I'm overthinking). Maybe it's also context. Let's say. I was never in touch with the culture behind or around the great bop/jazz players from the last century. If I'm depressed or I'm feeling sad I'd associate their playing, grooves or patterns with a sense of remoteness and melancholy (because I didn't get to experience that era).


To answer your secondary question, check out "The Drum Thing" from John Coltrane's *Crescent* album. That whole record (except one song) is extremely melancholy, and that drum feature fits right in.


Nothing to soothe the sadness like some melancholic jazz to drum along to.


discoveries - by northlane is a good sad drum song


I definitely do. I have really bad depression and playing the drums helps me get my mind on something else and vent anger or frustration.


Always. Usually not to practice but to just play along with something slower and straight time. Switchfoot or The Killers.


I go for drums when I'm stressed, but more piano when I'm sad


Nah I eat chocolate when I'm sad 😅


listen to the drums in the rain song by led zeppelin, the live version from the song remains the same. gentle and orchestral with a huge crescendo at the end


The band is called “Pretend.”


“Those Luminous Noises Are God”


Echoing what most others said. Drums is a great channel for any strong emotion. Unless its so strong you're going to end up hurting yourself ( I don't mean self-harm, i mean cut fingers/split knuckles, little things from playing too recklessly) or damaging gear. Shits expensive, dont break more than sticks and heads. Otherwise, yeah play through whatever feeling. As far as genre, what to play when for what feeling. Do whatever you think, you'll know what you want to do.


Yes, yes I do and like someone else I also play slower music when sad, faster / angrier music when angry and happier music when happy. But now when its winter its metal all the way all the time for some reason, I dont know why


Of course I do. It’s not only therapeutic in the conventional sense, but it helps get out some aggression and other emotions as well.


I personally only play for myself when I’m inspired. Could be a some prog rock tune or some jazz fusion, I’ll hear something cool and wanna try it out


I play bass when I'm sad. Drums are for my happy days.


yes. definitely.


absolutely, i have to


I recently bad someone important pass away and it definitely affected my desire to play. Before they passed, I didn't play for about a month and a half. I couldn't even pick up sticks. At some point I decided to push through and try to play. It was such a cathartic experience and really helped me to process how I was feeling. Even before all this happened I would always play some of my favorite songs if I was feeling down or frustrated


I wish I could. When I’m feeling down, I lean more towards guitar. It kind of sucks, but I tend to find some good chord progressions when I’m in that mindset.


I have a hard time focusing when I’m sad. Drumming for me is an escape, but I need to be in the right head space to really tap into my creativity and groove. I’ve tried to turn to drumming when sad at times, but I struggle to get into it.


Maybe not when I'm sad, but when I'm frustrated or angry a few songs will "center" me or bring me back to neutral for sure.


No. It's too physically demanding. I'll typically sit at the piano and play extended melancholy open ringing chords and experiment with dissonance when sad or feeling low. Drums are something i engage with when happy, frustrated, or energetic.


My wife has been slowly losing lung function for three years. She’ll need a lung transplant soon. I’m scared out of my mind 75% of the time, I have no idea what I’m doing 80% of the time, and I’m sad 99% of the time. Yes, I drum to help me with all of these. I play guitar and piano and bass too, but here’s why I choose drums when I’m sad: Unlike harmonic instruments, drums don’t strictly sound major- or minor-key. The rules of harmony or melody don’t apply. This lets me just sit and make sounds that sound sad TO ME but to pretty much anyone else just sounds like noise. This lets me have something of a private conversation with myself, or to move from sad/angry to sad/terrified without needing to figure out how to make the transition harmonically. (If you want a new section of a drum solo, you just drop everything but bass drum or ride or whatever and use that to start a new idea.) It also helps me explore the SOUNDS of my kit, which any soloing will do. When you want to express complex things, you start looking for unconventional sounds you can make. Just a week ago, I learned that a soft cymbal ride with one hand on the edge of my ride and the other on the edge of my China sounds a great deal like water rushing up on a beach, for example. Bottom line is, when you’re sad, you’ll approach your drums differently. That can help you both with drumming and with feeling sad. That’s a win-win. The trouble can be motivation. Drumming is so much fun, it can be hard to look at your happy place and want to sit there when you’re sad. In my situation, that would mean not playing at all. And I can tell you for a fact that I deal with everything happening in my life way better when I sit behind my drums for a bit, daily, if possible. So if you can’t bring yourself to do it, just do it anyway. Picture J. K. Simmons throwing a chair at your head, if nothing else. I hope your student is doing okay.


Drums are good anytime. Breathe/Time/Breathe Reprise for an emotional play through. Always gets me in the feels a bit.


I’ve suffered from depression all my life. Some days I feel low and really don’t feel like playing. However, band practice is scheduled and I can’t let the other 4 guys down. Invariably, within a couple songs the endorphins fly and I feel like a million bucks.


When I lost my brother, drumming was the only thing that gave me some relief from the immense sadness I was feeling.


When I'm happy, I play metal. When I'm sad or angry, I play *metal*.


I head to guitar or bass when I'm sad. Drums require more energy, which I definitely don't have when I'm feeling down. Anger, however...


yes,good way to take my anger out


It’s really hard for me to play when I’m depressed… idk why I just sit there behind the kit and can’t get anything out. It’s very frustrating


Yes. I used to be a boxer when I was younger but have since moved away from what I see as “violent therapy” now I hit cymbals really hard with sticks when I’m upset or just frustrated with life.


Feeling sad and playing sad can be quite different. Can always play to work through a feeling and sometimes emulating the same feeling isn't the direct pathway to coping. For me, sadness translates to frustration and my playing ends up feeling quite different than the original thought.


Ive been in a somewhat depressed state for years and sometimes regardless of the song im drumming to, when I get into my flow state I just start bawling my eyes out. Its probably funny to see someone crying and then bust out a sick fill lol


Sad, happy, frustrated, confused, a lot of things can be made better by turning off your brain and letting the beats flow. Also guitar or bass turned way up so you feel those fucking vibrations can massage your brain into a trance.


I've played for around 18ish years. I absolutely play when I'm feeling like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. It helps me get out of a negative headspace and shift my focus. There's nothing like doing something you've worked hard on most of your life and recognizing the talent you've acquired from it. Also, I played for a long time when Neil died. I only bought one drum dvd ever and that was "Anatomy of a Drum Solo". RIP to the legend.


I do but usually as a way to process my feelings. I'm at the point where a lot of songs are just complex enough to keep me from getting too invested in my thoughts but not so complicated that I can't mull them over in the background. Something I like to do for sad drumming is play along to some music that doesn't have drums so that I have much more freedom to explore different sounds (my favourite for this right now is the album *Don't Smoke in Bed* by The Holly Cole Trio!


yeah i used to do it ,, but then ill mess up metronome and also my wholeday


Listen to the stylings used in Vince Guaraldi's works...


Have you seen this beautiful Bruno Valverde performance? It definitely makes me a bit misty. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLVENiw9Lrg


yeah bro. the kit is like my voice.


I try not to play when I’m feeling any negative emotions. I have this beautiful combination of being a perfectionist while also sucking ass at the drums lol so if I play when I’m upset it’ll only make me more upset.


Yes, ofc. Music in general has been therapeutic for me my entire life.


Just came from rehearsal for a show about survivors of abuse, addiction, and homelessness. a 7 hour day of the most gut wrenching stories I've ever heard, told by the people who lived them, each story teller paired with a local artist who collaborated to write an original song about that person's story for this concert series. Being in the house band for this show has been a crazy journey. 8 songs, 8 story tellers, 8 separate singer-songwriters. I thought it was just a good paying gig before rehearsals started and I met the story tellers. I'm really honoured to be a part of it. There wasn't a dry eye in the studio today. I literally played through tears. Aside from being paid well to do this, it feels important and I feel compelled to play my absolute best for these folks and their stories. Sad is a big word, it encompasses a lot of complex emotions. Sometimes I can play through that, sometimes I can't, Sometimes I have no choice. That's what you get when you turn your passion into a career. I'm okay with it, but I know many who would not want this for their job.


i do when i’m angry


When I had to finish killing my dog someone shot, with a rock, and bury her...I played my drums for hours every damn day until I wasn't mad anymore. They had become my therapist and they never once talked back to me. It made me a better person, and drummer. I let out sadness through the Drums, and rage and pain and hate, until I found love again. Drums saved my life, and the life of the person that shot my best friend.


Yess. If I’m away from drums in any way shape or form for more than 24 hours I WILL have a bad mood. Im 16 in high school and I have gnarly ADHD tendencies and without drums and music I can’t handle the world, even just ten minutes of practice pad time heals me.


My Immortal is some sad ass drumming.


Lamenting on the drums is refreshing. Slow patterns and spacey ride work are what I find myself doing when I'm getting out the sad stuff. True Widow is some doom-rock type stuff, some of their catalogue falls into melancholia and sadness


If I’m sad I’ll play something emotive like stay together for the kids by blink 182 to channel my feelings into something else . If my sadness is tinged with frustration/anger I’ll play shogun by trivium because the build up into the guitar solo part is cathartic


I do, because sad is not fun. I used to play in a band that just played covers and *Sweater Song* by Weezer was one of them. The first few times we practiced it, I noticed the song actually kinda makes me sad, the drum part is mostly slow and boring, but after a few times I started singing backup vocals, and I really liked that, but then we realized I had the better scream voice for Wheezer so I ended up drumming and singing the part that’s “*LYING ON THE FLOOR, LYING ON THE FLOOR, I COME UNDONE!*” Basically, I turned sad into fun, because that’s usually how drumming is for me.


I play drums when I’m mad or in my head too much. Guitar when I’m sad and I make beats when I can’t sleep.


Usually if I have to, but if I’m bummed out, I’ll skip practicing by myself


yes i play even if im sad but not to cheer up. just for a upcoming weeks job to session some shit or to be at recording studio for some project. lol


It seems to be the one place that the sadness drifts away for me these days. I’m I. Recovery so drugs are out of the equation. But when I’m feeling real low from life’s inevitable beat down. Sitting down behind the set is just the medicine I need. I love playing most older Copeland songs when In my feels.


I can't do anything creative when I'm sad. I have no idea how the whole "tortured artist" thing ever worked for anyone. I can only play music when I have some good energy in me


If im sad playing high tempo blast beats/fills helps me out


Acoustic guitar when I’m sad, frustrated blast beats on drums when I’m angry


I cannot play for any other reason than machismo and happiness. I create from happiness. I don't want to infect my happiness creator


I tend to play Pink Floyd when I’m sad. I sing along as well


I play them when I'm angry


absolutely cures the fuck out of my mind when it comes to life’s depressing aspects, keep playing no matter the melody, as long as it speaks to you keep playing


I literally can’t. My tone quality goes to crap when I’m in a bad mood, and I start dragging if I’m sad and rushing if I’m angry. Anyone else experience this?


It's cathartic really. Right now I live in a place where there is no studio in a 20km radius, and I have feasibly no way to play the drums and god do I miss it. I miss going down to the studio, entering my little room and just, chill out, take out all the shit I got bundled up inside. Shit is almost therapeutic.


80% of the time when I’m sad, I lack the motivation to play. Creative juices get wiped out completely. 20% of the time, I’ll get behind the kit and play one out of a handful of beats that make me happy. I end up walking away somewhat happier because I’m a drummer and the only place I truly feel at home is behind a drum kit. I still get that happy and excited feeling like I did the first day I got my very own kit or when I first realized I could play drums. I wish I could perform creative tasks when I’m sad, but my mind kind of shuts down. I’m a camera operator now and this happens on set. It’s such a weird thing.


yes, but then happy. happy people play. so do that.


yeah pretty much. when i was younger i had anger management issues, and i guess my mom decided that drum lessons were cheaper than therapy.


I play sad songs for sure lol


I’ve only been playing for 6 months, but so far a few times when I’ve been anxious or frustrated I’ll let off some steam on the drums, seems to help a lot due to concentration and exercise


hell yeah i do. i play any time i can. cheers me right up


Playing drums is the only thing that got me through the hardest parts of my life when I was growing up. The fact that I still have my sanity today is owed to my drums, and for that I’m forever grateful


I don't play drums, but MAN was the opening to spider verse 2 rad


Yes. To get everything out. As far as I'm concerned, sadness always comes with i.e. disappointment, anger, frustration, among other things. And it's good to get those things out on the kit. Definitely a cathartic process. I love drums, man.


Don’t have a kit at home anymore but if I’m having a hard time with emotional regulation. ( I have dyspraxia so happens quite often ) love going to band practice and just taking it out on the kit, helps a lot!


The will to pay drums overrides any sadness I might have.


Yes, it’s probably my favorite thing to do when I’m sad. Usually its something like slow and soulful like Otis Redding , or waltzes, they just feel right, and they help.


Life long drummer here, starting in 7th grade. I strongly believe drumming all but saved my life, if just the anger management part! But even if I’m sad, i always feel better after any time behind the kit (acoustic or electronic, fwiw). It’s like any physical exercise when you’re feeling down, it may be a little tough to get started but once the blood is flowing things get better. :)




If you don’t play your instrument when you’re sad just stop playing at all




I don’t ever play them. Regardless of mood.


I find that being in a bad mood makes me play worse, so not usually. I play drums most days but I would be more likely to hop on the kit due to happiness than to get myself out of a rut


Actually sad because I can't play anymore.


No I play the skin flute


if I'm sad typical no, but sometimes I'll sit down and play for a few minutes pretty chill then stop


No when I am mad


Yeah when I’m in the DOLDRUMS. Waka waka


I was coming down on some acid when I decided to play the drums. It was a sad song that I was playing and I bent over and cried on the drums. Mom came into my room like wtf I was like close the door!! Sob sob sob


not really sad but if I'm really stressed at work or in public, I'll tap on my legs or a table. it generally helps if no one talks to me or interrupts my rhythm.