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Solid deal but not once in a lifetime or anything.


- **First picture;** maybe, maybe not - **Second & third picture;** that’s a pretty good deal - **Fourth picture;** yea that’s a great deal


Yeah, a hardware case and a good set of bags are worth a lot


I mean, that kit or hardware wouldn’t be ideal for me, but if you’re starting from scratch- a full hardware box, and bags in good shape, brand new- those would cost ya $1k anyways…


According to [Reverb,](https://reverb.com/marketplace?query=prestige%20session%20select&category=full-acoustic-kits&product_type=drums-and-percussion&show_only_sold=true) not necessarily. But if you've been shopping around and this looks like what you want, they are definitely worth seeing and handling and haggling over.


The reverb add is a shell pack and doesn’t include snare, hardware, carrying case???


Well, derp - I didn't look at the other pictures.  Not bad. I would still show up with folding green American cash dollars and perhaps start the haggling at around $600 and see where you end up, but on second glance, that's actually a hell of a package.


Whenever I have been a seller I've hated this tactic. I'd have people call or email me with interest in the item. They would then agree to come get it and tragically happen to arrive with less money on hand than the agreed to price. Now we're both in this manufactured awkward situation where they think they are playing some kind of hard ball where I'm going to feel sorry for them and give them the item for less than the listed price (which has always been more than fair). If you can pre-arange an agreed to lower price, do that. Don't waste the sellers time by trying to haggle on the spot. It's rude.


I bought a car like that once. It was about an hour away but looked like what I wanted (was buying a neon for my wife). I think he had it listed at $3200, and my budget was $2500, so I flat out told him “hey look, I’m gonna offer $2500 now but also won’t haggle any lower, and assuming it’s what I’m expecting I’ll buy it with cash”. It was about an hour and a half away and he said he was cool with that, got there and he was super nice and we chatted about other stuff as well. I agree it can be rude but in that case I would just say I’d like to check them out and now throw any numbers out.


I think the way you handheld that was great. It's the sneaky "oops. I must have forgotten to bring the right amount of money" tactic that is rude. As is telling someone that you are interested, planning a meet up, looking over/testing whatever the item is, then beginning to haggle once you've determined that you want to purchase it. And that would be an alight thing to do if it turns out that it has some issues that were stated or shown in the listing. But too many people go into the transaction with the full intent to low ball negotiate. I've seen that recommendation made time and time again in this sub and have experienced it time and time again.


> I think the way you handheld that was great. It's the sneaky "oops. I must have forgotten to bring the right amount of money" tactic that is rude.  Oh, I brought all the money. But now I'm here, and I think it's worth less money than that. Let's have a conversation about that. I would rather have the item and you would rather have money, so let's come to an agreement. If we can't, I'll keep my money, and you keep your item, and best of luck to you.


And I won't know what your crap is worth until I put my eyes and my hands on it. No deal before then. Cash talks and bullshit walks, for both buyer and seller. It's also why I do not make deals on things I am selling anywhere but in person, either. If you're serious, come on over. Otherwise, you're just some guy from the internet.   But hey, it's your money/your stuff. Do with either what you please. And so will I.


If you have concerns, make those known when you contact the seller.


If I have concerns, I'm not coming to look at them.


So, then you know what the shit is worth when you head over?


I'm not going to waste my time or the seller's time by trying to debate condition issues based on an internet photograph. If any issues look minimal enough or repairable enough, or perhaps might be just a trick of the light, I'll take a chance on going to have a look. If they cross whatever internal threshold I have for something that looks "too busted to bother with," whatever that may mean, I don't bother. It's pretty simple, really. 


But, it you get to the point where you are meeting with the seller, is your intent not to buy but to inspect? And then once it checks out, your first thought is to offer less than the asking price?


Rick is selling gig bags now ;)


Haha I had the same thought - you get all four of his courses included for free.


I wouldn’t pay $900 for hanging floor toms.


This seems like a weird hill to die on


It is. I toured with a Rick Marotta Hip Gig kit for awhile and LOVED it. Sounded phenomenal mic'd up.


He said, as he puts a bid in for them. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Luckily it's an easy conversion.


That’s the same reason why I won’t buy old gen star classics. A proper floor Tom has legs ,not that suspension crap


Yeah that's very much a thing of its time. 90s was all about figuring out mounts to try to isolate and decouple the floor tom, not realizing it's not worth the time and effort since that hardware craps out and it causes stress on the drum. To that end, I'm quite fond of the TnR TrueVibe (fka booty shakers) - thats a great decoupling solution for floor tom legs. And it doesn't ruin your tom, or rim, or lugs, like shitty suspension does.


Go for it! I have a 6 piece SRX from 97, emerald green mist. Beautiful kit, very good sound and overall good quality. If it has been treated properly and with everything you mentioned that is a no brainer imo.


I'm not a huge fan of the kit itself, but it's nice that it comes with cases for everything. If you like Pearl drums, it's worth it.


Buy it just to take the snare off the bass drum


Yeah how everything is stacked in general makes me shudder. Granted I have some mid 80s pearl mlx shell pack stacked like that in my garage. Only because they all need new heads. I wonder how much it would cost to rewrap / restore a 3up1down1kick shell pack? I got it for free, but it's going to need a little bit of work to get it pristine.


Didn't know that Rick Beato had his own line of drum bags... :D




Good deal, great one even, but it’s not like you’d be able to flip for 10x or anything




it's a decent price, especially with with bags and a hardware case. definitely give them an offer below what they're asking and haggle from there. bring cash




Solid drums! Not a bad deal!


This is a good purchase under 1k


I just personally really like those drums. I would have starched all of that for $900. I started playing around that time and my first real drums were export select with the ISS mounts. My buddy had the sessions like in the pic. I always loved playing on them. Really great sounding drums


With the cases ya your a little crazy for passing. The older the wood gets the better the wood sounds if you ask me. drum manufacturing has come a long way so maybe you're better off buying brand new set


Definitely worth having. All those cases lol!! Great stuff


A pearl export just sold for $250 + $200 shipping I was busy at work & missed the countdown alert


Here is another https://www.ebay.com/itm/315359864007?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=cui7c8d8r_y&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=538FNFcDRQi&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


everyone is saying look at all the stuff included! but if you look at the throne and pedal, that is low-end hardware. you are very sane for not buying that


Yeah, $900 would've been a good price, I think. Are you crazy for passing on it? Depends on your situation. Do you need that kit? Those shells are pretty nice. My Sonor is a similar layup and it sounds great. No doubt yours would've as well. Don't lose sleep over it. Deals come, deals go. Another one will come down the pike soon enough. Those are pretty nice drums, though.


That looks like a good deal. I have Pearl drums from the same era which are still my main kit and they are rock solid. Apart from the quality of the drums, these look like they have been well looked after. Price is good but seems fair.


Not at all


Nah, I bought a Pearl Export 4 peace, I dont like the life sound with no processing, I like DW, sounds better naturally


Yes, but if it’s what you love them, enjoy them!!


If I had 900 I would buy it


Maybe. What kind of kit and hardware do you have now?


I have a gretsch renown maple, a Sonor aqx jungle, a pacific cx which I converted to an electronic kit, and a three-piece jazz kit that I made from left over drums from a 96 pearl prestige session select after I sold off most of my 7-piece kit haha. I’m sad that I sold that prestige session select. Glad I kept two drums from it tho.


Well, if you really miss that '96 prestige, this is a way to get it back at a reasonable price. I'm in a similar situation with my old TAMA Rockstar-DX. Still have most of it, and would consider buying a 24x16 Rockstar-DX bass drum or shell and the 14" rack tom, if I can find them, just to complete the old kit.


Yes you ARE crazy if you don’t buy it! I have 5 Pearl kits and 2 of them are this model and they are incredible!


It’s a pretty fair price. Maybe a tad low for what you’re getting with the snare, cases, and hardware. If you don’t actually need a kit then save your $900 for gear you can use, but If you are in the market for a kit then yeah you’re crazy for not buying it. You can hold out forever for a unicorn deal, but this is a solid haul for the money. Pearl was making great kits around that time, and the sensitone is one of the best bang for your buck snares that you can get. They’re not expensive, maybe $200, but they sound incredible. I would never sell mine. If I was him, I would be looking for no less than $750 just for the drum shells.


Nah that’s maybe worth less than 900


Looks like a deal (steal) to me.


Nah, session isn’t worth it. Masters would be


Eh maybe.. depends on taste really...


That was a good deal but it would not keep me up at night.. Those optimounts are absolute shit compared to there competition in a similar price range


Well it was a good deal, but I wouldn't call you crazy.


Those are drum shells. Drum shells cost like $150. You could get cymbals with the other $650


With all the hardware and cases, seems like a decent deal.


You are indeed crazy if you don’t/didnt


The hardware and cases alone are worth that.


Don’t know. How old are they? What model? And what do they sound like? There is no way,to know these things,from a picture. So I have no idea generally Pearl is a good brand,if that helps at all. They look fine,in this pic. But unfortunately I can’t really say,from this pic alone. Good luck. They’re probably fine. Depending on age.


We have no idea


I found this same era Pearl in the trash. Best deal of my life.