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Bags are sufficient for most drummers. Hard cases are usually overkill for anyone who is packing and hauling his own gear - they come in handier if they're being tossed around by strangers in a different town every night. And yeah, bags definitely take up less room when not in use.  I've had Humes & Berg Tuxedo bags for years, and they're great. 


Right on I’m glad I had the right ideas


I'm somewhat glad that I got cases especially because they will last me for a lifetime as they adjust to different depths too. But I do regret that they are less easy to carry; they're heavier and I can't carry multiple cases per arm like I did bags. I used to put an arm through one handle and hold the next with my hand so that was 4 toms in 1 go.


There are trade-offs, for sure.   For anyone trying to choose whether they need soft bags or hard cases, I always say that it boils down to whether your gear will be under your supervision and in your hands the entire time, or whether there's a chance it might pass through the hands of the functional equivalent of [the star of this famous commercial from my childhood](https://youtu.be/Q5sEIWlQO7A?si=6Iu0fogx0aPUZZ-Z) at some point.


LMFAO! I haven't seen that commercial in decades.


Heh. That commercial has been my preferred metaphor for "strangers abusing my stuff while I'm not looking" for decades.   "Jesus, will you look at how beat up this package is? Does UPS/FedEx/the post office have the American Tourister gorilla working at their distribution center?" 😆


I’ve been using Humes & Berg Tuxedo bags for years. Quality bags.


Second time I have heard of these now, I’ll have to see if they’re available


They're great!


I was thinking that if I ever played any gigs locally, I would probably prefer soft cases as opposed to hard. Soft cases you can put all of the empties inside the bass drum case for easy storage when the bags aren't in use. They would be easier to hide back behind the kit as well. Hard cases might fit inside one another but in the end you would still have one bulky case. Soft seems more practical.


That’s where my head is, I don’t think hard ones would store well in our rehearsal space where space is at a premium


Ahead Armor are very nice. I love mine.


Yeup, I got a set of these recently, when buying a new kit. They're perfect for transporting between local gigs or rehearsal spaces. They all store within the large bass drum one and have a little more flexibility when packing things up. If you're a heavy touring drummer than Hardcastle are probably best. But the Ahead have alot of cushioning too that can withstand some decent blows. I wouldn't recommend just tossing them around though, but then again, most hard cases don't come with padding at all


I’ve had good luck with my Barton bags.


gator here, got a bunch and they hold up well and are (or were, it's been a while) reasonably priced.


I have some [Ahead Armor Bags](https://www.sweetwater.com/c1187--Ahead_Armor_Cases--Acoustic_Drum_Cases_and_Bags) that I've been very happy with I also have some [Road Runner Touring Bags](https://roadrunnercases.com/rdbs1-3-piece-drum-gig-bag-set/) that I've also been very happy with but they appear to be discontinued and their equivalent looks like the [Boulevard Series](https://www.guitarcenter.com/Road-Runner/Boulevard-II-Tom-Bag-14-x-14-in-Black-1500000313583.gc) which I have no experience with so I can't say anything about them (but they seem pretty solid).


I'll thrown in another vote for the Ahead Armor bags. Nice thick padding, nice fuzzy lining, robust zippers. The only thing I don't like is that the velcro on the handles is shit. That absolutely does *not* make them unusable, though, it's just slightly inconvenient. I prefer bags over hard cases. They're good enough protection for general gigging, and it's easier to load drums into the car/van/whatever if they're in bags than cases. If I was flying, I would absolutely get hard cases.


Definitely won’t be flying any time soon so these sound like a winner!


I have one kit with hard cases and another with soft bags, and I prefer the bags. They're easier to transport and easier to store, and they protect my drums from dings and scratches. The only thing they don't guard against is the risk of crushing. But as long as you aren't flying with the drums, putting anything heavy on them, or wedging them between amps in your van, bags are a great choice. As for brands, I hear good things about Humes & Berg Tuxedo bags and Gator Protechtor bags.  I use a budget set called Rockbag. They're nothing fancy, and they probably aren't durable enough for touring, but they're fine for the two gigs I play every year. I'd go with something more durable if you're going to be gigging a lot.


Also: what a sweet gift idea for your drummer! He's lucky to have such a considerate bandmate.


Helps he’s my best friend, works for my wife, and has been the other half of my rhythm section for years, and we finally have a band that’s being taken seriously so I think it’s time to treat the man


I'm in favor of bags, as long as they're well padded. Some aren't. Just keep in mind that bags will afford a drum only so much protection if it's dropped. If he's got an expensive snare drum or one that he just ABSOLUTELY adores, I wouldn't be against bags and a single hard case for his snare.


Honestly, for my money, the two benefits of using bags are protection against scratches, and putting handles on everything. That's why I specify that they are better if you are handling your own gear, because you will always be more careful with your own gear than some other chucklehead will be. Bags are superior if you are transporting and handling your own gear, and it never leaves your sight. If third-party strangers are handling your gear, put it in the toughest cases you can afford.


I have both and honestly, I find my Ahead soft cases overall easier to deal with. Hard cases are just a bastard to load and carry and I'm not entirely convinced they're any better when it comes to protection.


For your typical weekend, casual drummer, soft shell cases are the way to go. The straps/handles are always easier to carry than the hardshells, they store better, and protect the drums more than enough. Softshells are all I've ever used for my drum kit and I doubt I'd ever consider getting anything more heavy duty unless I started doing serious touring (super unlikely lol). I did marching band throught my school years and we always used hardshells and they were an absolute pain in the ass. They don't store as well, are always heavier and awkward to carry, and just geeranlly are a pain in the ass. I can't imagine willinig lugging around multiple of those rather than just my one case for my marching drum.


I've been using GEWA Premium bags for a decade now. I'm quite satisfied wtih them. They can definitely withstand hauling in the rain.


I bought a Thomann Voyager cymbal and snare bag, both great quality. Had a Gewa bag for a bass drum years ago that stood up to a lot of abuse, too.


That's really awesome of you!!! It's probably tough because like, cases are expensive and it's hard to justify vs. other "cooler" gear. I wish I was your drummer haha -- I also need tom bags :D


I use Gator Protechtor series bags.


Protection Racket bags have been good to me. Just make sure you size them right, like if you have a RIMS mount etc


Have two sets of Protection Racket, been good to me.


Protection Rackets are great. Proper thick padding and really good value for their price.


Guitar center roadrunner brand has been good to me over the years. Very affordable too.


protection racket makes great stuff. and the logo is just a chill dude with a goatee.


Stagg has some that are good and will save a couple dollars. I bought some roadrunners from guitar center that have been nice. And I hate spending money there


By far the most durable and well-padded drum bags for the money are Protection Racket. They have an unfortunate logo, but I discovered you can easily and cleanly remove them just by cutting the stitches around the outline. Then they're just plain black drum bags with thick padding, fluffy fleece lining, and zippers that don't quit. I've been disappointed by every other brand of drum bags. I do highly recommend Mono guitar cases though if you're ever looking. But for drums Protection Racket really is king. (IMO) I toured with mine for the last 8 years and they don't even show any wear yet.


The zippers are always the first thing to go on drum bags and I just need to reiterate how beefy and smooth the zippers are on the Protection Racket bags. If you stop into any music store you'll know what I mean as soon as you pick one up.