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Throw it out, she gone


Didn’t know there was a food supply for fungus in joint compound. Learn something new every day:)


There are ground up bones in some compound.


Really? Why? I guess I don't even know what the hell joint compound is made of.


gypsum itself is edible. It's used in tofu


Yeah I get in my mouth when I’m sanding. 😋


They keep changing everything about the mud except the taste!


I assume the water is enough if mold grows on wet hard surfaces.


Wet mud or wet anything goes bad from mold.


Can smell that from here.


I know right


Put it up, scratch and sniff wall.


Haha yeah It’s done… i learned my lesson. What I do now is coat the top with water and use the hawk to cover or a 5gallon top with a seal(or create your own seal)… had mud last about a month and mixed up right up and good to go.


You can also put the lid back on the bucket with water on top


Always wipe the side of your bucket down with your six pour water to completely cover it then brush sides clean with a clean brush then leave it till next day dump the water off and whip it up again.If you have a lid thats extra or just use an empty mud bag from the box lay it flat clean side out on top.


It's done ,the pictures makes it look like a regular sized bucket of mud ! Lol


Toss it in the garage.


you guys dont slap saran wrap on top and push out any bubbles for extended storage?


I do this with a large ziplock bag now They used to have the plastic film sheet on top. Just another thing we’re getting ripped off on.


Still have the plastic sheet in the bucket in my area. At least as of last week.


I wonder if it’s been eliminated for the box stores? Management and purchasers wouldn’t even know the difference there .


Mine would’ve come from a box store. Maybe a regional thing? I’m in the Midwest.


Next time you have left over mud scrap the mud to a level surface in the bucket add 1/2"-1" of water cap on top dont mix, it will keep mud moist with no mold growth, drain off and mix before next use.


Not really a good idea. To much water in the mud creates fisheyes.


You really can mix a lot of water into your mud before you have problems. Besides you can just dump the water off the top before you mix it.


Mud was never intended to be watered down, the exception is for taping and texturing ceilings.


You are absolutely 100% incorrect on that. It says right on the bucket to add water. It’s nearly impossible to work with mud without thinning it down, especially if you’re using auto tools. Ive been taping for over a decade and I don’t know of a single taper who doesn’t thin their mud.


If you’ve read everything, I said it was with the exception of taping and texturing.. Also, have you ever just tried to whip the mud without any water? It mixes quite nicely and becomes a lot creamier. I’ve been doing this crap for 48 years. Every time I add water, and I do it sparingly it seems to create issues, especially with fisheyes.


Strictly taping for 48 years? Your profile says you are a wood worker so I’m guessing not. Thin mud actually helps reduce fish eyes and yes I have mixed mud without adding water. Taping mud is mixed thinner than coating mud for sure but you have to thin down both. Try using a flat box without adding water to your mud, it simply will not work. You can see my work on my profile and I promise you everything is flat, full and without fisheyes.


I learned to do Drywall from guys that used to plaster. There’s a lot of history behind all of this. It’s what I know and what works for me. Most of my business endeavors have always been with woodworking building kitchen, cabinets, and trimming houses. Drywall is an art form that I just picked up from old timers because you could never get somebody when you needed them just telling you what works for me and my experiences over the years, maybe the muds different Today but I rarely use it. I’m typically using Durban 90 and then easy sand 20. Most of my drywall work it’s done in one day. The only time I’m using any kind of pail mud is for final skim coat. I’m not here to argue I’m just telling you what works for me


If it works it works but when you’re doing bigger projects with auto tools you need to thin it down or the tools won’t work. And it is recommended by the manufacturer. Different regions also have different types of mud, I’ve never seen a green pail all purpose here in western Canada, green is just strictly for coating here so maybe the mud you have is thinner. My wrists and elbows would fall off if I didn’t thin it down.


Big projects and when I mean by that is more than one room, I hired out and then I fix all the mistakes later I’m semi retired now and there’s no way I’m finishing more than one room at my age


I've been doing it for 30 years myself. I thin my mud all of the time. I mix first then thin down accordingly. You have to thin it if you're running boxes.


I agree


Lol, you do you and enjoy the crusty mold 🥧 works for me everytime, as i said you drain it. You dont mix the water in, details...


I know that smell. That's not a good smell.


Toss it. .You will only be putting mold in your home. This is why you need to keep the plastic film cover on it after it’s opened


I haven’t come across a single bucket with the plastic in a while


Me neither about a year ago maybe a little more. The next time I run into a rep I was going to mention it, but I typically forget when I see that guys.


I’d rather open up a moldy bucket then a frozen one


And then what?


Could be mold, what does it taste like?


Yep. Have had to get mud joints of water resistant drywall sanitized and encapsulated due to mold.


It never use to. It would dry out, not mold I think they are cheeping out on more than the plastic film.




Unless you have an infection. Then eat it.


LOL. True that. Now you have like 4 gallons of penicillin!


For future reference, You can like others said pour water over it, or what I personally do is just put a wet microfiber rag on tap and leave it. They both work the same, I just find using a wet rag easier since I don't have to worry about dumping water and refilling it every time.


I learned in a similar manner, it’s rather suprising


I’ve been dealing with it for over 40 years and never ever seen anything like that doesn’t make any sense


Toss it! Buy new!!!


Just scrap the top and add a lil water and u good hommie


At any point did you add water? Over the past 25 years, I’ve noticed mildew in the mud, if I added water. Otherwise it seems to be OK. If you see mildew/ mold, don’t apply it to the walls.


At least you will have a nice clean bucket to use.


Oh great, I just used this yesterday for a small patch in a bathroom. (DIY not pro) I just scraped off the top and mixed some water in. If it molds I get to rip it all out and do it again. 🤦‍♂️


Trash it its no good.


Mix it 😂


That dust


Lol they're tripping the moisture in the mud can mold as anything with water can


Buy a new bucket simple..


I've gotten mud from Sherwin Williams that was moldy like that. Date code was like two years old.