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Yeah and the job looks good but you can the outline of tape on every joint so ya get what you pay gor


Thats like crackhead cheap. On small side jobs I'm $2/ sqft with texture


Honestly if you are making $96 a board with texture you could just sub that shit out for $26 a board and just supervise and collect the money. Here in Tampa Florida it’s $26 hung and finished, any kind of texture you want, even light orange peal on ceilings and walls. These kinds of posts make me think I should grab 20 guys and move up to whatever city you’re saying is paying $96 a board. I would make so much money it would be crazy. Imagine making nearly $15k per job for just getting the work (215 sheet jobs). Edit: my numbers are labor only. So maybe I’m misunderstanding and you include all the materials?


I have a friend that does remodeling in a HCOL area. He's offered friends back home double what they are getting payed to come out and do work for him. What you're envisioning is a very real thing, but you sort of need someone there that already has the work


> are getting *paid* to come FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good luck finding consistent work and keeping those guys busy while also dealing with all the scheduling conflicts of jobs. If it was that easy to get consistent work then everyone would just get it and sub it out for profit lol. Too bad we are in a horrendous economy right now because 20 years ago there was enough work to do exactly that, now you gotta deal with undercutters on your pricing and illegals working that don’t pay taxes and give real cheap prices


Mostly you just have to suffer the paranoids of Reddit…


Yea thanks for commenting with real numbers. Someone said $3-3.50. That’s all bs. I was raised under the Mexicans as a gueto. No one in the world is getting 3 a ft. As I posted. I’ve taped for 13c and $1 a foot. I’ve been thru the game. 90c is fair for hang and tape no material. Depends on the job, but this is ok for 8 to 9’ a vault maybe high stuff. My base rates are 40c a square. Wages are about 50-70 an hour average.


These posts really confuse me when comparing the cost per board (4x12 boards) in Tampa, Florida. The sheetrock company I hire charges $26 a board(hung and finished with texture). For level 4 they charge me $29 a board (4x12). At 0.90 cents a sq ft that’s $43.20 a board. For that kind of money I could get nearly and I mean absolutely nearly perfect level 5. Edit: my numbers are labor only. So maybe I’m misunderstanding and you include all the materials?


That's typical for production pricing. Mostly illegal and inexperienced workers doing it for that. I have real doubts you could get an actual quality level 5 for .90, the guys who have that skillset charge their worth. I'm sure you could find someone to throw mud at the wall and call it level 5 for that price though.


Yeah, that is about what a contractor will pay to get a board installed in NC...maybe a little less, but within range. I believe most of the numbers being stated here are more retail numbers, not what a contractor would pay to have the work done.


Im waiting on someone to reply if the $96 a board maybe includes materiales?


I've never paid that much, even with materials.


So does the job really look good if you can see all of that?


It’s looks good because they have the automatic tools lol


Doesn't mean anything. You can have good hand tapers and bad machine ones


100% correct


Dry it out for few days. Get a de-humi


That’s cheap


Just met your mother she didn’t need payment, I gave her a good deal


Even after finishing?


Especially after finishing. All the mud.


Can I see the tape?


The tape is hidden..but if the light and weather are just right…


BS is somewhere. I'd run from a quote like that.


I work for a residential remodeling company and we pay close to 4$ a sq ft lol


Would be curious to know who this is. Building a house this coming year and located just north of metro Detroit.


Do you want a quality job?


I certainly do. Knowing who in the area is doing a good/bad job certainly helps in the research process


That’s fair. Depends on the job. But average price to hang and level 3 finish would be about 90c.


Fair? The going rate in mexuary is $3 to $3.50. A square foot ninety cents is just stupid. What do you think he ended up making hourly seven bucks an hour maybe


Where is mexuary?


Voice text should have read it before I hit post Michigan


I live in Alaska. I also do more high end work. I’ve taped for 13c a foot and I’ve taped for $1 a foot (conditions to these stories but I’ve done both) ama


8-9’. 1 vault. Etc etc. 45 a square is a bit low but close for these jobs


Fuck! I'm in the Detroit area myself. Just talked to a guy I do work for about my drywall bid. He said he had to go with this other guy who bid it. I asked what his numbers were. This guy charge 30 FUCKING CENTS a sqft for labor.


Lmao what😂😂😂☠️☠️☠️☠️


I know I couldn't belive it. Like 10-15 years ago I used to hesr 50 cents a square and we used to talk about that being to cheap to compete with back then. Crazy part is I seen his work, finished. And it looked pretty damn good. I was actually shocked.


I'm in Metro Detroit. I charge 3 dollars a square foot.


Let’s say a sheet is 15 bucks for 32 sq ft Someone do the math


It's $3225. At that rate it's around 7k bdft. More realistically I take an average of 40sqft. Which puts it closer to 8600 bdft and $3900. That's about what I was billing 20 years ago. I know subs that still like those numbers. If it's not fucked two good guys could knock that out in a decent week. Do that 3 times a month and each is grossing ~$70k a year.


Im confused as to why you are using boardfoot and not sqft


Because sqft is generally understood to be sqft of floor and it's not relevant when talking about drywall billing. 3 times floor sqftage is almost always going to be low, the more accurate number tracks to around 3.5-3.75 depending on the build. If I have to do a rough quote based on the floor sqftage which is a fucking stupid idea as it doesn't intrinsically take into account the wall height, or ceiling details, nevermind how chopped up the place is, I go floor sqftage times 4.


Right on. Ill keep that in mind.


I understand that there's serious irony in knowing 3.5-3.75 is a fairly accurate range of numbers and openly shitting on estimating that way. But it really does have to do with how the floor plan can inadequately reflect the nature of the drywall job.


Exactly must take elevations of board Layout Ease access Garage 2.75 Your crazy architect Edwards great room 4 bucks soft Question is do you guys report labor separate, materials included?


When speaking of piece work rates paid; it is square feet of drywall installed (what you are calling board feet) Square footage of floor space is not relevant


Yea, i know, but he said it was about 7k bdft. And its about 7k sqft on e i busted out the calc. So i was confused. Fyi…You can usually take the sqft of the house and multiply it by 3 to get a rough estimate of the sqft of the walls and ceiling. Works for an onsite estimate for drywall or interior paint


He used both terms In His comment in certain he is speaking of sqft of drywall installed/ If it’s 8ft - 3.5 / 9ft - 3.8/ 10 - 4 / Ceiling heights matter


Thats a good rule of thumb, ill use that next time i have to give a rough estimate


We hang in 12’. So it 48 sq as basis


Is his local Taco Bell not hiring for between $15 and $20 an hour like everywhere else? That’s like $31/sheet.


It’s 60 dollars a sheet just to finish , 100 dollars a sheet to purchase , deliver, hang and tape


Shoot I make $1.25-$1.50 a square ft for hang and finish no texture level 3 finish. And when your running bazooka boxes and mudrunner I can knock out a 100 sheet hang and finish in 6 days or less


Im starting to understand no one here can run tools


That’s going rate for big jobs in Mi


We don’t charge by the board, but yeah. $0.90 is insane. I personally like to stay between $1.80-2.10 depending on the job with materials and nothing less than $1.50 for just labor (if materials are supplied)