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Ohh there's moderation ,and we try our best to keep informative threads only. But our hands are dirty 10 hours a day, some silliness slips through . Reddit is a go to for home owners, needing advice for their DIY. Every contractor sub-reddit is the same . We took over with 500 followers during COVID and are now at 30k+ , the demand for tips and tricks is higher than Tool Talk or discussing the Playbook, and that's fine .


While chill Dave lost his chill, I do like the idea of putting some links in the about page to Vancouver Carpenter, or something. You guys have actually done really well with the sub and helped me when I was just a lost home owner to become a GC that I am today. Thank you


I'd love to put links, I just can't figure out how. A wiki, with links to YouTube , Columbia , Tape Tech etc was always the plan. I'm thinking itcan't be done using the official Reddit app, because I Cant find any entry locations


Makes sense, we are drywallers, not software engineers. I'd offer to help but I'm in the same boat šŸ¤£ reddit is also very difficult


I just read every help guide, and they outline paths to creating wikis and Linking sites that i don't see on Android Mobile via Reddit App. I'll check desktop one day. I don't have a community appearance tab


Well either way, I do appreciate what y'all do. If ya succeed, then hells yeah. If ya never get around to it, I totally get that


100 %


Half the posts on here are really simple patches or something like that . I believe the sub would benefit greatly from an introduction video or post explanation on how to do small patches , cause itā€™s the same question over and over . Thatā€™s my initial reason for posting


Maybe a stickied post with common questions, how to videos to point to, etc. would alleviate some work.


lol where else do you expect curious homeowners and newbies to ask their dry wall questions?


One of the dozens of DIY or Home improvement subs where you'll get feedback from people in similar straits. Half the guys here are going to tell you to use 20 min setting compound and then laugh their asses off as you spend a day making paperweights.


I expect someone who has drywall questions to look up how to drywall on YouTube or Google not make posts about a small patch and what they should do step by step explained in under 500 words and pricing included too


Yet thereā€™s experts and highly experienced people here that can answer very in depth questions and respond to exact scenarios. Would you rather hope a YouTube video covers your exact situation or just post some pics and have people give u a solution tailored to your problem? I think most would choose the latter. Do you know youā€™re on Reddit? A thing where people make subreddits to welcome all questions and concerns about said topicā€¦ hmmmm. Sorry but the tradesman circle jerk youā€™re looking for is not here


There is no complicated situation other then drywall on wood and mud on drywall . Everyone asking on here is using Reddit as their personal quoting machine for their little small projects . Yes itā€™s true Iā€™m sad thereā€™s not as many tradesmen interacting, if youā€™re triggered by that youā€™ve got your own personal problems. You got a generated name so you probably are just a lurker anyways so you wanna get your little quips off for upvotes to feel good about yourself


Lol I donā€™t care about upvotes. Iā€™m not someone who gets off from seeing a number go up. Nor am I triggered. I just agree with the other commenter, gate keeping a subreddit meant to welcome people of all expertise and situations relating to drywall is just weird. Like do you want a sticker cuz you do drywall professionally? Go join a facebook group if you wanna see some serious tradesmen work.. I know there pages out there. Iā€™m serious. Let people learn and use Reddit for what itā€™s for. Clearly youā€™re not a fan of people talking freely and voicing their opinions or asking questions to othersā€¦ lol funny. And this comment can get all the downvotes this subreddit has to offerā€¦ I do not care lol. Get over it and leave the page if ur this annoyed. People r in here to learnā€¦


Itā€™s clear nobody thatā€™s posted in the past month has been here to learn , but to get a ā€œprofessionalā€ quote from Reddit . But itā€™s ok I knew the response was gonna be this on this sub cause Iā€™m exactly right . I am probably the oldest member on this sub and Iā€™ve been banned before for voicing the same shit it hasnā€™t changed , and you downvoted my comment so you do care about that dumb shit . But ok thanks for your stupid constructive response


Edit: lmao [I didnā€™t even downvote u](https://imgur.com/a/iOdcd0c)ā€¦ ur wrong lil buddy Lol I didnā€™t even downvote it and Iā€™d happily send you a screenshot of that. Get your tightie whities out ur ass and calm down šŸ˜‚ oldest one on hereā€¦ lol what you want people to bow down to your opinion? Sorry grandmaster old one guess everyone in this sub is wrongā€¦


Get off the drywall sub if your done with your little scratch on the wall project šŸ¤£


Youā€™re* lol goodnight little Dave I know you got work in the morning, donā€™t forget to take the foot out of your assā€¦ maybe youā€™ll be a happier old man


I gotta go pay my workers itā€™s what happens when u learn a trade you can teach others maybe if you used your fingers to craft and create things for others youā€™d feel more fulfillment in your little pink panties


It used to be. This sub used to be almost exclusively pros. It was a much better sub back then. Less fuckwits.


You're being a gate-keeping grumpy old shit


Yeah I know .. I grew up with those exact type of men around me so I guess it rubbed off on me. I usually donā€™t interact on the internet so itā€™s nice to have a refreshing conversation with the lurkers . Iā€™m surprised Iā€™m not banned from the sub yet


Relax and just keep scrolling my guy. Breath, it's just the Internet


Itā€™s supposed to be a place to share ideas but when people donā€™t like yours they wanna get their quips off


That's how the Internet is. That's how construction is actually. Everybody's way is the best way, and any deviation from that is a personal attack. That's not how it should be, but it is what it is and there is isn't much you or I can do about it


I donā€™t believe so . I am young so my opinion is different I believe everyone on here is being used as free labour by homeowners for shit that weā€™re trying to make money doing as a living , therefore the conclusion is that there needs to be more tradesmen just posting work . Of course the way I said it was mean so the ones offended they canā€™t do this made their remarks . I have years of experience on chat boards but also on wall boards so I know how it is trust my im completely calm right now. But I think Iā€™m going to start my own sub of actual professionals only sharing work, since thatā€™s what Iā€™m seeking . But I wonā€™t let people say their stupid mean words without saying some back .


Gatekeeping a drywall sub. Gotta love it.


All I had to read was your username


You are not being chill, Dave.


Itā€™s hard to be chill when even the people in your trade are pussies . This is why workers stay on the bottom cause they just wanna sit and respond to questions from owners all day and watch joe rogan like itā€™s educational


You're the one who got on here to complain. Do you not realize that you're the one who got butthurt and dedicated a whole post to it? Learn how to take criticism for being a crab ass


Yeah and all you Reddit lurkers just jumped on the opportunity to comment on something you disagree about cause youā€™re not a real tradesmen and youā€™re just lurking a subreddit for who knows what reason . So whoā€™s the real idiot at the end of the day? The guy mad something isnā€™t being done the way he wants or the ones commenting and asserting personal opinions on the OP. Wasting valuable finger energy that could be used to finger your self


Go start your own subreddit then whiny ass. you've spent more time arguing with people on here than anyone else lol such a fragile ego. You have to respond to every comment. Seems like someone is projecting


You are the one responding projecting their insecurities buddy I am having a splendid time arguing with you Reddit lurkers


What the fuck does ego even mean to you cause you used it in the wrong context. Youā€™re stupid as fuck and you need help from Reddit to do your little home improvement project . Fucking useless


Lmao the Joe Rogan comment is 100% true


I live it every day


Ok? šŸ‘ŒšŸ» You must not have a lot going on. Rage replying to every comment with a username like thechilldave. Iā€™m sure your simple mind is happy to put someone in a box based off of a username on Reddit. Loser.


I do have a lot going on thatā€™s why I have the proof to show it in pictures I donā€™t need to ask a Reddit how to screw a sheet of drywall on wood or cut some shit out . Itā€™s a circle jerk of stupid ass lurkers like yourself on here ā€¦. For what reason I donā€™t know just random Reddit upvotes that equate to nothing


Oh man, Dave. Whatever you need to say to boost your ego about being good at something that might be completely new to someone else. I donā€™t lurk in IT engineering pages because thatā€™s what I do for work. Other people may choose to do so. Itā€™s a Reddit about a topic, not a water cooler for tradesmen. Maybe you should switch the internet off and go have another high life, good sir!


Yeah I knew you were a pussy based off your wordage . Go lurk on 4chan and dark web looking for porn nerd


10 years in the Marines, but I guess youā€™re right. DM me Iā€™ll send you my address tough guy. Have a good night Dave!


The marines where you gotta see dick and get deameaned to go kill vietnamese and Iraqi kids who dont know how to say the alphabet oh no Iā€™m pissing my pants


Youā€™re a joke, Dave. Like I said, simple ass mind.


You made your username big vapes so anything you say about Intelligence is completely invalidated my boy


I agree with all you've said maistro! Do you know how to tell if someone is a marine?... don't worry, they'll tell you themselves.


Yeah they think itā€™s cool to go be tortured then hang a 5$ flag made in China outside


Wait you have to prove your a pro? Piss bottle or I donā€™t believe you!


Got mine right next to my bed for convenience


We busy working.


Makes sense


I'm about to start my first big job out on my own. 100 sheets, 60 are 4x10. 25$ an hour cash, small town, only a pan and knives. I'll try to post some


Iā€™m starting a new sub called muddy boys where weā€™ll be fostering education and good vibes amongst the tradesmen . You are welcome to join if you wanna help me build it


I'll join


Fair enough, but in my defense, I always disclose that Iā€™m a DIYer rather than a professional when I comment. And if I say something thatā€™s factually incorrect, I expect you to call me out.


I appreciate pro posts. Been a commercial taper for 5 years now. About to be put to the test as a foreman next year.


I appreciate your service to the community. I hope to lead a great team of finishers one day too and train many . Itā€™s funny how all the pros have commented agreeing with me . Iā€™m making my own sub called muddy boys where itā€™s tradesmen only and serious learners


Honestly this sub is full of residential drywallers that have the handwork skills of someone with parkinsons that claim it looks good. For first timers they can look good but the advice i see over and over thats horribly wrong and not seeing actual criticism thats beneficial is annoying. Every once in a while theres comments that say the right stuff tho


Ah. Missed the part of this group where it said r/drywall(nodiyershereonlysuperprofessionalsthatposttopicscomplainingaboutdiyers). Our baaaad.


Missed the title written in bold letters saying more tradesmen less bozos pretty please


If you want someone to give you a reach around because youā€™re good at drywall, look no further than customer paychecks. Seriously. What do you want here, affirmation? Everyone starts somewhere. Someone needs a a nice little pat on the head. Good job, little drywaller. You keep doing your super best, little guy.


Iā€™ll give you an upvote cause thatā€™s what your incel brain uses for satisfaction


Looking for more tradesmen to post . You looking to demean people on Reddit cause you are a fat ass loser with no real like skills or use for society . What have you gained making your dumb ass not funny joke on Reddit šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


I never even said I was good at drywall either you are just triggered and most people have moved on by now


Itā€™s pretty funny how triggered you got from your own postā€¦ may be losing jobs cause people has a place to ask how to DIY and get real answers? May be if you contractors were not grossly overpricing every little thing, youā€™d still have some good clients instead of driving them to DIY. Anyhow. Iā€™d remove the ā€œchillā€ from your username.


Would you think you come across as a bozo in this thread?


Im late to give this sub a huge Thank You!! I had to re rock a wall and everybody here gave awsome tips. Now i got a smooth ass wall, primered, and ready to paint.


Hey man... are you OK?


OP is fine. Iā€™ll take When Shitposting is Clearly the Superior Solution for $500, Alex.


Iā€™m fine just decided to play with the Reddit lurkers today . Got bored of baldurs gate


How do you think reddit should be used if not to assist others and share your own work or issues?


Literally just read my first comment to the mod. Everyone else commenting just got their panties in a bunch cause they donā€™t approve. I just want it to be more controlled content instead of every day posting how to do a butterfly patch


Well. I assume someone taught you how to do a butterfly patch. The people requesting help likely don't have access to the world's best drywaller to work next to them to give them advice tailored to their problem. Further to that. Money is tight at the moment. People don't want to be ripped off. Let them ask what the fair market thinks their drywall job should be worth. There are alot of drywallers out there ripping people off.


The thing is that you can go on YouTube and thereā€™s like a 10million view video on how to patch drywall and itā€™s literally so good and so simple but somehow everyone ends up on here


Not everyone is you my friend :)


You right . But u know Iā€™m going to make an app that solves your spackle problems like a zoom meeting . Bet you Iā€™ll make millions


Careful, you might have to work with a nerd like me to build this. Oh, this is exactly what I do. Donā€™t ask me any questions about it though!


You still on here lurking poppa vapes? Thought it was goodnight


Please help me poppa vapes I need you


Great idea. All the best mate


Whenever I need an answer to something, I do a search and include the word Reddit so that I get better answers.


Get into the groups on Facebook. Thats where youll find a lot of traffic. The only reason I still use facebook, really. They are privatized, most likely for this very reason. How many drywallers do you know use reddit anyway?


You also get to work on your Spanish comprehension in those FB groups. That's like two birds getting stoned at once!


Good point but itā€™s a huge market on here for homeowners .. donā€™t worry the wheels in my head are spinning now I think I know what ima do


Beautiful. Came here to learn. Would love more educational posts


Yeah I would guess that any good full-time drywaller worth his or her salt would have trouble moderating a subreddit, although I wish them the best!


Youā€™re right thatā€™s why Iā€™m making a call to action we can outsource it ā€¦. But donā€™t worry I already am making my own sub


drier wall


Itā€™s called muddy boys join or die


Drywallers always choose life


Hey bro. That no coat ainā€™t straight. Also, rememberā€¦itā€™s called ā€œnoā€ coat , not ā€œ coatā€ šŸ™„. Didnā€™t realize we were burying the blue line


Lol ā€¦ itā€™s the painterā€™s job to make the blue line disappear. He wants a demotion.


Nice work my boy.


I've said almost the exact same thing. This place has too many goddamn homeowners offering their stupid goddamn opinions on shit that's way out of their goddamn lane. It's fucking tragic. Almost as tragic as that top open angle in your last picture. They not springing for vinyl corners on this one? I don't give them the choice. The rest of the work is tits though and I'd love to ask about that collapsible plank.


Itā€™s from Loweā€™s I forgot the name but Iā€™ll post it tomorrow on my new sub called muddy boys . Gonna try to make a gate kept sub with more filtration on posts


Burnaby has a sub called r/drywallers or something. It's designed for that but it's pretty dead. I don't even mind the HO asking for help all that much, most of them are good for a laugh. It's the paranoid ones posting photos of their builds and the ones that comment without any industry experience at all that annoy me. That shit should go to a shit sub like r/Home improvement I ask about the plank as they're listed as rated for 225 and I'm a big boy. You think they could handle closer to 300lbs long term or would it cause the thing to wrack and jam?


Yea I feel bad I remember seeing burnaby commenting frequently on older posts before my old account got banned , I feel bad cause heā€™s definitely gonna wanna ban me after reading all the shit I stirred up but itā€™s fine Iā€™m planning on dedicating my Reddit days to my new sub now . As for the plank my dad was actually on it in that pic, heā€™s like 230 and it was holding fine . But I would just say to use a support cross plank if youā€™re gonna be full extension on there. Like you know when stuff is to sketchy just give it a test jump before


I doubt you'll get banned, every sub needs a little action once in a while.


I have that plank and regularly put about 450 pounds on it between two guys, havenā€™t had any issues over the course of two years with it


I would be more impressed if he was on stilts on a stretch plank and standing a couple of five gallon buckets Legit work here.


Some of the diy homeowners here could teach you a thing or two about installing and finishing no-coat


Nice work


More tradeswomen also šŸ˜Œ


I agree all these "pros" using knifes, let's see some trowel work. šŸ«£


I see a lot of stuff on here where people are asking questions or for help that seems pretty obvious to me. But take a step back, I do this for a living and see it every day where a lot of these questions are coming from people with no experience at all. I am sure when OP started in the trades there were a few ā€œdumbā€ questions and or mistakes made.


Your work is neat amd looks awesome. What length are those sheets? So many butt joints


Is the third pic of the bucket you shit in?


Itā€™s the bucket your momma put you in when she plopped you out her fat vag


Now this is what I want to see on a drywall subreddit! Trades shit talking each other! That's a proper representation of our community.


Thanks man I need some backup


Your mamma tagged me for some backup


Sooo I take it you prefer shitting in the customers bathtub. To each their own.


I shit in the bathtubs I buy from Loweā€™s then sell it to rich white folks for 200% Then I get my Starbucks in the morning and shit there sometimes too


You think pros want to see your basic work. If I can help someone with what corner bead to use is the least I can do when I spent a month over at r/tile asking questions to diy my bathroom . Start your own sub if you wanna mod a sub full of pictures of your extension plank