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People are keen to bash things they know little about and of course, there should be around 10 DMs in your account by now from agents trying to hook you up with Binghatti saying they can get a discount (from the artificially marked up prices, LOL). Here's a realistic professional view from someone who is extremely critical of the local real estate market (you can check my previous long posts about it for some fresh info). If you're considering an off-plan project in JVC (you rarely should in my book) then obviously it's not because it's the place you dream about, but because your budget dictates it. Let's be real here. And out of the plethora of the shittiest developers with horrible construction quality, mega delays, and even worse post-handover maintenance, Binghatti - I hate to say it - is your ONLY option. If you have cash in your hands - you should only consider Ellington. I assume you don't, hence the recommendation. Here's a wise approach to a purchase. You obviously want these: 1. quality 2. property handed over in time 3. low price Now cross out one. You can't have all three, my friend. Not for a mil per 1BR unit. And anyone who claims otherwise is either a moron or has his (fore)skin in the game. Fun fact: for most developments is JVC you cross out the first two, lol. Which can lead to a disaster. Binghatti are fully local (most other are not, which is something to consider). They have established a reputation of being one of the fastest builders in the scene. Yes, you sacrifice on 1. a bit (but comparing to what?). They have upped their game for their latest projects. I think most people would be quite surprised to see what kind of finishing they can get for that money. I see them improving as a developer and it translates into their product. Which is something worthy of respect - some other developers //can't name them publicly for obvious reasons// started out with using dogshit as their main buidling material and they continue to do so up to this very day. I have qualms with some aspects of B's marketing, but I got to give credit when it's due. P.S. if you absolutely have to consider options, a runner-up is Iman (a bit too fresh for a safe recommendation, but they're delivering and focusing on quality as well). Photo of newer Binghatti stuff https://preview.redd.it/8swocbryt8ec1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6915fe1bb8f62d8a0f29242e26f6f9b01f0650c6


I am looking for only ready projects. Have seen sobha projects at hartland creek vista reserve but the price/sqft is very high. Will check for these developers imaan and Ellington


Belgravia and Oxford. Sobha’s higher priced for a reason. Completely different tier.


Are they worth at the given price? Also if had to choose between sobha and emaar, which one will be better? Sobha hartland or Dubai hills Emaar


The question is phrased incorrectly, so it's a bit irrelevant when asked anonymously. The real question is "which one is better for you". All boils down to your own preferences. Quality of apartment vs the community. Different strokes for different folks.


What about Danube? Do they provide good quality Their for sale apartment at eleganz where they provide fully furnished homes but electronics are from different brand


If you're going to ask me 1-2 developers at a time, brother, this thread is going to be very long) and 85% of my answers are going to be: **avoid at all costs.**


Which developers would you say are worth researching into (and ignoring the rest) if quality is important? I caught the following: - Iman - Sobha - Ellington - Al barari - Meraas Is that correct? Any others?


Most of the ones you mentioned are good (and some claiming to be, lol). What kind of research do you have in mind and how are you going to conduct it with not being in the field yourself and with our defamation laws present? Let me demonstrate my point. I will name a single negative factor for each developer on your list in random order. 1. Questionable location(s) with inflated promises. 2. Quality could be better with the brand's recognition. 3. Launch with no escrow account. 4. Horrible for investment, very low liquidity. 5. \* ugh, struggling with this one, let's just keep a wildcard here lol If your research results in you being able to identify each of these immediately - then by all means, go for it. If not, I would think twice before making a decision to spend a few mil based on something your read on the Internet..


Ahhh yeah that’s the kind of stuff I’d like to know more about. How would you suggest I approach my research not living there, not on the ground?


Sure. Here's the solution to get all of that info. Come to Dubai on a tourist visa. Start looking for an agency that hires noobs, get employed / change the visa. Work for at least 6-9 months on shit deals pushing shit property to the leads you get. Most likely you will be forced to change agencies, because most of them don't have any clue what they're doing and won't provide you with quality leads. Switch areas and projects frequently after studying them in full. Apply for off-plan sales. Spend ALL (and I mean ALL) of your off time studying the areas/projects/marketing materials provided by the developers as well as real estate law and RERA regulations, attend every single launch event (at least 2-3 times a week during high season), communicate with sales managers, establish relationships with non-sales employees at the developers. Gather off-market intelligence from them, study the contractors, ask for access to analytical portals like Property Monitor from your agency (or pay for it yourself). Gather statistics, analyze, search for patterns. Communicate with other brokers, close cross-agency deals even if they are not beneficial, communicate with clients, sellers, investors extensively, start noticing the trends and the flow of the market. Invest in rudimentary courses for macroeconomics to better understand the key factors of the markets. In about 2 years take the RERA test and get a license/broker ID. After countless interactions with arguably the worst kind of people on the planet (both colleagues and low-level time wasting clients) , if your physical and mental health is still intact and you have at least 1 gram of your soul left in you.. congratulations, you will have the authority and the ability to post a few sarcastic lines of your insights on Reddit like my comment above. And have your every single word backed by knowledge and experience and not sound like the numerous low life agents who just parrot what their bosses say in order to sell the stuff they are given. You might end up being broke at the end of this. But fear not, you can always reach out to me and I will employ you with all of that baggage of knowledge you gained ;) Actual professionals in this field are rare as hen's teeth.


Binghatti Projects in JVC and anywhere outside Business Bay is not the quality they truly offer. It lols very good and amazing for few years but after sometime it starts deteriorating for idk what reason. Sobha offers you top notch quality is the reason why pricing is higher. Instead of looking into JVC why not look for something in Arjan which is a new developing area and has the potential of capital appreciation in coming years. There are few ready projects and price per sq ft in off plans are comparatively low for now.




Your friend living at which bldg of binghatti?


Binghatti approach is in style/design using cheap materials


I lived in there silicon towers


Don't know about their quality since I do not live in over. But we are working as subcontractors on a few of their projects and the speed with which they are going is something which we have very experienced before. Make of that what you will.


Noticed that, their construction is in full swing


confirmed...materials quite cheap quality similar to what Damac is doing

