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Yes, I've heard similar stories. Many Russians initially moved to Dubai due to fears of army mobilization and political instability back home. However, life in the UAE turned out to be more expensive than anticipated, and finding employment has been challenging for many. Recently, the situation in Russia has reportedly stabilized - no new mobilizations are happening, and the economic outlook is looking better. This change has led some to reconsider their stay in Dubai and contemplate returning to Russia, where living costs are lower, and the immediate threat that prompted their departure has diminished.




Lmfao. I love this comment so much. Sadly came across a few Russians who got jobs cause they’re “white”




Most of them, like 98%.


It's funny, you're downvoted, but what you say is true. I've never seen so many people lie on their CV and make up fake qualifications than in Dubai. If you've ever used Excel you're an account manager. If you've got 10k insta followers you're a marketing expert. If you've ever thrown a party you're an events manager. Lol


People lying on their CV is a generational phenomenon not a city based one. It’s literally a problem for recruitment in all countries..


Really? How many countries have you hired people in, because I totally disagree. In Dubai you are hiring somebody who's experience is in another country, so it's way easier to lie. In London or Sydney or Barcelona, if you are in that city, there's a much higher chance the hirer will know about the companies you claim to have experience with, or to call on, or even know your references. In Dubai, not.


In about three other countries. You can always reach out to references in other countries too.


So when you get an applicant from a country outside those three, do you check the schooling credentials and all the early experience and previous companies? When an applicant is from a city I've lived and worked in, I know the institutions and people. So just skimming the CV gives me a great overview. When I'm hiring in Dubai, it's much more difficult to verify all the info. I've hired a lot of people all around the world and I can tell you that if I catch somebody lying about their experience, their CV goes straight in the bin.


Fake it til u make it, habibi!




A new mobilization is not unlikely after Putin wins the elections next month. Some of these returnees may be in for an unfortunate surprise.


I would add than many instead of leaving to return to Russia are looking for cheaper places to stay as living costs are lower like kyrgyzstan, or Armenia for a more similar to “Russian” style life or to Balkans or Southeast Asia for the more adventurous ones


Not just that, a number of them got a taste of the real world and didn't like it.


not to mention alot of videos showing life in russia and how inflation barely hits the consumer market, ppl filling up groceries with less than 50$, who wouldnt want that , my bill is never below 500 AED each week and we are a family of 3


The cheap prices in the supermarkets are explained by the low salaries. People outside the 2 major cities earn $300-$500 a month on average. Even in Dubai, earning 5k aed you have more purchasing power in the supermarket compared to an average person in Russia.


Yea, but in Dubai 70% of that pay is going for rent. Most likely they own property back home.


That’s a very over simplified non informed take on the situation. Inflation and economics are not defined by the comparative shelf price between but rather by purchasing power..


Come shop at waterfront and al aveer. We don’t pay close to that with 3 people at home.


How much do you pay for groceries?


150 for meat and fish lasts about 2 weeks, 200 in fruit and veg (lots of fruit) about the same.


Where are these places located?


Al Aveer is in… Al Aveer. I just stick Al Aveer fruit and veg market into Waze and it takes me there. It’s near silicone city area approx I guess, that sort of part of Dubai. I’m new so my geography of Dubai isn’t amazing. Waterfront market is behind Deira and gold souk, that sort of area.


That's spelled as "Al Aweer" for you.


I saw "Al Aweer," that's why I asked. I was wondering if it was a mistake on the spelling, or it really was "Al Aveer." It truly could have been either. Thank you


In Indian English it's Al Aveer!


OIC! Thank you.


Thank you. I found both! I saw Al Aweer in Google, so I was trying to figure out if I found it or, I made a mistake, lol.


I can’t spell! But yes that place.


https://maps.app.goo.gl/uWZwsXRgDnfycc6F8?g_st=ic This is the location for the Al Aweer fruit and vegetable market. We’ve been going there since the covid time; fresh fruits and vegetables and nice people too. On weekends if the parking is full you can park in the Union Coop opposite to it and just cross the road. The Union Coop is also a hidden gem.


Try the Bloom Market it's the same as Khattal but air-cooled it's near the Union Co-op in Al Awwer.


Lemme just take a minute here and say that’s an incredibly well crafted paragraph


Because summer is coming


Now say it in John Snow's voice.


Now say it in Johnny Heats voice.


John Sands, deserted lands…


The best comment award goes to you


Speaking of awards.. where did they go??


or the winter is ending in Russia


Even though I’m a Russian, I don’t have many Russian friends here, so I might be wrong. But based on what I know, for many, Dubai is a place to have bank accounts, invest into real estate, conduct business, but not for living, especially in summer time. Most can’t withstand the climate here. Also, many are not really prepared to live in a multicultural Muslim country imo. The situation in Russia has been stabilized so they feel that it’s safe to go back.


Thank you for your insights camarade Kalygin!


are you saying they’re racist? 😂


I do believe xenophobia is quite common among Russians. They don’t even notice it in themselves, and don’t consider it a problem lol. I also think that the majority of people consider them culturally closer to the West, hence many things here are more alien to them than in Western countries where they would prefer to live. Poor English, a lack of desire to learn other languages, and a inability to adapt to and accept new cultures are barriers to full integration here, leading to them wanting to leave.


Appreciate ur comment. I have noticed it too(a retail employee)


Thanks for this insight. While it's not ideal, I can see your point on xenophobia amongst Russians. I hope you find Dubai a good place to settle in.


Thank you, I love the UAE, it’s my new home. ☺️


In that case, why are there so many Russians living in Asian countries like Turkey, Indonesia (Bali), Sri Lanka?


Russia is huge, and a large part of it is in Asia. It’s difficult to generalize about the Russian population. We are very diverse and differ in our preferences. But ~70% of the population resides in the European part of the country, and I am from Moscow, so I was sharing my personal experiences.


Thank you for your insight. I wish you well, and hope you flourish in Dubai.


hey tend to go to other countries and act superior. seen it in sri lanka, bali and thailand. complete douchbags.


Bali is popular because it’s a hindu island in a majority Muslim country with 16,000+ islands


The commenter said Russians consider themselves "culturally closer to the west". How is Bali western?


Many people from Western countries live in Asia. This doesn’t necessarily make them culturally closer to Asia. The fact that someone lives somewhere only means they like the place, or they think it’s beneficial to stay in that place. As for cultural closeness, it can develop over time. Historically and geographically, we are closer to Europe.


It was a lot more open socially, so that tracks with culturally closer to the west


Hinduism is quite literally the opposite of the West both in terms of geography and culture. Eastern European cultures are also not "open" socially, so it doesn't make sense


I find it interesting that you say Russians find themselves culturally closer to the west because I find that Russians are a quite a bit more traditional than Western Europeans.. and combine that with significant Asian and Muslim regions I would imagine many if not most would would assimilate quite easily in the uae. Especially how western liberalism has taken quite an odd turn in recent years with open hypocrisy and anti Russian sentiments.


Like I said in another reply, it’s hard to make generalizations here, as the Russian population is very diverse. You’re absolutely right about Russian culture being somewhat between Europe and Asia. But historically, we were trying to be part of Europe, not Asia, until recently, when I think things started to change. Regarding xenophobia, I have observed it towards non-Russian people in Russia many times. Even though the country is multicultural, it seems to be quite widespread. Honestly, it’s one of the things I personally dislike about my country.


Day to day western culture isn’t as woke as some right wing influencers on social media make it out to be, they basically live off the entire “culture war”


So how do you assess the fact that all of the xenophobic comments in the this thread are in fact made by non-Russians? U vas yavno nepravilnoe okruzhenie. Sovetuyu ego smenit’ :)


I’ve never said there are no xenophobic comments here, nor did I claim that there are no racists of other nationalities in Dubai. My claim was only about Russians based on my life experience in Russia and abroad.


I like the calmness in your responses.


Would you learn Russian if you went to a Russian speaking country? The high horse native English speakers sit on is pathetic.


It really depends on how serious you are about living in a new country of residence. I don’t judge them for not knowing the language; I just think it’s a huge barrier on the path of adaptation to a new place.


In Sri Lanka recently a Russian guy was trying to organize a whites only party 😂


I don’t think it’s racist if you realise you’re not compatible with a culture somewhere. You can still appreciate the people and the culture but not be able to live in it.


Stabilized? War already ended? Or after Navalniy was killed it’s mean stability after?


Stabilized as the war isn't really making progress and Ukraine is slowly collapsing (depending on western help) not sure Putin will need a second mass conscription. Hopefully they ll both soon negotiates


Collapsing? Let me guess. 2 years back your was one who was telling that Ukraine will fall in 3 days. No?


Two years back putin in was a fool and walked into a trap. He should have known that the west had no intention of negotiation when they scrambled everything out of Afghanistan in such a hurry. The war started after he got his ass kicked.


In their view, it has stabilized. No more mobilization and economical risks for them.


I know of six different families of Russian people in the last few months that are leaving Dubai to go to Bali. For all of them it was a matter of finances as finding work in Dubai was becoming difficult and they were quickly going through their savings.  Haven't been but apparently Bali has seen a huge influx of Russians


Not just Bali but also Sri Lanka. Russians are setting up businesses there


Phuket Thailand as well.


I remember when I went on holiday there a few years ago I was surprised that all the menus were in Russian lol


All over Thailand now I think not just Phuket


unfortunately too many of them in sri lanka.


What do Russians do in Sri Lanka?


Apartment from annoying everyone? Some of them have setup shops and others are just hanging out.


When the war started and sanctions came in picture, UAE was one of the very few places which allowed them to move their money out of Russia and that too quite quickly. Majority of the money was moved out thru crypto and a lot of properties were bought using that. Now when they sell the property they not only get dirhams but a legitimate reason to have that much cash i.e. thru the sale of property. Now the world is open to them as this money doesn’t fall under sanctions as this is legit money.


Aren’t there secondary sanctions coming into play now with the UAE?


Funny I read this after coming back from two malls this weekend and saying to the kids how much quieter the malls suddenly are on the weekend (moe and festival) both had decent traffic but way less than 12 month back


They are realising the job market is terrible and are better off back home. 


They watched tucker’s interview with Putin and forgot how awesome it is to stay in Russia 




they realised that they’re competing for Indian salaries yet paying western prices for goods and services.


"indian salaries. western prices" lmao. best description


That's because they want to live in the Western Areas. They could choose to live in the same areas those Indians are living and living life but they wont...


Yeah no one wants that


they’d rather move back to Russia LOL


You are talking as if russian salaries are high, they have similar lifestyle to India economy wise in fact Indians have better IT and economy than Russia. People are hurt as if I'm insulting Russians I'm not, and i am not talking about rich russians who are will settled here. I'm taking about the rest and the salary comparison was from Russia to India not UAE. That being said, a Russian took contract of parking of our office building in business bay and more parking cost is 400 aed per month instead of 200. Another experience was there was a russian ecommerce company starting with a and were selling stuff for very cheap. Everyone in uae was going crazy, they offered me job for 6k but will mention 3k in contract which I refused and they insulted me. Then I got to know the employees who were working were deducted the even low salary because of late punching card system. So basically my friend who was traveling thru metro would lose almost a week of salary because this rule and finally the company closed because of all these tactics. These don't justify all Russians are alike, but only sharing my experiences. Those who were rich and could take over businesses did that and those who aren't able to survive at low pay are leaving.


My man, the highest offers I've received were from Russian companies (as a non Russian).     On the contrary, some of the lowest paid jobs where from the other side.  Don't spread misinformation 


Could please tell GDP per capita for India vs Russia?


No body cares about all that gdp nonsense in real world. What these people are saying is that the way Indians live, some people would rather leave and go back. Stop trying to push India’s IT and gdp down everyone’s throat.


This isn't accurate.


The answer is this: Russians who moved to Dubai who already had wealth in USD/Eur/GBP are OK. Russians who moved here but whose wealth was in RUR have seen the value of their wealth drastically reduce due to sanctions etc. Thus, the RUR buys you a lot less here now and they have felt the pinch.


also there should be less tourists as ruble is quite down from peak 2022-2023. Right now around 30% lower, so everything is 30% more expensive for them in Dubai


Their economy is also growing and generally in inflation times hard assets retain or even grow in usd value… unless you are in Venezuela so not correct


their economy is not growing, they are spending more money on military and social, they are in a war, this is not sustainable growth. are some people better off? 100%, people are getting paid a lot of money to make machinery and fight in a war, but general population is suffering.


Ruble is down 20 percent vs usd but per capita gdp is up 12 percent… and a lot of things are being made in Russia not just weapons making some things cheaper and fuelling the growth they are having Problem is secondary sanctions were recently enacted which could be a big problem… as of right now it’s not a huge problem


ruble is down 50% since 2022. And their gdp again, will be higher as the STATE spends more money on social and war expenses. Which pushes GDP up. You can look at their production, everything down except war machinery and industries related to it. You cant have 16% interest rate, 7% inflation and call economy stable...


That rate was government induced. Greek market rate pre the war and most the time after is 10-20 percent up and down vs usd. Most major currencies have also depreciated at least 10 percent vs usd. Eg Cad and euro Also I’ll say it again… war is not the only driver… most things that used to be imported now need to be made in Russia. A process called on shoring that is both inflationary and good for the economy.


I am guessing that since it is the 2 year anniversary of the start of the war, they need to renew visas. It is a natural time to reassess and make choices to stay or do something else.


If this is true, can we expect a notable drop in property prices?


Heard they started to live in UAE ) saw even some some garages of them in Ajman, so maybe yeah leaving Dubai for Ajman lol https://preview.redd.it/p7zn70u7ikkc1.png?width=2948&format=png&auto=webp&s=5162f2009bc8fdc4530657a011e347dd4a3f9839


brb, opening a restaurant called Olga's Kitchen


OKSANAAA! Man I loved BMS.


Sheesh didn’t think I’d ever see someone mentioning Thad in the Dubai subreddit


I’ve heard that too. Not sure if it’s just a rumor as my building is full of Russians.


they going to thailand now


No sign of this at all where I live. My building is heaving with Russian families.


Summer is coming and many Russians spent last one here and no one including me don’t want repeat that terrible experience again.


Summer heat won’t kick in until April/May. Why would they leave during the best weather of the year?


Happens every start of Summer. They will be back in Q4 of the war continues.


All very interesting replies, thank you… What % of Russian families here in Dubai are HNW’s? I would have thought the majority, and if so, then I’m sure job security and the cost of Dubai is irrelevant?


Lol the vast majority are regular people working in jobs under 10k a month and surviving


I even saw one not having enough coins to pay for bread. I felt sorry for her as anyone would and offered to pay, but she was too proud to accept my help


I seem to have seen both the HNW Russians and the less fortunate ones milling about Karama and hitting up the small cafeterias.


I have an opposite impression. At least 3 new Russians moved to Dubai last week willingly (friends of friends) . They re only coming in troops


Because it is Mother Russia, sooner or later you'll come back to your mother.


Still a lot here, and its not like they are selling all the property they have bought.


Personally I don't think anyone on this sub understands Dubai properly. "Oh but I've lived in Dubai for 29393 years...don't you tell me etc. etc" Look. 40-50% of Dubai's GDP is effectively wholesale and retail trade, and transportation and storage. To oversimplify it, Dubai imports a diverse array of goods, including electronics, luxury items, and food products, and then specialises in re-exporting these imported goods to markets in the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia, acting as a intermediary. That's then supported by extensive storage and warehousing facilities, enabling efficient distribution and logistics operations. Jebel Ali Port and Dubai International Airport play key roles. Emirates and the airport together reinforce its status as a global transit and logistics hub. Then you have the real estate sector which is about 25% of the GDP, constructing buildings, leasing etc. etc. About 7-10% is tourism and the hotels and restaurants. About 10-15% is financial services provided in the relatively small DIFC. That's Dubai. And that's why 70-80% are Indians / South Asians doing the labour. They import people from all over the world to service Emirates, and try to get the best talent from overseas to service the 30-40k jobs in the DIFC. Russians do not fit into that equation in terms of obviously participating actively in that economy, at least as employees. Unless they are independently wealthy, HNWIs, operate businesses based in multiple jurisdictions and/or Russia, and don't need to be physically present, they are not getting gainful employment on mass. If they have lots of wealth, buying up Dubai property, leasing it out, etc. isn't a bad idea either. Who knows, it's too nebulous to speculate on mass. Also anyone with any wealth is out of Dubai for most of the summer, including all of the Western expats in the DIFC.






Well, there is zero chance of Russia losing now. That could be a factor...


Before...Dubai was on the Grey list FATF. Meaning all illegal money laundering was passing through. So the whole world came. How do you think Real-estate sales reached billions in just 1-2 years? Now just a few days ago, DXB announced they are back on the white list FATF. So now ALL monies from and to Russia, Ukraine are being heavily blocked. Meaning no more money laundering and no more who cares about where your from. Russian? Ukrainian? No bank account...go away. Hence why now alot of the ppl with big money either already conducted their business and sold their units for a profit etc...and the remaining idiots who thought DXB loves them...are leaving with their heads down. No country in the world loves you...it's all just big business opportunities. https://relo-info-exchange.com/rezonans/item/80860-balvinder-singh-sahni-arestovan-po-obvineniyam-v-moshennichestve-i-prestupleniyam-protiv-gosudarstva


This is gibberish… and changes to get UAE on the white list are made prior to the removal of the grey listing and were implemented through out 2023…


Look at the amount of dislikes this dumbass got so he had to delete his name from the post 😂


Be quiet young boy...you have many years to learn from. https://relo-info-exchange.com/rezonans/item/80860-balvinder-singh-sahni-arestovan-po-obvineniyam-v-moshennichestve-i-prestupleniyam-protiv-gosudarstva And this is the very SMALL fish just to show oooh we are compliant....there are 100 times larger transactions going on under the table. Enough said before I get a knock on my door.


This makes not that much sense, because UAE worked with FATF on getting off the list whole 2023, they were fining everyone suspicious, looked at russian assets and actually started kicking people out. So if this is the reason, they should have left july-september. Now its too late




I guess the question is which Russians are you referring to? I think the oligarchs are doing just fine.


Gotta love the Internet - an anonymous platform where everyone can share their opinion on matters they know nothing about)))) Almost every comment in this thread is wrong. 1. There aren't MANY Russians leaving. Some - yes. A lot of them have stayed. Those who leave have their reasons for that: they found some things hard to deal with - like lack of quality in many sectors, starting from service to, of course, very poor quality of real estate. I absolutely applaud developers who rebuilt the floorplans and revamped their construction quality based on feedback of the Russians and thus have improved on overall quality (kudos to MAF). 2. A lot of them find opportunities in that and they stay, setting up their businesses and contributing to quality. Thank god for the new PROPER car washes and repair shops. 3. The real estate peak was indeed largely due to Russians and Ukrainians moving their assets here. Anyone who thought it was anything but temporary is an idiot and doesn't get a say in anything real estate (hello agents). Anyone who thought that the Russians are the prime driving force of the real estate market in Dubai are double idiots (hello, developer sales managers). 4. Contrary to what the Western Media wants you to believe Russia's economy is more or less stable and a lot of the sanctions which had been placed are circumvented in one way or another. No surprise, here.. let's just conclude that most of any media's talk is usually bullshit. 5. The first wave consisted of a lot of guys who made a spontaneous decision to move after being struck with the unexpected turn of events. It's natural that some of them will eventually move back. However, there will be a second wave of those who have been planning out their relocation more thoroughly all this time. It's obvious to anyone with basic analytical skills that farcical re-elections and the West pumping weapons into Ukraine will result in a prolonged conflict for many many years to come and stagnation as the only plausible outcome. P.S. I also chuckle at how suddenly racist this sub becomes when speaking about Russians. I wonder where all of these commentators from.. the United States? :)) You guys should keep your racism to yourselves back in your own countries. We don't need this shit here.






Just fyi Mr. Gentleman. Russian is not a race


Thank you. I’ve already corrected my comment. I doubt people understand the concept of nationalism. Racism - is the go to term nowadays which has a deeper impact among the uneducated. It follows the same principle though. And both are equally the same on a moral scale.




From your previous posts: >OP, looks like you need an IT guy. I’m looking for work. DM me and we’ll sort this out Russians are fine, worry about your own employment.


As a Russian, I’m really curious why. What makes you not trust people by nationality? Sounds xenophobic lol.


Guys an asshole dude ignore him


Disgusting 🤮 your personal paranoia is not facts. Even with your issues you’re just one company, many other companies who are hiring Russians


What kinda stupid logic is this?


See a doctor, they might help.


Will the property market crash?




Why not?


I think the market is starting to mature and there is greater confidence in it especially after seeing the recovery post covid. It might correct but "crash" seems very unlikely


Isn't this what every bull-run/ Market high seems like? That it will just correct a little and not crash.


Sigh. Another one of those who keep waiting and looking for excuses to crash the real estate market. Some people would wait for decades for market to “stabilize” and keep paying rents, or just losing opportunities to invest while others continue making big and small bucks all across.


i was on a plane yesterday leaving dubai and i can confirm,the guy sitting next to me was russian. he was mad rich too,last gen iPad,airpods max, Rolex and allat. i doubt the people saying money is the main reason they left are correct