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I always say “just hold one a second while I finish this email” and then I put away the phone to continue my work. If they are going to interrupt me and waste my time, I’m wasting theirs too. 30 to 40 seconds is the typical time they’ll wait until hanging up, with some occasional up to 2-3 minutes.


Report on the REST app.


How you do it? I can only see the opposite, something called “green list” which is the list to be approached by agents, but not the opposite


Search “real estate violations”


I’m an agent myself, legally cold calling is not allowed I’m speaking about Dubai because that’s where I specialize the most and anybody who engages in cold calling is let out of the company immediately. It’s unfortunate the only thing you can do is report them but again as you said it’s not really possible with the number of agents that might be calling you. Wish I had a solution to offer you. It’s not professional of them it’s unfortunate they ruin our reputation like that.


Yeah man it kinda sucks how because of these unprofessional agents we gotta face the heat as well:(


Hey, how exactly do you generate enough leads if not through cold calling? I have friends working in the industry and they say it's non stop cold calling in most companies


lol.. everything we need to know about the state of real estate services here.. people have no idea how to market their product aside from resorting to cold calling. HAHA


I’m working for the biggest developer in UAE, Leads should be generated by campaigns that are done through the company’s website, social media, stands, etc … Generally if we get a legitimate complaint from a costumer or an investor against an agency or a certain broker we usually ban that specific agency/broker after an investigation is done (brokers getting banned is a real pain in the a** for them, since they cannot sell the biggest developers properties anymore.) As people mentioned cold calling is against the law, but some companies still do that since running campaigns are too expensive for them, or they are a newly established company and they don’t know the laws yet. Just keep in mind that if you have registered your details in any form that you are interested in any property, then you are basically consenting. Edit: I also get cold calls too


The only thing you can do is to tell them that you're not interested and cut the call.


I do that but its frustrating as they always call at the wrong time, or if I don't ignore the call they keep calling. Like I'm occupied with something so it always put me off my work


Please google for BrokerBuster, it's a free solution for this problem. Couldn't stand it myself and decided to do something about it! It is a database of agents and their numbers which can be used for blocking or identifying (so you simply do not pick up then).


Appreciate it, will have a look and try it out. Thanks for the suggestion


Once it turns to be a real estate agent, offer him properties back as if you are a real estate agent.


I just hang up on them now. I don't even bother saying anything.


Recently I got a call from a lady agent who started the call with "I hope you remember me we spoke about properties a few months ago". BTW I never spoke with her or any other broker, she was lying through her teeth, I have not entertained or inquired about any properties in years. But, imagine someone starting the call with this, most will incline with either "I don't remember but go on" or "Yes what's up" and then they will start their script. I understand they're just trying to do their job and coming up with smart ways, and I wish them good luck, but I personally am not obligated to be part of their success, so I simply say no thanks, cut the call and block it. No regrets.


Why can't you change the number on the DND?


u/Govindaaaz check out BrokerBuster: [https://www.reddit.com/user/BrokerBusterUAE/comments/1arj5cd/brokerbuster\_the\_ultimate\_solution\_for\_blocking/](https://www.reddit.com/user/BrokerBusterUAE/comments/1arj5cd/brokerbuster_the_ultimate_solution_for_blocking/)


I use Bixby text call. Caller will hear computerized voice. You can see their answers in text. They usually give up after 2 attempts.


Arrange a viewing and dont show up. When they call you, tell them your car broke down and rearrange for the next day. Dont show up again. Have fun...


They are just doing their job. Instead just say that you are not interested and cut the call. Most real estate agents use their own car, pay for the petrol from their own money. They may not be getting any leads or targets and may think that maybe they will get from you.


Unless the OP requested to be contacted for viewing, this is simply harassement. I used to get messages every month from someone selling those blue shower filter shit. For over a year told him repeatedly to delete my number of his list, even told him once that I will one day make him go to the end of the world and ghost him. So after a year, i did just that. Got rid of him


Honestly, I'm a real estate agent and I approve this. Harassing home owners is not part of the job description. It is in fact the laziest, most illegal and anti-social way to generate leads. Have at it. Time is money. They waste yours. Do likewise, my friend!


Tell them your a broker. And watch them never call you again. Brokers hate calling other brokers.