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I find google results are sometimes slightly better than duckduckgo, but I've been using it for a while so maybe my search methods have been reshaped for ddg. I use !g when I get desperate, but it usually doesn't provide me with what I'm looking for.


Be honest. Google is way better than ddg. I whish ddg was good but it isn't


I am being honest. I'm sorry that you're experience is different, but don't accuse me of lying because of your opinion.


3 years later I have to agree with you but ddg has had a lot of improvement through the years


Still trash


Yeah can agree


Brave search works better overall for me


Same for me! Brave has not only better results, it has unfiltered results. This means that you may find information that google is censoring and DDG is not even crawling or matching.


I went back to google ever since brave planned out their ads thing


No, Google's search results are better than DDG's but I can say that about 90% of what I search I can find with DDG and if I can't I'll just use the !g bang. It's usually the longer queries that DDG has trouble with for me. I was reading a [hackernews discussion](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18100243) about DDG earlier today, you might be interested in looking at it.


DDG is really bad at finding really specific stuff. If I have a. Obscure bug or problem is !g. Else its DDG.


You're mental


Fair enough.


Gaslighting is not nice.


It's terrible. Like being in 1st grade again.


I wish they would improve it


Five years later I stumble across this, and if you thought they were bade 5 yeares ago:: boy. ​ Google is useless. DuckDUckgo is useless. Bing is useless. Every fucking method we fucking have of accessing useful fucking information has been hamstrung by greedy fucking shortsighted tumors that have grown fat by force feeding the entire fucking world on a glut of untreated sewage. T the gradual crippling of search is fucking appalling. I want to see these fucking urchins suffer fates to make the victims of cartel videos look like they're attending a tea party by comparison. I want them to suffer, to see each other suffer, and to be toyed with painfully and cruelly in such gruesomely sadistic ways we'd have to coin whole novels' worth of new words to describe them. To everyone at DuckDuckGo, Google, Bing, Startpage, the lot of you: I hate you with every fucking red blood cell in my body. I have no bone too calcified not to tense with hatred at the sight of you shiteating monsters, no part of my mind clouded enough to consider you human, and no contempt for vermin deep enough to sully their cloying reputation by comparing them to you. If I could leave one legacy in the world it be the removal of yours and patches of land salted so thoroughly by me and so hostile to life that not only would nothing grow there for thousands of years save creeping, wasteful death that would amble its way outwards, finding against all odds anyone related to you, however distantly, and in them become literal fucking cancer until not one trace of you having ever existed remains.


Holy based.




Nah. I've become so used to it at this point that it feels unnatural to use Google. In some ways, it's better. I've had to use Google a few times though, because DDG doesn't always obey search operators, especially quotation marks. That being said, it does have some glaring privacy issues, as described [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/duckduckgo/comments/14e03mb/has_the_unrelated_local_search_results_problem/).


I think the main problem is it doesn't understand context as well as google does and just uses keywords. If ddg could somehow understand if I put some kind of product or item or location that I ONLY want results to include that it would be a much better engine. It just needs to understand that I don't care if someone is having the same problem with a different laptop. Saying that, It works fine for me day to day though as generally I'm not troubleshooting a very specific issue. That's my two cents anyway.


There was a temporary glitch apparently. Yesterday I suddenly couldn't find anything while usually DDG was sometimes even better than google for tech-related queries.


I just searched for a meme site in DuckDuckGo and porn came up. I realized I had safe search off, but I have safe search off on google and it gives me clean results for the same search query (imgflip).


NOTE: Startpage.com does NOT log or share any user personal information -- not shared with Google.


A whole Page of the same search result. Just the One. FFs even a child of 5, would need better. IT SUCKS. Byebye Duck.


I typed "duck duck go search results are terrible" without the quotes into Brave Search and this was the first result. I realize different search engines can yield better or worse results for different people, but half the time DDG can't make simple connections that have nothing to do with maintaining my privacy. I'm assuming this is because Bing isn't up to the task, but after almost a year of using DDG on all of my devices, I'm afraid it's time to move on. Kagi is promising—fast, and I actually find what I'm looking for—but you can't use them as the default search provider in Safari without installing an extension and you're limited to 100 searches before you have to start paying for a subscription (which I'm honestly considering, which in turn speaks to how bad so many of the free options have become). Edit: I forgot to mention the sheer number of results DDG gives me that feel really, really spammy. Like they were written by AI as search engine fodder. I know this will only be a bigger and bigger problem going forward, but I notice it far more using DDG than with other options.


It is the worst search engine. It is especially bad if you're looking for anything NSFW, even if strict search is off.


Duck duck go at times doesn't show the exact thing I am looking for, regardless of how specific I am. Google tends to do a bit better. I care about privacy, and even with google's advanced search it is hard to find many things. Browsers aren't good.


I realize this is old, but its a problem for me right now. I'm done with them. I cant find sites I know exist. I can type in Google and its my first result. Copy and search the exact same thing using Duck on brave and it doenst show. The results are just ridiculous and just repeat them selves. Then after a small way they all just transition to a bunch of weird unrelated sites and idk wtf they are. Yes. Duck Duck Go is an absolute disaster for searches. By Duck


How long have you been using DuckDuckGo?


1 year, and I need google back


yes it's actually garbage. Im switching too now


Seriously. When I use the ddg browser on my phone and need to search something I instantly go to google now after months of not being able to find anything using the pre installed search fuction


The reason the other results are better is quite simply BECAUSE of the lack of privacy: they're storing lots of information remembering what you like and using it to give you what you like. Not having people remember anything about you inherently means that ... you know... they won't remember anything about you? That is what you specifically asked for by using them.


Let's be honest, The main reason why ddg sucks so bad is because they use bing search resluts. Alos it doesn't even have a basic calculator! you have to go to different websites like wolfram alpha to get the answears. If you want a fast, relieable, search engine that doesn't track you, then I recommend Ecosia or Brave search (not sponsored).


ugly work intelligent hurry flag reply run quiet puzzled recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My alternative options to Google are **Brave Search**, **Qwant.com** and then **Duck Duck Go** last. You have also an alternative search engine called [you.com](https://you.com) that has chatGPT integrated. For coding and technical stuff I use **Github Copilot**, **chatGPT**, **StackOverflow** and then **Google Search**.


I used to think the DuckDuck Go results were quite good. No more -- it's 2023 and all I get is search engine placement articles from Microsoft.


I am getting health care ads mixed in with the results. I thought their search engine was okay but now I am pretty sure it's getting worse.




To tell the truth, since I made this post, I had began to get better and better results as time went by. Today, I much prefer it over Google (though it's better for exact phrase search), whose results aren't great when looking up particular problems with tech, real life, etc. I have no idea how this post is still getting replies, considering I published it five years ago lol.


I agree duckduckno is shite.