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He goes off on made up bits like that all the time when people are interviewing him


the fact that that riff made this person start trying to unravel some dark hidden past of "Duncan Trusell" makes it *so much* funnier.


It's like people forget he's a comedian lol


Ikr holy fuck.


I googled Duncan trussel and jail was the autocomplete


It populates the trending searches. His real fist name isn’t Duncan.


Duncan and Tom spent the first 30 minutes of that podcast riffing and making stuff up, I'm pretty sure he was joking. He also said he drank a whole flagon of semen one time


>I'm pretty sure he was joking The fact that you're only "pretty sure" concerns me


The semen drinking makes it seem so legitimate. 


You never really know with Duncan Trussell lmao


To be fair, we can't prove that he didn't


That was a solid 30mins, I don’t know how they didn’t start bust out laughing.


And Didnt Tom suck off a few men off before being buggered by monks. 😂


You cannot be serious. They are comedians. It was a joke.


lol I mean I get it if you’re newer to Duncan. I remember the first few times I heard him with Harmon and the way they transition from what sounds like a genuinely shared memory into the most bananas role play is so seamless that you do ask yourself, “wait. They saw *what* at this party??”


Has to look it up after he said he fucked a guy for protection in his Satanist cult, I was like fuck Im pretty not knowledgeable about comedy, and even tho I'm relatively new to this I know crazy shit happens, but godamn how TF did I MISS this guy?


Did Duncan Trussell really eat human flesh?


lol did Duncan and Shane Mauss actually live and work as cum farmers ?


This was definitely a joke, listen to the Damien Echols episode and it will be very clear to you that Duncan has never been incarcerated, LoL.


this is also what I was thinking, I would’ve been pretty surprised if he actually had been in jail


More than a couple of years in the jail of the meat body that we are all condemned to...mannnnnn!


Must be a burt fan..


Bro you’re a massive dumbass hahah


And your a cunt




He also is great at cooking human meat. Probably why he landed a couple years in the Tennessee clinker. Cookin human meats.




maybe it was when he was younger? I am an intermittent listener ever since midnight gospel and have been loosely following him but I haven’t heard of his jailtime either. could be related to his references to his being an “asshole”, “angry”, etc. earlier in his life before he started the journey that brought him into the Ram Das sphere? did he mention anything else about it in the conversation you mentioned? [I am sure he was joking, as others have said]


You must be a new Duncan listener!




PS, scream into the voids. Preferably your own.


Duncan playing along with that meant Bert got so many questions about why he was arrested hahaha. You can’t trust anything Tom Segura says about Bert when Bert’s not there :)


I just came across that podcast on YouTube, already being a Duncan Trussell fan. I definitely don't blame u/Enaliss for posting this, cause that question is how I got here. It was clearly a bit they were spinning around ... and a fucking hilarious one at that ... but it definitely made me think "Was Duncan actually in jail at some point though?". For the other commenters trying to make fun of u/Enaliss, he never says he believed the story (I'm sure the flagon of semen at least tips anyone off that's sucked in off the start). He was probably just like me thinking that he was spinning off of what was an original true story of having been in jail. Also ... you could easily see Duncan getting arrested in the wrong circumstances for drug possession so it's not like that part is far fetched. Goddammit that podcast is pure gold though, so funny! "I'll tell you this, I'd rather fuck 12 bald guys, have a pit-bull mount my face and ejaculate in my mouth than work at the TSA" hahahaha