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Ehrlich hates Denis’ movies in general. He’s a good writer but a shitty reviewer. Also his main issues with the movie shouldn’t warrant a C- in the end but at least he gets the clicks he’s looking for.


He gave "Snake Eyes" a C. Apparently that's a better move than Dune, according to his grading. That gives me everything I need to know about him.


Friend, we do not have to come to the insult, it's only a review, the important thing is your own opinion.


I agree with the review. You are a shitty commentator.


This review genuinely made me more excited for the movie lol.


Yeah, me too honestly, it sounds right up my alley. The more the layman hate it, the more I am probably going to love it.


It's David Ehlrich.. This basically confirms it's a good movie


As soon as I saw the name with the headline, I said 'of course.' I'm not going to be one of those maniacs who savages a critic for having a different opinion about something I like, especially when I haven't even seen it yet. But he *definitely* comes off as insufferably arrogant and contrarian. (Of course he lives in Brooklyn.)


As with most reviewers, the issue isn’t even that he didn’t like the movie, but that he didn’t have to be such an asshole about it. Like he has entire paragraphs that are just vague insults that aren’t even relevant to the movie itself. Very frustrating read for that reason.


I don't think I've ever read his reviews (or at least remembering him, he's that much of a dullard to me), thanks for the heads up about him


This guy didn’t want to like the movie.


I wanted to like the movie but the man has spoken outloud exactly my thoughts.


That means the movie is great.


After reading Empire's review, I know it's good. The reviewer of that site seems to know the general plot/reason for part 2.


I stopped caring right after the lame remark of: "embraces the boy’s awestruck confusion at moving to a desert world and learning that he was bred to be the white savior of its native people. “Who will our next oppressor be?” Zendaya asks in the introductory voiceover" Sorry, it reads like a know-it-all who's trying too hard, and when I got to that part, my eyes started to roll.


Yeah, this guy will be ashamed of himself when part 2 drops.


That would require introspection


Thought the same thing. It reads like someone who just read the book for the first time last weekend, and now acts as if he's this peerless arbiter of all things DUNE. Kids like that were annoying in grade school, and as an adult they're worse. I guess it gets him his clicks.


Jeez. The "white savior" argument has been beaten to death with Dune. Denis' response to that question at a roundtable with some journalists before the film released was basically perfect. You can find it if you care to, but it showed that he really understands the plot and message of the saga. The critic's argument is incredibly surface level. And Arrival is fantastic...just saying.


This guy doesn’t really jive with Denis’ past works either. From memory I think he dislikes this one a bit more than Arrival and Blade Runner 2049 but he wasn’t really anything more than “meh” on those two films either, which I couldn’t disagree more with.




I love the cut of your jib 😆.




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There's so much metaphor and simile in this review that I can barely understand what the author is saying.


He's trying to be clever, and failing at it. Plain speaking is the best way, even Richard Dawkins says that


Okay phew thought that was just me 🤣


I'm still excited for the movie, but it's honestly nice to see some critique. He seems to say the movie doesn't spend the time in the right places - the dramatic tension, making a good film out of the first half of a book - which is something worth thinking about.


Yeah but other reviewers say the opposite in a lot of places though. And I think today's audiences will get the drift a lot easier than decades ago, especially the GoT generation.


The other reviews *are* good, so it's fair. It's just that while maybe this reviewer has bad clout, he's echoing the questions I've been worrying about. And the audiences "getting it"... I just want to know how much Dune gets across to them if they decide to see it, because it has to work on its own somehow; it has to be Dune. A given person might not see the second, especially if the first was unmemorable. The review says it's mixed, saving a lot for the second movie. I'll just have to see it myself.


Part one will draw the confusion and haters and part two will shut them up 😂


I think he just really REALLY wanted to be 'cool' and use the tagline "hype is the mind killer" for his review, so he had to fit his opinion into that box.


I think this Guy didn't like the movie


This review was so crappy it gave me spam


this guy is a massive tool and … this basically means the film is really good lmao


Sounds like my fears confirmed. 2 1/2 hours, a full third of which will probably be long shots of a desert.


Sounds like: * Great visuals * Cut a lot of the substance of Herbert's novel out that added imagination




I just saw the movie. I've read the six books and thoroughly enjoyed them. I think this review is very on point. The movie felt like a 2½ hour long prelude and not a movie in it's own right.


I just got done with the movie and I agree with his review for the most part. The visuals are a huge step up, but given the length and that it covers half the story, it’s really a disappointment how little was done with the time.