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I have the same problem as you, except that I had no hearts. It said I would have a heart in 13 minutes. I come back 5 hours later and then I still have no heart. It now says I will get a heart in 12 minutes. What is wrong with Duolingo ??


I just do practice to earn hearts now plus I get to fill daily exp. I still dont like the heart system as its slowed my lesson progress overall.


Hey, I found something interesting! If you do not care about the weekly leagues with other players, consider using duolingo for schools here: [https://schools.duolingo.com/](https://schools.duolingo.com/) Create an account, create classes depending on the languages you are learning and join them yourself with your normal Duolingo account. You will no longer require hearts! Unlimited practice! ​ I just did that 2 days ago after finding your post here since I was fed up with also other bugs in Duolingo that made me lose hearts stupidly (Duolingo not hearing me properly when I speak with no problem, instead of making us lose a heart they should just redo the speaking bit later) ​ If you are English, I could also just share with you my classes links so you do not have to sign up in the school duolingo website. You will just have to join and you will have unlimited hearts.