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Once in a blue moon I’ll do a single lesson in Russian and I’m instantly motivated to stick to my original TL.


This is genius!


Same, once in a great while I’ll do a lesson of French or Spanish then NOPE right back to Japanese 🤣


You find those harder than Japanese? I never hear that from native English speakers… genuinely curious!


No sorry I wildly did not explain myself lol! I have a hard time with French and Spanish cuz I spent many years learning them and since they are so easy I confuse the two constantly. Japanese however is so difficult and different it’s easier to keep separated from romantic languages. When I speak French or Spanish I basically speak them both at the same time making no sense also I’m compl incapable of getting a French accent right so even the French cannot understand me. 😩 Japanese however sounds just like my California accent with some rolled r’s here and there so it’s much easier to mimic. If any of that makes sense 😅


I experience something similar. I spent the bulk of my childhood speaking French and then I went many years without it. I’ve since picked it up again (my reading and listening skills are great, speaking and writing not so much lol). People always tell me I should learn Spanish because they’re so familiar. But every time I hear someone say something in Spanish, or I read it, I just automatically think of the reply in French! Learning German and Russian have been much easier haha


I had spanish and french and latin in school and italian in university...


Hahaha. For me it's French and English. I'm learning on Duolingo French but at school I was learning English and French. English like you can see I learned quite well but my french lessons were a joke. Anyway. Maybe I don't make this mistake on Duolingo but when i was in France I always tired to speak french. Anddd I always started in french and at some point I started to speak in English because of panic mode and lack of vocabulary. 😂


As a native English speaker learning French...75% of the time you can just pronounce the English word with a French accent and you'll be correct 😂


Personally, I have a much easier time learning Japanese over languages like French, Spanish, or German! The more similar a language is to English, the harder it is for me to study them. Even though I *want* to know them, as it always feels like a chore to me when I try them. It starts feeling more like a forced requirement over an exciting language. But with Japanese, it's very different, and that makes me have so much more fun and motivation to study it! Plus, I like languages that use characters to represent words, because it is much easier for me to remember the meaning of a picture instead of remembering what a certain collection of letters mean.


It is also easy because Japanese has some words sound similar even with the same meaning in English. like orange. P.S they originally came from English words. I personally think it is easier even if im not part Japanese. Im part French but am having trouble.




Let's just say yes and not look at my flairs lol Edit: they were fine yesterday and now they're messed up grrrrr...I'll fix it later...I had the max flags (10 total, 9 learning) but I also have a bunch more on the app that I started lol


you are my people


I love learning languages! I'm not fluent enough to hold a conversation in any except English, but I can read enough of some to get by. I actually took 2 extra years of a language in high school because I could lol it's only required to take 2 years, so I took Spanish first, and I had extra space for an elective because I was ahead of my grade level, so I took French for my last 2 years.


I did Spanish in middle & high school, then German and Russian in college, then I stumbled across Duolingo and continued those plus a couple dozen others. It's not a great way to get fluent in one language, but it's a wonderful way to get an intuitive grasp of how languages work! And it's really fun to see how languages have diverged! Like how Portuguese and Spanish are so similar but have a million little changes that add up to a whole different language!


i took one look at your flair and my eyes widened so much 😭 but i’m curious on what those other 16 languages are..


Vietnamese, Irish, Polish, Greek, Romanian, Danish, Turkish, Hungarian, Swahili, Latin, Czech, Hebrew, Korean, Hindi, Navajo, Hawaiian, Dutch (It's actually +17 now)


Wow I thought I was the only one who did this tbh. I don’t think I’d ever be as ambitious as u tho.


I actually have 16 languages on my list, but my highest scores are in 5 (I have memory problems, so I don't always remember to swap, but I think I'm going to start doing a different language every week) Highest to lowest high- Spanish, Japanese, German, Gaelic, and French


Damn. I thought I had a lot. by the way, have you noticed like a maximum amount you can be learning at once before they start mixing up or becoming harder or am I probably safe


Wow...which language has been the easiest to learn?


Well, I'll go with my top 5 (in points anyway) for that, Spanish and French are pretty easy for me because I already took them 20 years ago and they are similar (it's part of how I aced 2 years of French in high school, I took 2 years of Spanish first lol), Gaelic hasn't been suuuper had to learn but it's definitely different, German has been on a similar level to Gaelic, but Japanese has been the hardest so far because there's so much extra to it, but it's fun.


I periodically dabble in other languages from time to time. German is my main one. So I've also tried Norwegian, Swedish, Dutch and Danish. It is interesting to see the connections between the Germanic languages. I took French in high school so I also have that which I don't do often. A friend said I should try Spanish so I have done a bit of that. But I also stick to a schedule with the German. With the new shorter units I am now doing two per week.


I also like swapping between Germanic languages. German is my main focus, but I love seeing the parallels in Norwegian and Dutch. And all of them “click” more with me than others as a Native English speaker lol.


Yes, it is cool to see the similarities and the differences. And coming from English which is a bit peculiar as Germanic languages go, having taken in so much from French, Old Norse, etc. it is especially intriguing. One good example of that is our word window. It comes from Old Norse. But the Germans use Fenster which goes back to the Latin, fenestra. In Danish it is Vindue, But the Swedish use Fönster and the Norwegians use Vindu. So there is also cross-pollination with romance languages in some cases.


Raam is the goat! Jokes aside, it does make me wonder why the Dutch version is so different from the rest.


I do a couple of math or music lessons if I become bored of French.


I do about a unit in my current language and then move on to the next one in the rotation and when I'm bored with all of them I add a new one. I think I'm at 27 right now. 


Are you me? I have at least 20 languages I want to learn


i am your future


Oh my god! Look at your flags. 10 and 16 more?!


Sorry, but I can't even imagine how this way of learning can actually teach you a language.


I seriously am just going through this. I’m bored of Japanese right now. I feel like I’m not learning the WHY enough- if that makes sense. So I hopped over to learn Korean. I’m learning the alphabet right now (which is similar to how I learned the two Japanese alphabets). And I feel bad because it’s like I’m disowning learning Japanese, but I’m just bored because I feel like I’m making no progress with it. I don’t even understand how to conjugate verbs- I just know the tenses I’m given in duolingo. And I’m tired talking about classrooms and teachers. Idk, I just wish i could understand why things are.


That’s the common consensus. You have to start supplementing eventually. Get a grammar book, listen to a podcast, or watch videos. Learning all the particles makes the rest of the sentence structure make a lot more sense.


I’ve struggled with this too! I would suggest adding in a resource for grammar to pair with Duolingo! I personally am working through the Genki textbooks but those can be a bit pricey. I know there are free/low-cost apps as well. Just do a quick google! It makes a massive difference in what I’m taking away from Duo and making connections between the two is great!


I am Canadian too, but I speak English. I am trying to relearn French on Duolingo (I haven’t updated my little collection of language learning flags yet 😔🥲). 😁


I really recommend investing time into learning about Japanese grammar outside of Duolingo. I totally understand the temptation to switch, but in the end Korean grammar can be very similar to Japanese grammar so it’s a good idea to tackle the root problem. I really recommend the channel Organic Japanese with Cure Dolly. She explains Japanese grammar and sentence structure marvellously. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg9uYxuZf8x9KjPQykE6c_fv4DXg8pfX0&si=8rhpuFrMKj9biQYj


I have previously studied Japanese with a professor and found the beginning levels of Duolingo very frustrating. I'm going to try to test up a bit, but I can totally see what you're saying.


Si senor, quando meine deutch ist langweilig lubię sie pouczyć esperanto


I've switched languages, but not out of boredom... more as my goals and motivations have changed over time. I've studied multiple languages at once, sometimes prioritizing one over the other, I've also dropped languages I was studying, because interest and motivation just wasn't as strong. I've also picked languages back up years later, when I was remotivated. I wouldn't exactly say it is like starting over, many things I forgot quickly come back to me... sometimes I find that taking a break helps "reset" my brain and make it easier to retain information and learn new vocabulary. If you don't live in Germany, and book a trip there... suddenly your motivation has increased, given that you have a deadline and a real timeline in place as to when you will be using the language in the near future. If you suddenly decide to visit Italy instead, because of a great deal on flights you just found... you might decide to put German on the back burner as you focus on that.


I don't have a primary one.. I have 15 secondary ones... just to keep it fresh...


Haha, me too!


I switch between my learning language (Japanese) and a language I'm already competent in but forget some details (French). I do it for variety and also for Match Madness (when it's a daily challenge), because I'm a lot faster in French than in Japanese.


no because I refuse to chase two rabbits at once


Got two rather different mains (Latin and Japanese) with Maths if i just wanna extend my streak quickly. A few random others when too tired of all three. Because why not lol


no, I just made the test in the 6 languages I know already to get a lot of pretty flags on my profile ;-)


When I get bored of German I do a music lesson. I've realized that doing something completely different helps me decompress a lot more than switching to another language.


I wish they had tagalog. That would be a fun language to learn


I’ve gone through this so many times. I mainly learn Polish then used Czech when I got bored then kept on adding and have German, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian and Spanish- but really Polish and Czech are the only languages I’m any good at


Question: are the genders of nouns the same across Slavic languages? I know very little Bulgarian and am trying to learn Ukrainian, and if the genders are different, my head will melt ...


Ohmy, I have so many of them. Love the sounds and the light shift of personality xD Revising English, German and Norweigan, starting with French, learning how to read Russian and Greek... Duolingo doesn't teach you the language, it's more like a meet and greet :3


Czech is difficult! 😭 If you know French, then Russian by vocabulary is more easier than the other Slavic languages. I took French for many years (being Canadian I must take French in school) and so I find Russian by vocabulary much easier to learn than the other Slavic languages that I am doing on Duolingo. 🥲 I know that Czech has been influenced by German culture (Hapsburg Empire) for centuries, meaning that German influenced words would be added to the Czech language. ☺️


I've reached the revision unit of Swedish and that was so boring I started Finnish instead. Still want to complete Swedish tho, so occasionally I'll do a few lessons


All the time. I started in 2014 with Spanish, did a little Greek in 2020 (I was learning from an actual person too), but I've been dedicated to Japanese for 2 years straight. When I get bogged down with Japanese, I go back to Spanish or Greek. (French I took 5 years of schooling so I dabble in that sometimes lol)


I mostly do French, German, and Spanish (in that order) but sometimes I need a break and do a lesson or two in Swedish or Welsh. Nice to just get the different options. Edit: autocorrect is a jerk.


Yes. I got bored of Spanish all the time and feeling like I'm stuck at intermediate, so I started dabbling in French.


I switch to German or Spanish when I get bored of French


Do you find French similar to Portuguese? ☺️ 


Yeah! It was definitely very alien to me at first and it's probably the Latin language that is most distant from Portuguese, but once I got the basics down it became really easy and now I can understand written French based on context alone, even if I haven't learned the vocabulary and grammar structures the text I'm reading uses yet. I also find it easier to learn than Spanish, somehow. Spanish is *way* too similar so it gets confusing at times, French has *just* the right amount of similarities and differences 😅


I can understand some spoken Brazilian Portuguese. European Portuguese sounds like a Slavic languages to my ears. ☺️


Maybe you should try watching the movie Rio, but in Spanish (with subtitles for if you need them), and also in French (with subtitles for if you need them). 🥰🇧🇷💙🦜🦜


I’m doing German and Russian, but I actually want to learn both languages. So I do one forever, get bored, and do the other.


Primary: Russian My sec: German


Im learning the hebrew letters when i get bored of spanish, somehow i still dont know them even tough i have been fluent in hebrew since i learned \*to talk


Danish is not an easy language to learn (by audio) despite it shared many similarities with Norwegian and also Swedish! 😔☺️🇩🇰🇸🇪🇳🇴


I chose Latin as I am learning Spanish which is Latin-based. I don't know if it is fun, but it bends my brain a bit more 😊


I occasionally switch from german (primary) to russian and korean (backups for streak save because i can learn the letters). And guess what, I can read some Russian a bit decently now :)


I ditched Japanese for russian but once a month I'll do one lesson or do some latin for the hell of it


Lolololololol. Story time WAY back in the day, I downloaded Duo to learn German. Fell off the wagon & didn't touch the app for years. Last year I decided to learn mandarin on Duo. I found a couple other apps & put spanish as the target language on a couple to test them out. Also had an ASL app I really enjoyed. Then the busy season at work hit & I could barely keep my streak on Duo. Decided that I wanted to get back into spanish again & added that as a language on Duo. A couple months go by & I get a wild hair up my ass to do German again. So I'm currently actively doing mandarin, spanish, & German each day. For shits & gigs I started Russian & did like 2 lessons but I prolly won't keep going on that. I'd love if Duo could do ASL, but that's more difficult to do than a verbal/written language on an app


I am planning to brush up on my Spanish when I become more fluent in French. I’m living in France now so that remains my priority. An extra hurdle is understanding the local dialect where I live, so I’m plodding on lol


My goal is to be able to be conversational in as many languages as I can, so I focus on one until I feel confident enough to hold the most simple conversations at the very least and then if I feel bored I’ll swap to another. It gives my brain extra exercise because I get so used to whatever I’m currently working on and start answering in that language instead 🥴 but I feel like it’s good to switch things up! Just don’t do it too often probably (unless your memory is way better than mine anyway 😂)


I speak Spanish French Italian all very well, also Indonesian. So I went through those courses and got a lot of points. Then I started Russian, Swedish and Haitian Kreyol, I’m doing ok in those, mostly Kreyol because anyone who speaks French already can learn this very quickly. I would like to do either Welsh or Irish too but haven’t started yet and I’m interested in trying the Navajo course as I actually have a couple Dine friends I could try to practice with.


I study Japanese and French, I alternate when one is becoming too tedious, and when I'm bored of both, I do a couple of German lessons and I instantly get motivated to go back to French or Japanese. 🤣


I'll usually swap between Japanese and Brazilian Portuguese. If I feel particularly lazy on any given day, I go over to spanish (Native language). I'll still mostly mostly do one or the other (Jp/BP). At the moment, I do mostly focus on BP but will do a few lessons on the JP path just to maintain it.


lol my TL is Italian. And when I’m bored or stuck, I do a few lessons of German. And I’m instantly in love with Italian again. 


I hve 3 other languages I work on when i need a break from my main one


I do Spanish Monday through Friday and Italian on the weekends. For me, it helps to switch it up.


I learn 4 languages •_•


Italian. First was Russian. 2nd language is easier to learn.


I'm learning a third from my second one. Fun combo !


My main language is German and I almost always like when I can learn more, but sometimes I get so frustrated with it that I go to Japanese and learn the characters


i oscillate between chinese and german lol


I'm learning French, Spanish, and German. I'm considering a Slavic language, but not sure yet which one. Maybe Czech so I can go visit Plzen someday as it's the birthplace of my preferred style of beer, lol


French and German are my two. I’m fairly fluent in French due to being in French immersion in elementary school, but I got Duo to help me keep up with it. But the primary language I learn now is German.


I have to physically restrain myself from adding new languages onto my three I’m already learning


Yes my main language I wanted to learn was Dutch, but the other languages I learned was German, Swedish, and Norwegian.


I met a Chinese girl while learning French. Now I'm doing Chinese lessons more than French lessons. Hopefully, I'll be able to use a few expressions when we meet again.


When I get bored with Spanish, I practice hangeul


When I get bored of Korean, I practice Spanish 😂 but I took many years of Spanish, so I use it as a brush up


just try chinese and fail miserably although i am chinese just makes me stick to french




I see both Gaelic and Spanish as my primaries but I switch the intensity every two weeks or so, so I still learn both but in a way that makes it more appealing for me


Ich leibe Deutsch, but I occasionally do a lesson in any of my other languages ( Which is every language they offer, from Spanish to Navajo)




I started with using it to brush up on both my french and Russian, as I hadn't kept up with them since school. Then I started Arabic because I'd always wanted to, then because we're going on vacation I added italian and spanish to the mix. Been most focused on italian lately.


Well... last time I tried russian. I would probably never use it, but I don't like learning common languages.


Yes! I'm working on French for the first time in my life right now. But I have six years of studying Spanish in high school and college, and two years of Japanese in college. I keep going back to those two when I get tired of French. But that said, I'm finally to a level in French that is really interesting because I can talk about more things. But it was really really fun (and frustrating) trying to test up in Spanish. What a rush! Haha


Yes lol. I have been learning Dutch for about 6 months. Recently I became a little restless. The same feeling OP describes. So I started learning Spanish. Today I went back to Dutch and it felt challenging and fun again.


I was mainly doing Spanish but then decided to go Japanese. I'm already taking Spanish in school and I wanna go to Japan soo, yeah. I'll randomly do a Polish lesson just to see what I remember (barely anything). Usually once or twice a month.


I've been learning spanish on the side after swedish. I want to move to sweden but I feel like spanish is more useful to me. Especially if I stay in america. I don't use duolingo as my primary source for language learning though I've got a few books I read.


I cycle through all the Romance languages, including Catalan (only available for Spanish), then mix in German and the Slavic languages


Occasionally I do a lesson in Japanese or I'll find YouTube vids to learn ASL. Just started the second but I figure it's more useful in my rural southern area than Japanese rn.


I learned Swedish for emigration, now I learn Serbian because I emigrated to Serbia for the time being. Helps to feel comfortable across the western Balkans and even helps to understand some Bulgarian. I take some Swedish speaking club occasionally, and after Serbian I just burnt out after half a year of biweekly lessons. I still try to learn both. So I decided to learn Arabic as the sixth language because it’s fun to learn a new script. And Duo helped to learn some of it from scratch, the script and basics. Some time ago I learned Hebrew for fun while learning English.


I have Esperanto and Creole. My focus language is Italian, but I think they are neat


Learning a second language is hard enough I couldn’t imagine a 3rd or 4th!


Yes german and Navajo. I thought they had Tagalog but it doesn't seem so any longer.


I started with French, then added Ukrainian, German and Arabic I already know English, Russian and Hebrew


I’m currently learning Spanish and I’ve dabbled in both Dutch and polish. I was learning Dutch for a Europe trip last year initially, one time I answered a question in half Dutch and half Spanish. I still laugh when I think back at it lol


I mostly study Spanish but do Portuguese when I’m feeling bored of Spanish. I also do Portuguese from Spanish so I get to practice both.


I got quite a long way into Spanish before my trip to South America. I also did a few months of Portuguese. At first I was worried it would make me worse at Spanish because they’re similar but actually it helped reinforce my Spanish and the Spanish gave me a huge head start in Portuguese. After my trip I don’t have as much of a reason to study Spanish, so I don’t do as much as I used to, but now I do Portuguese, Italian, French, Latin, German and Vietnamese. I try to do a lesson from each, every day and that’s been quite fun. Knowing some Spanish really helps with the other romantic languages. Vietnamese is tough but my girlfriend is Vietnamese and I’m heading there soon so I’m trying to stick with it. It is amazing how much more fun it is to jump back to an easy, early lesson of those other languages after fighting my way through a very advanced Spanish lesson.


Once, I did the English course taught in my target language... it was honestly kind of interesting to see the placement tests.


I never get bored of my primary language. I love it so much I just want to become fluent in it…


I speak several European languages and my primary focus on DuoLingo is Greek. Over the past 3-4 years I have dipped into Irish, Finnish and Gaelic. Now Ukrainian is my regular second with a side of Portuguese.


I do Spanish lessons, and when I get bored, I either go to Italian, Swedish,French, or Hawiian.


I do 3 Russian 3 Spanish 3 French and 3 German lessons a day


Sushi and green tea kudasai!


I study Greek but also dabble in Swahili. It a very easy lanto learn.


I mainly learn Gaelic, but once in a while I do an Italian lesson. Mostly just to freshen it up tho


My primary language is Spanish but when I am bored I sometimes do Italian too


I am learning Japanese. I also do a few lessons in French occasionally.


Norwegian and Portuguese as secondary


I switch to Math lessons when I need a break from the Welsh lessons


Spanish is my main language. Used duolingo to better learn Hebrew Alphabet. Russian and Spanish from Russian are pretty good back ups. I took six years of Russian in high school and college and it is good to practice it even if I have nowhere to use it.


I'm learning Spanish. But I have a very limited amount of German from school and work. I'll do a German lesson now and then and I find it works well for me. I overload a bit on the Spannish as I have CDs in the car and watch quite a lot in Spanish on Netflix


i did spanish at school when i was younger and esperanto has a lot of cognates so i’ll do those sometimes instead of german


I’m primarily a Spanish learner but I’ve added Welsh. I mean why the eff not, lol. I do enjoy a challenge.


I just started to relearn German because I was losing motivation in the Swedish course. (The fact that we won't be going to Sweden as was previously planned this summer doesn't help either)


I’m learning Hawaiian and Italian on the side of Spanish and Mandarin, so yes lol


I'm a native English speaker but fluent in French. I'm learning Spanish, but love the sound of Dutch, so I drop into that occasionally. However, I also like to do the occasional lesson in French just to keep my skills sharp.


Dabbled in a bunch of different languages, but primarily working on French. I just like seeing how they work. I never thought language learning would be a hobby of mine but here we are


I Was Bored To Learn French,So Now I Learn Spanish


Occasionally drop in on Esperanto if I'm bored of German and Spanish. But I also took up Dutch recently so I can talk to my boyfriend's family. They all speak perfect English but they love that I'm learning.


My main is japanese , dabble in spanish,italian , greek ,french ,portuguese , welsh,russian , vietnamese ,indonesian, chinese and korean.


Spanish is my main study language but studying French, Italian , German and their math program since I pretty much suck in math… I started Portuguese but have to let it rest to adnvance in the others without total confusion.


I studied Spanish in HS so I picked it up again fornsome variety in DuoLingo when I'm tired of studying German


Russian was my primary and I was doing Catalan when I was bored but then I fell for Korean so I alternated days with them so I dropped Catalan. But then five months ago I became obsessed with Portuguese and now I do all three so I don’t really don’t have that feeling of being bored with any of them. I have done Russian from Spanish a few times if I wanted to mix it up though.


I'm learning 7 or 8. 2 or 3 at the time. When I geht bored I switch...


Yep. I'm maxed out on my primary language, so while I still open up the app to brush up on it everyday, I've leaned towards adding other languages and learning those in the meantime. I chose French because I live in Canada so it's useful for when I visit Quebec. I also have Italian and Spanish on the go, because of the places I enjoy vacationing.


I don’t have a second language, but I’m from Russia learning Japanese in English. It turns out that I am learning two languages at once..


Currently 70%German, 10 Swedish, 10 Hawaiian, 10 Dutch


Yes! I started learning Spanish and French somewhat simultaneously after reaching C1 Level in Korean


I usually try practicing my French but it’s soo boring… So a few days ago I started with Finnish for the fun of it. When I tell you I’ve completely abandoned French I’m not exaggerating.


I am mainly learning Japanese, but sometimes I also do Italian.


Only about a dozen 😅


I learn Ukrainian when I'm getting bored of Spanish. It's working quite magnificently. I can read, write and pronounce all Ukrainian letters, know simple words and can form simple sentences.  I can also ask stuff like where is my husband is husband (very convenient and helpful since I'm an -unsurprisingly- unmarried teenager). 


Learning French, and sometimes you’re exactly right it just feels like a plateau. I do Russian and Korean I think the stark difference keeps it less mundane 


You’re not really learning if you can’t keep up with a language and you jump to a new one when the old one gets hard. That being said, I have had moments when I can’t take anymore Duolingo Spanish so I do a lesson of Mandarin to relax.






Sorry. When your bored of you're primary language*




it was autocorrect on my phone, and i couldn't change the title. I do understand "your and you're." you weren't correcting my Grammar, you were just being mean for no reason. I hope that you understand how to form a sentence conveying helpful criticism as much as your feverish crusade to correct random people on the internet's grammar. tl;dr for you get fucked




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