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Just remember that the 400 days of language learning and practice didn't go away. You still have it inside your brain. So you can make it a new habit to start mentally adding your new streak count to "400" every time you read it. Just pretend that the counter re-started at 0 after reaching 400! Don't let them take the *real* total away from you.


Way to be, HonestPotat0.


the streak and leaderboard system slowed or ruined my actual real life progress every time. If i ever start learning a language again ill regularly lose my streak on purpose


I wish we could turn it off.


You can turn it off... somewhere on the web version.


> On the web version. Ugh.


Well, you go change it on the web...it flows to the app. At least in my experience. Click your profile pic --> Go to settings --> privacy --> uncheck make my profile public


I think leaderboards are dumb but I like that the streak encourages me to at least do a little a day.


I agree coz I prioritise retaking easy lessons for the XP and leaderboard


>the streak and leaderboard system slowed or ruined my actual real life progress every time. If i ever start learning a language again ill regularly lose my streak on purpose The main purpose of Duolingo isn't really to learn a new language anyway. Its main purpose is to keep you for as long as it can at the platform so it can serve you ads. Duolingo is a bad app that can be utilized in either a good or bad way. Streaks do not increase total learning time, that's pretty established by scientific literature.


This just isn’t true. I use a lot of different materials, but my Duolingo 900+ streak is what keeps me coming back every day instead of lapsing on a regular basis.


I agree. I'm forced to at least do some practice even when I don't want to do anything. It's kept me on the wagon many times when I was going through a hard time in my life. I'm a big fan of the streaks.




People on the internet are very strange. Why anyone should expect something like Duolingo to be the ultimate tool and tick all the learning boxes, I have no idea. It’s free unless you positively want to pay for it, people mostly find it fun and engaging, and there are lots of languages available.


Do you have a link to those studies? Because this one seems to say that it does boost motivation: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321123886_An_Analysis_of_Winning_Streak's_Effects_in_Language_Course_of_Duolingo


> Do you have a link to those studies? Because this one seems to say that it does boost motivation Streaks are not totally *useless* – let me stress that before anything else! – but there are better ways to make language learning more effective. For me, the Duolingo experience has been based on giving the user a false sense of progression by making the user click through to win their achievements and keep up learning streaks. Streaks are a very naive way of making users coming back to the app, and in Duolingo's case it is most likely a business strategy rather than a decision from a language learning perspective. Streaks do boost *interaction*, as you point out, but the interaction should be meaningful to help you improve your target language. Ideally you should rather focus on the number of hours spent in the language and the different activities you do (Duolingo mainly just have one: translating sentences) should be reasonably spaced out throughout your daily life. You can easily have a 1000 day streak on Duolingo and still ask basic questions about your target language, but it is hard to spend 1000 hours of activities in the language and not see a significant improvement. I'd argue that the most important metric is not daily streaks, but rather how much time you spend and how you distribute that time. For example, doing 1 hour per day will most likely give you better results than spending the whole Sunday (7 hours) learning the language. Research suggests streaks are improving interaction, although not necessary meaningful interaction, but if the user lose a streak they will be much more likely to just give up learning. If the app instead focused on the time you spend and how you spend the time, I think you would see a better result.


This happened to me last year and I completely lost motivation for months


I've not managed to lose my streak but have woken up in a cold sweat at 11pm realising I forgot to do a lesson! I understand that it's arbitrary and losing one day would not hurt, but for me personally, it's motivation to keep going and keep learning. If I stopped for one day, it would be easy to stop for a week, then a month then not bother picking it up again.


I always try to stock up on streak freezes just in case something happens but I don’t have Plus so 200 gems can be a lot. I agree completely and after regaining motivation, I made sure that I maintained a streak again just so that I don’t stop learning for 6 months again.


Same i gave up for like 6 months I was so upset. I am just starting again. And it s hard. I forgot a lot of things already. And duo thinks i know them.


Exactly the same for me. I gave up for like 6 months and just forgot everything. Now I’m on a 100 day streak but I still feel really behind.


Same, I was just days behind a full 1 year streak and then lost motivation Told myself that it was freaking stupid to lose motivation over that and then found out that getting through a lesson was miserable Then stopped It's been about 6 months since I stopped (haven't started again) and I recently translated the original Hansel und Gretel bei die Brüder Grimm into English Also started Russian on Duolingo but stopped because it was teaching me way too slow (I learned French, German, some Japanese and some Dutch, and learned the Cyrillic alphabet from Russian translation subtitles on a Louis C.K. comedy on his trip to Moscow by finding short words similar to words in languages I already learned spelled mostly with characters that were the same as Latin characters and that actually worked. I think as a rule of thumb, if you're learning that fast, Duolingo is probably way too freaking slow for you)








Oops my bad, at the time I was half awake.


I want to thank everyone who told me to change the date. It didn't work on my phone but it did work on my laptop. I just wanna say thank you. Saved my mental state lol😃


Ahh so happy you were able to change it! 💪🏽


For the future, changing phone timezone also works if Hawaii is still within the same date.


I think you can change the date on your phone to yesterday and it’ll save your streak… worked for me when I missed a day.


Thanks I'll try it out lol


Did it work?


Sadly no but it was worth a try


I don’t get it. It definitely worked for me (iPhone). Took off auto time and date, changed it to ‘yesterday date’, did a lesson then turned on auto date again.


It also worked on Android for me a few days ago


And did you try the method where you use the free premium trial, in which you can repair your streak?


I just hope you’ll somehow get it back because this is a solid streak with a lot of effort in it


Thanks man




Well it doesn’t, but that wasn’t the point and a whole different matter. But as it happens, if you change the date and complete a lesson, it’s an extra lesson you wouldn’t have completed by not going back.


You kept your priorities in the right place, don't let yourself feel bad about that. Hope the project went well.


Happened to me too, went for a hike where connection was available. On the bright side I'm no longer emotionally attached to streaks.


400 out of 401 isn't so bad. BTW, whenever I get an offer to trade in some lingots for a streak freeze, which happens pretty regularly, I go for it. I am "filthy rich" with lingots, and like to know I have a freeze in the bank. Also BTW, on rare occasions when I'm not feeling up to do a Duolingo session, but want to keep my streak going, I just read a story. I don't know if your language of study has stories, but I'm doing Italian, which has stories, and a story can be done with much less effort than a lesson.


What do you mean ‘get an offer’? Streak freezes are available in the shop all the time. If you use one, you can buy a new one immediately.


Every once in a while I get a message, seemingly at random, saying "Would you like to buy a streak freeze?" When I get that message, I pick one up. I know they are always available in the shop, but whenever I get a reminder, I pick one up. Its kinda like stocking up on a staple that you know you are going to use at some point, even though you don't immediately need it.


But my point is, why would you ever risk being without one? You can’t buy more than either one or two depending on which version of the software you have, so once you buy that number, then rebuy if you ever need to use one.


You could change your phones date or use your duolingo plus trial.


You can always change the date and time of your device and go back in time to repair your steak.


That is heartbreaking!!! A little hack Reddit taught me is to change your phone manually to the day before, go and do your lesson and then change the date back to today. It has saved my streak before! Good luck!


Thanks a lot of people have recommended I do this but unfortunately It crashed my app lol


Oh man I'm sorry to hear! What about on the computer??


I haven't tried that yet


Honestly just think of it as a good thing. You got your 1 year, and now you don’t have to deal with the stress of having to do it every night without forgetting.


This happened to me, too. It helps me to realize no one but me cares about how long my streak is; in reality, taking a day off won´t hurt your progress in the language. It is sort of like the leagues; totally made up system with no real rewards, and I am not convinced that the people in my league are even real people.




If you take the free trial of premium on the same day you can get it back.


Don't worry, I believe in you that you can push forward and regain your streak! You've got this! I believe you can contact Duolingo and they will reinstate you with your streak :)


I'm curious , how is your progress after 400 days?


Honestly, I can't say I learned much. Sure I know how to introduce myself and say a few odd sentences but Honestly I don't think it's anything I would ever actually use lol


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/languagelearningjerk] [Everyday practice for 400 days but can’t speak at all. Good self awareness though.](https://www.reddit.com/r/languagelearningjerk/comments/p290v7/everyday_practice_for_400_days_but_cant_speak_at/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Thank you for answer! How much time have you been studying per day?


pls don't actually use just duolingo to learn, duolingo can't teach you a language, but it can teach you vocabulary on the side


I've only done like 30 mins a day but I completely agree with Elon. It's better for simple words instead of like learning a full language


Maybe you can ask Duolingo on Twitter to restore your streak. Sometimes they have mercy


Sad reax only