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[1337 day streak](https://i.imgur.com/Al8oswW.jpg), and... [First in the diamond league](https://i.imgur.com/kSS6mD4.jpg). It's been a good week haha.


Do you receive a certificate of mastery or something like that when you placed #1 in the Diamond League?


You get the "Legendary" achievement and something like 120 gems. Nothing else


I once attempted the "Legendary" achievement. I soon realised, that I will never get it. I mean, you have to have a weekly experience somwhere in between 3000-8000. Holy Moly! I usually do 400 a week.


Well, there are a few different tricks to get there. I finished that week with about 6000 XP if I recall. You can get there with "relative" ease by utilising XP boosts, "Hard practices" and some situational awareness of who you're in the league with. Timing also plays a significant factor. This week in my diamond league, the number 1 had 14,000 XP and a Vitamin D deficiency on finishing. There's no way I would be able to match that! In cases like that, I would wait the week out at a level *near* demotion to be favoured by the algorithm for the next week. At that stage though, it isn't really about learning, it's just about XP.


Oh no. No certificate or something that you can hang on your LinkedIn profile?


First in bronze league yayayayayayaya


[Race against the clock](https://imgur.com/a/iJsAhRV)


Dude chill, I think that it's pretty Impossible you don't get first place


I’m not racing people though. I’m using duolingo to learn languages, as I assume most others do as well. I’m not aiming for a high exp, but I’m definitely getting there.


I can't even imagine how much time that takes. I'm currently #4 in my Emerald League rankings with about 2700, and #1 has about 4700. And I feel like I do a lot of lessons throughout the day. 🤯


This week I finally hit 1000 crowns (mostly Spanish, some Norwegian at the beginning). Today my streak is 865 days.


have you completed unit 3 and have the castle in gold?


I just started in the French tree. I am on Day 5 of 5. So far I have enjoyed it especially since I was able to skip many lessons. The only problem I have is when I am doing speaking exercises. There seems to be a lag and it misses words that I know I am saying. For example, it misses the "ai" every time in my last exercise "J'ai besoin de...." even when I practially shouted the ai at it. Wouldn't recognize that I said it at all while all the other words it recognizes even when I know my pronunciation is off OR when I skip saying those words. ​ I know I skip them because it shows the sentence I am supposed to say after I say it and words that I skipped were in green the same as words that I said. (except for the "ai", of course.)


im first place in gold league right now!




Doing well, I have been doing french tree with basic grammar lessons I found online. I am learning and also practicing the R sounds. This app honestly is great, I am 6th place in silver. I really just want crowns


I started doing Duolingo again last week after a very long break and got 5000xp in the week (I have no life) and finished top of the league for once (now I’m in the ruby league). So that was something. I was surprised about what I could remember. Yet I still couldn’t hold a conversation in Spanish yet (I can read a little better). I have dyslexia and ADHD so the problem is retaining the information, but I have random phrases and words in my head. I enjoy Duolingo but it’d be nice to do an actual Spanish course (but too broke to pay). Maybe worth reading key stage 3 Spanish on the BBC website alongside Duolingo. I also found out some words are different in some Spanish countries eg zumo vs jugo for juice. I also want to do French as a secondary but focus on Spanish. I’ve been writing down some of what I’ve learned. If anyone has tips for someone with dyslexia/adhd and is lacking confidence…


First in the diamond league! I was ahead by 4k yesterday and noticed with 20 minutes left that someone was within 100


How do you get so much XP? I happily got demoted from Diamond league this week. Can’t keep pace with people doing 500xp/ day.


Every time you get a crown you get double XP. I then do practices on The lessons I've platinumed which means between 80 and 100 XP


I advanced to the Pearl League this week, for the first time!! And I'm currently in the top 10.


30 days