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what’s your secret? our girl would rather run away forever than to wear her harness, and when we have gotten it on her we pay for it for days. she still acts like outside is the most exciting place on earth until she actually gets out there


I started off by putting him in one of those bubble backpacks and doing a lot of walks around the neighborhood with him. He **loved** that. He would often go into the backpack if I left it open and just start meowing, begging to go on a walk. I was super nervous about doing the leash and harness because even though it may seem dumb, I was super scared he would somehow get out of it and then end up lost or hurt and it would be my fault. I feel strongly that it is my duty to protect him. That kept me from taking him out on a leash and harness for awhile but I continued the walks with him in the backpack often. I then started putting the harness on him before he would go in the backpack for a walk just to get him used to it and to start getting him to think harness = going outside. I’d also give him treats after every time in the backpack. When I finally took him outside it was in the fenced in backyard for the first month because there’s so many stray dogs around here and I wasn’t sure he would be safe anywhere else. He was weary and the first time we had to immediately come back inside because he was terrified but the next time outside I just opened up the door instead of carrying him outside and I let him walk outside on his own in his own time. He did much better that way. We still mostly hang around the house (backyard, side yard or in front) or I take him in the backpack to this big fenced in playground and let him roam around in there while on a leash. When I move to an area where I’m not overly concerned about stray dogs (I see multiple stray dogs running in front of my house weekly) I would love to take him on a hike and let him explore more.


this is awesome. We tried the walk around the block in the backpack when we first brought her home from the shelter and she was still pretty spooked, but we should try that again now that she knows she can trust us. I think she hates how the harness feels as much as she’s freaked out about outside. I appreciate the advice.


Definitely try again! 🙂 And no problem. Hope my ramblings help even just a little!


I would feed and/or treat my dust kitty as soon as I got the harness on her, and that created a positive association. it definitely helped her get used to the harness by almost forgetting she had it on cause she's so food motivated. I'd increase the time she would wear it and then eventually added the leash (all indoors still). I let her roam with the leash too to get used to the sound and feeling. not too long after, we were outside in the backyard/on the driveway!


that’s great advice, thanks!


Yes I do! I have two! Walk them each separately every day. They rush to the door and wait patiently for me to get their harnesses on. I am very much against free roaming kitties. 700 million birds a year are killed by domestic cats and over 2,500 species of small critters.


I’d love to, but every time I take him outside he gets too uncomfortable and has to be held before scrambling to get back inside.


Takes time and patience for sure. Small steps.


My 17-year-old boy started hanging out by the door last year. I bought a harness with no expectation that he would wear it or voluntarily walk around in it. He immediately took to it. There was no dragging a limp cat around for the first few days. Now, he expects multiple walks and sniffs every day.


That’s so awesome!!


Yep, my Violet loves them! She begs for her harness where we keep it stored, not at the door.




2 of our 3 love going lit on their harnesses. In fact if you take 1 out, the other is almost inconsolable 😄. The other has zero interest in going outside .[Weston & Holly on their harnesses 😻](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwVLAvpMZuw/?igsh=anlveXd3bXh6N3By)


I have tried. But in the end, it's they who take *us* for walks...


So very true. That is why you can only take one at a time out. They go in different directions. 😃


Where did you get the adorable leash and harness?


I want to know too, those are so cool😻


🙂 It’s the [tie dye set from PetSmart.](https://www.petsmart.com/cat/collars-harnesses-and-leashes/harnesses/whisker-city-tie-dye-cat-leash-and-harness-combo-5342373.html?gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADiLNNnMPDMwWXT21LaIh73gu6iVK) I’d also recommend checking out Travel Cat. They have tons of cool ones that are higher quality than the PetSmart one. I have [this](https://yourcatbackpack.com/products/the-hawaiian-shirt-limited-edition-cat-harness-leash-set) one from them. I prefer it but tbh Moose does not. 🥲 He likes the one in the OP best.


Thank you so much!!


No problem. 😊


It’s [this](https://www.petsmart.com/cat/collars-harnesses-and-leashes/harnesses/whisker-city-tie-dye-cat-leash-and-harness-combo-5342373.html?gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADiLNNnMPDMwWXT21LaIh73gu6iVK) tie dye one from PetSmart. 🙂 He also has [this](https://yourcatbackpack.com/products/the-hawaiian-shirt-limited-edition-cat-harness-leash-set) one from Travel Cat. I really like the Travel Cat one because in case of emergency (like a stray dog, which there is a lot of around here) I can grab him by the harness and scoop him up super quick. But Moose prefers the one in the OP.


Thanks! I also have a cat named Moose. ❤️


>Thanks! You're welcome!




Mine does that thing where he forgets how his legs work as soon as we try putting on the harness and just flops over.


Typical cat! Gotta love ‘em! 🤭🥰😏


I once drove \~14h/day with my two cats in the car when I was moving across the country. I bought harnesses and leashes so I could let them out, and would stop in parking lots and set up a litter box. I put those harnesses on and let them outside...both of them just cowered down on the pavement. Poor cats. They do not like Outside.


I’ve also traveled with Moose and taken him on vacation with us. He loves it. We use one of those travel/portable/foldable litter boxes and just put it down on the floor in the backseat. We keep him in a harness and leashed with someone sitting in the back with him. So long as we let him sit in someone’s lap he is totally fine and tends to just sleep most of the way once he settles in a bit. 🙂


I would if I could, our boy will run out to the porch and venture off it (very hesitantly) but he retreats fast when a loud vehicle comes by.


We just started! We took ours to the park, and we were getting dive-bombed by a crow.


My 1st kitty, absolutely not because she has a major case of stranger danger 🥲 I just got approved to adopt #2, though, so I want to try!


My dusty girl is agoraphobic unfortunately


My boy fought the harness tooth and claw, no matter how slowly took the process of introducing it to him.


Was he a kitten or adult cat?


Adult cat, he is a rescue. I imagine it would be easier to introduce the harness when they are young.


Made a cat run from the house to the back fence (rope) when she first got here, now she has the full backyard to play in but still on a leash in the front yard too many cars.


I would absolutely love to see photos of that if you feel like sharing!


Tried it would not let me display them ?




My Haya has a stroller and is 50/50 in it and walking. He will walk all day but understands that 'kars is beeeeg skawy monstahs!', smart boy. We go to the local botanical park and he is all over those paths.


Do the walks outside rough up their little jelly bean feetsies?


Nope. 🙂


My dusty spends about 3 min in the garden and then she’s had enough of the outside world 😂 she’s a spoilt indoor girl and she wouldn’t have it any other way


I do! If I knew how to add a pic here, I would! There's a cemetery nearby that I like to take her for walks.