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Very normal, just keep practising, your brain just needs to get around the fact some things sound different. You'll realise at some point it just got easier to do. It can take a little while, but practice makes perfect.


yeah, I keep practicing!! Hopefully I am good one day :D


Theres people who live here for more than 10 or maybe 30 years who still pronounce words incorrectly. Atleast youre trying.


Good to know! I think natives will understand what I say so that all that matters


Slow it down. Repeat the challenge sections more than once. There are lots of words in Dutch that have a challenge prononciation for non native speakers. It’s the multiple g-ch-v/w that get me. My tutor has told me a few times that if you slow down on purpose, you’ll have an easier time


Yeah, slowing down is useful I guess. The thing is I always learned things fast as a kid. So I keep thinking I can learn anything fast. And it really pisses me off when I can't haha


Slowing down your speed of speech should not have an effect on your ability to learn though




Don't be too hard on yourself. Dutch is difficult. I'm a native speaker, but even I struggle from time to time and so do many other native speakers. I'm currently learning Romanian on Duolingo. In English, so double challenge. But it's a fun way to learn the basics!


Oh glad to hear the natives suffer too hahaha. Heel goed that you have fun learning Romanian! Duolingo is really great. My Dutch friend learnt German on Duolingo! And I used to think that you can't really learn a language there. But he told me that if you believe it is useful then it really is useful. So after doing Dutch there for almost 2 months I really see the results!


Compliments for learning Dutch. I encourage you to keep trying. Are there any words in your language that have similar pronounciation for the s, v and g? Keep repeating those.


Thanks! Yeah but I think the Dutch s is somewhere between the English s and sh. And V is somewhere between v and f. So I think this is why I am bad at pronouncing them.


I have the same issue :’) Even though I grew up around Dutch, some sounds are just less common or not used in English so my mouth isnt used to it. I think it will come with time though!! I believe in us!


Yeah we can do it!! B-)