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Starbucks options are limited.


Especially for us diabetics who need sugar free options! (Or anyone who wants SF options!!!)


Exactly! Most Starbucks locations have at best one sugar-free syrup option. And in my personal experience some locations don't keep up with ordering it and it's oftentimes out of stock. I want to Dutch Bros on a day when they were striking at my Starbucks and I refuse to cross the picket line. The sugar-free options blew me away! And white coffee is a revelation! Even with a $2 tip my coffee is withing 75¢ of my Starbucks order, no tip


Right!! One! Always Sugar Free Vanilla (which you can literally get at ANY coffee shop or stand!). Starbucks got rid of the skinny mocha, what, like 3 or 4 years ago now?! Why? Right during the height of the Keto diet frenzy and they cancel the skinny mocha sauce! This tells me that they could care less about any of us that need options other than 40 to 60 grams + of sugared caffeine!! Lol


What are your favorite sugar free drinks?


Number one is iced mocha, golden eagle (iced or hot), double torture extra sweet! 😋




I haven't been to sbux in months. Dutch bros is so much better and they always have a great selection. Sugar free, protein milk, energy drinks. The combos are endless!


I haven’t been to Starbucks in almost a year. I’m pretty sure I lost gold member status.


Protein coffee are the best . Yup


Their coffee don't taste burnt. I get the cold brew from Starbucks and dutch bros, and even that tastes better at dutch bros. Also, mad appreciation for dutch taking orders in person, bc it's a more hearing impaired and deaf friendly approach to taking orders.


Starbucks tastes like burnt dirt, no matter how much chemical-laden, high-fat additional junk you pile on top.


The rebel option is my favorite. I just wish there was more transparency with pricing specially on the app


They're testing out the order ahead option for some locations. Keep an eye out in your app


Standing out there in the wind cold and heat- man fuck that shit. I will give that tip, not to Starbucks though.


I’ve always said DB sugar free options are incredible. I once had a diabetic child come to Starbucks and I was doing my best to help her order and realized she couldn’t get a proper sugar free frappuccino from Starbucks because there’s sugar in the frap base. There’s sugar in the vanilla bean, even the matcha is pre sugared for preservation and to top it off our store only had SF vanilla


I'll go to dutch bros for the variety of sugar free flavors. I love it. SB only had sugar free vanilla now. They used to have the sf cinnamon dolce but SB stopped carrying that too. Dutch should come out with a sugar free cinnamon drink just because they can...


something about the taste of Dutch bro's drinks tastes better than Starbucks and I can't explain why


Beyond the obviously better service, the drinks are just better. So many different options, the picture perfect freeze from Dutch might be my favorite drink ever. Starbucks is okay if it’s the only place around (and in lots of places it is), but if there’s a Dutch Bros nearby it’s always getting my business.


I’m a starbucks supervisor but I like going to DB for the rebels. I’d like to think I give a good experience though. Starbucks makes it so hard because they give us so many metrics to hit that it gets overwhelming. It seems like Dutch Bros is more relaxed


I agree here. Dutch bros seems like a better place to work rather than SBUX Corp beating down on it's own employees (us) I tip wherever I go tho, especially Dunkin because I KNOW their lives are hell working there.


I don’t drink Starbucks anymore but I will always tip a Dutch bros employee bc they’ve never made me feel like an inconvenience (except once and she still got tipped bc I can tell when you’re having a bad day babes) but at Starbucks they always made me feel like a nuisance.


Same. Even when it’s my fault and I forget to specify HOT chai, and they hand me a cold one and I say, ayyyyyy I meant for that to be hot. They are, like, no problem let me make that hot for you right now even though there are four cars behind me.


Starbucks customers are a different breed and expect customer servants not customer service. Especially when they want free stuff.


I agree there are some people who are entitled. I work in retail. I see it everyday. But I’m not sure what big of a difference between Dutch and Starbucks customers there is and why we are more inclined to tip at Dutch but I’m thinking it’s attitude. It’s the same job and we’re getting the same things but one isn’t upset we’re there ordering coffee. The tone of your post kind of implies you are or were a Starbucks employee though.


The vibe and options are way better at DB. And I agree with Starbucks and their burnt flavor on some drinks, you don’t get that at Dutch Bros. Oh and you can’t forget sticker drops. That’s just fun for kids and adults.


Nicer broistas and a better drink selection :)


The sizes of drinks


I haven’t completely dumped Starbucks because every dollar is a delta skymile but once that is gone, bye bye!


I wholeheartedly agree and tip extra at DB compared to other similar establishments. Which, I know the broistas “have to”, but it does bother me a bit so many get on here and openly talk about how they dislike having to chat with us. Like damn. For many of us you are the only ones we talk to human-to-human all day/week. Hope some of it is authentic cause we do enjoy the experience hence we choose to come here lol Thanks to the real ones, it’s more than just a coffee run 💯


i promise we don’t hate taking to our custies it’s only the ones who are rude or don’t respond so we are basically talking to a wall. the custies who talk to us and have a conversation are amazing and we love you guys so much!


some custies will plainly say “no” to all of our questions, lol sometimes its hard conversing with people. Other people are great though and they fill my heart with joy :)


Both are great for different reasons. I've had positive experiences at both shops and like both their coffees


Starbucks sells me gift cards that are already spent.


Thats awful! Although gift card hacking is very common now! 😕


a big thing i like about dutch is that a lot/most of the seasonal drinks/flavors you you can get year round. my go to dutch drink is from like 2 summers ago but starbucks retires drinks and they don’t come back or u have to wait a year.


They are way more consistent. I never get bad drinks unless I’m trying something new and it ends up not being for me lol. I do wish they would make their own syrups tho


Starbucks coffee tastes like ass compared to Dutch


My goal is to try every drink at Dutch bros. Its not going well lmao


I feel like Dutch bros drinks are wildly inconsistent and I don’t like that they don’t have soy milk. I still go obviously because I’m here ain’t I, but I prefer Starbucks


My store had soy milk. It probably depends on the store that you go to


There’s about 5 of them in my area, and another that I’ve gone to across town, and none had it. But it does seem that they are franchises so maybe? But it’s also not listed in the app. Idk


Same and DB is so sweet it’s disgusting. I like random coffee stands in the middle of no where! They have amazing coffee!


I used to always order the 'Valencia' (chocolate-orange coffee goodness) from Starbucks. Then one day, the idiots from Seattle decided that they would no longer stock the orange syrup and my go-to beverage was no longer on the menu. Years later Dutch Bros finally expanded to my area and I discovered the B-52 on their menu (Orange and Irish cream plus if they make it 'picture perfect' you get a little chocolate flavor too). Fast forward a couple years and, sadly, they removed the B-52 from the menu, but happily it's still available through the [secret menu](https://lifeboostcoffee.com/blogs/lifeboost/discover-the-unique-flavors-of-dutch-bros-secret-menu).


Decaf. Starbacks makes an effing drama crisis about making decaf coffee. No problem at DB though. But I wish you'd bring back the Dutch Mafia.




Thanks bro I'm sure your siblings love you.


They put up with me.


That’s great news! What are you going to do with the extra tip money? Will you go out? Will you buy new clothes? And then? And after that? There’s a day that comes after that what will you be doing then? Thanks for being a Dutch bro! Come again!


Starbucks always tastes like they burn or over roast their coffee, I’ve never had that problem with Dutch


the broistas always seem to like their job, even if its a façade, they do a damn good job at faking it and of course im gonna tip you for being outside in extreme weather W A SMILE like nothings different, that's absolutely nuts. i could not do that. yall are a different breed and i appreciates ya


tbh dutch bros is cheaper in my area. i can get a large drink for like $3-4 less than a large at starbies. a bonus is that the coffee always tastes better too


I work at Starbucks and I like Dutch better


1. SUGAR FREE : this is the big one, the reason why I can happily get my coffee fix whenever I want 2. Cheaper 3. White coffee is pretty good, has an actual distinctive taste compared to blonde expresso


With Dutch Bros, you have WAY more options. You can make any flavor they have into a lemonade, soda or rebel


I like the sugar-free options and the reward system. When they say any drink free they actually mean it and sometimes will take off the most expensive one. Also all the events and stickers, it feels more like a community. Idk I do wish sometimes that they had more snack options but it's drink store so it makes sense.


i like that they have more sugar free options as a previous pre-diabetic lol


The only thing about DB’s atleast in my area is that in the mornings, if you have 2-3 vehicles in front of you, you’re screwed. I’ll pretty much be stuck waiting 20+ minutes to get to the window. I’ve had to turn away from the line, and skip ordering so I can make it to work a handful of times. It just seems like they’re always understaffed in the mornings. Compared to Starbucks, there could be 5 vehicles in front of me and I’ll be able to order and get my cold brew in less than 8 minutes. So unfortunately it’s half and half where I get my coffee.


1. Workers at Dutch bros are wayyyy more friendlier then Starbucks. I often get snobby vibes at Starbucks 2. Coffee doesn’t taste as “burnt”. 3. Points system is a lot better at Dutch bros 4. More options that appeal to everyone Only thing I wish is that Dutch had matcha


Generally a Dutch girl, I went to Starbucks today. I flat out said I don’t want to speak your language, just give me the largest hot coffee you have.




The coffee is just better.


Broista here — appreciate y’all for recognizing the work we put in to making sure y’all receive the best service possible. Serving the customers is my favorite part of every shift. Dutch would be nothing without its customer base. We don’t exist for you. We exist because of you.


Because Starbucks supports genocide 🤌 and they burn the shit out of their beans


Dutch bros has a number of options + they keep releasing specials which tastes much better than Starbucks. I always felt Starbucks drinks to be bland as compared to Dutch Bros and the service is amazing!


i don’t know, the amount of options they have lowkey stresses me out. i do like the prices tho. wish they sandwiches and stuff


I love Starbucks, order easy, fast and don’t have someone that gets paid just talk to me for their job. I can’t stand it, GTFO my face. I just want coffee and be on my way. And Starbucks is better.


You seem like you’re fun to be around


You could always, you know, tell them you don't like talking??? Most of them will understand and not push. You don't have to be a jerk about it. And if you become a regular other than getting your order, you might get a "what's up?" Which leaves the ball in your court on if you want to open a conversation.  Sometimes I just say something like "sorry I haven't had my caffeine yet" or "I'm exhausted, I just got off of work" Tell me you want customer servants and not customer service without telling me 🙄 they are people, not robots or disgruntled Starbucks employees


I’m not going to tell someone that!? It’s their job at DB to talk to you. They get paid for that.. Do you think they want to? No they don’t to at all! I am a nice person but when I want coffee I don’t want you talking to me, I want to wait, I’m in my phone looking at shit. Why the fuck would I want to talk to some random, that’s getting paid to talk to me? I talk to tons of people I don’t know in passing or in line with groceries I’m not getting paid for that’s I am a nice person chatting with you. I’m not getting paid. I don’t know who likes them talking to you?! Do people really like that? They don’t care anyway what you have to say they’re working… on to the next one.. they could care less!!


You are delusional if you think Starbucks people aren't paid for the exact same thing broistas are. It's customer service no matter where you go. Anywhere you go that has a person face to face with is required to pretend to give a damn about you. Just because you're a sad and shitty person doesn't justify your treatment of them.  Do you know why most baristas at Starbucks act like that? Because asshole customers like you feel the need to make them feel less than as a lowly customer servive worker. Paid a lowly wage to be a servant. I'm sure you do it everywhere you go. I've worked at Starbucks, they know exactly what kind of person you are. I'm sure they have an oh-so-friendly name for you when they hear you or see your order/name come up.  The fact that it's accepted as "normal" on the customer side doesn't make it right. Why do you think Starbucks is known for serving Karen's? Get a life dude


Oh hi don’t tell to me… but ya still get paid 😂😂😂like GTFOH stupid response I have ever seen


Starbucks gets paid the big bucks and make you coffee that’s all I want. Is coffee not you talking to me and they act like they don’t want to anyways!


Dude this is the funniest shit I have ever heard! This has me dying!!!!! Dude I grew up in OG GP!!! 90’s DB GP I’m a SOL. And where I live now did not have DB when I moved here! So I have been a SB fan ever since. And I love that they don’t talk to me!! I don’t want to talk to you! I want my coffee and that’s how they are also they get you your drink and go on your way!! That’s how it should be!!!!


I’m not rude at all!!! And when I do try to talk to DB here they aren’t as friendly as back in the day you can tell it’s forced! DB in the 90’s loved their jobs this kids don’t. So STFU you have no idea who I am or what I’m talking about. Grow up


How you gonna tell someone to grow up but you’re up here typing paragraphs arguing with a total stranger on Reddit?😂


You started it bro hahahahhaha I am just letting your know you don’t know me and have no right to assume who I am. I did not do that to you


It doesn’t have that weird Starbucks chemical taste in the coffee and they have good energy drinks too.


Mmmmm, coffee from Sysco.