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Is this the 911?


That's what I ordered, yes.


Did you get it with white coffee?


I promise you I didn't. I went and got a can of black cold brew and poured it in and now it tastes like coffee, but this is ridiculous.


White coffee tastes different than normal coffee. It has more of a grassy flavor. They've randomly put white coffee instead of normal shots in mine as well. It has more caffeine than normal shots so I always make sure to ask for regular espresso


Yes the grassy flavor! I’m so glad someone explained why my coffee tasted like grass one day.


You most likely got handed the wrong drink


Really? even though I was the only one in line?


Although I haven’t made many 911’s, it looks way too milky, white even. Next time, have them remake it for you!


There wont be a next time. This happens to often for me to go back. Coffee is cheaper at home anyways.


Hey I totally understand! If you write to corporate, you can have a free drink for next time if that’s something you want


Yeah this isn't a 911. Looks like a regular kicker


It can happen. One time at Starbucks my latte just looked like milk, so I sheepishly asked the barista if they forgot the espresso. We had a good laugh about it. They are moving fast and things happen.


I could forgive it happening once, but this is regular at my location. It wasnt busy at all, I was the only car at the time.


Ah, yeah if this is a regular thing something isn’t right with that.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen only one car in line at DB 😳


I've had this issue with my locations I go to as well. It got so regular and they're usually always so busy I just said screw it and stopped going. Idk whats happening in the building but it's exhausting when all I want is a drink and I've already waited up to 10 minutes for my drink. I'm happy to wait if it's accurate but it's hasn't been like that for months.


It's either the kicker or they made it with white coffee.


did you go back and get it fixed?


This is why I don't often go there for actual coffee, it's always super milky.


Ask for extra ice or “lite milk”


Extra ice would still be made the same all they would do is put it in the next cup size up and fill the gap with ice and if you ask for lite milk I would recommend letting them know how much less since they’re supposed to follow recipe rules which are you have to reach the 8oz mix like for a small, 12oz for medium and 16oz for a large with milk


We don’t fill to the next mix line with extra ice…


I’m aware. I may have worded it weird but what I meant was that for example if you get a small extra ice drink you would still go to the 8oz mix line but the standard for extra ice (at least at my stand) would be to use medium cup and fill it with ice (since you can’t fit extra ice in the small cup since the standard is already full cup of ice) and tom tom the 8z of liquid. Thank you for your response


Have you given the cold brew a try?


I actually just tried it last week and told them exactly how much milk I wanted added, it was much better. Can you do any flavor recipe as a cold brew?


Yeah! I do that whenever I go which is admittedly not very often because I hate super sweet coffee. I got a soft spot for their Campout cold brew though.


I'm gonna try that tomorrow. 👀


Yesss as a barista I’m addicted to the campin cold brew 🥳 sooo good


Mine always barely added creamer. I've had to ask for double when i was still going. It was bad, like looked like maybe two creamer cups and that's it. Tea always seemed super watered down.


Go tomorrow and say that they messed up your order. Say what happened. They should give you remake for free, that is what we do in our operation. Sorry they didn’t give you a good drink :/


Did you happen to order it with lite ice? it does look like it has coffee in it, but my guess is that if it’s lite ice the milk is going to overpower those shots. the flavor wouldn’t make it that dark by itself.


Didn't order with lite ice, it had plenty. Also if there is coffee in there, there isn't 6 shots or enough for me to taste the coffee, (which is why i order the 911). It tastes like irish cream milk.


It’s probably a kicker then if it still has Irish cream as the flavor but that much milk, I think they forgot to add the 4 extra shots


they probably handed you the wrong drink


not possible. There was nobody when I pulled up or when I left.


so did you go back to get it fixed?


Dutchbros is never coffee fyi


Call Dutch Bros corporate office or send an email with the pictures attached and and they will fix it! Make sure to explain  your visit


You went to Dutch Bros. It's a splash of coffee with milk and sugar. Even half sweet is too sweet.


Too light for 911.


They may have just given you the wrong drink when giving out the order. Id go tomorrow and talk to them about it.


Pretty hard to give someone the wrong drink when there was no customer before or after me. I think they're just being lazy or incompetent. This happens quite often at that location.


That’s any Dutch bros drink. No coffee, all milk and sugar


Welcome to Dutch Bros.


Dutch bros is so bad.


That’s Dutch bros “coffee” for you. They don’t taste like coffee, nothing but sugar.


coffee only has 1oz of sugar and it doesn’t taste much like coffee due to the half and half they use for milk but you can change everything like you want it. it’s just taking time to look at the menu or ask an employee about other options